I have no certainty about the date of departure. Tomorrow could be the one. But there is another date that could fit too: Wednesday July 31st 2019!

In one of my visions, I heard a door bell ring. We walked to the door, a glass door. I opened it and saw a young woman [Eve of the future, or the present Kate?] entering the place where we were. She had long brown hair and made me a strong hug. She said she has souvenir of this place. Then a voice told me: 'le ravissement aura lieu mercredi', that could be translated two ways: 'the abduction will take place on Wednesday', or 'the joy will take place on Wednesday'. Then I asked: 'what day are we?'. The voice, speaking about the week before that Wednesday, told me: 'we are at least Thursday'. Then I heard two long thunders.

It happens that last Thursday 25th and Friday 26th we have had two days of thunderstorms (with long thunders).

It also happens that Wednesday July 31st 2019 could be seen as the 'december 31st' from the sentence Eve heard from a small blue alien she met in a vision saying to her: 'we will come to take you on December 31st', provided that August is the month, in 2015, when we started our definitive common life. In her vision taking place in her home back then (where an abduction already took place at this same home), she felt that she couldn't be there anymore. She, indeed, put her home for sale end of July 2015.

The question is whether Wednesday July 31st is our departure date or related to those we are going to replace (in that last case, we would be gone few days before).
There is another reason for which July 31 2019 would be the date of the Orleans UFO event.

In one of my visions from years ago (after 2009), I was in a long corridor of an airport at the end of which was a wall with the following signs: 'EXIT', a big arrow showing the top left and the big number '179'. Just before that wall was a stair on the left side at the top of which was a bright light.

To me, the word 'exit' spoke about the Orleans UFO event when we will see the bright light of the ET spaceship coming to take us. The number '179' was attached to this word and the arrow showing the direction (top left). For years, I wondered what this number could mean. A number of days, weeks, months? From what point in time? I made many assumptions leading me to wrong dates because I had no time reference at all. But I recently thought that it actually would give a specific date, very simple.

In France and UK, the dates are given in this order: day/month/year.

I think that a simple way to give a date, 'easy' to recall, would be to give only the unit number of the day, the month and the year. From right to left it would then mean the year 2019 (vision provided after 2009), the month 07 (July) and a day ending with 1. So, the 'candidates' would be 01, 11, 21 or 31. Since we passed 01, 11 and 21, it remains 31.

So, this number 179 would mean 31/07/2019, next Wednesday July 31st 2019!

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Ok I don't care what your real name is.
I do care that you have involved your wife in your HOAX.
I also care that you at every turn put words in her mouth. Then after years of quoting her,And Saying she is deeply involved in your HOAX you say she is not interested in sharing anything with anybody.
You by putting words in her mouth have made her completely and deeply involved in a hoax that by your own admission she has no interest in discussing.
Some witnesses she will make John/Eric/Jean whatever...
Ok I don't care what your real name is.
I do care that you have involved your wife in your HOAX.
I also care that you at every turn put words in her mouth. Then after years of quoting her,And Saying she is deeply involved in your HOAX you say she is not interested in sharing anything with anybody.
You by putting words in her mouth have made her completely and deeply involved in a hoax that by your own admission she has no interest in discussing.
Some witnesses she will make John/Eric/Jean whatever...
You say it's a hoax. I don't care. You say I put words in Eve's mouth. I don't care. We are in an English speaking forum. We are French. So, she doesn't care what you could say and think and do for it's not her mother language and have no time nor patience to say a word here. Even if she would join in, you would say that it's me speaking. So, I don't care what you could think or say or do. I reply to you because I remain polite and civil.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
You say it's a hoax. I don't care. You say I put words in Eve's mouth. I don't care. We are in an English speaking forum. We are French. So, she doesn't care what you could say and think and do for it's not her mother language and have no time nor patience to say a word here. Even if she would join in, you would say that it's me speaking. So, I don't care what you could think or say or do. I reply to you because I remain polite and civil.

