Bizarre UFO over the Britian


Founding Member
At first glance this looks like a craft or space debris breaking up, but it changes directions. :eek:
Footage Shows A UFO Flashing Over The Skies Of A Remote Town In Britain • Latest UFO sightings
The UFO online community got abuzz after a video that shows mysterious three orange balls moving in the sky and repeatedly changing direction was uploaded online. What makes the scene more interesting is that a trail of sparkling white light follows the strange balls.

Jeremy Le Fevre noticed the bizarre happening in the sky near his home in Frome, Somerset on Saturday evening. He referred the three orange balls and the white light behind as one single UFO.
Jeremy saw the unusual object moving erratically with green lights. He then recorded its unusual manoeuvres on video.

According to Jeremy, it was the first time he saw such thing, which went on for several minutes before it flew off into the distance towards Longleat.

Jeremy saw the UFO emitting green and red colours.

Some UFO enthusiasts regarded the nearby town of Warminster as Britain’s UFO capital. The most notable account is the encounter in the mid-1960s that is now known as the Warminster Thing.

In the skies above the town, unexplained noises were heard, and a strange shimmering light was observed.
Published on Aug 23, 2017
The peculiar aerial phenomenon was captured on camera by Jeremy Le Fevre on Saturday evening.
Consisting of several orange spheres of light, the UFO appeared to trail across the sky and change direction multiple times over the course of several minutes before eventually disappearing.

"I had never seen anything like it before," said Le Fevre. "It really caught my eye. It went on for quite some time before flying off into the distance towards Longleat."


Life Long Researcher
It does remind me of those sky divers that use flares in an acrobatic display. The movements suggest this may not be that.