
So, The thing Is, It's difficult to speak about concepts like An afterlife, Some people, passionately believe There is simply nothing after "This". I mean, What even is "Nothing? Can Nothingness even be Visualized? Can it be comprehended? Is nothingness even physically possible? Can it even be Defined?
No, Weather it's a religious or spiritual Afterlife Or something else entirely, By far Most people tend to embrace the Idea that Death Is simply The Act of Passing on, "As in passing on into something else, Another Life perhaps". Possibly a Reincarnation into someone else", Or simply a continued existence in some other part of the cosmos in some alternate location.
So, To those very few in number Who believe there is nothing Beyond the Rainslick precipice of Darkness, I still want to hear your Take, Because Everyone always loves to hear the Boring unimaginative guy's thoughts on Concepts like The Afterlife. To everyone else, What I would like is your thoughts on what A continued existence after death could perhaps be like. We want Details, Descriptions, Would we be in physical bodies? or would this continued existence be pure energy? or even just disembodied consciousness?
It's an interesting subject, That I'm sure most of us have given at least a little thought to, And we would like to hear your Take on What awaits us after we shed this Mortal coil..