The Hybrid Program?


cold fusion
While I believe humans are a product of both evolution and ET intervention by genetic engineering effectively accelerating human evolution/tweaking dna at various times in human history by various ET factions for various reasons - I have no idea what the status of such ongoing programs might be. This site goes into a detailed map of they think is happening. I have my own suspicions, but only a very short period of researching the phenomenon, whereas these researchers have been doing it for decades to draw their conclusions.

Unfortunately the images are down, but the content is still up. The site is The Hybrids Project and the original artwork (if it ever shows up) was created in 1996 for Ed Walters. I'm keeping the image placeholders up in case they make them visible again. I'm posting all the text maybe in case it goes down.

The Hybrid Program

The UFO phenomenon has evolved over the decades from the 1940's to the present. Each generation has witnessed aerial phenomenon and has consequently had increasing access to clues and evidence. Civilizations from parallel realities and parallel dimensions similar to our own reality have been manipulating human DNA from the beginning of our recorded history and it is highly likely that all of this activity over the decades is the visually elusive air traffic of beings involved in one singularly focused mission involving humans. This genetic program is a part of our human history, it is here with you and I now and will continue flowing down line into humanities future. It is time to accept the fact that we are hybridized humanoid beings with alien DNA.

However, the children of the very latest human genetic upgrade are quite different and far more advanced than you and I and thus are currently living off world out of harm's way. We have a number of reliable eyewitness reports of these hybrid children and in this website we will paint a few broad strokes in order to take a peek at the feverish activity occurring out of public sight along with the mind bending possibilities of the impending first contact.

Hybridization of a conscious humanoid appears to be quite complex. Evolution is not ruled out, but there is a point at which highly advanced humanoids begin to upgrade other humanoids. The benefits of this process would, at its simplest, be the perpetuation of life, intelligence and consciousness. This is a logical expectation within an infinite multiverse and likely a process that spans countless worlds and vast expanses of time as we know it. Earth is but a part of the process and not the process itself. We will come to realize that we are part of a larger galactic family and the relatives are coming to introduce themselves.

The information, illustrations and scene recreations contained in this website exist, and can only be shared with the world thanks to the hard work of researchers, writers and CE4 eyewitnesses. To our readers we would like to state that this information has been diligently collected and represents literally hundreds of hours of conversation with experts in the field as well as abductees who were willing and kind enough to participate in the development of these renderings to assure as high a degree of accuracy as possible. As utterly bizarre and surreal as some of these renderings may appear to be, they are based upon input directly from abductees and CE4 eyewitnesses.

The Hybrids Project website begins with fundamental concepts and logical speculation and we expect more revelations and evidence to flow toward us as time passes, therefore this site will evolve and we will update sections as we learn more, so please stay tuned.


cold fusion

The UFO phenomenon has evolved over the decades, or at the very least our perception of the subject has. With each new sighting and each new eyewitness report we are able to add a few more pieces to the puzzle, thus the big picture of what is happening is becoming more clear.

1950's - 1970's

In the early UFO years from the 1950's, 60's and 70's the fixation on craft and sightings and the incoming data for the general public was very much visual and iconic - the magic and mystery of the unknown in the Earth's skies was reinforced by film and television shows which portrayed UFOs in various human-perspective scenarios. Our human perspective of what these strange craft and objects represented was evolving each decade as more eyewitness accounts came forward and our own technology progressed - such as the internet which allowed the possibility for every witness to tell their story and for near real time updates on all facets of the contact phenomenon.


A massive shift in UFO awareness came about in the 1980's when reports of abductions began to make their way into books such as Communion, Taken, and Guardians, and the UFO mystery turned to fear. The late 1980's saw the internet come into common use allowing the everyman to publish their own reports of abduction and tell their story without ridicule. These abductions were taking place at night, commonly around 3 to 4 am with surgical precision and high levels of technology. This new collective dread, granted understandable considering the vivid and harrowing details, allowed our deepest fears about the vastness and potential of the universe to solidify within our minds.


The 1990's saw an increase in the details of the technology and logistics of these abductions - different types of beings were seen, bug-like, grey skin, small blue people, even dead relatives. Then we began to hear about the "Hybrids", those fragile children seen aboard alien craft who appeared to be both human and alien and most significantly telepathic. The made-for-TV series Intruders was remarkable in addressing the hybrid-being aspect of the abduction phenomenon and maintained a reasonable degree of accuracy in its portrayal of the methodology and appearance of both the small grays and the hybrid beings as typically described aboard craft by abductees.

2000 to Present

After 2000 the resolution increased and today we have a high definition picture of what is happening behind the UFO scenes, thanks to CE4 eyewitnesses like Whitley Strieber, Ed Walters and Jim Sparks who have a unique conscious recall of their abduction events. The general tone today is quite different than all of the previous decades with less fear and more understanding that indeed perhaps all of the crafts and night activity have been for the sole purpose of creating a hybrid species using human and alien DNA. The question now is, what does the future hold?


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Here we are in the present - the year is 2016 - and we have reports of Tall Grays, Small Grays, Nordics, Mantid beings, along with implants being removed by doctors (Dr. Leir) with strange lab results. We have people reporting missing time and awakening with strange visions of the future, unearthly mathematical concepts (Stan Romanek), people awakening in their beds at 3 am with mysterious self healing scars and sometimes even wearing the wrong clothes.

Depiction of Small Grays performing a routine patient abduction

Over the decades we have been provided with multiple reports of abductees being shown strange, humanoid babies and asked to hold these babies and to show them affection. Hundreds (if not thousands) of women have told stories of missing fetuses and phantom pregnancies. Male abductees have told us of face to face encounters with apparently alien-human children and at times even encountering a dead relative. What exactly is going on here? Why are abductees seeing all of the different types of beings; Grays, Nordics and Mantids with these hybrid children? At first glance these reports and the pieces of evidence seem chaotic, fragmented and random but upon closer observation there is a pattern and a repeating logic. Indeed, there appears to be a hierarchy of personnel involved in the hybrid project with each holding a unique function or purpose. Let's take a look at the hierarchy based upon the evidence and testimony to date in order to better understand who and what is behind this hybridization program.

The massive Hybrid Project and the sphere of influence represented in an onion layer hierarchy diagram

If we take a look at the Hybrid Program Sphere of Influence schematic (above) we can see the "Who's Who" onion layers and gain a better understanding of the overall hierarchy as seen from our human perspective. The inner core of the onion represents the least amount of power or influence. The outer layers represent the greatest power and control and likewise each outward layer represents an increase in the ability to traverse time and space in the cosmos.

  • Super Conscious Beings - Advanced beings from other realms with limitless influence/control.
  • Tall Grays - Transhumans with ultra technology directing the hybrid program.
  • Mantids - Insect like beings possessing ultra technology working with the Tall Grays.
  • Good Dead - Deceased humans with access to ultra technology and time space movement.
  • Blondes - Human like beings with ultra technology participating within the hybrid program
  • Reptilians - Beings possibly of Clade Dinosauria origin possessing ultra technology
  • Hybrid Humans - Composite beings who are the end result of the hybrid program
  • MILAB - Military humans with high knowledge and the ability to move about the solar system
  • Abductees - Interact with higher beings and occasionally leave Earth and/or visit other dimensions
  • Dark Dead - Earth bound deceased humans who have limited abilities over the population.
  • Population - All ordinary Earth humans who typically have little or no knowledge of higher beings.

Breakdown of the Hierarchy

You and I are at the center of the diagram - the core of the sphere of influence. We, the Human Population, have very little influence over those beings in higher levels and generally have zero physical mobility into space. The general knowledge level of ET activity and other realms is in it's lowest state here.

The next level we refer to as the Dark Dead which is comprised of humans who are deceased and no longer have a physical body and yet they have not progressed into higher dimensions. Though they are Earth bound, the dark dead see more of reality and what is hidden from the living according to Strieber's visitor in his book The Key.

Abductees have experiences both conscious and unconscious involving traveling aboard craft away from the confines of Earth and in some cases have access to high level information directly from beings in the higher levels of the sphere of influence. Thus, abductees have greater mobility than the general population and a higher level of awareness of reality. Abductees can and do affect the general population below them.

Whereas abductees may or may not be conscious during their CE4 interactions, we have independent reports of military personnel who are very much conscious and involved with not only the abductees but the higher level beings themselves and thus have great mobility on the Earth and off. These people are behind the so called military abductions and are generally referred to as MILAB. They have been witnessed extensively by many individuals and well described by Whitley Strieber and AJ among others. They have control of abductees aboard craft and on the planet's surface. Though these MILAB beings are likely human, they are far removed from the normal lifestyle and daily routine of surface bound humans. What they know and are capable of we can only speculate.

One level above our charming military group are Human Hybrids who are reported to live off world but within our solar system. They have access to advanced technology and are telepathic. Though currently living off world, we have reports of human hybrids visiting incognito in safe areas of populated cities in order to acclimate themselves for future interaction with the population. Human hybrids have a great deal of influence over all levels beneath them and are themselves the reason for this entire program.

The elusive Reptilians have access to ultra technology and are telepathic. It is possible they are humanoid beings of clade Dinosauria origins and are the result of an earlier hybrid program far in the past on Earth. Their interaction with us now is evidence of their ability to move outside of time and space through extremely advanced technologies. It is reported that the Reptilians are playing a role in the hybridization program although their contribution of DNA does not seem to hold the priority of that of the Tall Gray DNA within the hybrid beings. However, we the Population simply don't know the full extent of the hybrid program which could be far more vast and complex than we can imagine at this time.

