Difference between dreaming and?


How do you tell the difference between lucid dreaming, dimension traveling, and astral traveling?


As Above So Below
The difference is in the bodies one's consciousness uses to interact in those different places that the physical body cannot...


Do you think when I dream about going to different dimensions and the people in them telling me I traveled to a different dimension I could really be traveling? Especially if this is while lucid?


Do you think when I dream about going to different dimensions and the people in them telling me I traveled to a different dimension I could really be traveling? Especially if this is while lucid?

Ask these people to tell you their names . In all my dreams whether lucid or REM dreams I have only ever had one person in those dreams ever tell me their name without me asking them to.


They usually tell me I'm not supposed to be there or try and get me to leave. They usually seem fascinated by how I got there and have threatened to kill me in real life so I usually try to hide or blend in. I've discovered portals and the only way to get out of the dimension is to go back through where I came out.


They usually tell me I'm not supposed to be there or try and get me to leave. They usually seem fascinated by how I got there and have threatened to kill me in real life so I usually try to hide or blend in. I've discovered portals and the only way to get out of the dimension is to go back through where I came out.

Sounds a bit like the plot in Stranger Things.


Yeah it does but this has been happening for years. I would know by now if it was just subconscious processing.
The thing is, I found that when I was watching Stranger Things, it was referencing a LOT of MKULTRA stuff I'd read in years past. It was surely inspired in part by it.


Fading day by day.
My eldest son is very high on the Asbergers scale, And he does all three. We have talked in depth about it and here is what he tells me.

Well we all have them, there not that hard to tell, there the ones that are hard to remember.

Lucid Dreaming,
Easy, asleep, dreaming, but also aware that you are sort of awake, and if you try real hard, you can control the content and direction of your dreams.

Astral Travel....
As far as i know, two main types.
  1. Involuntary, as near as I can tell it is an insanely realistic dream that happens spontaneously that has you saying WTF was that.
  2. Controlled. Your not going to miss this one. My son tells me it starts as....
  3. Lots of nights of practice,
  4. When it works, you hear a super loud roaring in your ears,
  5. Sometimes some really really scary arse noises, voices, yelling, banging, all sorts of scary shit.
  6. If by now you haven't crapped yourself and forcibly woken up, it all goes quiet.
  7. Then you sort of are aware of your surroundings, and in my sons case, you just sort of roll out of bed ad leave your body behind.
  8. As for awareness, he tells me it is the opposite of being asleep, you are sort of hyper awake.
  9. I asked him, your supposedly able to fly, and go anywhere in the universe or the planet.
  10. He just said, well I dunno, it is pretty scary, the most he has done has walked to his bungalow door and said you can jump really really high.
  11. Returning to your body he says can sometimes be hard, which makes you pretty scared.

OK thats what I know.


As Above So Below
Do you think when I dream about going to different dimensions and the people in them telling me I traveled to a different dimension I could really be traveling? Especially if this is while lucid?

Possible, the last couple nights dreaming something kept coming into my dream interrupting things, I could not see what it was...So last night I meditated before going to sleep and went into a very lucid dream...I staked out a spot to wait for this thing or whatever it was that interrupted my dreams previously...

It arrived, in my dream I set the stage of my home, was in my laundry room looking towards my bedroom and I saw the door closing...I walked over to the door and pushed it open to see a large creature, it had a dark overcoat on but was a large body and tall, it had a big fat head and long fingers, it was reaching out towards something in my room, I yelled at it stating this is my place and get out, and it turned and ran quickly into the master bathroom and was gone...


Fading day by day.
Possible, the last couple nights dreaming something kept coming into my dream interrupting things, I could not see what it was...So last night I meditated before going to sleep and went into a very lucid dream...I staked out a spot to wait for this thing or whatever it was that interrupted my dreams previously...

It arrived, in my dream I set the stage of my home, was in my laundry room looking towards my bedroom and I saw the door closing...I walked over to the door and pushed it open to see a large creature, it had a dark overcoat on but was a large body and tall, it had a big fat head and long fingers, it was reaching out towards something in my room, I yelled at it stating this is my place and get out, and it turned and ran quickly into the master bathroom and was gone...
I wish I could control my nightmares like that.
Mine just wake me up screaming in a sweat, or just so freaked out i cant go back to sleep. Which is why you see my posts not seem to follow any particular timezone. I never sleep properly.


