The Strange Story of Ford’s Failed Amazon Utopia


As Above So Below
The Strange Story of Ford’s Failed Amazon Utopia

Obsession can be a strange beast. It can drive us to new heights and push us past limits we never knew we had, or conversely destroy us and dash our dreams upon the rocks of despondency and failure. Yet, the thing with obsession is we drive on through it, blind to common sense and reason and relentlessly pushing ever forward towards some unobtainable image or goal lodged within our psyche. Such was the case of one of the most innovative and enterprising tycoons of modern times, who sought to create a jungle utopia out in the badlands of the Amazon rainforests, and refused to give up despite the demons that seemed to haunt the whole plan and conspired to bring it all tumbling down.

The time was the 1920s, and in the United states there was a major boom in automobiles going on. At the top of this game was the innovative American industrialist Henry Ford and the legendary auto manufacturer bearing his name, and business was stellar, but there was an increasingly glaring problem with this success. At the time almost all rubber produced, which was needed for producing car tires and other auto parts, was provided by the Netherlands and the British in the East Indies, and this monopoly, along with the exorbitant prices, did not sit well with Ford and his company’s insatiable hunger for massive amounts of rubber. To remedy the situation, he began scouting out locations to start his very own rubber plantation in order to sever their dependence on British and Dutch rubber and bypass the monopoly, finally deciding on Brazil.

This choice made sense in a lot of ways, because there had been a time when Brazil had been the world’s top supplier of rubber, with its economy in fact dependent on it, and even the tree itself was native to the Amazon. The secret smuggling of rubber tree seeds and seedling out of Brazil by the British in 1876 had allowed them to successfully grow the trees in other tropical areas in massive amounts, usurping Brazil from its throne as the rubber king and leaving its economy in shambles as a result. By setting up a plantation in Brazil, the major U.S. car manufacturer held the promise of bringing money back into the poverty-stricken region, as well as providing cheap rubber for Ford. It was a win-win situation for all involved.


Henry Ford

So excited was the Brazilian government by the prospect of Ford establishing a plantation there that they cut a generous deal with the company, offering for next to nothing a sprawling expanse of 2.5 million acres of land along the Tapajos River in the Amazon Basin, as well as tax-free exportation of the rubber in exchange for a 9% cut of the profits. This amount of land was estimated to be able to provide all of the rubber they would ever need, to the tune of enough for roughly 2,000,000,000 vehicles a year’s worth, and Ford must have had dollar signs dancing in his eyes when the first barges started heading out to deliver the supplies they would need to the Amazon.

In addition to producing all of that rubber and cutting costs for automobile production, Ford also saw this as a sort of social experiment, envisioning a grand Utopian town where the workers would all live in harmony right there at the plantation. In his own mind, Ford believed that not only was he bringing prosperity to this far flung land, but also providing a perfect society in which his workers could thrive, proclaiming it a “work of civilization,” and he would name his ambitious new settlement rather modestly “Fordlandia.”

In 1928 construction of the town would begin, and it had all of the amenities of a normal settlement and then some, including housing blocks, a workshop, a hospital fully equipped with advanced X-ray and ultraviolet-ray equipment, laboratories, pharmacies, and operating rooms, as well as a cinema, power plant, library, a school, church, shops such as bakeries, butcher shops, restaurants, and shoemakers, and even a community pool, dance hall and a full 18-hole golf course. It seemed like a dream land set out amongst the jungle surrounding it, and the lure of much higher wages than usual, as well as free room and board and even free food, drew native workers in droves. It almost seemed too good to be true, and in many ways it would turn out to be just that.


Promotional image for Fordlandia

Once the oohing and aahing was over, problems and cracks began to appear in this little perfect Utopian society. One was that, well, it was in the middle of the Amazon jungle in the middle of nowhere, with no roads leading to the outside world, only accessible by river boat, and tropical diseases running rampant. There was also already a sense of segregation from the beginning, with the American managers and staff living in a separate quarter from the local workers and with noticeably better accommodations and living conditions. This was exacerbated by the strict adherence to a Dearborn style work schedule with long odd hours which the natives were not accustomed to, and the management’s insistence of serving only a Midwestern-style American diet that did not always agree with them and left many of them feeling ill.

In addition to all of this, Fordlandia was all about a healthy lifestyle, with residents banned from drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, or even having sex, and they were forced to take part in regular community events such as square dances and poetry readings, and this jarring lifestyle was enough to ensure a high turnover rate despite the high wages and other perks. Paradise for some, Hell for others. Worse yet, there were several revolts staged by the Brazilian residents, which resulted in angry locals running amok in the streets destroying property, cutting telephone wires, and in one case fully trashing the cafeteria. In one such riot the local Brazilian workers became enraged when employees were brought over from Barbados and paid more, resulting in brawls and several injured men. On one occasion it took the Brazilian military to come in and break a revolt up.



