Bizarre Star-Shaped UFO Caught on Film Twice Over Mexico


As Above So Below



Bizarre Star-Shaped UFO Caught on Film Twice Over Mexico

Two separate witnesses in Mexico captured footage of a bizarre-looking star-shaped object that strangely hovered in the sky. Video (seen above) of the curious aerial anomaly first appeared online in late September when it was posted to TikTok by a user named Valeria. Indicating it occurred in the state of Tlaxcala, she observed that the black spiky oddity "moved very slowly and remained static for a long time." Remarkably, it would seem that Valeria was not the only individual to spot the strange object as another video of the UFO popped up online the following day.

This footage (seen below) appears to have been captured by someone in a moving vehicle and shows the rather unique-looking object once again hovering in the sky. In sharing the footage on TikTok, the witness reported that the sighting also took place in Tlaxcala and that the aerial anomaly "was just static, it didn't move at all. No wind, no breeze... no nothing." It is uncertain if this particular incident occurred at the same time as Valeria's and was simply posted a day later or if it is a second appearance of the odd UFO.

As for what the object could have been, setting aside an alien craft visiting Tlaxcala, some observers have suggested that the UFO could be a drone that has been outfitted to look otherworldly. If it turns out that the two sightings took place at the same time, another alternative explanation could be that the anomaly was an errant balloon either of the scientific or party variety. One final possibility, given the manner in which the videos appeared online, is that the two sightings may be some kind of marketing campaign.
