mystic properties of gemstones


High Priestess
my husband bought me this wonderful fire opal. it's the size of a "shooter" marble. The gemstone is linked to the second chakra called Svadhisthana representing sexuality. Thus, it helps in sexual healing by cleansing the memoirs related to the unfavorable or negative past experiences in this matter and making us realize our probable abuses of this vital energy. Thus, this stone will help us restore the sexual energy lost in all the chaos our marriage has endured. I used a link so others can read and understand the importance of this chakra and the stones connection to it.
Blessed be


High Priestess
a second gift my son bought is this fluoride rod again without training and without asking me for help.
the stone is powerful it brings a direct peace to the heart chakra. and opening to spiritual growth a discovery of one's true self. Her journey is a long one. Her own loss of self-worth was deep. Her parents thought she was just trying to fit in. problem was that she lost herself in expectations of kids her age. in her hair, clothing and makeup she fell away into someone else. only in recent months has she begun the long journey back. Her parents mistake was not seeing that she was trying to escape from her real life and who she really was dying. Ian saw this. and now he buys her this along with the dark titanium quartz has built a foundation of spiritual growth in her.
Blessed Be


High Priestess
my son Ian continues to surprise me! he went out and bought his girlfriend more stones an impressive array of working stones for her walk and spiritual growth. The Hematite crystal meaning is linked to its connection to the root chakra. a powerful grounding and centering stone. Hematite is a nurturing stone. It is taking her on a gradual path during her Spiritual evolution. unlike Libyan desert glass it's a gentle stone nudging her along her path and slowly and gently awaking her potential!stone 1.jpg

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High Priestess
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I was impressed with his next choices! Lapis Lazuli is a crystal of truth in all aspects. It reveals inner truth and promotes self-awareness and the acceptance of that knowledge. It provides for the relief of things that may have been suppressed and allows for them to surface; helping to diminish uncomfortable feelings or repressed anger and allows for self-expression without holding back or compromising. by using it She will open her heart chakra. confront her demons of the past and find peace.
Smoky quartz I have addressed before. a powerful stone used and a focus in meditation.
Black tourmaline will draw the negative energy away and bring in a flow of white energy. Black Tourmaline is a pyroelectric stone, meaning that it produces electricity when it becomes heated. It’s also piezoelectric, which means that it’s also capable of storing electrical charge. I am teaching her to heat or excite the stone to draw its potential out.
Labradorite tempers the negative side of our personality, the traits and actions that rob our energy and may produce depression or shame. It assists in reducing anti-social, reckless, or impulsive behavior. this is by far one of the most powerful stones he has gotten for her. It enhances the mental and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy, and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records. I use it extensively in my work. It provides an ease in moving between the parrel realities and permits a safe and grounded return to the present. I'm monitoring her use of the stone and cautioned in its use.
finally Apophyite the Soul Star, deeply tuned to the crown chakra it dives deep into the soul. opening one up to a growth and enlightenment.


High Priestess
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And lastly a selenite rod. a perfect synergy for all the others. Selenite brings clarity of mind and activates the seventh chakra, Sahasrara, which is our direct link to the Spirit. When the seventh chakra is balanced, we are able to understand our connection with the universe, we are one with the entire Divine creation. Selenite is a link to the consciousness of the Angelic kingdoms. higher realms where powerful sprit guides that we call angels dwell. it is to note that when he brought it to me, he told me it was "alive" I to felt the power associated with the Rod.
It pleases me that my oldest son wants to make sure his relationship is grounded in the sprit He knows if he starts having sex with her something is lost.
"Within your heart magic begins
within your soul magic appears
within yourself YOU are magic!"
Blessed be