What Will The Afterlife Be Like?



So, The thing Is, It's difficult to speak about concepts like An afterlife, Some people, passionately believe There is simply nothing after "This". I mean, What even is "Nothing? Can Nothingness even be Visualized? Can it be comprehended? Is nothingness even physically possible? Can it even be Defined?

No, Weather it's a religious or spiritual Afterlife Or something else entirely, By far Most people tend to embrace the Idea that Death Is simply The Act of Passing on, "As in passing on into something else, Another Life perhaps". Possibly a Reincarnation into someone else", Or simply a continued existence in some other part of the cosmos in some alternate location.

So, To those very few in number Who believe there is nothing Beyond the Rainslick precipice of Darkness, I still want to hear your Take, Because Everyone always loves to hear the Boring unimaginative guy's thoughts on Concepts like The Afterlife. To everyone else, What I would like is your thoughts on what A continued existence after death could perhaps be like. We want Details, Descriptions, Would we be in physical bodies? or would this continued existence be pure energy? or even just disembodied consciousness?

It's an interesting subject, That I'm sure most of us have given at least a little thought to, And we would like to hear your Take on What awaits us after we shed this Mortal coil..


I've seen these, I'll HAve a good reply later, There is a lot going on at the house right now, :Thumbsup:


tall, thin, irritable
This is something I have devoted quite a bit of thought to.

Belief in life after death is a coping mechanism, something maybe even evolution gave us as a survival skill to allow us to live in cooperative groups. If we all believed unswervingly that the end was just a click we'd probably behave very differently. Or not, who the hell knows.

I have Belief, something that comforts me, that says our consciousness continues after our bodies die. Our brains certainly continue to function for some period after our heart stops and people have been revived after long periods of hypothermia. I just think that the actual threshold beyond which you do not return is slightly different for everyone and may not be the exact time a doctor 'codes' the moment. I would bet that in the good old days of the French Revolution there were heads in baskets that had some awareness for uncomfortably long periods of time, had anyone realized it.

The similarities between Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and some of the more secular, ordered studies of reincarnation are striking. Small children have made surprising statements about the 'in between' that are very similar to NDEs and you might think that suggests something else going on beyond some organic process.

Interesting articles:

The brain activity of a dying person was recorded for the first time ever

Brains Of Dying Rats Yield Clues About Near-Death Experiences

Life review. If you read that and other articles related to it there is a suggestion that the 'life flashing before your eyes' is also a natural thing. In my experience it is - my Mom certainly went through those. Seeing deceased loved ones is common too. I was right there when my Mom did those things and believe me, the experience would leave the hardest skeptic nonplussed.

All that said, I don't really think anyone has a particularly accurate idea of 'what it's like' and I am generally suspicious of those that say they have very detailed knowledge and descriptions. I've read enough to satisfy myself and importantly, have chosen to believe that we continue on and are part of a larger whole. I don't think it's far away rather right here, right now all the time and though we might get a peek now and again we aren't intended to see it all. I suspect it isn't the traditional pearly gates and sunshine filled meadows rather just another probably imperfect aspect of our existence.

I've said this before and you'll hear it again. I hope to fade to black and then reappear on the original Enterprise transporter pad. Scotty will tell the bridge 'we've got him' and Spock will explain that it wasn't divine intervention that brought me there, it was simply him 'cross circuiting to B.'

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This is something I have devoted quite a bit of thought to.

Belief in life after death is a coping mechanism, something maybe even evolution gave us as a survival skill to allow us to live in cooperative groups. If we all believed unswervingly that the end was just a click we'd probably behave very differently. Or not, who the hell knows.

I have Belief, something that comforts me, that says our consciousness continues after our bodies die. Our brains certainly continue to function for some period after our heart stops and people have been revived after long periods of hypothermia. I just think that the actual threshold beyond which you do not return is slightly different for everyone and may not be the exact time a doctor 'codes' the moment. I would bet that in the good old days of the French Revolution there were heads in baskets that had some awareness for uncomfortably long periods of time, had anyone realized it.

The similarities between Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and some of the more secular, ordered studies of reincarnation are striking. Small children have made surprising statements about the 'in between' that are very similar to NDEs and you might think that suggests something else going on beyond some organic process.

Interesting articles:

The brain activity of a dying person was recorded for the first time ever

Brains Of Dying Rats Yield Clues About Near-Death Experiences

Life review. If you read that and other articles related to it there is a suggestion that the 'life flashing before your eyes' is also a natural thing. In my experience it is - my Mom certainly went through those. Seeing deceased loved ones is common too. I was right there when my Mom did those things and believe me, the experience would leave the hardest skeptic nonplussed.

