The Divided State of Europe


There is no good solution at this point, its been a lose-lose situation since this mass migration began...The US is also in this boat although a few years behind Britain...

The US is far ahead of Britain in terms of mass immigration. The US has not had quotas for more than fifty years.


As Above So Below
The US is far ahead of Britain in terms of mass immigration. The US has not had quotas for more than fifty years.

I was referring more towards mass 'muslim' immigration, both legal and illegal...In recent years, our country has seen mass migration of muslims, in the past most of our immigration has come from Central and South American countries...No longer, there are a larger mix of muslims from African and Middle Eastern nations crossing our open southern border illegally and the government have also set up agreements and programs like Obama has done to fly in muslims directly from their home countries...I have no problems with people from Central and South America immigrating 'legally', most contribute and fit in well as we have similar values, morals, and religions...While there are many moderate peaceful muslims living in western societies, there are also equally muslims who do not share similar values in western society and will never fit into western culture, but use it to undermine our societies...Our different cultures do not have to hate one another and can all live peacefully on this planet, however, mixing those cultures can be and seems to be a recipe for disaster...



As Above So Below
Sounds like Starmer plans a series of 'show trials' in an attempt to extinguish discontent instead of addressing the problem...



As Above So Below
Well said IMO, quoted from the post below:

"The reality is much, much worse.

This has nothing to do with the current government and a few racist idiots kicking off are the least of our worries.

Yes, the violent criminals should be prosecuted and given harsh sentences. And yes, Starmer and senior police officers have handled this badly.

But the fundamentals of this situation are inescapable.

Britain has a stagnant economy that relies on cheap foreign labour and a population that is utterly fed up of mass immigration.

We have an open border. No that's not an exaggeration. When I came to Britain in 1996, net *legal* immigration was around 55k a year. That's the number of people who come here *illegally* every year now.

We have a Muslim population, which like any large group is made up of all sorts of people. Most of them are decent and law abiding. But as a population the Muslim community has not integrated: more British Muslims joined ISIS and Al Nusra than the British army, per the Guardian and the New York Times. Google it.

The Equalities Act introduced "protected characteristics" which effectively made members of certain racial, ethnic and religious groups entitled to special treatment.

Partly as a result of this and partly due to the broader introduction of the idea of "diversity and inclusion", the police, social workers and all manner of government officials turned a blind eye to crimes committed by particular racial and ethnic groups. A good example would be so-called "grooming gangs" which are groups comprised of predominantly Pakistani and Bangladeshi men who targeted white and Sikh girls for gang rape. According to estimates there were several hundred thousand victims. These crimes have gone on for over 40 and continue to happen today.

The white British population is in demographic decline. They are not having enough children, while immigrants and ethnic minorities have lots of children. Combined with mass immigration of 600,000-700,000 a year, most British cities now look unrecognisable. White Britons are already a minority in London and other major cities and will become a minority in the country itself within our lifetimes.

It's important to understand that Britain isn't like America. Until very, very recently (2001) white British people made up nearly 90% of the population. Britain is not and has never been a "nation of immigrants". But it will be soon. Despite the fact that the British people voted against this at every opportunity. They voted against it in 2010, 2015, 2016 (Brexit), 2017 and 2019 when the people they elected promised to stop mass immigration and end illegal immigration. At the last election, they gave up on voting for the Conservatives and either voted for Nigel Farage's anti-immigration Reform Party or didn't vote at all, hence the lowest turnout for a century.

This is one of the reasons you see increasing levels of censorship and thought policing in the UK. As people begin to express dissent against what is happening, maintaining this state of affairs requires more and more suppression. This is one of the reasons they are going after
- he has created a platform where we can see that the Emperor is naked with our own eyes.

The riots you are seeing have many underlying causes. Many of the people who are burning things down and looting shops are just violent thugs looking for a cheap thrill. The authorities will throw the book at them which they have to do.

