Gigantic Asteroid Heading Towards Earth



The explosion that created the crater, which is more than 110 miles (180 kilometres wide) , likely involved a hit from an object about 6 miles (10 km) across. The crash would have released as much energy as 100 trillion tons of TNT, or beyond a billion times the power of the atom bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.



The explosion that created the crater, which is more than 110 miles (180 kilometres wide) , likely involved a hit from an object about 6 miles (10 km) across. The crash would have released as much energy as 100 trillion tons of TNT, or beyond a billion times the power of the atom bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
A 100 gigaton bomb would leave an impact.

The size depends on velocity, and the true size of the original crater, and rhe composition of the impactor.

All guesswork.


Just to reassure you, I don't worry about whales at all. Believe we should start hunting them.

The more you try to deny. The more obvious it gets that you do..

It could be your unconscious mind trying to tell you something..

Go with your instinct and set up a meeting with a greenunist rep. ASAP


The more you try to deny. The more obvious it gets that you do..

It could be your unconscious mind trying to tell you something..

Go with your instinct and set up a meeting with a greenunist rep. ASAP
A greenunist is a sap.

There is no point in having whales if we don't let the Japanese eat them. I blame Japan's national malaise and low reproduction rate on lack of whale meat.

My numbers indicate that there are about 50,000 blues out there. The population increases about 10% per year and in 7 years we should start a 1000 whale/yr sustainable harvest.

The greenuniats would have to agree because they like anything that you call sustainable.

If whalers went after younger whales (whale veal) they could harvest twice as many.
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My numbers indicate that there are about 50,000 blues out there. The population increases about 10% per year and in 7 years we should start a 1000 whale/yr sustainable harvest.
That's 10,000 whales per year not 1000. We want to cap the population at 100,000 to stop decimation of fishing grounds and cap ship damage from collisions.

Greys are about the only whale that isn't huntable.

We should have open season on killer whales, those little bastards are vicious.

I was waxing lyrical of the wonders of whaling: "The salty breeze in your hair, the ocean spray in your face, the harpoon in your hands, a whale in your sights..." and didn't get the numerical edit in in time.

Somone - think it was Achoo - mentioned rhe need for more time to revise and extend remarks. When working from my smartphone the time limit is problematic.


A couple of points:

1. I'm not much into politics just facts.
2. It isn't my fault aliens are small, if you want larger aliens, find larger aliens.

1. Hm,, Ever thought of becoming a diplomat then ? Politics or facts does not apply, only your people skills.
2. Thanks I'm good with the regular sized ones


Imagine copping that on top of a major city. But the scientificos assure us it will be 100 years before we get clobbered so that's reassuring.
Good, we don't have to look for asteroids for one hundred years and can invest elsewhere.

In 100 years the technology will be cheaper, plus one of our spacecraft will see it and call it in: "Gee earth, it looks like yall are fixin' to get smacked really good!"


Good, we don't have to look for asteroids for one hundred years and can invest elsewhere.

In 100 years the technology will be cheaper, plus one of our spacecraft will see it and call it in: "Gee earth, it looks like yall are fixin' to get smacked really good!"

Do not fear CB Planetary Defence Scientists have got your back.

Planetary Defense
