What you want does not matter: you are not in charge. And, no matter whom you vote for, the left are in charge in every way that matters. We have had several years of an ostensibly "right-wing" Conservative government and yet the left wing reform of Britain's civil service, its institutions, the courts and academia has advanced unabated.Well, we can't allow liberty to suffer, because once dictatorship takes hold it is impossible to get rid off. Good examples are China and North Korea where grip on power is passed on from one generation to the next. So much so, that 60% of directors of all companies in Russia are former Communist party members or their descendants! It would be very stupid idea to sleep walk into dictatorship because whatever short term imperative. Once you are in consolidated dictatorship social mobility goes straight down to zero, zilch, nada. Just ask North Korean or Chinese factory worker.
With aid of modern surveillance technology any dictatorship can be cemented forever. Great example is North Korea, where number of people escaping across the border fell from few thousands per year to less then 60 per year. In China it takes 2 seconds after a person walks into high street for that person to be identified by AI, based on facial characteristics and gait. During WW2 SS employed only 11,000 people and was able to hold a grip on millions of people across whole of the Europe. 90% of SS stuff worked in administration maintaining primitive database based on paperwork. Modern technology would multiply power of a such secret police not less then 100 times.
Liberty must be preserved at all costs, because liberty guaranties social mobility for both you and your children in future. So, its much better to use good old media manipulation, gaslighting and brainwashing, which works equally well, but doesn't have that big impact on a freedoms.
Multiculturalism is waste of time, because cultural differences are trivial. People from all cultures all eat, sleep, work, take care of their families and have a bit of fun on the side. Cultural differences are pure vapourware and boil down to banalities, like weather one should hold a spoon in a left or right hand.
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