she does not have to say a word you do all the talking .
since you don't care what I think I'm going to be brutally honest.
there are no aliens.
Eve if she is real does no know you involved her in a hoax.
there was no blinking lamp.
July 31st will come and go and NO aliens.
Finally I add that you are a false prophet.
I have refrained from saying this but you are insane.
she does not have to say a word you do all the talking .
since you don't care what I think I'm going to be brutally honest.
there are no aliens.
Eve if she is real does no know you involved her in a hoax.
there was no blinking lamp.
July 31st will come and go and NO aliens.
Finally I add that you are a false prophet.
I have refrained from saying this but you are insane.
Thanks to share your opinion. :biggrinn8:

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Thanks to share your opinion. :biggrinn8:
since you did it to me.
what will you do August 1st?
when you wake up to see once again nothing happened?
what will you do when all your charts and careful work is for nothing?
what then?
see I'm 100% sure nothing will happen.
will you break out the darts an hope one sticks?
since you did it to me.
what will you do August 1st?
when you wake up to see once again nothing happened?
what will you do when all your charts and careful work is for nothing?
what then?
see I'm 100% sure nothing will happen.
will you break out the darts an hope one sticks?
I don't know. This will be a surprise. :Alien:
Esdras' EAGLE and LION prophecy: the REAL meaning!

This following video unveils the true meaning of the Bible prophecies.

Both Ezekiel 1 and Revelation 4 speak about four living creatures: lion, ox, man and eagle.

These creatures are four astrological signs: leo, taurus, aquarius and sagittarius.

The reason for which the flying eagle is the sagittarius is due to the constellation of Aquila (= flying eagle) falling in the exact same period of the year of sagittarius. The reason for which the flying eagle is chosen instead of Sagittarius (with a bow) is due to the bow of the white horseman, aka Christ returned. The reason for which the white horseman has a bow is due to the bow of Apollo (= Apollyon), the previous name of Christ.

It happens that Prince George (aka Christ returned soon) is leo (seen from the British Empire's perspective), Charlotte and Louis are taurus, Eve (future Kate once souls swiched) is aquarius (= water bearer) and Eric, myself (future William once souls switched), is sagittarius...therefore the flying eagle of the Bible prophecies.

So, in Esdras' prophecy, the EAGLE is/will be Prince William, and the LION is/will be Prince George.

[link to (secure)]

It happens that Prince William is the 7th head and the 10th horn of the RED dragon (symbol of the princes of Wales before being kings of UK) with 7 crowned heads (lion of the British royal coat of Arms times 7) and 10 horns (unicorn of the British coat of Arms times 10). The 7 heads correspond to the 7 kings named George of the Hanover/Windsor dynasty, and the 10 horns all the (10) kings of this same dynasty (so, including those 3 kings NOT named George). So, Prince William will be named king George 7.

As a reminder, the four beasts of Daniel 7 are the four successive dynasties on the English / British throne: 1) Norman / Plantagenet, 2) Tudor, 3) Stuart and 4) Hanover/Windsor.

This fourth beast is the first of the Book of Revelation, while the second beast of John is the City of London (financial power), the coat of Arms of which displays the little horn of a dragon (twice) linked to the antichrist, Satan incarnated, aka future Harry once souls switched.

For Prince William to become the EAGLE, the souls switch between Eric and William must have to take place first, that is to say in few days (July 31 2019 - August 4 2019).

Now, how to decode Esdras' prophecy?

This is extremely simple. Unlike Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 and 17 where only kings are counted, Esdras's prophecy includes the Hanover/Windsor dynasty's queens! Hence 12 wings! (10 kings + 2 queens) The eagle's three heads are heirs to the British throne.

So, when Dan 7 and Rev 13/17 consider the last legit king of that royal dynasty - George 7 - through the RED dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns, 2 Esdras 11 considers the last legit king of that same dynasty - George 7 - through the FLYING eagle, the sign of the chosen one (Eric) replacing SOON the present Prince William.

