Facebook just admitted that using Facebook can be bad for you


Facebook just admitted that using Facebook can be bad for you



Their users so hooked on their face drug, that they can come clean and admit it.. Doesnt matter, lol

It zucks



Its pretty bad ,, Dont see how it could turn much worse really. #Datamining

Cambridge Analytica - Wikipedia

Claim they mined every single american for their private behavioural data..
And probably a few million more outside the U.S..

( And before them there were others )

At least most all your data used to be safely processed by the NSA and co. ,,

Search Twitter - #DeleteFacebook
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50,000,000 people have had their personal data from Facebook handed over the Cambridge Analytica ?


Fratty and out of touch.
The only data I ever see people reveal on FB is endless political posts and cat pictures. :p


The only data I ever see people reveal on FB is endless political posts and cat pictures. :p

Facebook tend to display what you are interested in...

Same as youtube. I erased my cookies and all Failarmy and big engine vids stopped showing.


What's Facebook?
Thats rather cute.. Since its evident that People = Money to him..

Sorry, nothing new... But I like his T-shirt

Zuckerberg doesn't care . He got caught with his pants down . He will put into operation his design never to be caught at it again. He cares about People like an ant cares for an aphid. Just something to be milked.


Them knowing anything about you would be of concern.

I'm not sure how.....how is knowing I like history, science and funny pictures bad? Knowing that I think trump doesn't care about this country isn't really bad either as there are quite a few who think the same thing.


I'm not sure how.....how is knowing I like history, science and funny pictures bad? Knowing that I think trump doesn't care about this country isn't really bad either as there are quite a few who think the same thing.

Well, If you agreed to ( or realised it most likely would happen) sharing your personal beliefs to unknown clandestine actors. No harm done.

Problem is most didnt agreed to that, or being targeted in elaborate online propaganda schemes.

Its a social network platform, not a blogger system where everything you enter gets published.

Worst thing is that if your friend got mined, so would you


Problem is most didnt agreed to that, or being targeted in elaborate online propaganda schemes.

Not sure what propaganda you are talking about......but if you are on social media one should be smart enough to know that your private ideas will be known.

If they are stupid enough not to realize this then its best they stay off social media as they are that much of a paranoiac.


Not sure what propaganda you are talking about

I read that this Cambridge Analytica company,, just didnt scope data, they actively trolled the users on behalf of whom ever was paying them..

But yeah If everyone is smart and having their guards up,,, :Whistle:

The C.E.O said that fear was a very important factor in how to change ppls mind around.
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