

I had a weird dream a few nights ago that I was at some sort of festival or event with friends. Everything was ending and they were packing up to leave so I had to catch up with them since they were my ride. The only way I could catch them before they left was to jump up and fly. For some reason, I knew I wasn't allowed to let people see me fly but since this was urgent I went ahead and started flapping my arms anyway. ;)

I used to fly in dreams to get away from things like Superman sorta. It used to work as whatever it was after me it couldn't fly.


I just awoke from a very strange dream.

I was with Quinton, "a friend of mine who passed away three years ago. The context of this dream is strange Because, In the dream, Quinton was alive and there was no memory of him ever having passed away, It was just like when we used to hang out nothing in any way seemed strange about me and him being together and hanging out, However his Grandfather who had passed away seven months before he had, Was still deceased,, This is important because, When Quinton originally got depressed it all began shortly after his grandfather passed away.

So, back to the dream, I was with Quinton, He took me to this very old large barn-like Storage building, It was massive, Not like normal storage units, This thing was the size of a skyscraper, Now the Idea was we were looking for anything of any monetary value, We were scavaging for anything we could grab and carry away. Because Quinton apparently wanted to take some of his Grandpas old junk and sell it, I only grabbed about six silver coins they were all in plastic cases very ornate, They looked old, Like their antique value, would be far more than their weight in silver. and I had put them in a Glass Jar, For some reason, I didn't want to touch them with my hands. we searched for what seemed like twenty minutes When Quinton's mother and nephew showed up, they were hanging around and She seemed to be doing some kind of paperwork in a binder or folder, The fact that I had a glass Jar of stolen coins began to weigh heavy on me so, I approached his mother and told her, Look, We were going to take some of Harolds stuff, But I didn't want too and I don't know why we even tried, I don't like thieves or stealing and I don't remember how I got into this situation.

So, I gave her the jar but she was strangely unphased by the event, She treated the whole issue almost like, "Oh Quinton is at it again huh?", okay, I'll take those back then since you don't want them" <-- which is weird right? Then she showed me what she was working on in that binder, She said, This place used to be Grandpas,, "Harold was only Quintons grandpas, It was her father, But she called him grandpa for some reason, She said, I was trying to find the Deed for grandpas land, "Here you can have this instead" She Literally Gave, As in bequeathed the deed of the place to me, I was still holding the deed when in an archway in the back, I saw someone, , I knew this person in real life, And I know this person to be a friendly and outspoken person, But in this instance He was giving this, Really angry, Almost ready to attack look, But, Not at me personally, He was looking at Quinton, There was a word exchange between him and Quinton. I didn't catch it all Because as they were speaking several more people came up to join the guy, They had amassed a group of about nine people, One of them Had a shotgun, And was pointing it around just to make sure Quinton saw that he had a gun.

While the Exchange was occurring I was still focused on the posse and that shotgun when I turned around to see if Quinton and his mom were still there, but they were gone, they were a good fifty yards away and moving away slowly, almost casually.

So I stood there Holding The deed to Harold's land, Facing an armed posse, My first thought was, How Did I not notice that Q and his mom and nephew walked away? I assumed something was wrong with me, Was I having a stroke? Did my brain just glitch? How did they move away and I somehow didn't even notice?

As I looked at the posse, They did not advance, Their disposition didn't change in any way, they were still angry But seemingly only at Quinton. I thought that was strange, So, I began to walk away slowly, trying to catch up to Quinton and his family,

At that point, Some woman from the posse walked into the archway where we were standing, She began Chanting something, It was hard to tell what she was chanting, It didn't sound like English. Somehow, I knew what this was, Even though that doesn't make sense, In my mind, I just knew they were, "Possessing the place demonically" You could see streaks of light shooting out of the place and traveling in all directions, From the center outward, I tried to move faster, But the light moved out past me, And I wondered, since that light touched me, does that mean I'm going to be possessed now? about then, The Dream came to an end and I woke up.

Yeah, Some people don't dream, Other people have this kind of shit happen in dreams. I'm not saying the dream particularly had a meaning of any kind. But It was highly detailed and coherent and even possessed different aspects of a story arc.

Dreams are weird Yall...