I will decode for you this Esdras' prophetic chapter which EXTRAORDINARILY confirms the interpretation of the video presented here. SO, thanks for your patience. I will come back to continue this unveiling...
2 Esdras 11

Vision of the eagle and the lion

Verses 1-4
On the second night I had a dream. I saw an eagle, with twelve feathered wings and three heads, rising up from the sea. As I looked, it spread its wings over the whole earth, and all the winds of heaven blew toward it, and the clouds gathered around it. Out of its wings grew opposing wings. These became small, tiny wings. Its heads were at rest. The middle head was larger than the other heads, but it was also at rest with them.

These verses present the Hanover/Windsor Dynasty, from the sea (GB), through the sign of the last king - the eagle - George VII still to come (William as king). George 7 is the middle head, Charlotte and Louis the two other heads. They are both at rest since not yet come.

The 'winds of heaven' are, like in Dan 8, Matt 24 and Rev 7, the four religions of the earth. The 'clouds' are the ET spaceships.

The 12 wings are the 12 monarchs (including George 7) of that dynasty, including the 2 queens (Victoria and Elizabeth II) seen as the BRITISH EMPIRE. So, the whole eagle is the dynasty like the whole red dragon of Rev 13 is the whole dynasty, even if both beasts (eagle and red dragon) represent the last king of this lineage.

Verses 5-9:
I kept looking and saw the eagle flying with its wings to rule over the earth and over those who lived on the earth. I saw how everything under heaven was made to submit to it, and no one opposed it, not a single creature that lives on the earth. I looked and saw the eagle rise on its talons and call out to its wings, saying, “Don’t all watch together. Let each one sleep in its place and take turns watching, but the heads will be kept for the end.”

These verses speak about the British Empire with each king / queen being responsible of its extension during his / her reign. So, they tell us that the wings are consecutive and successive (hence a lineage). As said above, we have the confirmation that the three heads are the last heirs, with George 7 to come being in the middle, i.e. the father of those following him, aka Charlotte and Louis, on the left and right side of the middle head, provided that the Lion (coming later in the narrative of this prophecy) is George Christ.

Verses 10-14
I looked and saw that the voice didn’t come from its heads but from the middle of its body. I counted its opposing wings, and there were eight of them. A wing arose on the right side, and it ruled over the whole earth; and while it was ruling, it came to an end and disappeared so that its place vanished. The next one rose up and ruled, and it held sway a long time. While it was exercising its rule, it came to its end, so that it disappeared like the previous one.

The middle of its body represents the mind of the British Empire. The opposing wings, those which became small, and even tiny (see the first verses), are the 8 main European monarchies still existing in the whole period of the Hanover/Windsor dynasty, all tied through strong family links to the English/British lineage since William I (1066):

[link to (secure)]

France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Sweden and Denmark/Norway.

Among the opposing wings - other European monarchies - who all fighted the British monarchy at one point in time, two of them became strong empires during several centuries each but disappeared: Portugal and France.

The opposing wings became tiny because, unlike the British royalty, the role of the monarchy in these nations became small or just disappeared.

Verses 15-23
Then a voice rang out, saying to this wing, “Listen, you who have held sway over the earth all this time. I announce this to you before you begin to disappear. No one after you will hold sway as long a time—not even half as long.” A third wing raised itself up, and it also exercised rulership like the previous ones, and it too disappeared. And so it happened to each of the wings in turn, to come to power and then never to be seen again. I looked, and indeed the wings that followed on the right side also rose up in time so that they too might rule, but some of those who came to power disappeared immediately, while others of them rose up but didn’t succeed in establishing their rule. After all this, I looked again, and the twelve wings and two of the little wings had disappeared. Nothing remained on the body of the eagle except the three heads that were at rest and six little wings.

The second opposing wing the voice speaks to is the French monarchy. The third opposing wing is Spain which lasted less than half of the whole French Colonial Empire duration.

Each of the 8 opposing wings had a colonial empire which all disappear.

When Esdras looked again the 12 monarchs AS the British Empire, the Portuguese and French royal Empires (two small opposing wings) had disappeared.

