Military Encounters with Supernatural Entities


As Above So Below
Military Encounters with Supernatural Demonic Entities

During the war in Afghanistan a man named Jerry Aberdeen in 2004 was stationed in Mosul, Ninewah Province. He told a very strange story of a seemingly demonic creature encountered out in these badlands.

He would say of this weird incident thus:

I was attached to 2/3 INF 3 SBCT at FOB Patriot. A call went out on the radio that FOB Diamondback (the airfield) was under attack. Everyone on every FOB from, Courage, Blickenstaff, Patriot and Marez jumped into the closest vehicle and headed to the airfield to counter the attack. I was in a vehicle with some other infantry guys, an engineer and a PsyOps guy.

When we got to the airfield we saw some dudes trying to climb over the wall. The gunner opened up on them and the rest of us took up a position in a ditch on the other side of the road and opened fire. There were three of us side by side, the engineer, the PsyOps guys and myself. We fired and one guy and he dropped from the top of the wall (hard to tell who actually shot him).

Right after he fell there was stream of black smoke coming out of him. The engineer made that comment that he must have been wearing a suicide vest and it malfunctioned. A few seconds later the black smoke grew larger and started to take a human looking form.

What happened next all three of us saw and there was no doubt.

The now fully materialized black smoke was standing upright and now had red smoky glowing eyes and a weird looking mouth. The damn thing actually smiled at us and turned to, sort of run but it just dissipated after it took a few steps. Very hard to describe how it all happened. All three of us just looked at each other wide eyed for a second or two. After it was all over we only spoke about once then never again.



As Above So Below
According to U.S. military personnel stationed at Hahn Air Base, at Morbach, Germany, during the Cold War in the 1980s a strange, wolf-like creature prowling about on two legs was spotted from time to time, with one particularly harrowing account coming from 1988.

According to the reports, one evening a group of Air Force personnel were at the base when the sirens began shrieking into the dark, indicating that something had tripped an alarm somewhere.

Base personnel went to investigate and apparently came across
a bipedal wolf-like monstrosity standing around 8 or 9 feet in height, which gazed menacingly at the soldiers before clearing a 10-foot tall fence with apparent ease.

When a tracker dog was brought in, it apparently became overwhelmed with fear at the location of the sighting, cowering and trembling with terror. At the time it seems that no one knew of a persistent legend in the area of a creature that spans back to the time of Napoleon.

According to the tales, a man named Johannes Baptist Schwytzer and some others had deserted Napoleon’s army and fled towards his homeland in Alsace, eventually finding himself in the German town of Wittlich, where they murder the family of a farmer whose land they had been stealing from.

The legend says that the farmer’s wife cursed Schwytzer to become a howling beast on the full moon, after which the soldier had killed her as well. The stories say that the curse worked, and that he became a beast at the full moon to murder, rape, and pillage as a bipedal wolf-like abomination, continuing his reign until he was killed by a lynch mob of villagers.

It is speculated that this legend may have had something to do with what the U.S. personnel saw, and an anthropologist from the College of Mainz by the name of Matthias Burgard even checked out these reports to uncover several reports of a bipedal wolf-man in the area. What was going on here?


Djinn are exceptionally bad spirit entities that exist in places like Afghanistan.
According to the Koran, humans share this world with another race of immortal beings, the Djinn, that God created from pure, smokeless fire and endowed with supernatural powers.


As Above So Below
Here's another report involving the military encountering something supernatural, they even open fire on some strange creatures they faced...

A U.S. Army corporal during the Vietnam war claims that in 1970 he was second-in-command of a squad of soldiers operating in a thickly jungled remote area just south of the DMZ (demilitarized zone).

They had set up a bivouac in an area of steep hills, and had then set out on a night patrol of the surrounding vicinity. They encountered what they took to be enemy activity and hunkered down to wait it out, during which time they got only fleeting glimpses of something moving through the brush.

When the activity died down they continued through the valley they were in until they hit a sheer wall of stone that oddly looked as if someone had stacked enormous boulders in front of it.

A cave entrance was also visible, which looked to have been cleanly carved into solid rock. It was very unlike anything they knew of enemy caves, and they decided to get closer to investigate.

As they approached, a fetid, putrid smell like “rotting eggs and human decay” began to pervade the area, which seemed to be bellowing out from the cave opening. So bad was the stench that several squad members reportedly fell physically ill, vomiting in the bushes. They took up positions in the jungle near the entrance and waited as they discerned strange rumbling sounds from below.

As dawn began to come, something very strange happened indeed, of which the witness says:

Just then we noticed movement in front of the cave. A being moved through the entrance into the clearing in front of the cave. As it stood up from a crouch it stood at least 7 foot high and started to look in our direction. At that time, another similar-looking creature was moving out of the cave. They were making hellish ‘hissing’ sounds and looking directly at us.

The only way I can describe these beings is that they looked like upright lizards. The scaly, shiny skin was very dark – almost black. Snake-like faces with forward set eyes that were very large. They had arms and legs like a human but with scaly skin. I didn’t notice a tail – though they wore long one-piece dark green robes along with a dark cap-like covering on their heads. I never noticed if they had anything on their feet.

No one gave the order – it seemed like the entire squad opened fire at once.

Every piece of vegetation between us and them was quickly sheared away. I yelled out a cease-fire order – at the same time I was looking in the direction of the cave. There was nothing there. We immediately checked our flank in case these things circled around us – but there was nothing.

As we approached the cave, ready to resume action if needed, it became apparent that the beings had escaped – most likely back into the cave. It was soon decided to set charges and close the cave entrance.

When we returned to camp we all seemed to be in a daze. There was little discussion of the incident and we were never debriefed – so I know the sergeant never filed a report. Then again, if he did, it was kept quiet by the brass.

Military Encounters with Supernatural Demonic Entities