Yes, that thought occurred to me when I woke up -- why didn't I just fly home instead?
I've tried flying in dreams, I've even had maybe three lucid dreams in my whole life, I could do anything in those dreams but fly, When I would try to fly, It was like, A slow moon gravity kind of jump, I just couldn' fly. I wouldn't mention this, but it's been that same way in every lucid dream I've ever had. but flight was just not possible for me for some reason.

psychologically, This may say something about my personality, or that I'm grounded, or some aspect like that, I'm just not sure.

Rick Hunter

I have a cold.
When I have colds I dream of being comforted by an Angel or friend. Last night, it may have been both. I leaned in to rest my head on her arm and put my hand around her wrist, and could feel her pulse with my index finger.

The dream only lasted a minute or two, but it was nice to actually see and feel her alive and well in my dream, as she was lost to cancer before I really got to know her. She was just one of those people with a great aura who I intended to befriend, but only remained mildly aquainted.

Who was this person, if you dont mind my asking?

Rick Hunter

Had a good one last night, I hope it leads to more.

I found myself in the family cemetery of my mom's side, we have people buried there since the 1870's. I went to the place where my grandparents are buried. For some reason, I started digging at their graves with my bare hands. I discovered they were not buried six feet down, but rather just under the turf. I exposed the coffins and then knew that I should not proceed any further, I had done all I was supposed to do.

I have been reading about past lives and spirit guides lately. My grandparents are the people I would most like to contact, so I suppose a dream like this makes sense. Hopefully I will accomplish just that.


Had a good one last night, I hope it leads to more.

I found myself in the family cemetery of my mom's side, we have people buried there since the 1870's. I went to the place where my grandparents are buried. For some reason, I started digging at their graves with my bare hands. I discovered they were not buried six feet down, but rather just under the turf. I exposed the coffins and then knew that I should not proceed any further, I had done all I was supposed to do.

I have been reading about past lives and spirit guides lately. My grandparents are the people I would most like to contact, so I suppose a dream like this makes sense. Hopefully I will accomplish just that.

Um, okay, I get that you want them as spirit guides, is that what you're saying? Or did you have something specific that you wanted to find out or ask them about?

Rick Hunter

I would love to have them as spirit guides. Of course, there are specific questions I would like to ask them. The reason I chose my grandparents is that they are the people most like me, even more so than my own parents. So, I believe they would be the best choice for spirit guides.


Hmm, This is a thread about dreams, isn't it? I will write this down here before I forget it,

I've not been feeling well lately, I've caught both a really bad cold and some sort of stomach virus, So, After sleep last night I awake, Just to feel exhausted So I went back to sleep.

In my dream, I was in this Strange halfway place between life and death. I was driving an old car, There was someone in the car with me, But for some reason, I never even looked at this person, they would speak, and I would hear them, but I never looked at this person, The feeling wasn't that I wasn't supposed to look, Just That I could care less to see who was speaking, "I know that's weird" So, I see a small cat on the road, This cat, Is a Green glowing kitten. The fact that It was green and glowing didn't strike me as odd at all, I picked up the kitten and, The feeling was, That was now My pet, That I got to keep her, She was tiny and resting on my shoulder, we kept driving, Later, I noticed that Kitten was gone and I freaked out, I just had to find that kitten, So the person who I still wasn't looking at, told me to stop where we were, The voice who was a male, Said, Look, There is the kittens mother, I said, Neat, But this isn't the kitten I'm looking for, lets move on we have to find the kitten, The voice said, But you can have this kitten, It's it's mother, They are related, won't this be acceptable? I said no because it's not the same Cat, The voice said, Isn't it? Then I said, No, It's not, That's not how it works, This isn't the kitten I'm looking for. Then the voice took me to a building,

