Mensa Respects TTSA


To The Stars Academy: Unafraid to Investigate the Unexplained
For decades, many people around the world have reported seeing unexplained aerial phenomena. This includes anything from a luminous orb to a flying disc, and any serious inquiry of the matter could get you ostracized from intellectual circles. But there are serious people in serious organizations willing to investigate the unexplainable rather than explaining what remains largely uninvestigated. My curiosity about this topic led me to talk with one such individual, and after our conversation, well, I don’t think we should be laughing.

Science, Aerospace, Entertainment, Analysis

There exists a worldwide occurrence that defies our understanding and appears as seemingly magically as it disappears. Many people have heard the terminology: unidentified aerial phenomenon, advanced aviation vehicles, flying saucers, etc. All of these phrases describe something that cannot accurately be explained but is real nonetheless.

From 2007 to 2012, the Pentagon operated the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP) for gathering quantifiable information about these exotic flying machines to assess the possibility of a threat. AATIP collected and analyzed electro-optical data, radar returns, signature reduction, thrust vectoring, and many other types of data. All of this information yields credence to the idea that “We may not be alone,” as Luis Elizondo, former director of AATIP, stated during a December 2017 interview with CNN. Logically, many questions arise: Who are flying these objects? Where do they come from? Why are they here? Instead of chasing endless guesses, AATIP sought to answer one question: Are they a threat? In short, no, they do not appear to be a threat.

While gathering this data, AATIP researchers observed what they believed could be advanced technology represented in these machines. And yet another question arose: Can we use this technology to humanity’s benefit? This is the question that a public benefit corporation called Academy of Arts & Science Inc. — To The Stars Academy or TTSA for short — is trying to answer.