All that said, I don't really think anyone has a particularly accurate idea of 'what it's like' and I am generally suspicious of those that say they have very detailed knowledge and descriptions. I've read enough to satisfy myself and importantly, have chosen to believe that we continue on and are part of a larger whole. I don't think it's far away rather right here, right now all the time and though we might get a peek now and again we aren't intended to see it all. I suspect it isn't the traditional pearly gates and sunshine filled meadows rather just another probably imperfect aspect of our existence.

I've said this before and you'll hear it again. I hope to fade to black and then reappear on the original Enterprise transporter pad. Scotty will tell the bridge 'we've got him' and Spock will explain that it wasn't divine intervention that brought me there, it was simply him 'cross circuiting to B.'

I've given this particular theory a lot of contemplation, of a scientifically supported afterlife, I don't speak about it much because it's too clinical. But, In thermodynamics, There is the law of energy conservation, Which states, Energy can not be destroyed, only converted from one form of energy to another, Now, This practical law of energy conservation fundamentally asserts that energy must go somewhere, It simply can not cease to be.

Potential, Electrical, Kinetic, Thermal, Radiant, Elastic, Gravitational, solar, All different kinds of energy, But No energy can just disappear, It must be converted or transformed into another kind of energy, And when that energy is used, converted again. over and over. From my viewpoint, Our brains, Our consciousness is electrical and chemical. But nonetheless, I don't believe anyone of us could deny that the human consciousness though we don't fully grasp it, is energy-based in nature. And heck, "plot hole" Even if someone didn't believe that, Yet why wouldn't they, IT's true. Heck, Einstein Asserts that literally, all physical matter is energy and vice versa. So, Consider this, Everything and everyone is Energy, By Proxy, Nothing can truly be destroyed, only converted from one form to another form.

So, Does this assert that consciousness itself can not be destroyed? only changed? Transformed?

Well, Beyond this scientific assertion. I can tell you one last thing about Life after death. According to relativistic theories on Time, All of time, all of time, The whole kitten caboodle exists as a whole, We only experience time via our limited dimensional perceptions, But time itself is a higher dimension, The 4th dimension. So yesterday, Today, and tomorrow, They are all the same thing, We only experience a small fraction of the entirety of time, Therefore, To exist, IS to exist forever, We may not be here tomorrow, But we were here yesterday, and always shall be. So in some sense, We exist forever and are never truly gone, We exist along with the whole of time, Forever, Trapped in yesterday eternally, But, Real nonetheless. Because Yesterday isn't gone, It's simply outside of our perceptions.

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
I believe consciousness and self awareness / ego to be an emergent illusion developed by colonies of cells and microorganisms working together --in the form of plants and animals.
Think back to your earliest memory --the beginning of self-awareness and ego differentiation from the rest of the environment --before that as a toddler you would crawl over and touch a hot burner, or do any number of injurious things --because your consciousness hadn't developed to the point of differentiating yourself from the environment.
Go back further and you get to the point before egg and sperm met --potential consciousness? But "you" didn't exist --The Mahayana Buddhists have it right, I think.
Folks who have suffered traumatic brain injuries as children have their consciousness radically transformed and sometimes stuck at a child's level of development --because the machinery that provides the circumstances for the emergent illusion of self-nature and consciousness was damaged.
If we are biological machines (and it really seems that way sometimes), when we get broken down to the point we are broken, then we end. But "we" never were to begin with, and there is a mystery there.
Perhaps consciousness and self-nature is a form of nothingness exploring itself through an emergent incarnation into somethingness / everything, and then "returns" to that no-thingness (actually having never left it!).
The amazing thing about consciousness and self nature is that it doesn't exist; everything else does, and is physical.
So perhaps by incarnating and generating self-nature apart from the universe, it is in a sense sacrificing itself countless times to experience itself and become self-aware. Incarnation and senses are limitations for this no-thing; after death one is everywhere and everywhen and nowhere and never all at once = amazing.


tall, thin, irritable
I've given this particular theory a lot of contemplation, of a scientifically supported afterlife, I don't speak about it much because it's too clinical. But, In thermodynamics, There is the law of energy conservation, Which states, Energy can not be destroyed, only converted from one form of energy to another, Now, This practical law of energy conservation fundamentally asserts that energy must go somewhere, It simply can not cease to be.

