
karl 12


Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow

Although I agree with the quote, its not that easy because widespread misinformation as well as information overload. One can not go and dive into every rabbit hole that concerns his life, so he must make decisions based on sentiment and throw reason away.


As Above So Below


The First US President:

"The right wing, where I stood, was exposed to and received all the enemy's fire ... I heard the bullets whistle, and, believe me, there is something charming in the sound."
Letter to his brother, John A. Washington | Friday, May 31, 1754


As Above So Below
“The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages.” - Banksy



As Above So Below

The shadow

The shadow knows!
From my daughter's FB.
Each of us has any number of people who have helped us in our lives.

Parents, friends, family, mentors and teachers, complete strangers.

I make it a habit to thank people, and to state what I am thanking them for. I do not always remember. I am not always mindful.

Those moments are when I have failed at one my life practices. I note them, allow them to pass and work on to be mindful again.

Because practice is the accomplishment. Better practice. It never has to end.

"If you choose to do something, do it right and do it until it is done" my Father said to me when I was young. I have never forgotten, though I sometimes lapse in my practice.

My practice is always there for me, patiently waiting, never ending.

If you find it within yourself to see a kindness, or know a mentor, family member, friend or teacher let them know how much their work is appreciated.

Thank you.

Gratitude is an easy thing to forget, though we are fortunate in that we can always show it, however belated it might be.

Thank you, all you fine people, for all your good work and kind deeds, known and unknown, done because it was the right thing to do.

Thank you for that.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
“Before I was six years old, my grandparents and my mother had taught me that if all the green things that grow were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the four-legged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the winged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all our relatives who crawl and swim and live within the earth were taken away, there could be no life. But if all the human beings were taken away, life on earth would flourish. That is how insignificant we are.”

Russell Means, Oglala Lakota Nation (November 10, 1939 – October 22, 2012).

Via SR Ramona White Plume


As Above So Below
"You'll rarely need a doctor, lawyer, or policeman. But every day, three times a day, you need a farmer".