It only remains the three heads (William, Charlotte and Louis) and six small opposing wings, that is to say six still existing European monarchies: Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden.

Verses 24-32
I looked and noticed that two of the six little wings were set apart and remained under the head on the right side, but four remained in their place. I watched as these little wings plotted to rise up and take power. One was raised up, but it immediately disappeared, and then a second, but this one disappeared more quickly than the previous one. I saw the two that were left plotting among themselves that they too should rule, and while they were making their plans, one of the heads that had been at rest, the one in the middle, woke up. This one was bigger than the other two heads. I saw how it formed a partnership with the two other heads, and then how the head turned with those that were with it, and it ate the two little wings that had planned to rule. Moreover, this head gained power over the whole earth and dominated those who lived on it, inflicting great distress. It had greater power over the whole world than all the wings that had gone before.

So, two among the list of the six remaining small wings will plot against Prince William the larger head in the middle, and more generally against UK. Who could that be?

Simple but obvious assumption: Belgium and Spain! Why? They both represent a larger authority: economy and religion.

Belgium is the core of the EU. So, through Belgium, the EU will economically plot against UK which happens to leave it! (Brexit) This comes even before the middle head (William) has got the power.

Then, Spain because of the traditional faith in Jesus Christ strongly shaken by the new paradigm that (new) William will bring with the UFO and the real Christ's nature and program. Spain, through the Spanish (Argentine) Pope's origin, will oppose this new paradigm.

The partnership of the three heads is but their family link (William, father of his heirs, Charlotte and Louis).

When William will be king he will be strong enough, thanks to the help of millions of angels of God (benevolent aliens), to take power over a large part of the earth, a power greater than all the previous wings / kings-queens of his dynasty

To be continued...
2 Esdras 11 (last part).

Verses 33-44
After all this, I watched as the middle head, just like the wings, suddenly disappeared. There were two heads left, however, which also ruled over the earth and over those who live on it. I looked and watched as the head on the right side devoured the one on the left. I heard a voice saying to me, “Look in front of you and consider what you see.” I looked and saw something like a lion being roused, roaring out of the forest. I heard how he spoke in a human voice and said to the eagle, “Listen, you, and I will speak to you. The Most High says to you, ‘Aren’t you the last of the four beasts that I made to rule in my world so that I might bring about the end of my times through them? You, the fourth that has come, conquered all the beasts that came before you, ruling over the world with much terror and over the whole world with harsh oppression. You have lived in the world with deceit for so long! You judged the earth, but not in truth, for you have oppressed the meek and injured those who caused no unrest. You hated those who spoke the truth and loved liars. You destroyed the dwellings of those who bore fruit and tore down the walls of those who had done you no harm. Your insolence has ascended to the Most High and your pride to the mighty one. The Most High has reviewed his times. Look! They are finished, and his ages are complete.

The middle head, king George 7 (William) disappears as one of the Two Witnesses killed by Satan (new Harry to come). The two other heads - Charlotte and Louis - remain in the public eyes as rulers. But both being ox/taurus, they are symbolically merged as one (devour = include).

Then Esdras sees the lion/leo - Prince George Christ - whose status is different and above the previous wings and heads / British rulers as Son of God since it is out of the forest.

The lion/leo then speaks to the whole BRITISH EMPIRE symbolized by this whole beast (eagle with 12 wings). He says that God tells it that this eagle is the fourth beast, that is to say the Hanover/Windsor dynasty, the fourth beast of Daniel 7 (the previous ones being the Norman/Plantagenet, the Tudor and the Stuart dynasties, 'all the beasts that came before you').

Christ and God rebuke this British Empire for its past misdeeds. Hence the announcement of its end, even the end times. This really means that there won't be any other British royal ruler after William and his heirs.

Verses 45-46
Therefore, eagle, you must utterly vanish, you and your terrifying wings, your dreadful little wings and your evil heads, and your dreadful talons and all your worthless body. Then the whole earth will be refreshed and restored, set free from your violence, and will hope for the judgment and mercy of him who made it.’”