Potential, Electrical, Kinetic, Thermal, Radiant, Elastic, Gravitational, solar, All different kinds of energy, But No energy can just disappear, It must be converted or transformed into another kind of energy, And when that energy is used, converted again. over and over. From my viewpoint, Our brains, Our consciousness is electrical and chemical. But nonetheless, I don't believe anyone of us could deny that the human consciousness though we don't fully grasp it, is energy-based in nature. And heck, "plot hole" Even if someone didn't believe that, Yet why wouldn't they, IT's true. Heck, Einstein Asserts that literally, all physical matter is energy and vice versa. So, Consider this, Everything and everyone is Energy, By Proxy, Nothing can truly be destroyed, only converted from one form to another form.

So, Does this assert that consciousness itself can not be destroyed? only changed? Transformed?

Well, Beyond this scientific assertion. I can tell you one last thing about Life after death. According to relativistic theories on Time, All of time, all of time, The whole kitten caboodle exists as a whole, We only experience time via our limited dimensional perceptions, But time itself is a higher dimension, The 4th dimension. So yesterday, Today, and tomorrow, They are all the same thing, We only experience a small fraction of the entirety of time, Therefore, To exist, IS to exist forever, We may not be here tomorrow, But we were here yesterday, and always shall be. So in some sense, We exist forever and are never truly gone, We exist along with the whole of time, Forever, Trapped in yesterday eternally, But, Real nonetheless. Because Yesterday isn't gone, It's simply outside of our perceptions.

In the past people have attempted to quantify the soul by actually weighing bodies before and after death to see if it's less minus the soul. Isn't calling our soul 'energy' about the same as calling it 'horsepower' - because the latter is a more specifically applied term ? Our bodies are biochemical and any potential they have is gone when the carcass stops working.

I think you might be putting the cart before the horse. Rather than the body hosting consciousness it might just be a manifestation of consciousness. Not sure I really know what - if anything - that actually means it's just that terms like 'energy' and 'vibration' and 'levels' tend to get thrown around a lot when reading about topics like this and I think they are really just descriptive tags rather than anything quantifiable. Or better yet, quantifiable right now with our current understanding.


At Peace.
This question is similar to "What happened before the big bang?"

Basically I think it is best summarized as:
"Everything that is allowed is obligatory."

In other words. Everything is curved and that means everything cycles. And eventually the universe will expand enough to catch up to itself in space time and at that point, space time ceases to exist in the same moment that it begins again.

So, eventually, we will exist again.


At Peace.
Another way to think about it,is, "Nothing really matters but what you do next. What you do next is totally your responsibility. The impact it has on you is all your own. The result, and how you react to it, is all yours as well, so you are born again with each and every decision and action you make. "


At Peace.
But, auras and energies demonstrate that our energy signatures are not completely contained or
limited to the physical body.

Doctors and nurses have witnessed people describing accurate details of what happens in a room when their heart stops and is restarted.

So something is going on with our consciousness that lets us see even when our eyes are closed and our heart is stopped.

So, yes one could say that proves conscious energy is stubborn and doesn't want to stop when our bodies do.

However many see what they expect to see. A Christian sees Jesus, another religion sees their expected guide. So, maybe our conciousness can be defined as 'expectations' and the brain continues to manifest those.

But days after we really do go, where is that conciousness? Nobody knows.
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In the past people have attempted to quantify the soul by actually weighing bodies before and after death to see if it's less minus the soul. Isn't calling our soul 'energy' about the same as calling it 'horsepower' - because the latter is a more specifically applied term ? Our bodies are biochemical and any potential they have is gone when the carcass stops working.

I think you might be putting the cart before the horse. Rather than the body hosting consciousness it might just be a manifestation of consciousness. Not sure I really know what - if anything - that actually means it's just that terms like 'energy' and 'vibration' and 'levels' tend to get thrown around a lot when reading about topics like this and I think they are really just descriptive tags rather than anything quantifiable. Or better yet, quantifiable right now with our current understanding.
Hmm, Im pretty sure I avoided Using Terms Like Soul because you can't actually quantify a soul, But then, you can't quantify consciousness either, And it's possible the two are interchangeable. It's a complicated subject to be sure, If it wasn't we would already have it figured out I suppose. Also, I need to look up that Experiment where the body loses 2 grams after death, I forget What it was called, I need a refresher on that, But that was disproven as a pseudoscience. I'm pretty sure the reason why the weight occurred was a phenomenon where the body sheds some small amounts of chemicals and oils as the organs cease to function. As grim as it's made out to be, associating that weight loss with the weight of the soul was unfounded and tantamount to guesswork, It was designated as pseudoscience, I'll have to find the papers on that...
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Ah, I'm reading into it now, I had read it before, But, it had been so long most was lost to time, SO, The paper is called "Hypothesis Concerning Soul Substance Together with Experimental Evidence of The Existence of Such Substance.” and it was actually 21 grams. Not 2, Which is a lot to lose. I'll have more information on this, later on, Because I also remember a peer-reviewed report debunking that this 21 grams of weight were the soul itself, focusing mostly on the loss being that as we "live and breath, Certain chemicals in our blood weigh different because of the way the living body processes oxygen and gasses. but when we pass the gasses and other chemicals in our bodies change very rapidly, This is all from memory, I'm quoting or misquoting too much, I need to find it,,


