Gene Steinberg's Financial Shenanigans @ Paracast forums

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As Above So Below
I think the more annoying thing is preparation and cost, as well as routine. The crappy stuff is cheaper and easier to prepare. If you goto say, McDonald's, its much cheaper to get a double cheeseburger than a salad - even though hypothetically the amount of vegetables and stuff in a salad should be about as much. If healthier food were more accessible and cheaper, I don't feel this would be a problem.

I mean, I could live off of Ramen literally, but it would inflame me inside out and I would gain a ton of weight.

Right now I eat a ketogenic diet, that's extremely restrictive. I employ intermittent fasting (my record is 5 days) when I feel things are going the wrong way.

That's the thing, I don't eat out, very rarely will I go through a drive thru for fast food, once or twice a month max will I go to a sit down restaurant and eat...I cook at home most of the time, I eat very little dairy products, low fat, high carb foods, my protein intake is almost 50/50 coming from meats and non-meats, I've always eaten fairly healthy though for the last 20 years especially...I eat according to my blood type too and avoid foods that conflict with my blood type and chemistry, like many dairy products, I haven't drank cow's milk in over 25 years, I get calcium from other sources...Not meaning to brag but this is how my diet has been, I have never been overweight, I stay slender and fit, well there are times I indulge in a little wine, that will put a slight bulge on my waistline but a few good days hiking in the forest with my dog takes care of that...:Whistle:

In the United States it is very hard for many people to maintain a healthy weight. I see it all the time. There is just so much tasty food full of sugar and fat being pushed at us all the time and, who doesn't like food? And for many of us, our lives have become sedentary. And I agree there is an emotional component to it and something of a negative feedback loop.

It's tough. My hat is off to those who find a way to stay healthy. I'm about twenty pounds above where I should be right now, but headed in the right direction. Harder than getting there will be staying there, I know.
The other night I went to a social organization made up of people over 55. I thought it might be healthy to get more involved with people in my age group and give me some positive "role models" for aging. Well, every person there looked like Homer Simpson (or Homer Simpson in drag). Everyone was over weight! I have always worked to stay thin because I come from a family of ten ton porkers! but if I stray even slightly, I immediately put on weight. I have oatmeal for breakfast with blue berries, then a home made smoothie for lunch, then a reasonable dinner (although there is a pizza night and a Chinese take-out night). I never eat fast food. If I eat out, I go to a sit-down restaurant like Chili's which has a low cal menu like salmon. It can be done but few people seem to do it. I was really bummed out at the group because I felt like a freak for being reasonably slender (no gut). If you watch TV shows from the 50's and 60's, when an obese person is shown, that person now resembles the "average" American. Awful.
I think he gets some kind of sexual gratification from the grifting itself. He has to get something for nothing or his day is not complete. Also we know he is supremely lazy and considers certain things (like making his own food) beneath him.

It's got to be a troll at this point. It's like he takes the script from Rudy Giuliani or something on how to act, having to know how outlandish it sounds.

"Can't afford"

"Take out"

Let that sink in. Even if you ignore he would probably point out how he's in a hotel and can't prepare or store food (as if he did that when he had an apartment anyway), he *still* could have went with the previously mentioned dollar menu at McDonald's. Five double cheeseburgers for about six bucks.

But no, we're talking take-out, which is probably running him 15-20 bucks a pop.

