Encounter with a Flat Earther

Rick Hunter

Last Sunday, I was eating lunch with my kid in a restaurant and a guy was proselytizing to some people a few tables over. Kentucky is a definite Bible Belt state, so I figured he was peddling a variant of Christianity. He made his way over to us, and (in a surprisingly calm manner) started explaining that the Apollo moon landings were faked and created to conceal the fact that the Earth is really flat. He then produced a pocket size model of the flat Earth, asking "if the Earth is round, why does water stay in place and not drift out into space?" Ida know, gravity mebbe? I then said "That's enough, thank you" and he left us with some little paper strips about the size of a Chinese cookie fortune printed with Youtube URL's.

I think I need to come up with a mind blowing truth of my own to give these people when I encounter them. In hindsight I should have told that guy that I am certain the Earth is round. I see it everyday when I fly home in my spaceship.
Reminds me of a thing: Some Jehovas Witnesses came to my door, first time i was too polite with them, and they returned couple of months later. After that I just straight out told them im not intrested in joining any damn cults.

Its hard to see them sometimes because they have these kids with them too, and you know theyre getting indoctrinated into that whole thing, which leaves them with strict lives that cant be enjoyed to the fullest.

Rick Hunter

Everybody has spiritual gifts, of which evangelism is one possibility. Some people have that ability to walk up to a complete stranger and share the faith without making a complete ass of themselves. Most of us don't, and shouldn't be bullied into doing so.