But what they won't do is address the cause of the tensions which are bubbling away under the surface. They will give the can another big kick down the road.

I hope this particular flare up of violence can be calmed but you're kidding yourself if you think that will be the end of it.

P.S. There were many brave people who warned us this would happen. They were all demonised and ignored."



Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Britain has a stagnant economy that relies on cheap foreign labour and a population that is utterly fed up of mass immigration.

Yeah, you won't read that on BBC. The main role of politicians and legacy media is to paper over the problem, while problem is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. That's exactly the same process that went on for 10 years in the former Yugoslavia before eventually whole thing blew up. Incompetent politicians and complacent legacy media. Not a pretty picture.

These riots will continue and then investors will start pulling out of Britain, which they had already been doing for years. That'll spiral the economy into black hole.
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I think this article is a good explainer of the riots:

A lot of bores in the press go on at length about the spread of online misinformation as the cause of the riots, but even if accurate this is only a proximate cause. Mass civil unrest is usually sparked by rumour, as they used to call it, and that has been the case throughout the history of civilization, and not just since the advent of social media. But it requires more complex underlying causes to be sparked by rumour.
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Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow

There was a typical British residential street. A young white man was standing in a front of an restaurant while a group of about 20 - 30 hooded men packed closely together were marching along the road. These man carried one or two Palestinian flags. Then one of hooded men entered front yard of the restaurant and young white man and himself started fist fight. Upon start of the fist fight between them about 5 to 10 hooded men joined in, white man fell on the ground and all the hooded men started kicking white men with their feet. Luckily men fel under a wooden table so attackers can not surround him. Then attackers stopped kicking and started dispersing, and video cuts. Video was shot from behind a restaurant's glass, so only voices came from inside restaurant.

So, video was removed after only 2 - 3 hours.

I shared video on my FaceBook profile here: Dejan Corovic
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There was a typical British residential street. A young white man was standing in a front of an restaurant while a group of about 20 - 30 hooded men packed closely together were marching along the road. These man carried one or two Palestinian flags. Then one of hooded men entered front yard of the restaurant and young white man and himself started fist fight. Upon start of the fist fight between them about 5 to 10 hooded men joined in, white man fell on the ground and all the hooded men started kicking white men with their feet. Luckily men fel under a wooden table so attackers can not surround him. Then attackers stopped kicking and started dispersing, and video cuts. Video was shot from behind a restaurant's glass, so only voices came from inside restaurant.

So, video was removed after only 2 - 3 hours.

I shared video on my FaceBook profile here: Dejan Corovic
I know which clip you mean.


As Above So Below

Taylor Swift ISIS terror-plot teen 'was radicalised by notorious hate preacher' and 'was building a bomb in his back garden while his family were on holiday which he intended to use to kill concert fans'

A teen terror suspect who plotted a bloodbath at a Taylor Swift concert in Austria was radicalised by a notorious hate-preacher in Berlin, it is believed.

Beran A., the 19-year-old ISIS fanatic who was building a bomb in his parents' back garden and planned to mow down concertgoers this week, was influenced online by Berlin's rabid hate preacher Abul Baraa, according to German intelligence sources cited by BILD.

Baraa - real name Ahmad Armih - is a well-known figure among Germany security services who has 46,000 Instagram followers and over 81,000 on TikTok.

Speaking to Bild newspaper, the Berlin Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany's equivalent of MI5, said: 'The closure of his Berlin mosque and the coronavirus pandemic led to greater engagement on social media.'

'His rhetoric and speaking style are particularly catching on with young people.'

It comes as images emerged of the garden and inconspicuous outhouse where Beran A. is said to have been constructing his suicide bomb while his parents were on holiday in their native North Macedonia.

Taylor Swift was due to perform in front of an estimated 170,000 fans on August 8, 9, and 10 at Vienna's Ernst-Happel-Stadion, but the shows were cancelled amid fears of the terror plot.

(More on the link)
