Psychic and Psychological


The only problem with stories like this is they aren't explained by the conventional understanding of physics.

I would suggest re-reading the 1st 4 posts - I am not discussing understandings of conventional physics in this thread - please keep those discussions in the proper forum. Thank you very much.


I would suggest re-reading the 1st 4 posts - I am not discussing understandings of conventional physics in this thread - please keep those discussions in the proper forum. Thank you very much.


I can give the conventional psychology explanation as well "you were responding to subliminal cues in the room".

Personally I don't have an axe to grind here and if you can demonstrate this on a fairly repeatable basis would think there is something to this.


Here is another example of direct psychic perception told to me from a friend:

“One day a doctor walked into my room saying that he had been introduced by another doctor who was a mutual friend. He wished to discuss psychic matters and particularly to find out what his own possible abilities were and how he could use them to the best advantage of his practice. We talked for a little while and I found him to be argumentative. I was also very busy and did not want to waste any further time and effort, so I said abruptly; 'Dr. ----, you did not come here to discuss these matters at all. You are not really interested.' He replied; 'What did I come here for?'”

“In a rather exasperated mood I said; 'You came to find out if the woman you are in love with will get her divorce, and whether you will be able to marry her. You are sailing abroad tomorrow and you have no intention of taking trouble to develop your own latent faculties.' At that he threw his head back and laughed and admitted that everything I said was exactly so. We parted quite amicably.”


This example again, is one in which no ordinary psychological explanation will fit. It is a straight-forward illustration of psychic perception. In this case the ostensible purpose of the visit was merely camouflage. Under it lay curiosity as to the capacities of the psychic but the dominant preoccupation of the doctor's mind was with a personal problem strongly colored by emotion.

This registered as the true object of the visit and was the strongest mental current of the three. Consequently, it was picked up by the psychic in spite of the attempts to conceal it under small talk. This latter illustration is taken from the experience of an individual who has always been psychically self-conscious. It is chosen because it is clear of entanglement with the psychological field.

It is only fair to add a warning at this point. To be psychically perceptive is not to lie on a bed of roses – or, if the richness of life unfolded by this sensitivity seems to make it a road of roses – it will be found that roses have thorns. These thorns are that the psychic is like a highly sensitized and carefully balanced instrument, subject to all the jolts and collisions which a world oblivious of fine feelings must give to such a person.

If one is already, by nature, such a sensitive instrument, there is no remedy for it. But if the delicate mechanism is working all the time and recording both pleasant and unpleasant things in the dark, it is surely better to learn to know this in full consciousness, rather than be the victim of its insidious workings deep in the unconscious foundations of the mind. In so far, therefore, as it is a danger and makes life more difficult for one, it is better to have that danger in sight, so that one can know what it is doing or likely to do, and so take steps to counter its assault on one's contentment.

Yet as we have pointed out, psychic perceptibility, consciously understood or controlled, more than sets off the unpleasant shocks we get from it, because it gives us a deeper perspective on life and in all its aspects. Psychic perception is not a thing to dabble in any more than it is wise to dabble in psychology or any other science. Nor is it safe to try and open up prematurely, faculties that already exist and are active in the personality, especially when they are apt to become mischievous through neglect and lack of proper training, control and discipline.


To most western people the easiest and most natural approach to the discovery of personal psychic faculties is the psychological. This is because psychology is an outcome of the scientific method of the west. Western science rose out of the urge to know accurately about the phenomena taking place around us, and its methods have naturally followed a course which satisfies that urge and which harmonizes with the particular pattern of the western mind.

Psychology represents the adaptation of this method to the field of the mind itself; and its latest development, as represented by introspective analytical methods, is an attempt to push the method still further, and for the scientist to study his own mind from within himself. Yet as we have said, even analytical methods of psychological study have largely failed to recognize and accept psychic perceptibility as a direct and normal part of human experience. Nor has any other line of scientific investigation filled the gap and linked together the results of psychic research and the everyday life of everyday people.

It is clear however, that if people have psychic capacities in their make-up, a complete grasp of the nature and structure of the mind must include them and put them in their right light and place in that structure. For as all sound psychologists recognize – one can only deal with things by learning to see them as they really are; that is, from all angles, both subjective and objective, both personal and impersonal. This applies to psychic experience as to everything else.

It is on the psychic faculties, considered as a window on to a real world outside one's own mind, that I will continue to dwell on.


