Rex Heflin's Photographs

Todd Feinman

Show us the satellite pics...
Interview with Heflin. I believe these are real photographs. A number of skeptics have suggested that it is a model train wheel --I've easily shown that the object is much larger than one of those, here. Again septics will tell you that it is a hokey looking object --again, I would tell them to take a look at how objects are described at NICAP and in the old encounters; they are simple metallic forms or shapes, like the Trudel pics --they don't need doodads --the simplicity of their appearance is evidence of them being advanced. Heflin had a classic "road encounter".



A detailed analysis:
Bruce Maccabee also analyzed the photos some time ago, iirc.
All that said, the possibility remains that it is a hoax, though I very much doubt it.

I think the photos are of a real UFO --and the diffusion of the light around the saucer makes me believe they are objects of size at distance --the same kind of atmospheric diffusion seen in the Woonsocket photos.