Christ / God repeats that the whole eagle, including all the foreign monarchies, will vanish. The heads are also said to be evil for they belong to this eagle as a whole, even if the middle head (the new William to come soon, humbly accepting this difficult and decisive position), as the Anointed One, the Ruler of Dan 9, one of the Two Witnesses of Rev 11, father of the Male Child of Rev 12 (lamb with 7 eyes and 7 horns of Rev 5, the very one merged with Christ whose speaks), and the Death of Rev 6, has been appointed by God for his wrath to occur, before the coming of the antichrist, Satan incarnated (aka the new Harry to come).

Christ announces here that the earth will be refreshed and restored through the coming of the New Jerusalem where he will be King of kings (those sitting on Christ's throne in the NJ), and at the end of which will come the Last Judgment.

This whole chapter 2 Esdras 11 is a fantastic confirmation of the interpretation of the Bible prophecies AS SHOWED in the video for every corresponding character and figure match each other.
2 Esdras 12 comes to confirm a number of points addressed in my posts above and in the video:

[link to (secure)]

1) verse 3: the whole body of the eagle was burned. This corresponds to the first plague (hail and fire) falling in Europe and Africa, therefore including UK.

2) verse 9: you have thought me worthy to be shown the end of times and the last events of the times. This confirms the whole description is about the end times, as showed in the video.

3) verse 11: The eagle you saw rising from the sea is the fourth kingdom. It appeared in a vision to your brother Daniel. I interpreted the eagle precisely THAT way! You note that the 10 kings of Dan 7 are 12 in 2 Esdras 11, meaning that 2 more 'kings' are actually queens!

4) verse 14: Twelve kings will rule in it, one after the other. So, ONE kingdom and ONE dynasty, with successive monarchs, as I said it since a long time.

5) verse 15: The second one to rule will have a longer time than the rest of the twelve. Here is a trap. In the verse 12 we read: but it [fourth kingdom] wasn’t interpreted for him [Daniel] as I now interpret it for you or have shown it to you. The second 'king' is actually a QUEEN for they are added to the list of 'kings', i.e. monarchs, hence the difference now hightlighted. So, the SECOND QUEEN (Elizabeth II) has the longest reign among the 12 monarchs...which is precisely the case!

6) Verse 16: This then is the interpretation of the twelve wings that you saw. The 12 wings are indeed 12 monarchs of ONE UNIQUE KINGDOM!

7) Verse 18: In the midst of this kingdom’s time, great conflicts will arise. It will be in danger of falling; it won’t fall then but will be restored again to its beginning. This is again an incredible confirmation of the video. The great conflicts are the two world wars that have greatly reduced the British Empire to get it back to the nation called Great Britain, like at its beginning.

8) Verse 20: Eight kings will arise in it. Here the little wings are ALSO kings (kingdoms) rising in the time of the British Empire, i.e. the Hanover/Windsor dynasty period (it).

9) Verses 20-21: Two of them will perish when the middle of the time draws near. Among the 8 monarchies (France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Sweden and Denmark/Norway), France and Russia lost their monarchy in the early 20th century (middle of the British Empire period).

10) Verse 21: but four will be reserved until the time approaches for its end. Two will be preserved until the very end. The four will be Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. The two very last could be Norway (out the EU) and Sweden.

To be continued...

The shadow

The shadow knows!
um sagittarius has nothing to do with an eagle! the sign is the Archer!sign-zodiac-sagittarius-night-sky-background-vector-20219401.jpg 1_Ngqt5ffPdVxH5Oe1NAVwIg.png

The shadow

The shadow knows!
also I must ask. what do you think will happen to prince charles?
2 Esdras 12 continues and finishes to confirm a number of points addressed in my posts above and in the video:

11) Verses 22-23: “As for the fact that you saw three heads at rest, this is the interpretation: In the last period the Most High will raise up three kings, and he will renew many things in it, and they will rule the earth. The three heads are therefore the three last rulers-to-be of this Hanover/Windsor dynasty, at rest until the 12 wings have disappeared, provided that in reality the 12th wing is Prince William, the middle head. Here, we see that the heads will rule the world AGAIN. The renewal comes from God, what the souls switch of the Cambridge family in Rev 4 & 5 perfectly corresponds to.