It was a huge place, full of people who were all dressed in Black, They weren't scary, in fact, they were very friendly and I got the impression they were only wearing black as a form of mourning or grieving of loss of some sort. They weren't just friendly, You could feel love like they truly cared about Each other deeply, Not in a creepy way, Just in a, We are all here to help each other cope kind of way. Then, I met my mother, "Who is alive and as far as I know, well" But she was there, As I walked up to her, I noticed she had been crying. I got close to her and Said Mom, Why are you crying, She didn't answer, somehow, With feelings in my heart, That I can't explain, I knew she was crying because of me, It was something I had said, Or done, I at first was angry, because I felt accused, I said, If it was something I had done, Why can't I remember it? Then, I reasoned, Well, Okay, Well this isn't the way I wanted you to feel, And If I have done something wrong, I am sorry mom, Then the Voice said Yes, That is all we need here, Follow me, I did follow the voice, Still not looking directly at the person the voice was coming from, Now, Again I want to express, I don't know why I felt this way in the dream, But, The person the voice was coming from, It just didn't feel important, So, I never looked. The person took me to an old broken down car, Yeah, The same car we had been driving earlier. But now it was all destroyed and broken down.

They said, Will you help restore this? I was becoming impatient, I asked, What is this all about? and why do I have to do this? This place is filled with people and none of them are working on it, Why do I have to? The voice said, Please.
So, I sat down, And I began working on restoring this car, I didn't get very far, I just did a few short things for a few minutes and the voice Came to me and sat down in front of me, Right in front of my face, And made direct eye contact with me and said, Thank you in the most genuine heart-filled way I've ever heard in my entire life.

Then the voice said, Come with me, So I followed him, He said, Look in that kennel over there, There was a Kennel full of puppies, And I saw Gitchie Maree, My baby Dog that I lost on the first of September, She ran up to me and hugged on my shoulder, I told the voice, You have a problem, The voice said, Oh? I said yeah, You can't have her back, I'm taking her with me. The voice said, Are you? I looked at Gitchie Maree and she had changed, Into a just beautiful puppy, But she was not Gitchie Maree anymore. The new puppy was none the less beautiful and awesome, but she wasn't my puppie, The voice said, Are you going to take someone else's Dog? Then I woke up.

Yeah, I admit, I don't play around with the Idea of fake feelings, When I said I loved my dogs like they were my children, I wasn't lying, When Gitchie Died, I lost a child and it hurts every day still. But that Hug. That Was Gitchie, That was her Hug, Dream or not, it felt real.
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Thats a whole better dream than i had. I dreamt i met Steve Perry and he dissed me.

This will sound weird, But I believe Some dreams are constructs that we create when we are resting, Because science has proven, The brain itself cannot and does not rest, So when we become less active, The brain has to get creative as a means to spend the extra energy it's not spending on physical activity.

However, I also believe, Because Sleeping as an activity that we humans do, I believe sleeping is an homage to death. We Mimic death through sleep, if you think about it, Sleep or a coma is about as close as one can get to death without actually dying. On some level, I believe Sleep and dreams can bridge a gap to the afterlife, While that's not always the case. I fully in my heart believe if you meet a lost loved one in a dream, That That's really them, And you have been blessed with a visitation.

Sure that's a romanticized way to view things, And that may not really be the reality of things. But, Science can't even tell us what consciousness really is, And to be honest, As fucked up as this sounds, Reality isn't really reality, Think about it, All of us here could experience the same event, But we would all form our own unique perceptions of the event we experienced. So whos perceptions of the said event, Was truly reality? The simple answer is, Reality as each of us experiences is different, And therefore, there is no singular definition or preception that quantifies reality.

So when we say this is normal, Or this is correct? Normal by what measuring stick? Yours? Mine? Fred Flinstones?
I think reality may be Quantum, And no two people really experience the exact same reality, ever... But that's just me.

Sorry If I'm not making sense bro.

Rick Hunter

No, you are making perfect sense! My favorite part of each and every day is when I crawl into bed. Even though I don't sleep particularly well and my good or at least meaningful dreams are few and far between, I relish it. I wonder if my spirit or essential being experiences other planes of existence when I am asleep. Just like you meeting Gitchie Maree, I have experienced some things that I swear were real and true, even if they did not happen in my waking life on planet Earth. Awhile back I had a dream about meeting a woman named Penny and suddenly realizing that I am married to her in a life that I have or had in another plane. And, it is not adulterous because my waking life marriage is only for this particular plane. No, Penny is not a Playboy bunny or anything, just an average person like me. I hope I can meet her again someday.