Iv had this dream for a good few years now. I'm in a static caravan, like live in this caravan somewhere, like people come to see me,make them cuppas. I can see the caravan park I'm on aswell, as I even like draw the curtains. Then I can go to the town that's near by, I can see like the central square of the town, it reminds of a place nearby only because of the cobbled road. I can go to the shop and go get what I need. One day I managed to get down to the beach. I have had this dream as I say for years!
Does anyone else have the same kind of dream or know what it means?


The Messenger Of All Gods old and new
They usually tell me I'm not supposed to be there or try and get me to leave. They usually seem fascinated by how I got there and have threatened to kill me in real life so I usually try to hide or blend in. I've discovered portals and the only way to get out of the dimension is to go back through where I came out.
If your talking to them or they can communicate with you then that's dimension traveling, astral and lucid dreams have nothing to do with this particular episode. Russia China and Germany have 20 to 30 what we call dimension says so be careful where you go they can do serious if not fatal damage to you and they don't play.I call dimension traveling realm jumping so I understand what you are talking about, be careful, because it's not a game.


the 3 are tied as one.
you always interact with other's souls in your dream. this is astral. everything is everywhere at once. i often have interactions with others which are not via imagination but their soul energy. all of existence is co-creating so you and others co-create the dream and if you become lucid the only change is of awareness there are higher planes but besides that i don't believe in other dimensions, so you either astral travelled to a higher plane, was just imagination, or you co-created a simulation of the ethers that surround you. kinda like if you physically had some apple on your taste buds in your dream you may start eating a giant watermelon just on a metaphorical way


Fading day by day.
I have just messaged my Son to try and get him to join. He is a really nice guy, very very gentle. But is able to Astral travel. Took him a year or two of trying, but he got there in the end. If he joins he can tell you what you want to know. All I can tell you, is that objectively, his integrity is beyond question. If he says something, he will always be honest.


At Peace.
I have been having lots of dreams lately.
Not so many travels, or encounters...

Most of my real encounters are when I am awake, and that is prefferred since it is easier to trust that it is not just a dream.

I was appraoched recently by one of my Pleadian friends, young Miah...

She was pushing a stroller with a 'two month old' baby. ( Unexpected)

I was in a duty free store, holding a bottle of Blanton's.
She asked if it was going to buy it.

I said, 'I was excited to find it, but now that I was holding the bottle it was not speaking to me like I thought it would...'. and I put it back on the shelf.

Then I asked about the baby.

"Oh it's not mine... I do spend most of my time lately just walking up and down the hall with the stroller though...haha....."

She pointed at a car across the way, a Morgan, "Do you like that car?"

'Yes... oh I can see myself driving that...'

"Can you see me in it?"

'Yes, we are driving down a winding old country road, grape vinyards on each side.'

"I like the way you think... And the baby likes your energy..."

'I saw you and the baby before...'

"Yes, at lunch a couple weeks ago.., sitting at the table behind you... she likes your energy."

'Thanks... thats why I saw you?'

"Yes, I confess, I use your energy as a pacifier.. haha."

I wasnt sure if she was entirely joking... but I smiled as I felt okay with it either way.

We chatted a bit more about nothing in particular... she said she wouldnt bother me too long, as she wasnt really supposed to talk to me anyway...

I went about shopping, but, decided not to buy anything. She did the same for a bit, and when I looked up for her again she and the carriage were gone...
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I had such a strong experience this past night that I woke up in a state of chock at 3 A.M..
How can my mind play such cruel tricks on me ?

And to add to the discomfort a police helikopter hovered over our area for 2 solid hours, it wasnt the quietest type exactly.
I called the PD and asked what they were doin.. Missing person the operator replied..

Could not find anything relating to the incident in social media or newspapers... Was that a euphemism for something else...¿¿


As Above So Below
I had such a strong experience this past night that I woke up in a state of chock at 3 A.M..
How can my mind play such cruel tricks on me ?

And to add to the discomfort a police helikopter hovered over our area for 2 solid hours, it wasnt the quietest type exactly.
I called the PD and asked what they were doin.. Missing person the operator replied..

Could not find anything relating to the incident in social media or newspapers... Was that a euphemism for something else...¿¿

Maybe they were searching for you, did you go somewhere for a few hours?...Off their radar?...


Fratty and out of touch.
There was a discussion about this a while back on Coast to Coast and they said that you should look in a mirror or reflective surface. If you can clearly see your reflection then it's real. If you can't make out your reflection it's a dream.