12) Verses 24-25: Therefore, they are called the heads of the eagle, because they will sum up its acts of impiety and complete its last deeds. Here, we see that the three heads are not evil per se, BUT what God asks them to do sums up what the previous kings did when on the throne, and to complete the end of the times, that is to say to voluntarily fulfill the prophecies of the wrath of God (that's why God himself is the source of the renewal, aka the souls switch). As the middle head, (new) William is therefore the reason for which the symbol of the eagle has been chosen to speak about the whole Hanover/Windsor dynasty since it sums it up, because the flying eagle (sagittarius) is the astrological sign of the chosen one for this appointed mission.

13) Verse 26: “As for your seeing the biggest head disappear, one of the kings will die on his bed, though in agonies. As one of the Two Witnesses, Prince William, once king George 7, will be killed by the antichrist, Satan incarnated, aka the new Harry, once souls switched. Rev 11:7: the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. This verse shows the agony: attacked, overpowered and killed.

14) Verses 27-28: As to the two who are left, the sword will destroy them. The sword of one of them will destroy the one who is with him, but he too will fall by the sword in the last days. The two heads left are Charlotte and Louis. But here is a big difference compared to the middle head who is KILLED! It will DIE as per Rev 11 (but will get up after three days and half). The two siblings, on another hand, will be destroyed / will fall AS POTENTIAL HUMAN RULERS by divine right, that is to say that the war (WWIII with Harry Satan), called 'sword' everywhere in the Bible prophecies, will prevent them to access to the British throne. But they will survive and will become two of the four angels of the Book of Revelation.

15) Verses 29-31: “As for your seeing the two small wings passing over to the head on the right, this is the interpretation: The Most High is keeping these for the eagle’s end. This rule will be weak and full of upheaval, as you saw. In the verse 24 of the chapter 11 of 2 Esdras we have: 'two of the six little wings were set apart and remained under the head on the right side'. I said that they would correspond to the EU (Belgium) and the religious tradition (Spain). We know from Revelation that the Hanover/Windsor dynasty actually ends with the rise of the '8th king' (8th king George), the antichrist, aka Harry Satan, once souls switch in late 2022. Since he will usurp the British throne to replace William, one can assume that he will be helped by outside forces: EU and Papacy! But in that specific case, the two little wings are no other than Harry and Archie, his son and heir, through the metaphor of the two little wings.

16) Verse 31-32: The lion whom you saw rousing itself from the forest and roaring and speaking to the eagle and rebuking it for its deeds of injustice, as for all the words that you heard him speaking, this is the anointed one. The Most High has kept him for the end of days. He will arise from the line of David, and he will come and speak to them. Without a doubt, the lion is Christ, THE Anointed one, coming for the end of days. But, here again, like in Rev 3:7, Rev 5:5 and Rev 22:16, Christ comes in the ONLY possible lineage (forest of kings the lion rouses itself from) still on earth of king David: the Hanover/Windsor dynasty. So, the same way Charlotte & Louis, while being ox/taurus, are two small heads of the eagle (as children and heirs of the middle head, William), George Christ, while openly lion/leo, is also the eagle's child and heir. A simple reason is that he rebukes especially this dynasty BECAUSE he comes among its kings. He doesn't rebuke all the countless monarchies, republics, theocraties or dictatorships of the planet which all made atrocities in history, but JUST the first beast of John, the fourth beast of Daniel.

17) Verses 34: Yet he will mercifully liberate the remaining few from my people who are saved throughout my territory. He will make them joyful until the end comes—the Judgment Day, of which I have spoken to you from the beginning. As if one could still have doubts about the identity of this character of the lion, we see here that there can be only one who liberates, saves, makes people joyful and judges: George Christ!