It's so gloriously self-unaware that it just has to be a troll attempt that this point.
What a slimy bastard. I thought he was a good guy. Ignoring Gene's behaviour is bad enough - it is enabling him and makes him complicit in everything Gene does. The snitching is just the icing on the cake.
Yes, someone who knows Goggs personally wrote to me and said that the poor guy does have emotional issues, e.g., bouts of severe depression that can last a long time. Been there, done that (no more than once but I empathize with such a recurring mental ailment). Goggs may be a loner without many prospects who enjoys the thrill of being on a "famous" American podcast as a cohost with the "famous" Gene Steinberg. In our short dialogue, Goggs (in Scottland) had some serious misconceptions about the USA which I attribute to Gene's indoctrination. For example, Goggs claimed that most elderly people in the USA are just short of destitution, have no medical aid, and must scrape to get by. I responded that if a person has worked in their younger life, they will receive Social Security. They also have Medicare. I said that the current boomer generation of elderly is probably doing better than many younger citizens who support the GOP (whose goal is to eliminate any kind of sissy safety net - God helps those who help themselves blah, blah, blah). Anyway, I used the actual figures for my Social Security check each month, what I pay for groceries and medical to prove that Gene should be able to live reasonably well, if modestly. Goggs preferred Gene's version of Charles Dicken's America. Goggs proudly asserted that he helps support Gene. I do believe Goggs is not evil (like some of Gene's pals), but very brainwashed and terminally naive. Psychologically, perhaps Gene is the dad that Goggs never had? Who knows. I pay a psychiatrist to discuss such issues. LOL
Yes, someone who knows Goggs personally wrote to me and said that the poor guy does have emotional issues, e.g., bouts of severe depression that can last a long time. Been there, done that (no more than once but I empathize with such a recurring mental ailment). Goggs may be a loner without many prospects who enjoys the thrill of being on a "famous" American podcast as a cohost with the "famous" Gene Steinberg. In our short dialogue, Goggs (in Scottland) had some serious misconceptions about the USA which I attribute to Gene's indoctrination. For example, Goggs claimed that most elderly people in the USA are just short of destitution, have no medical aid, and must scrape to get by. I responded that if a person has worked in their younger life, they will receive Social Security. They also have Medicare. I said that the current boomer generation of elderly is probably doing better than many younger citizens who support the GOP (whose goal is to eliminate any kind of sissy safety net - God helps those who help themselves blah, blah, blah). Anyway, I used the actual figures for my Social Security check each month, what I pay for groceries and medical to prove that Gene should be able to live reasonably well, if modestly. Goggs preferred Gene's version of Charles Dicken's America. Goggs proudly asserted that he helps support Gene. I do believe Goggs is not evil (like some of Gene's pals), but very brainwashed and terminally naive.

And the thing is, there's now documented proof that even Gene had enough money to live off of, direct from his own bankruptcy filing. He was paying $1500 a month to drive a nice car, get the all inclusive cable TV/Internet package, high level phone contract with iPhone, and "recreation."

In Gene's own legally filed version of events, he's still even full of shit.


Ignorance isn’t bliss!
Yes, someone who knows Goggs personally wrote to me and said that the poor guy does have emotional issues, e.g., bouts of severe depression that can last a long time. Been there, done that (no more than once but I empathize with such a recurring mental ailment). Goggs may be a loner without many prospects who enjoys the thrill of being on a "famous" American podcast as a cohost with the "famous" Gene Steinberg. In our short dialogue, Goggs (in Scottland) had some serious misconceptions about the USA which I attribute to Gene's indoctrination. For example, Goggs claimed that most elderly people in the USA are just short of destitution, have no medical aid, and must scrape to get by. I responded that if a person has worked in their younger life, they will receive Social Security. They also have Medicare. I said that the current boomer generation of elderly is probably doing better than many younger citizens who support the GOP (whose goal is to eliminate any kind of sissy safety net - God helps those who help themselves blah, blah, blah). Anyway, I used the actual figures for my Social Security check each month, what I pay for groceries and medical to prove that Gene should be able to live reasonably well, if modestly. Goggs preferred Gene's version of Charles Dicken's America. Goggs proudly asserted that he helps support Gene. I do believe Goggs is not evil (like some of Gene's pals), but very brainwashed and terminally naive. Psychologically, perhaps Gene is the dad that Goggs never had? Who knows. I pay a psychiatrist to discuss such issues. LOL
Sadly you are right, Goggs has rose tinted glasses plus!,where Gene is concerned.


It's got to be a troll at this point. It's like he takes the script from Rudy Giuliani or something on how to act, having to know how outlandish it sounds.

"Can't afford"

"Take out"

Let that sink in. Even if you ignore he would probably point out how he's in a hotel and can't prepare or store food (as if he did that when he had an apartment anyway), he *still* could have went with the previously mentioned dollar menu at McDonald's. Five double cheeseburgers for about six bucks.

But no, we're talking take-out, which is probably running him 15-20 bucks a pop.

It's so gloriously self-unaware that it just has to be a troll attempt that this point.

I believe he is staying at an Extended Stay America in Mesa, AZ. If I am correct, it has a small kitchen in each room, and also has a daily 'grab and go' breakfast for guests. I assume the Steinbergs loot the breakfast assortment each morning; it's what I would do were I in their miserable shoes.

But meanwhile, Good Lord.

He keeps harping on the balance in his Paypal account. Does he go around somehow paying for everything out of that account? Do people do that? Just yesterday on Facebook he said the Paypal account was at $1.91; now in his email today it's at $0.82. So, he somehow spent $1.09 from his Paypal account in the last 24 hours or so?

And then he's allegedly begging for his meals from a takeout place. Still can't buy groceries and prepare food I guess? But he found a sucker somewhere.

Well, if we can believe anything he says. I assume he keeps bringing up the Paypal account as it's some kind of important center in his personal financial universe (donations, people paying for stuff related to one of his podcasts), but also focusing on that conveniently lets him not mention his actual bank accounts, and whatever cash he has squirreled away there. I have no fear that he will be booted from the motel soon; I have no fear he will go hungry. But I know he will keep trying to get something for nothing, anywhere and everywhere. And whatever crisis he claims to be facing, there's no chance we won't se a new episode of the Paracast each week.
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Maybe not the right thread for this but here it is. There are two ways to approach a problem. One is to deal with it directly and the other is to rationalize it away.

I have a good friend that I've known and worked with for over thirty years. Wonderful guy and a man who I could call this instant, demand the shirt off his back and he'd give it to me. And vice-versa. But he is morbidly obese yet comes up with the most outrageous nonsense to paint himself as some sort of victim. That sort of thinking also affects other parts of his life. Unfortunately he is not alone with this by a long stretch. It's always different for him. He's a short hop from needing a scooter in stores yet won't admit that his caloric intake and sedentary lifestyle are the root cause. As well as the need for multiple back and foot surgeries, endless medications, you name it.

Childhood obesity pisses me off beyond description. I weighed 200 lbs in grade school, 300 in junior high and maxed out at 330. Lost it by myself (130lbs) before I turned 19 and became physically fit for life. Many, many years later I paid out of pocket to have 5lbs of skin removed. THAT was ZERO fun but I have no regrets. I've maintained myself in the years since and you would never know. To my friend this makes me some sort of physical fitness lunatic. Uh-huh. Believe me, I have my bad habits, no lack of arthritis, this that and the other thing but keep doing it to keep all that crap at bay as long as possible.

This really is a case where and ounce of prevention is worth a pound - or maybe a couple of hundred - of cure. The gym isn't for everybody. Get a dog and walk it, take the stairs, walk a little. Stop eating crap.

I suppose if I had to tie it in to something relevant you either take responsibility for your actions or you make it someone else's. Personally, I keep my s*** together and try to leave a light footprint. Look at all the problems that visit those who don't.

Sorry for the Susquehanna Hat Company diatribe .....
If you can afford it, I urge anyone interested in fitness to buy an Eliptical, like a classic Nordic Trak. Going for a walk outside is just too easy to rationalize away, e.g., it is too hot, too cold, too windy, I look awful today, etc. But I have found that with a Nordic Trak, I can "walk" for 30 minutes a day using different programs of intensity, work myself up to a sweat, and entertain myself (divert my mind) by reading a book or watching TV. The time goes fast when you are absorbed in a good book. I live in a very hot climate (unfortunately in the same urban center as Gene Steinbeck). Doing exercise outside for certain months of the year is risking serious sun exposure and even death. Make exercise as comfortable and easy as possible.


Stare..... They are always staring
I would also like to receive some legal help to deal with the online stalkers. They are also going after my family member
Teddy Bear probably should be off limits
Just my opinion :D


I would also like to receive some legal help to deal with the online stalkers. They are also going after my family member
Teddy Bear probably should be off limits
Just my opinion :D

Yeah, I think the consensus is Teddy Bear gets a pass.

I hope he pees on Gene regularly.


Ripping off multiple landlords to the tune of thousands of dollars: "I'm still fighting the good fight! Don't let me lose this fight! Send money to help me survive!"

Scamming a takeout place out of a 'small meal': "A very embarrassing moment! I never want go through that again!" (like when I need to eat again tomorrow and the next day and so on)



If you can afford it, I urge anyone interested in fitness to buy an Eliptical, like a classic Nordic Trak. Going for a walk outside is just too easy to rationalize away, e.g., it is too hot, too cold, too windy, I look awful today, etc. But I have found that with a Nordic Trak, I can "walk" for 30 minutes a day using different programs of intensity, work myself up to a sweat, and entertain myself (divert my mind) by reading a book or watching TV. The time goes fast when you are absorbed in a good book. I live in a very hot climate (unfortunately in the same urban center as Gene Steinbeck). Doing exercise outside for certain months of the year is risking serious sun exposure and even death. Make exercise as comfortable and easy as possible.

One thing that has helped me is having a dog. I walk 2-3 miles with her daily. Fortunately we live in a good neighborhood for walking. Once or twice a week we try to take her somewhere we can go for longer walks too. Plus dogs are great in general. :)

(I believe you live where it is MUCH hotter than where I live though!)


Stare..... They are always staring
Yes, someone who knows Goggs personally wrote to me and said that the poor guy does have emotional issues, e.g., bouts of severe depression that can last a long time. Been there, done that (no more than once but I empathize with such a recurring mental ailment). Goggs may be a loner without many prospects who enjoys the thrill of being on a "famous" American podcast as a cohost with the "famous" Gene Steinberg. In our short dialogue, Goggs (in Scottland) had some serious misconceptions about the USA which I attribute to Gene's indoctrination. For example, Goggs claimed that most elderly people in the USA are just short of destitution, have no medical aid, and must scrape to get by. I responded that if a person has worked in their younger life, they will receive Social Security. They also have Medicare. I said that the current boomer generation of elderly is probably doing better than many younger citizens who support the GOP (whose goal is to eliminate any kind of sissy safety net - God helps those who help themselves blah, blah, blah). Anyway, I used the actual figures for my Social Security check each month, what I pay for groceries and medical to prove that Gene should be able to live reasonably well, if modestly. Goggs preferred Gene's version of Charles Dicken's America. Goggs proudly asserted that he helps support Gene. I do believe Goggs is not evil (like some of Gene's pals), but very brainwashed and terminally naive. Psychologically, perhaps Gene is the dad that Goggs never had? Who knows. I pay a psychiatrist to discuss such issues. LOL

I have to agree, as of last month I'll have been on SS for one year and while it's not a gold mine as long as willing to move and cut back on a few things, it's not bad. No taxes!! and that's not a small thing. Also the Medicaid has been a bit of a revelation, I've been amazed at the work I've gotten so far and aside from the spend down and getting my brace was a bite I haven't had to pay for any of it. And probably by late September it will be Botox shots for the hand and Electo Shock therapy (or something close to it) to stimulate the arm.
So to those who ever doubted my claim that they eat EVERY meal from takeout... still wondering? Who goes to a restaurant with less than a dollar, and expects to walk away with food? Who DRIVES a LEASED car to a restaurant to mooch a meal? Not that I even actually believe the story... Gene is a compulsive liar who spews bullshit without restraint, he expects people to believe he's got a dollar to his name while he's "saving up" for a new apartment. According to his claims, he'd rather rip off a restaurant owner than visit a community foodbank, because he could never prove he's impoverished enough to qualify for a food handout. His lies are unraveling in open view, his circular nonsense is collapsing, and I can't say I'll shed a tear for his dishonest, sleazy ass. He's creating his own reality.


So to those who ever doubted my claim that they eat EVERY meal from takeout... still wondering? Who goes to a restaurant with less than a dollar, and expects to walk away with food? Who DRIVES a LEASED car to a restaurant to mooch a meal? Not that I even actually believe the story... Gene is a compulsive liar who spews bullshit without restraint, he expects people to believe he's got a dollar to his name while he's "saving up" for a new apartment. According to his claims, he'd rather rip off a restaurant owner than visit a community foodbank, because he could never prove he's impoverished enough to qualify for a food handout. His lies are unraveling in open view, his circular nonsense is collapsing, and I can't say I'll shed a tear for his dishonest, sleazy ass. He's creating his own reality.

The story doesn't even make sense. What restaurant even accepts Paypal? He would have to pay in cash or by credit card. What relevance does his Paypal account have to him eating out?

- Answer is none, but that is where he gets his begging proceeds and he wants everyone to be distraught over how little there is left - which since he lies all the time is meaningless anyway.

Everything he says has these massive chasms in logic.


So to those who ever doubted my claim that they eat EVERY meal from takeout... still wondering? Who goes to a restaurant with less than a dollar, and expects to walk away with food? Who DRIVES a LEASED car to a restaurant to mooch a meal? Not that I even actually believe the story... Gene is a compulsive liar who spews bullshit without restraint, he expects people to believe he's got a dollar to his name while he's "saving up" for a new apartment. According to his claims, he'd rather rip off a restaurant owner than visit a community foodbank, because he could never prove he's impoverished enough to qualify for a food handout. His lies are unraveling in open view, his circular nonsense is collapsing, and I can't say I'll shed a tear for his dishonest, sleazy ass. He's creating his own reality.

He operates as though he has a compulsion to get something over on everyone.
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