more life after death


tall, thin, irritable
This is the end of my broadcast day and I will pick this up another time, but wanted to throw this out there. Hopefully to kick around a little. Thought it might be worth a new thread.

If your belief is that the brain creates consciousness and when it fails we end, period, then this ain't the topic for you. Classical question really, nothing new in general but something I have given a lot of thought to recently. This is more about experiences, things we've seen and heard that can be quite startling.

Just got off the phone with a family friend. Been a practicing psychiatrist in Manhattan for 40+ years, maybe even more. Her partner is dying and brain tumors are part of it. She had been speaking to my wife last night about that and in the course of the conversation Mrs. Pigfarmer told her about my friend, his tumor and death and our secret message - our 'tell.' She had interest, so tonight we spoke for far longer than I had expected.

This did NOT go in the direction I had anticipated.

Here's the cliffhanger, such as it is. More when I can soon enough. In the meantime anyone had deathbed experiences, received a message or seen an apparition?


tall, thin, irritable
Been thinking about what she had to say. Being a public forum I want to be a little circumspect so as to not reveal anyone's identity here. Medical professional with many decades of experience, much of which spent specifically related to death, the process of dying and hospice situations. Traveled extensively, encountered some people with surrising ability in South America.

Up to this point had I been asked what I thought her opinion was I would have put her in the 'click, off like a light' camp.


- Actually encountered a person unexpectedly that much to her surprise was partially transparent who vanished quickly.

- Multiple instances where patients of hers gratuitously offered information about friends and family that were totally unrelated and unknown to the 'messenger.' Out of the blue 'I have a message' or some variation.

- Non-local awareness of her mom. Instances in which she became aware of something with specifics well before the fact was known. Distance irrelevant.

- Witnessed unusual flashes of light, fleeting glimpses impossible to define at the moment of death

- She suggests people can die and not know it

Just off the top of my head. I am relating this here because it served to wash away my lingering doubt. Her only assessment is that there is far more going on than we think and that she has no idea how or when or why such things occur. She was fascinated by the 'tell' I had created with my friend and thought the possibility of confirming it slim but in her direct experience not impossible. Surprised me that I had one or two things to tell her, it wasn't a one way street.

I'm just using a fancy way of feeding my Belief system like we all do one way or another. I enjoyed this, it was unexpected and damned interesting to me.


tall, thin, irritable
Thanks! I've read a few of her books but never heard of this one, will check it out.

Post #2 in this thread was from last year after I had a long unexpected chat about all this with a family friend who has been a practicing shrink for 40+ years in NYC. She worked in various cancer centers and later with Hospice. Those were her personal observations. That woman has some interesting **** to say for sure.

Meanwhile, EKR is something I figure is required reading from an original source for this topic. I've hear her account of Mrs. Schwarz before - oddly enough from John B Alexander. His books, not like we have lunch together. He got his doctorate in Thanatology - ironic considering he began his career in the Army as an early slither-through-the-jungle Special Forces trooper practicing a very different and more direct interpretation of thanatology. She brought the concept of Hospice and palliative care to the US and was his mentor for his doctorate program. I know later in life she sort of went off into the weeds.

This book is a pamplet that took me 18.3 seconds to read, but is one of those I call a 'bookshelf keeper'

My mother-in-law just shrugged off the mortal coil. After you have racked up a few, and we all start to eventually, you start to see some similarities. Specifically I'm talking about knowing death is imminent, maybe even saying so or suggesting they are going away soon, speaking to dead invisible relatives, waiting to be alone to pass. Freaky and fascinating ****.

