North Korea


As Above So Below
An EMP catasrophe could even result from natural causes. The last time it happened though, there just wasn't that much electrical machinery around. Have you hear of the Carrington Event?

Yeah thats true, nothing to stop the sun from damaging our electrical grid...Having electrical components backed up in case of a solar event or emp is so important these days...I have some back-ups for electrical generation but not enough yet...



As Above So Below
Yeah, I don't agree with that.

One has to understand the internal dynamics of that regime. If the ruling North Korean dynasty was pushed against the wall, they would launch nukes on US, full stop. Although, that scenario is hard to conceive. N.K. dynasty is not responsible to anybody, neither to its own people, nor to China.

US will never attack N.K. because they are too small and they don't matter. Elephant in the room is obviously China, China doesn't want US on its border ( same as Russia ) and China will rather fight US in N.K. then on its own soil.

I don't think China will allow NK to preemptively launch nukes against the US...That would mean an exchange and nuclear bombs launched by the US and exploding along China's border with NK...I doubt China wants nuclear explosions near its territory...



As Above So Below
An EMP catasrophe could even result from natural causes. The last time it happened though, there just wasn't that much electrical machinery around. Have you hear of the Carrington Event?

Here's an event on course to occur tomorrow...


A CANNIBAL CME IS COMING: On Aug. 14th, a dark plasma eruption hurled one CME toward Earth. On Aug. 15th, an exploding magnetic filament launched another one right behind it. The two CMEs will arrive together on Aug.18th, according to the latest forecast model from NOAA:


The shadow

The shadow knows!
You have to watch the video on you tube but in short kim jing un had covid


As Above So Below

North Korea's nuke mine CAVES IN: Tunnel collapse at Kim Jong Un's main source of uranium is so severe it can be seen on satellite photos

The uranium mine that feeds North Korea's nukes has been rocked by a series of cave-ins, with the scale of the disaster visible from space. Jacob Bogle, who has created a comprehensive map of the country from satellite photos, discovered the collapse in recent images of the Pyongsan mine.

The mine is the regime's main source of uranium ore, which can be refined into yellowcake and ultimately weapons-grade uranium. And it's less than a kilometre away from the only operational plant in North Korea that can process the ore into yellowcake

(More on the link)

