Bats in the Coal


Life Long Researcher
I have read about toads and frogs found in such things...alive but not bats.
I would say such ideas are for the birds...but...well, in this case it is for the bats.
Now doesn't that drive you batty?

Bonhams : A boxwood netsuke of a bat and young By Horaku, 19th century

Tonight is “International Bat Night,” a celebration of Our Chiropteran Friends, who do so much to pollinate important crops, devour noxious insects, and inspire horror tropes. With their dire reputation as vampires and hair-entanglers, it is surprising that bats are so rarely the subject of Fortean tales.

Most of us are familiar with stories of entombed creatures. These are often called “Toad in the Hole” cases because the majority involve reptiles. Obviously embedded animals are more likely to be found in quarries and mines. While I’ve delved into the ghosts and Women in Black of the Pennsylvania anthracite fields, this is the first time I’ve found a story of bats in the coal.

Two Bats from the Coal.


More: Bats in the Coal - Haunted Ohio Books


ce3 researcher
these stories always made me scratch my head
they are one of the only fortean phenomena i know that truly makes me scratch my head
the others can be explained by the trickster theory, but these are just bizzare