Rick Hunter

When my wife's grandparents went through hospice, the brochures plainly stated that patients often see and talk to people who you cannot see. I thought this was interesting, in the sense that- (a.) it happened often enough that they had to mention it in a brochure, and (b.) they didn't say the patients were hallucinating or reliving memories but were talking to people who you cannot see.


tall, thin, irritable
When my wife's grandparents went through hospice, the brochures plainly stated that patients often see and talk to people who you cannot see. I thought this was interesting, in the sense that- (a.) it happened often enough that they had to mention it in a brochure, and (b.) they didn't say the patients were hallucinating or reliving memories but were talking to people who you cannot see.
My Mom passed in Hospice in '99 and did some disturbing things that really made me think but I don't recall any talk of that stuff. At that time I wasn't really paying much attention to paranormal topics, I had plenty enough normal ones on my plate at that time to keep me occupied.

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
When my wife's grandparents went through hospice, the brochures plainly stated that patients often see and talk to people who you cannot see. I thought this was interesting, in the sense that- (a.) it happened often enough that they had to mention it in a brochure, and (b.) they didn't say the patients were hallucinating or reliving memories but were talking to people who you cannot see.
That kind of thing certainly happens as people are getting ready to pass on.


tall, thin, irritable
My wife and I took care of my aunt for several years after she had a stroke and couldn't speak anymore. The last time I saw her she told me 'go' several times and somehow I knew that was the last time I'd see her. Same for my mom, she died minutes after my brother and I left. Our pets seem to know too as I imagine you and I will - unless there's one of those big Acme safes dangling from a fraying rope out there somewhere :)


On the 23rd of December I had quite an experience. I had just returned home from my pain management Doctor. I took the easy way in from the garage and then used the steps to go upstairs to the first floor. I was on the fourth step when my foot slipped and I tumbled down and onto my back. Not good. The floor is concrete covered by carpeting. My wife was on the upper steps watching me tumble.

I have pain problems with my spine causing me to not be able to move properly. All I remember is my bell being rung. I couldn’t move and I just laid there not knowing what to do. The best I could do was to spin around on my back. My legs were useless. My wife called 911 and we waited. Two men arrived plus my neighbor. They got me up and into a recliner chair. I sat there for long minutes until I could get to my feet. Now the fun part, climbing the stairs completely to the first floor to my easy chair.

Thank God we had three men. I used my walking cane as well. I finally made it to my upstairs chair. I ached everywhere and I hurt so badly. I have been resting over the Christmas holidays and have stayed home. Today was the first day I could make it to the bathroom on my own.

My wife went solo to the Christmas events. This was not fun stuff. Luckily I didn’t hit my head/no concussions. I do have a giant bruise mark on my tailbone that hurts like crazy. I will need to see my family doctor in the upcoming days. I thought I was about to meet my maker. This wasn’t the way I wished to go out!! It looks like I will make my 71st birthday after all..


tall, thin, irritable
On the 23rd of December I had quite an experience. I had just returned home from my pain management Doctor. I took the easy way in from the garage and then used the steps to go upstairs to the first floor. I was on the fourth step when my foot slipped and I tumbled down and onto my back. Not good. The floor is concrete covered by carpeting. My wife was on the upper steps watching me tumble.

I have pain problems with my spine causing me to not be able to move properly. All I remember is my bell being rung. I couldn’t move and I just laid there not knowing what to do. The best I could do was to spin around on my back. My legs were useless. My wife called 911 and we waited. Two men arrived plus my neighbor. They got me up and into a recliner chair. I sat there for long minutes until I could get to my feet. Now the fun part, climbing the stairs completely to the first floor to my easy chair.

Thank God we had three men. I used my walking cane as well. I finally made it to my upstairs chair. I ached everywhere and I hurt so badly. I have been resting over the Christmas holidays and have stayed home. Today was the first day I could make it to the bathroom on my own.

My wife went solo to the Christmas events. This was not fun stuff. Luckily I didn’t hit my head/no concussions. I do have a giant bruise mark on my tailbone that hurts like crazy. I will need to see my family doctor in the upcoming days. I thought I was about to meet my maker. This wasn’t the way I wished to go out!! It looks like I will make my 71st birthday after all..
Glad you weren't seriously hurt. Close one.


tall, thin, irritable
Pain management.

