J Randall Murphy
Trying To Stay Awake
Map reveals where new XEC Covid variant is spreading across Europe as doctor warns it could soon be dominant strain of the virus
A new 'stronger' Covid variant, with cases reported around the world, is now spreading 'quite rapidly' across Europe as a doctor warns it could soon become the dominant strain of the virus.
The XEC strain was first detected in Germany in June but cases have since been reported in the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, the US and other countries - with 1,115 cases worldwide.
MailOnline's map highlights all of the documented cases of the new XEC strain across Europe.
It is a combination of the KS.1.1 and KP.3.3 variants and causes symptoms that are similar to those you experience with common illnesses such as flu and colds.
Most people will get better within a few weeks, but for others it could take longer to recover and some may even require hospitalisation as it is said to 'wipe you out'.
(More on the link)
Same BS. It says, "A new 'stronger' Covid variant" with "cold-like symptoms" — not mentioning that about 20% of all "cold viruses" are coronaviruses, and the only difference between COVID and a colds are the symptoms — which are basically all the same. In other words it's just a word game used as part of their psyop, and the map smells like more gaslighting to get people onto vaxports — which is a key part of the globalist's control plan — Notice any similarities ?
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