So far this is the best I can come up with, That is truly backed by scientific reasoning. at the time of death, there is a sudden rise in body temperature as the lungs are no longer cooling blood, causing a subsequent rise in sweating which could easily account for MacDougall's missing 21 grams. Im digging deeper, But the 21 grams experiment always bothered me because it made wild leaps into conclusions that this weight loss was a soul without exploring other alternatives to the loss of that 21 grams.


Keep in mind, that even in religious circles, Many people debate what a Soul actually is and if the Soul and the Spirit are in fact the same thing. Some people believe that the soul is the physical aspect, The body, While the spirit is more in line with what most people imagine the soul to be. That in itself is a debate that could be had.


At Peace.
Basically, Einstein already included God in his equation as unknown constant that holds everything together. But he could not say exactly what it is. I think it is simply a "limiting causality" in expansion, rebooting space time. Or in other words - "Creation never stops".
Or- 'God never ends.'

So, the soul (or conciousness) is not a product of biological matter, but rather, the other way around.
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Basically, Einstein already included God in his equation as unknown constant that holds everything together. But he could not say exactly what it is. I think it is simply a "limiting causality" in expansion, rebooting space time. Or in other words - "Creation never stops".
Or- 'God never ends.'

So, the soul (or conciousness) is not a product of biological matter, but rather, the other way around.

To be Fair, Or accurate, Einstein Did believe in God, But HE had some very specific ideas about what God was, HE Believed in the pantheistic God of Baruch Spinoza. Einstein didn't Believe Man was the center of creation that the cosmos was simply far to vast to consider our presence as anything worthy of God's attention or affections. He believed This God, Did as he pleased, Created or destroyed as he pleased and Humans, Where just something he created, with no other purposes than, That he could. Einstein's religious Views Where Widely studied actually.

Religious and philosophical views of Albert Einstein - Wikipedia.


tall, thin, irritable
The only special qualification I can see Albert contributing to this is that he's actually dead and has The Answer. Or not. Current trends in quantum physics suggest all sorts of possibilities but to be frank, this discussion is best kept in layman's terms because when you start talking about Schrodinger's verdammit cat and double slit experiments I foam at the mouth slightly.

I don't know when the body weight thing showed up but I think it was quite a while ago. More recently they've wired up rats and killed them and find out - to everyone's surprise - that rat's brains get excited when they are killed. Go figure. My assumption is that if human consciousness is something that could be so easily measured with a gadget it would have been already. If in the future a gadget is invented to do so successfully, doesn't that sort of take the fun out of it? Like finding out Santa Claus isn't real but then realizing it doesn't matter.

IMO one of the most interesting avenues that might answer this question is the study of children who remember past lives. Another is remote viewing - not that it'll hook you up with Grandma but it does certainly suggest non-locality of consciousness and ways to glean information in ways not readily explained.

To me this sounds like a natural process and we look at it from a necessarily limited point of view. Our existence here may be the smaller portion of a larger existence; a minor but necessary part. You really wanna throw some fat in the fire - maybe we're too limited to even be able to communicate with ET in this form. Rather than have a subspace radio gadget to get a message home in some hopefully not too lengthy period of time it wouldn't it be better to just think it home with a non-local consciousness related process? You physics junkies can talk about quantum entanglement.
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Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Yeah, you amateurs.

God is mathematics. Mathematics is the spirit of Nature and the closest thing to thought that Natural world has.

Nature itself is just a mindless pile of ashes left over after Big Bang. Laws of mathematics give order to that chaos that pile of rocks and hot gasses would otherwise make.

Mathematics is even running your lives, it everything for you, from car you drive to girl you can marry.
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Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Keep in mind, that even in religious circles, Many people debate what a Soul actually is and if the Soul and the Spirit are in fact the same thing. Some people believe that the soul is the physical aspect, The body, While the spirit is more in line with what most people imagine the soul to be. That in itself is a debate that could be had.

Soul, same as Love, was invented by advertising men to sell more nylons ( quote from Madman ).

It is easy to prove that Soul doesn't exist, because AI can now imitate human conversation without humans being able to distinguish between AI & human. If AI and Human can not be told apart then it means that AI have Soul, which we know it can't be true. That's 100% proof that Soul is fabrication of advertising men.