Sticks and stones.


Sticks and stones may break your bones, But words caused every conflict in history.

Who is the strongest?

The man who trains night and day to fight a war?
Or the man who finds it in his heart to forgive?

Words are powerful they can affect someone in lasting ways, so, Focus on how your words affect others.


As Above So Below
A man will renounce any pleasures you like but he will not give up his suffering.



A man will renounce any pleasures you like but he will not give up his suffering.

Sacrifice your suffering by George Gurdjieff.

"I have already said before that sacrifice is necessary. Without sacrifice, nothing can be attained. But if there is anything in the world that people do not understand it is the idea of sacrifice. They think they have to sacrifice something that they have. For example, I once said that they must sacrifice "faith", "tranquility", or "health." All these words must be taken in quotation marks. In actual fact, they have to sacrifice only what they imagine they have, and which in reality they do not have. They must sacrifice their fantasies. This is difficult for them, very difficult. It is much easier to sacrifice real things.

Another thing that people must give up is their suffering. It is very difficult also to sacrifice one's suffering. A man will renounce any pleasure you like but he will not give up his suffering. Man is made in such a way that he is never so attached to anything as he is to his suffering. And it is necessary to be free from suffering. No one who is not free from suffering, who has not sacrificed his suffering, can work. Nothing can be attained without suffering but at the same time, one must begin by sacrificing suffering. Now, decipher what this means.

-- Gurdjieff, in P.D. Ouspensky's 'In Search Of The Miraculous'"

I had never heard of this man, He has a very deep and interesting perspective, I think I will search out more of his thoughts.


tall, thin, irritable
I've wondered about life after death and the 'life review' in which you get to experience all your behavior from another's perspective; see how you made them feel. I don't know what to say about all that - seems awfully specific in an arena in which very little is ever specific.

But, just thinking about that - wouldn't it be interesting if you could have someone explain to you what impact - if any - your presence here on Earth truly was? Like a report card. I'd require it to be James Burke formatted as a special edition of Connections tailored directly to me. For all the things I cringe over when I think back there are probably just as many nice things too that I just don't remember.