The 1 Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge


You know, a great many people, presume the paranormal to be the enemy of science, Or that science is somehow out to disprove the paranormal. But truthfully, The paranormal is defined as those events that science just doesn't have the answers for. In a way. Science determines what is paranormal and what isn't, and really, doesn't that make science the most paranormal thing in all of existence?

I present to you, The 1 Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge. This challenge was an offer made by a man named James Randi who founded the JREF, (James Randi Educational Foundation)

The Rules are Simple, The JREF will pay out one million U.S. dollars to anyone who can demonstrate a supernatural or paranormal ability under agreed-upon scientific testing criteria. This Challange was issued in 1964 and is still open to anyone who wishes to compete, I warn you in advance. Till this day. no one has ever won the prize money.

One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge - Wikipedia


James Randi
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Life Long Researcher
I have been aware of that challenge since the eighties.
James has revealed lots of frauds but he did not get serious enough to go after the paranormal.
In my opinion the challenge was more of a publicity stunt for him.
He has witnessed the paranormal when HBO did a special where he challenged them to show him something he could not explain or explain away.
I watched that show and when it came to the fire walking he witnessed a fire walk he could not explain at all and was baffled about it and openly admitted it on camera.
Many psychic abilities are not dependable like a muscle usually is when you need to use it.
Emotions, mental state, immediate health state along with many distractions can prevent an ability from showing itself when called upon. Heck even muscle performance can be effected in similar ways. As a former power lifter I know.
But as one that formerly performed psychic abilities I know too well that they are not always dependable.