Truth of 1995 Alien Autopsy finally revealed.


Sheep organs, a London flat and a Doctor Who sculptor: The truth behind the 1995 alien autopsy film Sheep organs, a London flat and a Doctor Who sculptor: The truth behind the 1995 alien autopsy film



Sheep organs, a London flat and a Doctor Who sculptor: The truth behind the 1995 alien autopsy film Sheep organs, a London flat and a Doctor Who sculptor: The truth behind the 1995 alien autopsy film


I know. Sad huh?

The thing I have to wonder though is if there's more to these scheme's than meets the eye. You'd have to really have the real inside story to find the truth, but like who came up with this idea because that's where the rubber meets the road.
If you can find out who really came up with this crackpot idea then you can try to see if they have connections to others.
This is where I wonder about the nature of these fakes.

See, I think that there is a potential that though the inspiration for the fakery was to obtain money in the minds of the fakers, that there is also a possibility that they were put up to doing this on the basis of making money by fraud, but that the people who pulled this rabbit out of their hat may have other objectives. In other words, it still could have been designed, but we would have to really have some dope on the people who did this. Like their police files because believe me we all have them. You can count on that one.

So it's been popular as of late to call these fakes "Soft Disclosure." Now I don't that the idea was to do soft disclosure at all, but rather covert disclosure to those in the know, while defaming the UFO crowd, but now this crowd has proclaimed the hidden disclosure as being soft disclosures. Which if this is correct, that it was intentionally directed to inform the aware, then they UFO crowd has it right. It's just that they weren't supposed to be aware enough to realize there was a purpose behind it all.


At Peace.
I dont think any alien experiencers or abductees ever cane forward to say their Aliens looked like that.


I dont think any alien experiencers or abductees ever cane forward to say their Aliens looked like that.

I know huh? When I saw the supposed alien I thought, well this stupid looking and doesn't really match anything I know about alien species. Maybe it's pre-programming for genetically engineered drones or something.

Rick Hunter

Alejandro Rojas discussed the ever-unwinding fakery of the Alien Autopsy Film on the most recent episode of Podcast UFO. Apparently, some people have come forward and admitted helping Santilli with the hoax. Santilli now claims that he was deceived by someone else but a small portion of the footage is real a'la Billy Meijer, and so it goes.


As Above So Below
It's this kind of fakery that diminishes the ufo phenomenon to a joke for so many in the world...


Filmmaker reveals how he faked infamous 'Roswell alien autopsy' footage in a London apartment

A hoaxer has revealed how he faked an “alien autopsy” using animal organs and pig brains – and managed to fool the world for over a decade.

Filmmaker Spyros Melaris led the team behind the now infamous footage claiming to show an alien from the 1947 Roswell UFO crash being dissected by medics.

The so-called Roswell Autopsy Footage grabbed headlines around the world when it was released by entrepreneur Ray Santilli in 1995.

Santilli claimed he obtained the 17-minute clip from a retired military cameraman while seeking archive material on Elvis Presley.

In fact, Spyros and his team shot the grainy black and white film in his then girlfriend's house in Camden, north London — using a foam alien sculpture filled with offal.

It was sold to TV stations in 33 countries and in 2006 inspired comedy sci-fi movie Alien Autopsy.

Now more than two decades on Spyros, who is a top magician, has come clean for the first time.

Spyros, 56, said: "It was not an easy task and, apart from the look and feel, the film had to be correct in every aspect — the props, the costumes, every little detail.

"I was fortunate to have access to professional filming and editing equipment. More importantly, I also had access to a handful of very talented people.

"For me, ‘The alien autopsy’ film was a challenge. Could it be done?

“As a magician, I wanted to create the biggest illusion ever performed on a global stage."

Rick Hunter

Well, he did a good job of it! One program showed the film to a Hollywood producer who said that, if it was fake, it was extremely good and he would like to hire whoever made it.