Scientists Warn of Bizarre Zombie Disease


ce3 researcher
It usually doesn't.

I'm not sure there is a disease. I believe deer are just dumb.

I've already had to push a couple of their stupid asses off the road with my car.
whats with you and denying know facts and instead pandering to media brainwashing?
wake up
the evil politicians are preying in you with their fake war and brainwashings


whats with you and denying know facts and instead pandering to media brainwashing?
wake up
the evil politicians are preying in you with their fake war and brainwashings
As most people know I don't do a lot of pandering.

Further, I am anti-tester instead of pro-tester.

And the brainwashing claim is just ludicrous. My brain hasn't been cleaned in decades.

I don't deny known facts, I disprove popular lies.


Theres alarmingly many zombies around here in .se I think its related to other local factors also.

Scary ?? Absolutely so

Its affected so many ppl.
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Experts Weigh in on ‘Zombie’ Deer Disease: Has Not Been Passed to Humans —Yet



Ya know it's been decades since I read Richard's book, "Deadly feasts," but at the time I was living on an Island and taking the ferry back home when I finished reading it. I was so mortified and depressed finishing that book, it was first edition, and as I stared out at the beauty of the Pacific Northwest I was just flabergasted. You wanted to do something, to scream out loud, but there was nothing to be done; they have killed us all was all you conclude, and not just us, but the entire world. This is what I was thinking, it was the only possible conclusion at that time. No other outcome seemed possible. This world would become a dead world.

Then it struck me that Nature always succeeds, is all knowing, all powerful. There was a reason for it's varied life spans, it knew that in time there is survival and that in the life span of an hour, or a day, or of months that some creatures would continue on, that life would go on without us humans of course.

I also expected a global wide mass death to begin taking place in the early 2000's, which it has in the form of what is supposedly Alzheimer's disease, which is a plaque or crystalline platting that destroys the brain cells leaving holes, so pretty much the same thing as Kuru, which was previously the only know manifestation of this disease, also called laughing death though there's nothing laughable about it.

Bottom line, it's more bullshit in my opinion, and more and more people are going to be afflicted with it. The zombie meme is both a truth telling and statement of gullibility about the people themselves, but what I'm asking myself now is what's new that they either know has taken place, or which they are exploiting to make happen because this Zombie motif isn't accidental. It cannot just grow legs and walk around without direction and without being revived without help. I have to say there's something to this somewheres. In vaccines maybe, in nano-crystalline particles sprayed in the air via chemtrails, but there's something to this zombie thingy.


As Above So Below
I also expected a global wide mass death to begin taking place in the early 2000's, which it has in the form of what is supposedly Alzheimer's disease, which is a plaque or crystalline platting that destroys the brain cells leaving holes, so pretty much the same thing as Kuru, which was previously the only know manifestation of this disease, also called laughing death though there's nothing laughable about it.

I thought when the HIV virus first spread around the world it would cause a global mass death, but I was more naive about viruses and diseases back then lol...