Holographic Theory.


I occasionally like to Discuss Science. One theory that a lot of people commonly seem to misquote seems to be holographic theory, For a litany of reasons, Primarily, People don't like the Idea of Simulations, and holograms. But The Truth is, They use Terms like projection, Because, by definition, It kind of applies, So Because that Definition can be used in the way Holographic theory is explained seems to hint to some people that our universe is a Hologram. But This just isn't true.


So, Our universe seems to be Flat and Expanding, Imagine, A black hole, At the event Horizon, Something like the planet earth would be flattened by this immense gravity and spread across the surface of the event horizon, they call it spaghettification, SO This Huge ball of incredible gravity is smooshing things flat and spreading them all over its event horizon before consuming them...

Now Imagine A black hole so vast, That Our entire universe Exists just on the surface of its event horizon that's Holographic theory in a nutshell, It explains why the universe is flat and accelerating in its expansion and because the outside force pulling on our universe is this cosmologically unseen object so incredibly vast our entire universe is simply a random occurrence upon its surface,

So, The Deal is, Holographic theory suggests, The Physical matter, Or, Energy, that takes the form of physical matter is only possible because, At this insane event horizon, Spacetime is so chaotically curved that this unique surface allows physical matter to pop in and out of existence, A lot like Virtual or Ghost particles. Randomly some of those particles that pop into existence happen to be physical matter.

So, They call it holograms and projections because the image projected doesn't exist without the screen to view it from, It's really only to make the concepts more easily digestible to the masses.

And No, I know most people won't be interested in this, Sometimes, I just feel the need to talk about science.

Peace out, Sp.
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Fratty and out of touch.
Hello, SP.

Yes, I find what you're discussing to be very interesting. I've read about the Holographic Universe Theory and I understand that it's not actually referring to holograms in the conventional manner. I read that there was an experiment where scientists triangulated laser beams into deep space and determined that the universe is indeed flat.

Unfortunately, I just don't have the ability to understand abstract math on the level necessary to truly appreciate this topic on a deep level. I've done well at jobs in manufacturing where it's necessary to calculate exact measurements and I've worked in accounting and finance. When it comes to abstract math, however, I've always struggled.