Old Encounters

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
I'll post some old articles here now and again!
This one is from 1906, at height of "Airship" wave. One seen during day:

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
This is great. 1918:

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
This one is pretty intense..
San Bernardino Sun, 1 July 1972
San Bernardino Sun 1 July 1972 — California Digital Newspaper Collection

"UFOs Return - Swooping and Swishing"
Because so many OTHER people saw this strange "thing" late Saturday night and early Sunday June 13, this small mention of it in The Sun puzzles me greatly. George Airmen Sight a Bright Orange Object GEORGE AFB Two airmen verified each otehr's report yesterday of seeing a "bright orange object" about 1 a.m. that seemed to be 375 feet in diameter as it sank behind a building southwest of their security-police beat at this base. The airmen, Gary Corley and Randolph Wogoman, said the L'FOf (unidentified flying object) sighting apparently went unobserved by anyone eise. They reported it to the air police, and to the Victorville Sheriff's Office and Adelanto Police Department. No evidence was fonnd of the object having landed, it was reported by the base information office. Our party of three stopped at the Scene of a minor accident around 11:30 p.m., Sunday, to find approximately 30 other people far more interested in watching this strange, circular, "whatever-it-was" moving quickly about In the sky above us, changing from bluish-white in color, at higher altitude, then to a weird orange-yellow as it, came down into the smog-filled lower atmosphere. One man in this mixed group of spectators told us that he had been tolde several times, by Air Force personnel, that the "thing" he had seen before was a highly-secret "craft" and he should not talk it over with others who have also seen it. Three U.S. airmen, in uniform, who claimed to be from Air Base in Nevada, (on official leave, we supposed) said they would surely know about, such craft, even though they might be under orders to remain silent about it, but they were as mystified as the rest of us. The thing that sickens me about this entire deal is the harm I saw in what it had done to one family on the preceding Saturday night. (The family of four whose pickup camper and trailer had run off of the dirt road where the 30 or more of us were assembled.) I talked with the two almost-hysterical girls, one 9, the other 11, and learned that the "thing" had hovered around their family's rather isolated campsite the night before for more than three hours, hurting their ears with its strange whirring sound each time it. ascended from "almost on top of us" as "a big round orange-colored thing" which became, a second later, "just a big bright-blue dot high in the sky." The still-frightened girls told me their story between the several "dips" this "craft" made over us while several strong men moved boulders and pushed the camper and trailer out of the ditch. Each time the "thing" seemed to move in on us, as though exploring the various automobile lights and flashlights trained on the repair job, the two little girls would cover their ears and throw themselves at their mother's feet, sobbing, while I tried to assure both the mother and the girls that there was bound to be a logical explanation
Because so many OTHER people saw this strange "thing" late Saturday night and early Sunday June 13, this small mention of it in The Sun puzzles me greatly. George Airmen Sight a Bright Orange Object GEORGE AFB Two airmen verified each other's report yesterday of seeing a "bright orange object" about 1 a.m. that seemed to be 375 feet in diameter as it sank behind a building southwest of their security-police beat at this base. The airmen, Gary Corley and Randolph Wogoman, said the L'FOf (unidentified flying object) sighting apparently went unobserved by anyone eise. They reported it to the air police, and to the Victorville Sheriff's Office and Adelanto Police Department. No evidence was fonnd of the object having landed, it was reported by the base information office.

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
Beverley Times (WA : 1905 - 1977), Friday 13 December 1957, page 5
VERY much like the UFOs over the stadium in Florence, and SO many others...


Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
I can't tell if this is a piece of creative writing, but I don't think so. And it is shocking. The paper is SO old it is hard to read and doesn't submit to OCR well. The part about the strange balloon sounds like some kind of angel hair or something similar. I don't know what to make of it... Sounds abduction-like.
Here is a badly transcribed excerpt. There is lot more:
Supposedly happened in 1801..
THE TERROR OF GUERANDE. - Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1929) - 3 Apr 1866

"He was entirely nude ; and his death had apparently been caused by no weapon, but the corpse presented a shocking appearance; it seemed as though the man had been crushed and smashed together by some vast mechanical power"

"The people got the loan of a stout sentry-box from the^rfmrffne on the Guerande road ; and'this* wooden box they placed in a concealed corner of the farmyard from which the sheep had first been stolen. For eight nights Lanwic. Beaucfi, ,the saulnizr,! remained in that box without hearing or1 seeing anything remarkable1The ninth night was exceedingly dark. It was about midnight, or porhaps shortlyrafter it, when he was startled by hearing the clanking of a chain in the air, apparently right in front of him. He stated next ' morning that he had rushed out of his box, heard a loud, ringing noise, but could see nothing. 1 It was Considered quite as likely, however, that he had-been overcome with fear, and" never stirred from his post. The most important testimony was that of a humble vihager of Saillie, who was in expectancy one night that his cow was about to.calve. About one o'olockin the morning he went out into the back yard,-and was about to cross to the rude mud-built cow-ho,use, when ho : dropped .the flint

; arid steel , whorowith ho had intended to:: light a small lamp which he carried; He stooped down to seek.for them, : assisted by the clear starlight, and! was in this position when he suddenly, heard a loud noise overhead, and the next moment he felt himself nearly caught by two large iron clasps. Horrified, he looked up and saw some great black object hovering in the air,'and then, deadened by a sudden spasm of fear, he fell flat and rolled oyer into a gutter leading from the cowhouse, where he lay insensible. When he came to himself it was two o'clock; he was cold and wet, but otherwise unhurt. He entered the house, awoke his two sons,

and with them sat up during the might; for no one of them dared to sleep," ;-vow, this man had gone out with a thick fur cap on his head, as protection against the night air. The cap, as he had supposed, was left outside when he had stumbled terror-stricken into the house. Next morning, however, it was nowhere to be seen ; but a beaver hat, battered and worn with rain and wind, was found in a ditch a few hundred yards off. When the story was spread abroad as the last visitation of the mysterious marauder...."

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
Sometimes a cigar is.. just an alien device.
Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Tuesday 9 February 1954, page 1
