Todd Feinman
Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
UFOs apparently scanning smelters and hanging around mines, happens.
The white light at the front is where the beam came from, I think. The red lights on the "wings"; one of those took off and came back; similar things have also been reported from police on the ground during the triangle sighting wave in Belgium.
Here is the APRO Bulletin with an article on it. Amazing:
"On the evening of October 23rd, 1980, one of the most well-witnessed UFO sightings in history took place in the little mining town of Morenci, Arizona . Located on US 666, it is about 20 miles northeast of Safford, Arizona, which is. on Interstate 10 in southeastern Arizona. Morenci is a typical Arizona copper mining town and the site of two huge copper smelters which are owned and operated by Phelps-Dodge Corporation. APRO's investigator on this case was Jim McCoy who did in-depth interviews with five of the witnesses. There were a host of other witnesses and hopefully they can be interviewed at a later date . However, inasmuch as the five men observed the object at relatively close range, their testimony is central to the facts in the case. Randell Rogers and Larry Mortensen, both employees at Phelps-Dodge, left their work area at 8:55 p.m. to proceed to the lunch area for the evening "break." They entered an open type of vehicle (no cab) and enroute to the lunch area they stopped and picked up Joe Nevarez , Kent David and James Best. (Please see illustrations which accompany theis text.) After starting the vehicle up again, they noticed an object approaching from the north at an altitude of approximately 1500 to 2000 feet and Nevarez exclaimed, " Hey, you guys, look at the flying saucer!" One or two of the others remarked that " it" was just an airplane and laughed. Nevarez then demanded that the vehicle be stopped so that he could get a better look at the object. When the vehicle was brought to a stop and the men looked up, they were amazed to see a boomerangshaped object approaching the north smoke stack of the smelter area at a very low speed which they later told Mr. McCoy that they estimated to be about five miles per hour. When it arrived at a position directly over the north stack, it stopped and hovered for a minute or so, then came straight down vertically to an estimated altitude of about 700 to 1,000 feet , not far above the stack. After a brief period of time a brillant light erupted from the forward apex of the boomerang configuration and shone directly down into the interior of the north smelter stack. The witnesses described this light as brighter than a search light or that of an arc light...."
And another smelter case:
Chanute Weekly Tribune
(Chanute, Kansas)
27 Apr 1917, Fri • Page 1
Over a mine in Africa, 1957:
The white light at the front is where the beam came from, I think. The red lights on the "wings"; one of those took off and came back; similar things have also been reported from police on the ground during the triangle sighting wave in Belgium.
Here is the APRO Bulletin with an article on it. Amazing:
"On the evening of October 23rd, 1980, one of the most well-witnessed UFO sightings in history took place in the little mining town of Morenci, Arizona . Located on US 666, it is about 20 miles northeast of Safford, Arizona, which is. on Interstate 10 in southeastern Arizona. Morenci is a typical Arizona copper mining town and the site of two huge copper smelters which are owned and operated by Phelps-Dodge Corporation. APRO's investigator on this case was Jim McCoy who did in-depth interviews with five of the witnesses. There were a host of other witnesses and hopefully they can be interviewed at a later date . However, inasmuch as the five men observed the object at relatively close range, their testimony is central to the facts in the case. Randell Rogers and Larry Mortensen, both employees at Phelps-Dodge, left their work area at 8:55 p.m. to proceed to the lunch area for the evening "break." They entered an open type of vehicle (no cab) and enroute to the lunch area they stopped and picked up Joe Nevarez , Kent David and James Best. (Please see illustrations which accompany theis text.) After starting the vehicle up again, they noticed an object approaching from the north at an altitude of approximately 1500 to 2000 feet and Nevarez exclaimed, " Hey, you guys, look at the flying saucer!" One or two of the others remarked that " it" was just an airplane and laughed. Nevarez then demanded that the vehicle be stopped so that he could get a better look at the object. When the vehicle was brought to a stop and the men looked up, they were amazed to see a boomerangshaped object approaching the north smoke stack of the smelter area at a very low speed which they later told Mr. McCoy that they estimated to be about five miles per hour. When it arrived at a position directly over the north stack, it stopped and hovered for a minute or so, then came straight down vertically to an estimated altitude of about 700 to 1,000 feet , not far above the stack. After a brief period of time a brillant light erupted from the forward apex of the boomerang configuration and shone directly down into the interior of the north smelter stack. The witnesses described this light as brighter than a search light or that of an arc light...."

And another smelter case:
Chanute Weekly Tribune
(Chanute, Kansas)
27 Apr 1917, Fri • Page 1

Over a mine in Africa, 1957: