Gene Steinberg's Financial Shenanigans @ Paracast forums

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Since we know Gene reads this thread faithfully...

"a group of stalkers that have been after you"?

I guess some might be - some are angry at how you exploited their goodwill for cash. Some are angry, too, at how you have exploited others, such as Torson, over the years. Most don't want to see you take advantage of anyone else, or burn more landlords for rent. I'd say too that many are amused or befuddled by how you've normalized near-daily emergency requests for cash. Requests that even if fulfilled don't seem to make a damn bit of difference, since the requests never end, and your circumstances seemingly have only worsened these past few years.

You're a real piece of work Gene. Sometimes I think you're mentally ill, sometimes I think you're just missing some key parts that should be regulating unethical behavior. Lately I wonder if you're just not regularly sauced. I don't guess we'll ever really know. If I know one thing it's that you are not and won't be honest.

You are however a grown ass man. As such, I don't care how you live your life - or wouldn't other than that you lie, take advantage of others as a matter of course, don't pay people for goods and services (then at times paint stiffed vendors as your adversaries when they reasonably expect payment), try to shut down questions and criticism by threats and intimidation (how's the police investigation into your 'stalkers' going? how's that pro bono lawsuit coming along?), and generally seem to operate in constant low level violation of the contracts that make society possible. There's a true contempt for anyone who is not Gene Steinberg that comes through in your behavior if not always in your words.

You are trash, dude. Here, I'll do us both a favor and stop being "after you", and you can see how much good that does.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Scamberg deleted that account of the member who posted about our forum and edited his post to this from last night's post...Pathetic he is all around, truth is hate speech to him, what a LOSER...

View attachment 5269

Deleted post. Edited post. Deleted topics. Gene is paranoid He wants NO discussion of his money situation. He wants no questions. He wants only to get money. no questions asked. At one point he said we "Are preventing him from recovering and making a living."
ok..If preventing another poor sap like Tolson from giving him cash is hate.then I'm happy to stop him from doing so. And happy to be called a hater for doing so.


Deleted post. Edited post. Deleted topics. Gene is paranoid He wants NO discussion of his money situation. He wants no questions. He wants only to get money. no questions asked. At one point he said we "Are preventing him from recovering and making a living."
ok..If preventing another poor sap like Tolson from giving him cash is hate.then I'm happy to stop him from doing so. And happy to be called a hater for doing so.


Gene-O, since I know you read this, for the love of all things holy, ARE YOU EVEN SERIOUS.

No one is stopping you from sending out your pathetic emails. No one is stopping you from putting out the disgrace that you call a show. No one is trying to stop you from doing anything.

No, really, what we want you to do is BE PROACTIVE. You've lied so much about driving Uber and Lyft, how about ACTUALLY DOING IT? How about shutting down or actually selling the PC and moving on, since you're in your 70s and your show is falling apart anyway? Randall would probably be more than happy to take it off your hands.

Listen. Nobody made you do the things you've done. And nobody can fix the mess that you've made of your life but you. You want out of the no-tell motel? Then GO TO WORK. Work freelance, driving Uber and Lyft. Work freelance on some of the transcription sites out there, or on MTurk, or go be a greeter at a tourist center, or something, because Gene, and I'm deadly serious now, nobody, nobody, nobody, is going to pick you up out of the pit you've so determinedly dug yourself into. You want to make money conning people, go work at a car lot or something.

Point is, you want out, son, you've got to pick yourself up and WORK at it.


I always figured that the definition of a hateful stalker was someone who repeatedly sent out thousands of emails begging for money. Even when you told him to cease and desist, he went tone deaf on you and kept sending out his asinine mailings. Is that just hateful or plain stupid?


Listen. Nobody made you do the things you've done. And nobody can fix the mess that you've made of your life but you. You want out of the no-tell motel? Then GO TO WORK. Work freelance, driving Uber and Lyft. Work freelance on some of the transcription sites out there, or on MTurk, or go be a greeter at a tourist center, or something, because Gene, and I'm deadly serious now, nobody, nobody, nobody, is going to pick you up out of the pit you've so determinedly dug yourself into. You want to make money conning people, go work at a car lot or something.

Point is, you want out, son, you've got to pick yourself up and WORK at it.

Never happening. Gene has made it pretty clear that any reasonable job (that he would be able to do) is beneath him. The ride sharing has always been a means for him to justify having a car which is way beyond his means (- when he doesn't even need an old banger).

He may have done some rides for Uber or Lyft but it is quite clear that he never did anything regular and certainly not enough to count as a job - also remember the offer from Bob - we know he will do anything for money so that proved that there was no driving happening at the time.

Gene is one of the laziest a**holes I've ever come across and he doesn't even seem to have a problem indirectly admitting it - any job suggestion he gets will fall on deaf ears, there will always be an excuse why he can't do it - if you really push him in private then he will admit that it is beneath him.

He has no discernable qualifications or talent, yet he expects that if you do recommend a job it is something high level like a doctor, lawyer, managerial level post. This is the level of delusion that you are dealing with when it comes to Schemey.

He expects the money and status without the cost or years spent learning, training, apprenticing and finally practicing.

His ideal job would be a managerial style post with very little actual work, lots of people working beneath him so he doesn't have to lift a finger and a massive paycheck - even though no such job exists. His concept of work is just like a small child.

I think all hope for Gene was probably lost when his brother died and he didn't get a large chunk of the fortune.

In Gene's entitled prick of a mind, that money was his and he has likely resented it ever since. He has likely always been a grifter but I think that was probably the point at which his entitlement knob got turned up to 11.

He decided that "fate" or the "universe" had screwed him out of that money and he would never stop in trying to get "his" money back out of the rest of the world.

The most delicious irony is that had Gene been a decent person his brother wouldn't have cut him off and he would have been "taken care of". Of course if he was a decent hard working person he probably wouldn't have needed it anyway.

I don't believe in garbage new age thinking like "the secret" but there is definite truth in the fact that how you treat people will eventually come back to you in most cases. Gene is without doubt a disgusting, selfish, scumbag parasite of a little man and his own behaviour screwed him out of a comfortable retirement.

Remember Gene you made things this way. It is all a function of your character and your actions. You learned nothing from your brother, indeed it is hard to believe that you could have been related to such a remarkable man, I can only imagine how much shame he felt over you.

As the eldest sibling - I'm so happy my brothers are good people who try to help others. I can't imagine the pain of having a criminal embarrassment of a little brother someone who was so bad that I would have to remove all traces of him from my life. Just another one of your victims.

So now Gene sits in his little false kingdom scheming over small parcels of money, his wig burning with entitled rage. All the while mini-me (Randall) is waiting for the right time to plunge the knife in so he can take charge of the poison chalice (Paracrud) himself.

Well it is tainted now, I suspect by the time Randall gets it his transformation into Crimberg Jr. will be complete and the two will be indistinguishable. The Grift will continue.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
it's a testament to Gene's paranoia that every post by the guy was deleted.


No, I knew as I was writing it that it's a lost cause, GoB, mainly because he doesn't want to change his circumstances.

And to think he's in his 70s and still living like this. It's sad. It's really, really sad. But he's who dug his way into this, and no one else. Certainly no "internet stalkers." Jesus. How pathetic.

I don't even visit the Twitter anymore, I check in here a few times a day, that's all.


I must say, when I read comments from people trying to persuade Steinberg to change his ways and get a real job, I have to shake my head and chuckle. These people do not understand Steinberg after all this time.

He has made it all these years without lifting a finger to help himself. I wonder if he actually worries about how he might actually wind up. I have to believe that his buddy Jim Moseley had a big impact on how he viewed his life. Moseley inherited money and went through life never having to work.

Steinberg had to feel jealous of his buddy. He has conducted his life ever since as if he should be entitled. Granted, Steinberg never had the smarts, gumption or talent to be anything other than a lowlife. Now he depends on sending out thousands of emails begging for funds.

Who would wish to end their life in that situation? I don't have one ounce of sympathy for his plight. It was totally brought upon himself by his own stupidity, selfishness and laziness.


I must say, when I read comments from people trying to persuade Steinberg to change his ways and get a real job, I have to shake my head and chuckle. These people do not understand Steinberg after all this time.

He has made it all these years without lifting a finger to help himself. I wonder if he actually worries about how he might actually wind up. I have to believe that his buddy Jim Moseley had a big impact on how he viewed his life. Moseley inherited money and went through life never having to work.

Steinberg had to feel jealous of his buddy. He has conducted his life ever since as if he should be entitled. Granted, Steinberg never had the smarts, gumption or talent to be anything other than a lowlife. Now he depends on sending out thousands of emails begging for funds.

Who would wish to end their life in that situation? I don't have one ounce of sympathy for his plight. It was totally brought upon himself by his own stupidity, selfishness and laziness.

I don't think anybody is expressing sympathy for Steinberg at this point. The sympathy is for the people that he has hurt, including his own family members and sadness for the fact that he wasted his life being a grifting scumbag. Whatever misery he gets is entirely of his own making and as I have said many times before I don't think things are as bad for Schemey as he makes out. He must actually like his current situation otherwise he would do something to change it.


Clearly Gene's predicament is entirely Ander's fault.

If only the new website with the terrific online store had been finished in August as promised or September as promised or even by year end as promised the great big piles of cash would certainly be rolling in.


tall, thin, irritable
Hate is a very strong word and there's a short list of things that actually applies to for me.

Merriam Webster defines hate speech as follows:

hate speech
Legal Definition of hate speech
: speech that is intended to insult, offend, or intimidate a person because of some trait (as race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability)

Pretty sure none of that is going on here or even in the forum for those who comment over there., so we'd have to really look into the fine print on those terms of service. Of course if we're at that point it's over, Johnny.

While we're looking stuff up let's try this:

Narcissistic entitlement refers to a belief that one's importance, superiority, or uniqueness should result in getting special treatment and receiving more resources than others


As Above So Below
Sure thing, they have the most tolerant forum from Randall's obviously narrowminded perspective...Deleting user accounts, deleting posts, reading private messages of others, editing posts...How could we have been so wrong...



The shadow

The shadow knows!
Tolerant? sorry the second anyone questions Gene they are Gone!
compared to here where almost no post is removed.


A new wrinkle - a store for the Tech Night Owl! The future is looking better . . . But one day after the last social security check arrived . . . .


Is this a different email address? I am not sure I have seen it before,
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