However, personally, I feel that the technological sophistication of these things is really too high...
Yeah, well tell that to the people who put a helicopter on
Mars for ****s sake and who are still gathering data from the
Voyager probes we sent out decades ago. Think about what a car or a 'personal computer' (yes they existed) looked like when they were launched. We
have been known to pull off some pretty good technical feats from time to time.
I am not having a problem thinking this is our own advanced reconnaissance tech especially considering where they seem to operate - training areas mostly. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck its probably a duck. Show me a big green and gold pyramid hovering behind some trees and yeah, I'll say that's ET. Unlike
Nightcrawler it probably wouldn't include some unknown man's
arm in a grey shirt that would just appear at random in a photo taken of the strange event. Sorry if you haven't read the book but for those who did I refuse to just blow
that one off. What it suggests is not camera artifact, not at all to me and the Tedesco brothers literally know better. I am glad they were forthright enough to include it.
Unfortunately there is zero evidence that we have any captured alien anything, not even a little bit but it's an accepted fact in pop culture. That alone should be a red flag. I'd like there to be but there just isn't and actual, for-real hard evidence is just generations of rumor. Rumor in one hand and **** in the other and see which fills first.
Personally I would not be surprised if a crash retrieval program existed, we know it has in the past and probably still does in a conventional sense. Retrieving foreign tech is something all militaries desire and I don't doubt we've been hard at work at it in Ukraine. It's very likely we have divined the mysteries of whatever the Russians have left for us. I did mention that if you use it you run the risk of losing it, right? I bet they are not too happy we have our hands on various things.
I am intrigued by people like David Grusch but that appears to have been a flash in the pan with no weight behind it. Why exactly? Where are the other 39 whistleblowers that were touted but never appeared?
Whatever the real story is I bet it's better than pop fiction