No, you are making perfect sense! My favorite part of each and every day is when I crawl into bed. Even though I don't sleep particularly well and my good or at least meaningful dreams are few and far between, I relish it. I wonder if my spirit or essential being experiences other planes of existence when I am asleep. Just like you meeting Gitchie Maree, I have experienced some things that I swear were real and true, even if they did not happen in my waking life on planet Earth. Awhile back I had a dream about meeting a woman named Penny and suddenly realizing that I am married to her in a life that I have or had in another plane. And, it is not adulterous because my waking life marriage is only for this particular plane. No, Penny is not a Playboy bunny or anything, just an average person like me. I hope I can meet her again someday.

Of course, I have spiritual beliefs about the afterlife, but lots of people have those, And they are all subjective to debate, But, I also believe we humans do something that may be no other life form does in the ways we do it, or possibly on the intricate level that we do this. We share ourselves, And even if it's not intimate or even friendly, We share how we are feeling, what we think, and how we react, we even pick these feelings up from enemies or people we don't even like, We do this by nature. I believe, When we are close to someone, or we truly care about someone, An exchange takes people, We share part of ourselves with this other person. I feel like in this way, From the moment you care about someone and they care back, that in some small way that person is part of you forever, and even things like Death won't break that bond Because now that part of that person lives inside you.

I know some of my thoughts are way out there, But, What is love if it isn't something that is shared, something you can take with you. If it wasn't something that became part of you, then it would be gone the moment the person was.

Rick Hunter

Some more things I remember about Penny. She is unlike my planet Earth wife (Paige) in a few noticeable ways:

Penny is a few years older than me, about 45. Paige is 37.

Paige is kind of skinny and has blonde hair. Paige is a little heavy and brunette.

Penny might have been married before and have a couple of kids from the previous marriage. This is a first marriage for me and Paige and neither have any kids from previous relationships, we have two together.

Penny has average to below average education and has always worked very basic jobs. Paige has a doctorate and is a psychologist.

Penny dresses in very basic, rural style clothing such as jeans and flannel shirts. She doesn't wear makeup or jewelry. Paige dresses fashionable, colors her hair, wears alot of makeup, and has a pretty large collection of jewelry although no pieces are very expensive.

That's all I can remember, really hope I can meet her again. Maybe find out what I am like in my other plane existence!


As Above So Below
I don't dream much and this one last night was fairly vivid and fairly lucid...I was returning from a trip, I cannot say whether it was a camping trip or what, I just find myself in the dream walking with my arms full of stuff, a duffel bag of clothing, a backpack, pillow and blanket and my previous dog that died years ago named Kimosabi was with me walking along side of me...I'm really not sure where we were walking, but there were people scattered about the streets in this neighborhood with stuff out like they were having yard sales...

I walk but this one set of stuff two women were at and felt my backpack and pillow get caught on their belongings and the stuff falls out of my hands...I turn around to get it and I do not see any of my stuff there, I cannot find the backpack and pillow...I look around more and one of the women point to a motel down the road without saying anything to me...So I walk that direction and I get in front of the motel and see my backpack and pillow sitting at the front door of the motel...I walk up to it and pick up my stuff, its sitting here as if I just checked out lol...

So I continue on my way walking through this neighborhood and come up to a house and walk right in...My dog Kimosabi greets me inside, then I realize that is strange because he was walking with me the whole time...How did he get here before me and where am I?...It then dawns on me that this is the house I lived in during my teens, I go to the refrigerator and open it to find fruit juices filling the frig and see fruit juices all over the kitchen, stacked on the counters and on the floor...I then hear someone in the other room, its my step father, I hear him say that I'm home...I stop and think to myself, this is not right, I should not be here, and I wake up...



My wife seems to be gifted too.This happened two night ago. She rarely if ever dreams at all but there has been three times in the last 23 years i`ve known her that she has had the same dream. She described it this time as being lead by entitles, that she couldnt tell who, into this white room. In the room was lots of loved ones present and past, except me but i kept popping in a door making sure she was ok. as she was talking with people she was told by someone they were going to die, and in her sleep she said "your going to die?"as a question, which kinda pisses me off waking up to that. It always makes for a weird morning. this time later in the day her cousin died of heart failure while driving down the road. Like i said this is the third time this has happened to her. she couldn`t tell who it was that told her in the dream they were dieing. her nephew is the same way but more of seeing loved ones after they have passed not before.


