Gene Steinberg's Financial Shenanigans @ Paracast forums

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ce3 researcher
Yeah, it's me.

But given my attitude towards this septic field these days, don't be surprised if I don't last very long on here.
hello and have a nice welcome!
you are the foremost victim in the steinberg case, gene stole shamelessly the podcast from you and turned it into a money driven scam, exactly what he was supposed to be fighting
while everyone that donated to him, only lost their money, you also lost your hobby and reputation to him
it's time for a payback from we


ce3 researcher
Jim Sparks, someone who read all the popular UFO lore of the day, and made up a ridiculous story containing not one ounce of truth. Aliens, time travelers, alien alphabets, and don't forget, he claims this happened every night FOR YEARS (when did he ever sleep?), and they took his semen at the end of each session. A complete load of bollocks.
maybe he wasn't lying and was just dreaming?
he did say it happened every night after all....
also that bathroom question is something i always found funny, and it kind implies a interdimensional or hallucinatory origin to some of these reports


ce3 researcher
Don't think Beckley has that malicious streak that Mosley had though - the kind of thing where he would mislead people and do all sorts of horrible things just because he thought it was funny.
exactly, moseley is possibly one of the worst people to have ever arrived in ufology, the only reason he doesn't own the prize yet is because he is on a tie with richard doty, another individual know for being a expert on trolling and social engineering
the worst of all however? later in his life he started attacking the exact same behaviour he had and turned into a skeptic
some people really belong to a mental asylum


ce3 researcher
I was once at an event with Beckley, and from my experience, he's a ugly little dirtbag... he was with a woman who obviously had self-esteem issues, and Beckley was being publicly emotionally abusive and disrespectful to her, we were at a diner (I think around six people total), and at one point, I had to restrain myself from grabbing him and slamming his head into the table, I was so furious. I think the woman was his "girlfriend", but the way he was treating her was just hateful. It was the very first (and only time) I've ever been around him, immediately afterwards, I called Gene and demanded he be removed from the show cast page, and if memory serves me correctly, he was removed until right after I left the show, at which point he appeared again. The fact that Steinberg refers to that scumbag as one of his closest friends tells you something about the sleaze he has associated with for many years - birds of a feather.
i swear were those people GOV contracts or some thing? they tryed to be as obnoxious in the UFO field as legally possible (or not as is the case of jim)
i know 3 people that fit that mold: beckley, jim and gray barker
Well, I heard all that and saw the forums and actually subscribed to P+ for a couple of months. Underwhelming. I actually have no problem with buying an overpriced coffee cup or t-shirt or even making a small donation to support a podcast. Lot of work put in to provide me with free entertainment. That's why I joined P+. I figure I did my part and they fell short of holding up their end.

That said, DE can be hard to take and seems to dislike Randall. Too lazy to look up an earlier episode but I've heard DE be quite rude to him before within the last year. This last go around and what I heard on the paid version really turned me off. On a side note, if my insidious plan for total domination is successful and I am recognized as Emperor of the Known Universe my first official action will be to have anyone who describes themselves as a curmudgeon instantly liquidated. IMO that's a way of saying "I can't hold my tongue and you will endure it."

Took me decades to get a violent temper under control and I literally have broken bones to prove it. Maybe someone needed a nap before they gave the interview.

Really trying to play Devil's Advocate here but I think the problem is that Randall has some terrier in him and when he gets on some point he won't let it go. And no point is too nitpicky to be haggled over. Politeness and the value of debate aside it can be grating and doesn't make for good - or paid - entertainment. I was actually interested in an interview with Allen Greenfield - no idea who the hell he is other than some friend of GS - but he made a few cogent points. He and Randall got into a bit of a back & forth over collection of statistics. He's new and seems overeager and since I know nothing about him am reluctant to pound him with a s***hammer. Maybe over time and in a different arena he's be OK.

As for the begging, again just to play Devil's Advocate nobody bothered me for anything. The profile let me choose what I wanted to get and it didn't include that crap. I registered years ago under a different name & email address and was inundated by it so I withdrew.

More interested in the wierdness than the weirdos but they all seem to come in the same package.

What I don't understand as why someone as abrasive and supposedly bitter as it gets to the frauds in the field continues to supoort Steinberg.


ce3 researcher
I respectfully disagree. I am aware of the events of the last year, and I don't think they're going to make a bit of a difference, and guess what? In the time of the downfall of the American empire by a treasonous GOP, there are bigger fish to fry and pay attention to than the deceptive nature of the UFO phenomenon. My absence from this cesspool is indicative that I have a life outside of this stuff.

