Montana Sheriffs - UFOs And Mutes.

karl 12

This report from Japan is a pretty wild one.

Quote:January 4th, 1992 - Saga Prefecture, Japan.

Late at night a farmer that had experienced strange cattle mutilations in the past was awakened by the sound of his dog barking. The farmer went to investigate and upon entering the cow shed saw a small white ‘object’ resembling a jellyfish with numerous tentacle-like protrusions coming out of its bottom. The ‘object’ was floating in the air; it then drifted outside where it vanished. A cow was discovered on the floor. It had a badly broken leg.

(Source: Jenny Randles, Peter A. Hough, World Best True UFO Stories

NICAP - 1992 UFO Chronology

karl 12

For folks who haven't heard of him then UK researcher Paul Sinclair has conducted some intriguing UFO/USO research around a small, localised coastal area of Scarborough and Bridlington in Yorkshire, England.

Quite a lot of freaky activity over the years and there's been consistently strange reports from coastguards, fishermen, farmers, residents etc. - archival research has also turned up a rich history of anomalous lights in the area going back decades.

As well as that specific area of ocean, the surrounding cliffs and nearby coastland have also experienced a whole host of freaky goings on from reports of bizarre cryptids, UFO landings, MIBs, underground noises and animal mutilations.

The vid below does contain some graphic mute descriptions (including porpoise being discovered with sections of their jaws removed) but also contains witness reports of UFOs/ USOs / MIBs and sightings of strange American military vehicles equipped with on board radar.

karl 12

Also some pretty freaky accounts of UFO activity and animal mutilations described in this presentation based on the investigations of Quest International's Tony Dodd.

(videotaped footage was taken at the UFO Magazine Conference at Leeds in the mid 1990"s)

Viewer discretion - click link to play on YouTube.



tall, thin, irritable
Apart from that YT video there's something about David Paulides and all that Missing 411 stuff that doesn't sit well with me. Maybe it was the fact that what sounded like a very minor offense terminated a 20 year career in law enforcement. I'd really like to know what his coworkers at the time made of all that.

That may have zero bearing on what he's been talking about but I find his pregnant innuendo a tad thick and I sniff at it like a three day old hunk of fish.


tall, thin, irritable
I watched that video with the two Montana sheriffs. They sound perfectly credible to me, only relaying what happened


tall, thin, irritable
You'd think ET would have enough blood, tongue and genitals by now, right? Definite High Strange element to this and it's not unnoticed that the glowing objects reported sound very similar to the accounts from the Sherman ranch. Paul Bennewitz and Gabe Valdez too for that matter. They also sound a lot like what the Tedesco brothers recently discovered off the coast of Long Island.

In 2025 is it possible this is our tech ? I don't find that to be a stretch. In 1975 though ? Not so much. You'd have to go out on an awfully thin limb to make that case, it would have to have been some revolutionary technical breakthrough that's been kept quiet. Possible but who the hell knows. I still smell human interest in this, and as Gabe and Greg Valdez suggested there may very well be a reason for it. One that we no doubt would not be comfortable being aware of. You think they'd admit they poisoned a million citizens with nuclear testing?
A lot of it was underground, there could be some damage to the water table or who knows.

That would be something worth covering up and if they are using some advanced tech to facilitate this it's on friendly soil with minimal risk. I don't think the phenomenon is unique to the US but it is unique to the western states. I am not aware of any of this up here in the (cold) northeast and we never tested any bombs here.

karl 12

You'd think ET would have enough blood, tongue and genitals by now, right? Definite High Strange element to this and it's not unnoticed that the glowing objects reported sound very similar to the accounts from the Sherman ranch..

Great post there mate and god knows what's going on - suppose some incredibly impressive, literally underground tech could have been developed in DUMBs over the decades - also suppose other aspects like the CTH are worth considering and thought Mac Tinnies raised some very intriguing points in this short clip.

Also think folklore should be factored in somewhere and have always been a huge fan of this book

"The very concept of a parallel between modern ufology and ancient folklore is still occasionally challenged by believers in the theory that UFOs are nuts-and-bolts spacecraft"

Jacques Fabrice Vallée - Astronomer

Also liked what Hancock had to say here and the account below could be absolutely nothing but thought it was worth a post - Anna Eliza Bray's "A peep at the pixies" (p152) - sourced by IMSAM.

