

Don't get me wrong, These are stressful times, I'm not saying people shouldn't worry, What I am expressing is that people are worried. This is a place to come and relax, It's important to realize that things like fears and worries can not remain constant. We all need a Break. So, In this thread, What I'm asking of you is simple, Contribute to the room By posting anything that you find relaxing or calming. If you see a funny on Facebook or Twitter that made you laugh, Post that shit here, Share the Joy, because there is so little of it to go around right now.

To begin with I'm going to post a Music video,

I personally have found, a lot of the older 80's and 90's music has a more optimistic sound to it. It was a time before 9/11, before terrorists, before economic rescission, It was a simpler time. It's nice to remember when things were like that.

And I ask you If you are just passing through. Look at this thread as if it were a reminder, That times weren't always so dark and just like it has ever time since the beginning of time, The sun will rise and the darkness will end.




No subcontext here, I just like Jim Carrey, I used to make it a point to argue with Celebrities on Twitter. Jim Carrey Is awesome because You begin to realize, He's more human than most celebrities. Arguing with Jim Was a lot like Arguing with someone here. He never once Took the, "I'm a rich celebrity so I'm better than you road" And When I made a valid point, He Acknowledge those points. He's a real person. Good guy,


Here is something I watch every morning, This is Rhett And link.

What I like about Rhett and the link is, They never talk about Bad news. Their whole thing is just trying to entertain people, And why it works for these guys and not everyone else is simple, After all the years they have been doing this, They haven't forgotten, It's not about clicks and Views or ad revenues. It's about the art of making people laugh with raw entertainment.


If anyone is a gamer out there, This is where I'm stuck In Zelda right now, The new Zelda has a Trial of the Master Sword, It's a three-part Trial. Beginner Middle and Final Trials. The problem I'm having with this Trial is the Final trial. It's so difficult. I shamefully admit I've been trying to beat this trial for the greater part of a month and simply cannot. So I keep watching this walkthrough Hoping it will somehow help me, Even though I have the entire walkthrough memorized. I still can't beat this trail. It's very disheartening.

But in fairness. Breath of the wild is a really great game, a person can get lost in everything there is to do in there, I suggest it highly.
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Alright, If all else fails. Try to make it though this video without laughing. I will bet you can't lol



Again, This one is for Gamers, I Got Mario Odyssey at the same time I got Zelda, I still haven't played it.
It's a testament to how great Zelda is, Though, I hear odyssey is a pretty good game on its own. lol