And excuse me, the charlatans have "moved on"? You mean like Richard Dolan, publicly defending cokehead Alex Jones? Chippy Greer and his documentary monuments to his oversized ego? The Mexico City fraud of a couple of years ago involving Muassan, The Roswell twins and, yes, Dickhead Dolan? Give me a break; nothing has changed.
don't forget the nazca mummies, or corey goode or michael horn or the ancient aliens crew or.... yeah i think you get it
not a lot changed in the charlatans front, just some new bulbs to replace the broken ones


What I don't understand as why someone as abrasive and supposedly bitter as it gets to the frauds in the field continues to supoort Steinberg.
Perhaps it is because Steinberg gave Don Ecker a place to announce his own podcast and Ecker feels beholding to him now. It is baffling considering Ecker feels he is a top notch detective and yet he shows up promptly on the Paracast.


ce3 researcher
Not to get too far off topic, but what is with Richard Dolan? It seems he is trying so hard to make a career from UFOs that he got sucked in with all the riffraff that show up at UFO conventions. He was a person who at one time had some promise. Oh well!
i always knew he shouldn't be trusted and frankly i feel the same for tom, elizondo and crew


Lol Chris Pesqueira on Twitter (@ChrisPesq_MLBDJ) did a version of The Rolling Stone's "Sympathy for the Devil" especially for Gene. He doesn't have an account here but said he would be happy for it to be posted it really is a masterpiece:

Screenshot 2018-08-18 01.52.29.png
Symp for Gene Pt2.jpg
Symp for Gene pt 3.jpg Symp for Gene Pt 4.jpg


ce3 researcher


GhostofMe, that's pretty fucking funny.

The man (Chris P.) is so talented. When I read "Let me forcibly introduce myself" I literally laughed out loud and didn't stop till the end. It fits all the little stories and incidents in so perfectly.

If Gene had a sense of humour he would post it on the Paracast Forums himself.


As Above So Below
Thought I would make another account, I was under UAPwatchdog and quit for a while since it looked like the story was losing steam there, until recent events.

Thanks for saying, I figured this was you when you registered this new account, but I'm curious, what's the reasoning behind that thought?...No worries, just curious...



Stare..... They are always staring
@David Biedny if by chance your still chillin with us can I ask you this; Where do you stand on the IDH/ETH split, and it seems to me (at least) that the whole abduction thing is almost pretty much a thing of the past as well, and that makes me wonder about that as well. Do you have a say on this?


Looks like Gene phoned this one in, he can't even do the minimal work it takes to cut and paste some old storylines together:

Down to zero cash again!


I’ll be brief. PayPal has less than $10 in it. The main bank account is near empty.

Are you able to help me get through the weekend?

I welcome your subscription to our premium packages for the two radio shows, The Paracast+ and The Tech Night Owl+.

Or, you can send me a donation, please go to: Send Money, Pay Online or Set Up a Merchant Account - PayPal, login and use the Send to friends and family option. Enter my email address,, and click or tap Next to continue the transaction.

I can also accept donations through Facebook Messenger and Apple Pay Cash via the Messages app.

If you’re not able to send a donation, feel free to forward this message to someone who might assist.

If you have any questions about my living situation, please let me know.

I would also like to receive some legal help to deal with the online stalkers. They are also going after my family members.

To receive regular updates, please sign up here: Available Mailing Lists

Looks like Gene phoned this one in, he can't even do the minimal work it takes to cut and paste some old storylines together:

I'm really sick of his disingenuous shit. I can say I only have a one dollar bill in my wallet, and that's it, and technically it's true as well.

He pays around $50 a night for a hotel which comes out to about $1500 a month, and has been doing it for months, while also still apparently saving for an apartment, paying for storage, and food and other things.

He HAS money. He just doesn't want to fucking use it responsibly.

By the way, thanks for including the link to his mailing list. I may research on bit on the terms of service for his mailer and spam options to the administrator.


Looks like Gene phoned this one in, he can't even do the minimal work it takes to cut and paste some old storylines together:

Or keep track of the story. Two days ago cash flow was increasing. Fortunately I can help!

Gene, get out of the house and pick someone up on Uber or Lyft. Problem solved. And it gets you out of the motel room, which should be a good thing.
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