As Above So Below
I had an odd dream a couple nights ago, the military was after a group of us in some industrial manufacturing area, we were hiding out in a factory, there were two people with me but I can't recall who they were however it wasn't the military after us...It was some rogue group that was replacing the military units and appeared similar, they had guns, some spoke French and German and appeared to be mercenaries...Never finished the dream, woke up during the time in the dream where myself and those two other fellows with me were trying to sneak out of the building without being spotted...

I usually don't dream like that...



I had an odd dream a couple nights ago, the military was after a group of us in some industrial manufacturing area, we were hiding out in a factory, there were two people with me but I can't recall who they were however it wasn't the military after us...It was some rogue group that was replacing the military units and appeared similar, they had guns, some spoke French and German and appeared to be mercenaries...Never finished the dream, woke up during the time in the dream where myself and those two other fellows with me were trying to sneak out of the building without being spotted...

I usually don't dream like that...

I have had really odd dreams lately as well. I think it is because the air conditioner in the bedroom keeps turning off & on. When it reaches the desired temperature that I programed in it will shut down and then turn back on again when the temperature rises. It wakes me up every time. So, I think that's why the dreams seem so bizarre. Although darned if I can remember a single dream to share at the moment.


tall, thin, irritable
I went from overactive dreams in which I seemed to be vomiting out tech support about ... who knows what .... to insomnia. Welcome to 0230


As Above So Below
Last night after waking up in the middle of the night, I went to the frig and got a couple swigs of tea, went back to the bedroom and noticed the closet door open...It doesn't just open on its own, the bottom of the door rubs the jamb a bit holding it closed if the latch isn't secured...Anyway, I go see whats going on, I open the door all the way and look in, this isn't my closet inside, those aren't my clothes hanging and its much bigger inside...

I suddenly get a push from behind and I fall in the closet on top of this black box sitting in the middle of the closet floor and the door slams behind me...I quickly get up and open the door and find myself in a big living room, there's a big sectional couch in the middle of the room and a couple other recliners near a coffee table, big bay windows covered over with white sheer curtains...

I don't recognize the house I'm in now and I don't recognize the man and two women coming through the front door but they recognize me...They tell me "welcome back"...I ask them who they are and where am I at, I said I'm not sure how I got here, I was in my bedroom moments ago and now I'm here...They laughed and said I said that the last time and give it a few minutes, it will all come back to me, they said have a seat and relax...

"Wait, I'm from the future", I suddenly said, they agreed and told me that I've been here before three times, each time I came back the same way through the closet in their living room and each time I spent a couple weeks with them until one day I was just gone again...I started remembering some of what they said, and the last time I was here I told them about technology they didn't have yet, the man (I cannot remember their names now) pointed at a flat screen tv across the room, it looked like a 42 inch or bigger tv, he said I built that for them using supplies I requested...He said no one knows about me or the other technology I built for them, which was decades ahead of anything they have seen before...He opened an armoire that was near the tv and it had a desk top computer in it that was connected to the tv...He said no one has computers and the movies and music I loaded on it has never been seen nor heard of before...I turned on the computer and it had a Linux based operating system...

So a few days passed, I slept on the couch in the living room, I didn't go outside, just spent my days in their house, I wasn't really sure what year it was there and for some reason I didn't ask...They worked during the day and they must have made good money, they had their garage modified into a machine shop and electronics shop with tools and supplies they said I had requested on previous visits...The man commented once that his car runs so much better now and gets great gas mileage since I took off the carburetor and built a fuel injection system for it...

One morning they were getting ready for work, I was just waking up and still laying on the couch...One of the women asked me to get something for her from the back bedroom, so I got up and headed back there and saw a cat run from one bedroom, across the hall, and into the bedroom I was heading to...They don't have a cat, I quickly went into the room and saw the cat run into the closet, I opened the door all the way and see the cat sitting there on the floor...I reach down to pick it up and felt someone push me from behind and I fall on the floor, it's a walk-in closet, and the door slams closed...I open the door to see my familiar bedroom again and then I wake up...
