Questions about WICCA


High Priestess
Anna is 18. I seen her change and grow. WICCA molded her into the beautiful woman she is today. She is strong confident and knows her destiny. To help to heal.
Blessed be.
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High Priestess
I once walked into a room and overheard a couple of friends talking about me. They didn’t know I was there. I paused for a moment, let their words settle, then smiled, shook my head, and walked away.

There was a time I found out a friend had been speaking badly about me. They never knew I knew, and I never confronted them. Instead, I chose to quietly step away from that friendship, carrying only my peace with me.

Then there is my mother who cut me out of her life because I finally stood up for myself. I stopped crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t even help me across a puddle. This time, too, I smiled, shook my head, and walked away.

People often ask me how I can just walk away from those who betray me—people I trusted, people I thought cared.

The truth is, each of those moments is a crossroads. Every betrayal, every disappointment, is a sign pointing me toward who is meant to journey with me and who is not. It’s never easy, but it’s always necessary.

I’ve learned that anger and resentment weigh you down. So instead of getting mad at those who betray me—whether they’re friends, my mom, or anyone else—I choose to bow out gracefully. I trust that life, or perhaps something greater, will fill the spaces they leave behind with people who are genuine, kind, and true.

Because at the end of the day, the journey is mine. And I’d rather walk it with those who truly belong beside me.

From Priestess Anna's FB. The first time I saw her talk about her mom who abandoned her and her father


tall, thin, irritable
Interesting post.

Those weren't friends then were they? Or not very good ones at least. Best to cull the weak links, IMO and what could you possibly every say to them? In a situation very much like that with a frenemy of mine I never let on how I felt or what I was thinking I just stopped speaking to him and knowing his personality type that was the most effective way to deal with it. He'd prefer confrontation which is exactly why I let him stew in his own juices.

A corollary: a person you've known your entire life turns out to be someone you don't care for.

Nothing to do with love or being willing to help, just sometimes there are things you never saw before and when you do it's ugly and impossible to unsee. Kobyashi Maru, it's a test of character that many fail because it's usually easier to rationalize a problem away than do the heavy lifting and just deal with it.


As Above So Below
Nothing to do with love or being willing to help, just sometimes there are things you never saw before and when you do it's ugly and impossible to unsee.

Sometimes impossible to see but sometimes possible to throw a sheet over...Like an old, torn, almost broken chair no one wants to get rid of because it's still comfortable to sit in so they throw a sheet over it, there are some who are so proud of their dis-eases that are more than willing to pour over into someone else's plate...That's why I always have bread with my meals, not to eat mind you, but to soak up any spillage from another plate...People can be messy...

Kobyashi Maru, it's a test of character that many fail because it's usually easier to rationalize a problem away than do the heavy lifting and just deal with it.

Those type of situations also mould and hone an individual's character, offering opportunity to refine certain energies to a finer degree...Some of those instances are priceless...



tall, thin, irritable
My wife and I have had a number of those priceless opportunities over the past few years and there has always been benefit it taking advantage of them even if it may not have been immediately obvious at the time.

Other people's Drama. Yup, some people just splash their **** everywhere without thought and we are deadly sick of it. But yeah, we just 'throw and old sheet' over some things because if we didn't the cost would be our own souls, or however you'd like to put it. I can put my head on the pillow at night without guilt so whatever we endured was worth it.

Rick Hunter

One thing I have learned in life is that nearly all of the time you have to accept people as they are, not as you would like them to be. By "accept", I don't mean condone what they do/don't do, or knowingly give them opportunities to hurt you. What I mean is, recognize the reality of the situation and keep living your life with them or without them as the case may be.

Best current example: my wife's sister "Hannah". Hannah has blown up three marriages in a row by cheating. The last one was especially painful because she has two children with him. Hannah has never apologized to anyone, she seems to think that because she claims no religious affiliation she can use situational ethics and nihilism to her heart's content. I really don't think she comprehends the fact that she is hurting real people by her lifestyle, and I'm not sure she ever will. I told my wife that, Hannah is going to do what Hannah does and the best outcome any of us can hope for is to have a cordial relationship with her while not placing her in a position of trust where she could hurt us in some way with her predictable behavior.


High Priestess
From Priestess Anna's FB

Dear Mom:
"The hardest thing about losing you is that it didn't just happen once. I lose you every single day that we don't speak. When wake up in the morning and reach for my phone and hope to see a message that isn't there, and when go to sleep at night after I realise that the only person want to moan to about how crap my day was, isn't there.
And lose you in all of the moments in between, in all the hours of silence that go by where I do nothing but think of you, go to call you, and then I don't. Because I can't I lose you when I watch certain films, listen to certain songs, and go to certain places that are all tainted with certain parts of you and how you make me feel. And I used to think I could only miss you when I was alone, but that's not true. I miss you when I'm around everyone else, too. Because they are not you. But you're always there...somewhere. I can't not think about you. It's only when I'm asleep that I get a break from it. From thinking and wanting and missing. But, then I wake up the following day, roll over, check my phone, see that you didn't call and I just know I'm going to feel it all over again." And I can never ask WHY?


High Priestess
From Priestess Anna's FB
Dear Ian
Memories of You.
I remember when you walked into my life and lit up my world.

I remember when you picked daisies for me just because.

I remember when we talked for hours about nothing and still didn't want to hang up the phone.

I remember when we read each other's minds and finished each other's sentences.

I remember when holding your hand sent a thousand waves of warmth straight into my heart and when you hugged me, I melted in your arms.

I remember when you won that huge, stuffed teddy bear for me at the fair and you said it was no big deal, but I knew it was.

I remember when you sat by my side for hours when I had pneumonia.

I remember being so deep in conversation that we lost all track of time.

I remember when we drove around town for hours just so we could kiss at the stoplights.

I remember when you wrote love notes for me and put them in my coat pocket to surprise me later.

I remember when we laughed out loud at things only we thought were funny.

I remember when you said you loved me and time as I knew it stood still for a moment and I was certain somewhere in heaven there were angels doing high fives and smiling.

On days when my heart is lonely and I'm feeling tired and old and blue, I die just a little to the memories of you.
And we just got started making memories.