Life Long Researcher
Psychic experiences comes forth from the very soul or inner most essence. Some people are naturally more attuned and exceptive to it...hence those that have natural experiences. However there are ways to get attuned to it and enhance it greatly through mind exercises and meditation. What one can do with that energy is only limited by ones perceptions and expectations.


I dont have a soul, But i do Ok without one

A high percentage of individuals living now have psychic faculties, but not everyone is able to tune in to their latent abilities nor able to identity the psychic function they are working with when it is manifested naturally. I have not mentioned the soul because it is a body which need not be consciously aware to develop psychic faculties to a certain degree. Soul-work is an entirely different work of which few burden themselves with in this life.


To continue:

History tells us that there have always been crystal-gazers, geomancers, augurs, and soothsayers of many kinds, who use some form of apparatus which excites or stimulates psychic activity. Such means are legion and include sand-divining, card-reading, teacup-reading, automatic-writing, and all the lesser esoteric arts. The apparatus used mostly serves one purpose, and that is to act as a focus through which the psychic function is concentrated.

The deliberate concentration of attention necessary to read cards or look into a crystal produces in the operator a very slight degree or self-hypnosis. The result of this is not actually to increase the psychic power of the medium but to give them more prominence by decreasing the degree of attention focused on the physical world immediately around him. That is, there is a relative increase in psychic clarity because the focus of attention has shifted.

What occurs is the medium develops a habit of easy disassociation thereby losing his normal close touch with the physical environment. In this way he becomes more open to conscious psychic experience and aware of impulses reaching him from the psychic world. In reality, he is half way between the two worlds, and his consciousness stands precariously on a narrow bridge between them.

The instability of this foothold can explain the uncertainty and often dubious veracity of many 'communications' and explains why these messages are often a jumble of unintelligible and at times frankly nonsensical matter with, here and there, a very pertinent point jutting out.

The objection to the use of apparatus to focus attention is this it involves a process which, instead of leading us towards a greater degree of integrity, control, and self-awareness, such as is the goal in this work, it works in the reverse direction. It induces the tendency, as the mediumship develops, to a greater degree of unconscious activity and to a splitting, not a knitting together, of the parts of the personality. Many however, use and like methods involving paraphernalia, and will legitimately continue to use them because they give the results they are looking for.

As to the use of drugs, it need scarcely be said it is not recommended and can be very harmful, and a very undesirable way to open up contact with the unseen. They inevitably lead to a deterioration of the personality and leave the subject victim to the unpleasant and often terrifying experiences of the psychic hinterland.

I am more concerned here with studying the natural growth of psychic perception rather than with methods comparable to forcing a plant, with the result that it can only function under hot-house conditions. The use of apparatus or drugs may show us things in the unseen worlds, but it teaches us little or nothing about our own psychic make-up or the way it behaves.


The nature of ourselves in a general sense for discussion can and will create a purely psychic atmosphere about a place, it is built up by the thoughts and feeling of human beings. For example;

A research worker was asked to investigate a so-called haunted home. The woman who lived in it, and unhappy creature, complain that something in the room constantly urge her to jump out of the window into a stone-flagged courtyard below. The investigator himself stood at the window and realized that it would be an ideal place for suicide, but he failed to discover any trace of haunting. He realized, however, that many people must have thought as he did, and had probably built up in the room and atmosphere of corresponding thought and feeling. It was to this, and not to any hunting entity, that the lady responded. Her response was all the stronger because of her frustrated psychological life and her wish to escape from it. This atmosphere was psychic but man-made.

There is another factor where nature alone creates the psychic atmosphere, and where the human element of influence does not exist. There are remote parts of Darkmoor, for instance, where is sensible people have found themselves ceased with panic for no apparent reason except that the Moor itself seemed hostile and sinister. It was as though it resented human intrusion. This is also felt in wilder mountains, such as parts of the Alps. One would maybe physically dark and sombre, and yet be friendly, while a much lighter and sparser copse is hostile.

Again, when make camp out on a deserted fell in Norway, and yet feel as if one were surrounded by busy living creatures. Such impressions as these have nothing to do with humanity and human thought; they are an integral part of those particular places and seem characteristic of the natural life in them. In some parts, as in wild mountain country, this life is very potent, inspires fear from the fact that is, in some cases, completely alien to and incompatible with humankind.

There is nothing evil in it; it is merely life of another order, and to understand this and accept it as a fact and nature removes the sense of menace by an unknown danger. To recognize these unseen powers in nature, and to realize that they cannot overwhelm or even invade us unless we allow or invite them to do so, is highly important to our considerations, reactions, and interactions.