You sound very familiar with it, my brother has been dealing with if for about 15 years and lately I've had my turn. I don't know how you deal with it for years this has me climbing the walls, you absolutely have my respect for that. It absolutely affects your thinking all the time.

I usually say 'this has caused a shade to pass across my otherwise sunny disposition' :)

At least there's a fix for me albeit one that makes me queasy to think about.

Recently I got together with some old friends and coworkers. There is one in particular who is hard to take but I've known him 40 years so I used to it. He's fat, probably 75lbs overweight at least and a heavy smoker. Diabetic, swollen legs - a walking myocardial infarction. He's in denial about his actual appearance and condition, prefers only rare looks in a mirror through rose colored glasses. Yet he is the first one to dispense a lecture about how to handle your own health. He describes his medical conditions and interactions in such granular detail (especially when drinking) that I actually say to him after a while 'does this ever get interesting?' and 'is there a fast forward or even and end to this story?' That kind of thing, The answer is usually NO to all of the above.

You could accuse me of that so here's my point.

Some people treat their doctors like an auto body shop, as if you can go do whatever the hell you want and they'll fix all the damage and make you all new looking again. This man eats and drinks like a blubbery Viking and then literally whines at doctors as if he has to negotiate with them.

He also has arthritis and got sucked into one of those huge orthopedic mills whose goal is to bill bill bill bill bill bill and provide as little as possible. We tripped over that once and instantly fled, he's drawn to it like a moth as it promises easy fixes and flatters him. My actual for-real on staff surgeon who has no quota has a very different practical approach which is why I am seeing him. Without diverging any further what they are doing for his arthritic joints is the same as going to Auto Zone to find one of those magic tonics you pour in your car somewhere to fix something - ish.

This is very much a case of 'doctor it hurts when I do this'. Well, don't do that. Take some responsibility for yourself.

There is a corollary in the obesity crisis, and IMO there is a whopping obesity crisis. This isn't about politics but it is representative of what I am saying. Elon Musk just posted his Xmas Santa pics and he's been taking a prescription drug for weight loss. Say he hates exercise and this is a good option for people like him.

That smacks a little too much of the 'doctor as body shop' mentality and I'd imagine there's a high rate of Twinkie recidivism. I tend to agree with RFK Jr who has a healthy diet-exercise approach.

I guess my point is that we have grown too used to easy fixes and when it comes to some thing like pain management suddenly all those easy options vanish like an ice cube on a sidewalk. Also that if you want to be indulged modern medical billing will certainly let you do so.


My spine problems started when I fell off of a ladder 30 years ago. Since that time I have had 5 different surgeries. That doesn’t include numerous steroid pain shots. One big problem is that no one understands what you are going through. The orthopedic doctor says I need a total reconstruction of my spine. I can’t bring myself to do that. I will soon be 71 in a few days. I don’t expect my spine problems to get any better at this stage.

One thing is for sure, once you get onto the spine pain train you are not getting off any time soon.


tall, thin, irritable
Well, for every one person with a real pain management problem I wonder how many are like my buddy who just think they do


As Above So Below
The old man who lived with us passed away last Sunday in the afternoon...We saw and felt faint impressions of his presence over the days that followed, very few impressions and I think that was because he likely went to visit on the house he lived in for 30+ years before moving in to my house...What we saw was shadow movement near his room door in our peripheral vision, four times total in the week that followed his passing...

Today there was surprise...This morning I went in his room, he still has some stuff there his cousin hasn't removed yet, anyway I opened the curtains and walked out leaving the door open...Not even ten minutes later one of his cowboy hats was laying on the floor in the doorway...I don't remember exactly where it was before but there's a couple boxes and totes of his stuff across the room on his bed along with other cowboy hats of his...So I have to assume the hat we found on the floor was with the others on his bed...I placed the hat back on his bed with his other stuff and left the room only to hear a thump on the floor, a sound like someone hit their heal or foot on the floor...
