Merry Christmas Everyone.


There is no thread to post Christmas and New Year greetings, so I'll do it here.

Happy New Year and Happy Christmas to everybody.

I really enjoyed socializing and making friends here over the past few years.

You can put it here.
Merry Christmas Everyone.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
There is no thread to post Christmas and New Year greetings, so I'll do it here.

Happy New Year and Happy Christmas to everybody.

I really enjoyed socializing and making friends here over the past few years.

Thanks for being a part of our happy family! Merry Christmas belated. And an awesome 2021.


I couldn't wish anyone a happy Christmas this year as it didn't seem appropriate but i'm sure the best was made of it.

I had an orange and a chocolate Santa as presents and someone actually stole my orange. The Santa was hollow but I thanked it for being it.