Aliens of the First kind First Contact


The Messenger Of All Gods old and new
This video reminds me of the first time I saw these...aliens.It was about 13o yards above my head but not this close.



As Above So Below
Have you seen these more than once?...Did they communicate with you?...


The Messenger Of All Gods old and new
Have you seen these more than once?...Did they communicate with you?...
I would say it was a communication but in all honesty, it was a download. A week later I received a binary coded message.

I can only explain as simple as this.

Its the year of the caveman and the caveman is walking through the plains. All of the sudden a volks wagon rides past him...That's it.

When a time of something jumps into a time of something else, your brain automatically evolves in an intense. When that volks wagon drove past that caveman. That caveman automatically was downloaded with over 100 programs and over a thousand other downloads within those programs.

Within a week, that caveman will be able to draw, write do math teach build and will be able within a month to also build something on 4 wheels possible with a door. This caveman will turn the stone age into the Flinstones, literally.

…..Everything in this world started from a blueprint of some sort, every creation every evolved creation and every evolved mechanical creation.

The whale, the whale blueprinted the submarine it whales taught humans that you could build a mechanical device one day that will allow you to travel underwater.

Without the whale, submarines would have never come into your realm as something that would one day sail you humans under water.

The dragonfly helped you mortals with the design of building a helicopter without this one particular insect helicopter would be obsolete from your programs.

The dolphin the whale and bats gave you all a key ingredient to the evolution of sonar and without sonar, there would not even be a thing as flight. These animals blue printed sonar, without the animal's flight would have never begun to fly.

The common flying insects and birds gave humans the blueprint of flight, without flying insects and birds, flying would not even be in existences.

The antennas’ on insects’ taught humans to use antennas as a form of its first ability to communicate by using frequencies, without antennas being observed upon, a lot of combinations of communication technology, would not have even been inside this program that you are currently in.

Without horses giving humans the notions that man can ride on something with four, created wagons and cars, without horses cars and wagons would have never been created.

The rainbow taught you, humans, the basic colors that enabled you to create 1,000s of other colors.

Ants and termites blueprinted underground tunnels and subways.

Ever think that people see touch or smell are downloads.

The very first download as soon as I saw these things were an ancient race looking up in the air and then I saw I bunch of people in robes all looking at this huge block of stone, levitating it. That's when I learned that pyramids around the earth were built, by looking at these 3 lights in formation, like a pyramid.

within 1.2 seconds, Thousands of years of information was downloaded into my program...just like the Déjà vus that are downloaded into you when young.


Nature has always been humanities first teacher, and if we have enough brains, it always will be.
Quite frankly, as odd as it seems, the whole of your post makes complete sense.