Immediately Friskey (for such, it seemed, was the name of this Pixy) took down from a nail, where it hung near the door, the ponderous key (the weight of which was almost too much for him), and with it, at length, the young gentleman managed to unlock the door. To his utter amazement, what should the old farmer next see, but one of his fine fat oxen driven in by myriads of little creatures ; some sitting on the animal's back, others pulling him by the ears, a few swinging on his tail, and a couple of rogues, one perched on the tip of either horn, amusing themselves by turning about, in their antics, like the weather-cocks on the tops of the pinnacles of Tavistock church.
This Pixy progeny, though numerous, were by no means very handsome. The tallest of them was (said the old gossip, the narrator of this most wonderful history) not higher than her kitchen candle-stick; that was, about six inches from crown to toe ; and the miniature Pixies, or dwarfs among them, were scarcely half so tall. They looked, added this observing old dame, for all the world like little stoats, standing on their hinder legs. They had fierce black eyes, large mouths, and red fiery tongues,flashing and shining like pen-knives, as they thrust them out. This band of little imps, who seemed to be of no very gentle or amiable nature, soon drove the poor ox near the kitchen chimney. Then, urchins though they were, they threw him down in a minute; all hands set to work and fairly skinned him, being careful in so doing not to break the hide.
Whilst this operation was going on, another party of these diminutive monsters (if so they may be called) busied themselves in bringing in great logs of wood. It was truly wonderful to see such little creatures capable, by their numbers, of removing such loads. The logs were disposed upon the hearth. One of the Pixies then breathed upon them, and immediately they kindled into a flame. Friskey next clapped his tiny hands, and forthwith three obedient Pixies appeared, each mounted and sitting between the prongs of a pitchfork turned upwards, and so they glided onward towards the fire. The pitchforks stopped of them selves, and then the urchins dismounted; and one putting his fork into the nose of the poor ox, whilst the other did the same to his rump, and the third poked at his side, they had him up in a trice, and contrived to suspend him ready for roasting before the fire. And then they all set to and whirled and turned him backwards and forwards and round about like so many mad turnspits, and basted him with the cook's ladle and with all the butter and cream that they could steal from the dairy; for Pixies are very good cooks, and know that meat is never delicate or tender unless basted with care.
The roasting was soon finished ; for a fire kindled by such means is strong, swift, and subtle in its operations. And then, exactly while the old farmer in his biding bole could count seven, three times was the ox lifted up and three times again let down, before it was transferred to the large kitchen table. This done, one little wretch, far more ugly than all the rest, with something bright and sparkling about his brows (the form of which the farmer could not exactly make out), stamped with his tiny feet, and bade the whole band to the feast. In another moment, out flew a thousand little knives, each in shape resembling a cutlass, and each Pixy fell to " tooth and nail/' on the good cheer, cutting and carving and helping himself They all seemed highly to enjoy their supper, and chatted and talked as fast as they ate in a sort of squeak very like the squeak of mice in a corner.
These little wretches contrived in a few minutes, to devour fat and lean, and every part of the ox except the brain, the eyes, and bones and sinews. The bones, however, were picked quite clean, and looked to tbe wondering farmer, to be as white as drifted snow. They were then cast under the table. But how the old man did tremble and quake with fear when he saw that one of the small bones of the beast had fallen near the entrance of the hole in the wall, where he lay concealed. He had, however, courage and presence of mind sufficient to stretch out his hand and catch up this small bone. He then shut to the little softly-sliding panel that formed a sort of door to the entrance of his secret retreat; for he Avas so overcome with terror that he could not bear any longer to behold such a scene of mischief, and could hardly suppress his groans for the loss of his favourite ox. However, he could not forbear^ now and then, taking a peep at what was still going on.
Presently he perceived the Pixy company set to dancing and capering like mad things ; and this they did in a ring, holding each other by the hand, and making a humming noise like a tune (though a very wild and strange one) which was only interrupted by the mouse like squeak and a sort of chuckling, for that was their manner of mirth and laughter. After they were pretty well tired with their sports, the little Pixy who looked more old and ugly than all the rest, gave a sharp shrill cry, and immediately all the party began to collect the scattered bones, and to put them together with wonderful ease and precision, fastening them with ligatures and sinews. The little creatures, however, in building up the ox, missed the small bone, and appeared greatly alarmed lest it should bring upon them the anger of their king.
But after consulting together, they seemed to form a plan to conceal it from him pretty readily. They next laid out the skeleton of the ox, as clean and as perfect as if they had been doing it to oblige any Surgeon Hunter, or Professor Owen, for their schools of anatomy. They then took the horns and the hoofs (which they removed before supper) with very great care ; and, lastly, drew the skin over the bones with admirable dexterity. It went on without pulling, for there was no flesh left to create the slightest difficulty. This finished, once more all joined hands, made a ring, and danced three several times round the ox ; and, lastly, all united in uttering one small shrill piercing cry. This was repeated thrice more, " and thrice again," as the witches say in the play of Macbeth, " to make up nine."Several of them then climbed upon the creature's back, as nimbly as young cats, and placed themselves about the head, and seemed to breathe and utter sounds in the mouth and ears.



tall, thin, irritable
Speculation often leads straight into the weeds and after a lifetime of this I've grown allergic.

I find it funny that some are prepared to believe in the Fae people but would consider an undiscovered hominid silly.

Sure, anything's possible.

It would not be Krazy Talk to suggest a nuts & bolts solution as it's something that we (theoretically) can get our brains around and teeth into. Makes sense, if 'they' are here we could be doing a better job of documenting what's seen but the reasons they haven't been are myriad and most not technical.

Problem is people just have to pick their favorite and then throw shade on those who feel differently, which is human nature and I'd expect no different.

What we actually do know is that there are areas of the country that have been the stage for all sorts of classified activity. One I failed to mention earlier is that at the fabled Area 51 one of their big secrets was that they were just burning off highly toxic waste well into the 90s. That's one area we know about, no doubt it's not the only one. Another is that our government has blatantly used the UFO phenomenon to it's advantage and lied to us repeatedly, manipulated investigations, interfered with ufo groups and generally done some s****y things to our citizens.

The 'Answer' could easily be any or all of the above, one theory doesn't necessarily obviate the other.

karl 12

Speculation often leads straight into the weeds and after a lifetime of this I've grown allergic.

That is literally all we got

I find it funny that some are prepared to believe in the Fae people but would consider an undiscovered hominid silly.

Definitely some kind of correlation dude.


karl 12

Ha no worries mate -sounds bonkers but have also spoken to Sasquatch researchers who talk about the mysterious braided hair of horses which are then involved in 'mutilations' - one (quite respectable) Alaskan researcher told me certain native tribes are well aware of it.