The plantation itself, the whole reason why they were all there to begin with, was also met with a series of stubborn setbacks. The most obvious problem was that they just couldn’t keep the damn rubber trees alive. Growing the trees was not as easy as Ford had thought it would be, and nowhere in his staff was to be found a single tropical horticulturalist. They must have thought they could just throw some seedlings down and wait for the cash to start rolling in, but they planted the trees too close together, making them susceptible to diseases, pests, blight, and parasites that killed huge swaths of crops. The land itself was too hilly and infertile to be adequate for a plantation in the first place, and was additionally prone to floods in the wet season and droughts in the dry season. For all of these reasons it was almost impossible to produce enough rubber trees to make any of it worthwhile, and indeed they had almost nothing to show for their investment at all. Pretty soon investors and critics were getting very nervous about the viability of the plantation, smelling the beginning of the end.

All of these troubles were further compounded by the media, which sensationalized it all and churned out stories of the Utopian society out in this exotic land that had gone bad, often highly exaggerated and which the curious public ate up. Utterly defeated and his dreams smashed, Ford even then did not give up, undauntedly simply moving the operation downstream to try again at a more suitable plot of land, this time with a new settlement called Belterra, even as Fordlandia soldiered on. This time Ford hired a plant pathologist named Dr. James Weir, and invested in state-of-the-art laboratory equipment. Belterra also had laxer rules and tried to cater more to the sensibilities of the natives, which helped it become more successful and expansive than Fordlandia had ever been, at one point having a population that swelled to 2,500. Yet the new plantation was ultimately barely any more successful than the last in terms of actually producing any rubber, yet both Fordlandia and Belterra refused to die as the workers and staff toiled away in the jungle heat for the next decade, trying futilely to tame this wild land and make it work even as the settlements were in their death throes.


Fordlandia today

The final nail in the coffin for Ford’s plans in the Amazon came with the coming of World War II, as well as the development of synthetic rubber in 1945, sounding the death knell for natural rubber and making the plantations even more pointless than they already were. Ford finally pulled out entirely, and the land was sold for a huge loss. Unbelievably, the abandoned town managed to hold a few stragglers who eked out a living in the ruins of what once was, and by 2017 the population of the area had slowly grown to around 2,000. Some areas of the old Fordlandia have never been fully resettled, and remain an abandoned, feral ghost of the past, the hungry jungle inexorably encroaching from all sides. Here one can walk amongst the spooky crumbling ruins of what was once one man’s dream, with many of the buildings still holding personal possessions and furniture as if this is some post-apocalyptic wasteland. It is at once eerie and a sad testament to a lost battle between man and nature.

It is interesting to note that through all of this, Henry Ford purportedly never once stepped in either one of his doomed settlements, watching it all rise and fall from afar. The whole doomed scheme seemed almost fated. A man trying to bring nature under control, to make the land do his will, to bend the native people to his ideals and twist and mold reality into what his obsessed mind envisioned. It seems like folly in retrospect, the delusions of a powerful man detached from the world as we know it. And to this day those lost vestiges of his madness remain out there choked by jungle, a testament to another time destined to be buried and reclaimed by the land itself. The story of Fordlandia serves as both a story of the power of the human mind to try and achieve its dreams and a reminder of the dangers of unchecked obsession and poor planning, and it remains a curious and fascinating historical account of the perils of dreams spun out of control.



tall, thin, irritable
residents banned from drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, or even having sex,

No drinking, smoking or f*****g ? Who the hell needs that?

Reminds me of the coal mine company towns, and we know how great those all turned out.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
No drinking, smoking or f*****g ? Who the hell needs that?

Reminds me of the coal mine company towns, and we know how great those all turned out.
I could remind folks of Henry Fords world view and his support of the Nazi's..

The shadow

The shadow knows!
Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials, 1938


I mean, Sometimes the scale of the project means something, He took a space and created something interesting in it.
Let's be fair, by that point in his life, He had crazy money, He was like so money he could literally throw money away, Burn money if he wanted and it would still take more time then he had left to burn it all.

Good for him, He created something unique, Win or lose, It's a canvas of the man's life, It's almost art, He did it just because he wanted too.

Good for him. He seemed like a good enough guy, had a happy and fulfilling life. Good for him :yes3:


tall, thin, irritable
I mean, Sometimes the scale of the project means something, He took a space and created something interesting in it.
Let's be fair, by that point in his life, He had crazy money, He was like so money he could literally throw money away, Burn money if he wanted and it would still take more time then he had left to burn it all.

Good for him, He created something unique, Win or lose, It's a canvas of the man's life, It's almost art, He did it just because he wanted too. Good for him. He seemed like a good enough guy, had a happy and fulfilling life. Good for him :yes3:

You have to admit the Nazis had a flair for uniforms and decorations.
In 1938 who wouldn't want the Grand Cross of the German Eagle ? Well, quite a few people actually but I always say that when dealing with history context is important.

Ford was a raging anti-semite, bigot and probably farted in elevators just for the hell of it. But he did have some very clever ideas we benefit from and even in these politically overcorrect days it's still OK to go out and buy a Ford.


You have to admit the Nazis had a flair for uniforms and decorations.
In 1938 who wouldn't want the Grand Cross of the German Eagle ? Well, quite a few people actually but I always say that when dealing with history context is important.

Ford was a raging anti-semite, bigot and probably farted in elevators just for the hell of it. But he did have some very clever ideas we benefit from and even in these politically overcorrect days it's still OK to go out and buy a Ford.
That's what I'm getting at about modern times, I didn't know all this stuff about Ford, I judged the man at face value and knowing what little bit I did about how the guy brought the automobile to the public. But, It's never safe to assume I don't guess, But the saturation of information makes it so we know someones every sin.

I've learned over the years, one can't really judge anyone. while ford was an antisemite and possible cult leader, He also changed the world, I don't remember the guy but one of the Founding Members of Nasa was indeed an SS Nazi, There was some sort of scientific exchange after ww2 and we got a lot of Nazi scientists who worked for the U.S Many continued to be Nazis by the way and kept their political alignment.

The world is all about Judging other people, But, So, Ford was a racist And a possible Nazi. Unpopular choices yes, I clearly can't understand the man's hate, But, People judge everyone, Why should I judge Ford? I never created the Cure, Wrote the Novel, I've never done any great thing, He brought the automobile to the world.

Hate is complicated, To justify that Ford was a bad Guy, We must hate that about him, Hate doesn't leave any free will, I don't hate the guy, I didn't know him. It's a complicated way to explain things, But a simplified view.


My ultimate twist to this is, Everyone hates a Nazi, But We look around the world and see all kinds of groups of people causing hate and attacking each other. Hate is everywhere on all sides, Even with fords beliefes and alignment there is still some change there may have been a halfway decent person on some level to him.

It's far to easy to say someone had these terrible flaws and therefore they are a moot person. The world does this all the time, Kevin Spacey great actor- Weird pervert. Michale Jackson Great singer, Weird pervert, I debate that we deny someone's contributions to society because they may not be "role models." It seems like society tends to throw people and their contributions away based on their morality. I wonder if that's fair to history? is all.

I try not to judge people i really can't', I've made some doozies of mistakes over the years. I have no right to judge for at least not without holding myself accountable for my own actions.

I'm weird.


tall, thin, irritable
Perverts aside we judge the past based on contemporary belief and almost always people fail to consider context. This isn't really about Henry Ford so much but it's a good example. In that picture he's accepting an award from the Nazis in 1938. We have the luxury of 20/20 hindsight - think about what the people in the photo knew at the time and how they formed their opinions. Yeah, the man seems to have been brilliant at business and a turd in his personal life but so much of what we 'judge' him on now based on that photo had yet to happen when it was taken. When I read about some of the classic UFO cases I try to keep in mind what was happening at the time and what were the issues that were making the headlines that day.

Rick Hunter

On a semi-related topic, company towns still exist in the USA. They just don't go quite as far as the old ones did, as far as providing company owned housing and payment in scrip. My father in law's best friend worked for the Dollywood amusement park in Tennessee for years. According to his description, wages are very low but everything is "free". 100% free healthcare, free life insurance, free daycare for your kids, free meals whether you are working that day or not, generous clothing allowance and paid vacation, and so on. Erich Honeker would love it!


tall, thin, irritable
On a semi-related topic, company towns still exist in the USA. They just don't go quite as far as the old ones did, as far as providing company owned housing and payment in scrip. My father in law's best friend worked for the Dollywood amusement park in Tennessee for years. According to his description, wages are very low but everything is "free". 100% free healthcare, free life insurance, free daycare for your kids, free meals whether you are working that day or not, generous clothing allowance and paid vacation, and so on. Erich Honeker would love it!

One step removed from an actual company town is one that has grown up around a plant or some other large business. My family in southeast Wisconsin suffered through the death of heavy manufacturing in the '80s and '90 that choked the few small towns/cities in the area after massive layoffs. In my area IBM was the #1 employer for decades and they went down the pooper around here, again with massive layoffs. Both areas eventually recovered but never got back to the booming old days, but on the other hand aren't as heavily invested in any single employer.

Rick Hunter

Yep. We had a similar IBM meltdown in Lexington in the early 90's. All of a sudden you had 30 year IBM employees applying at Walmart and McDonald's!