The Blondes or Nordic beings have been seen aboard UFOs on many occasions and have a very close physical appearance to human beings. They also possess advanced technology and are highly telepathic. Their role in the hybrid program is uncertain however CE4 eyewitness "AJ" reports encountering a Blonde being with large eyes and thinner blonde hair, suggesting he might have been a Gray-Blonde Hybrid.

Residing one level higher than the Blondes are the Good Dead. This group consists of deceased humans who have moved onto another realm of existence. We place human souls on this level assuming they have all knowledge of physics and events of all the levels lower than them and - being free of a physical body - likely have greater quantum mobility throughout the cosmos than the incarnate. Deceased relatives are frequently seen aboard craft by CE4 witnesses.

Also seen by CE4 eyewitnesses quite often are the Mantid type beings. These beings are humanoid and usually bipedal having a torso, two arms, two legs and two eyes but are certainly based upon insect evolution, evident from their appearance. Here they are placed on the same hierarchical level as that of the Tall Grays as they are often reported to be as emotionless as the Grays and very active in clinical procedures with patients. Interestingly, like the Tall Grays and their subordinate Small Gray drones, David Huggins witnessed smaller Praying Mantis type drones working in tandem with the Small Gray drones. CE4 abductee AJ reports seeing several beings who appeared to be the possible genetic combination of Tall Gray and Mantid genetics.

The Tall Grays appear to be the initiators of the human hybrid program and are apparently the highest level of this extremely complex program that extends outside our solar system to other worlds and possibly even other dimensions. The Tall Grays are physically active in the program both contributing their advanced genome and managing the logistics of this multidimensional endeavor.

Super Conscious Beings we place at the highest level of the hierarchy though very little is known of them. They appear to patients at times of stress or discomfort and possess great compassion and intellect. Super conscious beings might represent an extremely advanced collective that participates in an overview capacity making an audit of progress and from time to time by interacting with individuals subjected to these medical procedures.

Click for a high resolution image and Right-Click again for HD
Looking at the Hybrid Program sphere of influence from a larger perspective we can get a sense of the limited mobility into the universe we have as humans - the center of the onion. Moving outward from Earth we can see that MILAB people can move about into the solar system with the human Hybrids likely able to move about the entirety of our Milky Way Galaxy. Higher level beings such as the Blondes and Grays are likely able to move from galaxy to galaxy.

At the outer most onion layer Super Conscious Beings might have the ability to move across various dimensional planes allowing for an interconnected multiverse wherein various galaxies and universes comprised of hybridized physical beings can rendezvous on the common ground that is the interior of an alien star craft or UFO.


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Tall Grays

The Tall Grays, according to many abductees, appear to be the initiators of the hybridization agenda. The consensus from decades of CE4 testimony points to the conclusion that our Tall Grays are Transhumans from a future or parallel reality Earth that has (or will) destroy their environment and thus appear as they do to us physically having manipulated their DNA for tens of thousands of years. Yes, this sounds like science fiction and no one can be faulted for not being able to fully accept this future mutated human scenario. All we can do is consider the reports and correlate the known facts the best we can and rule out known hoaxes. We do however have dozens of impeccable eye witnesses who have offered up consistent testimony over a period of years if not decades. Be skeptical, but do not allow skepticism more air time than it deserves.

Abductee encountering a Tall Gray and several Small Grays
CE4 testimony indicates the Grays have reached an impasse with their ability to continue in their present biological form and having the technology and the need they thus began the Hybrid Program in order to continue their civilization. The big question then is why now? Why us?

The Grays interacting with humans at this juncture offers us a fascinating hypothesis. It is reported that the Grays reside in our human future 50,000 years from now. This number is difficult to fathom and yet offers a simple explanation as to why reports of Tall Gray activity and technology give the impression of being too paranormal or magical to take seriously as any technology from so far into a future couldn't reasonably be expected to be anything less than fantasy level. It would be mind altering to imagine a reality with humans on Earth in say 5,000 years time but 50,000 years sounds astronomical and we simply cannot comprehend the physiological changes or technological changes that will have occurred in that time, or can we?

Incredibly, it looks as though we can get a glimpse of something that would otherwise be impossible, something akin to seeing a living dinosaur but in the opposite direction on the timeline. We can see what happens in a future 50,000 years from now because the Grays are us, they are humans and they possess the technology to quantum tunnel to our reality. We can see what they look like and we can observe their technology - the craft they move around in. This is utterly amazing!

What's even more incredible is the possibility that we are witnessing in the Grays the end of the evolution line. A cosmic crossing of the finish line where a species can evolve or mutate no further. Indeed, this hyper technology state of the Grays is so powerful it is bleeding over into our reality and we may in fact be engulfed within the ripples of this merging timeline. We are feeling the effects of their 50,000 year technology while simultaneously witnessing our own beginning of this advanced technology, the birth of computers, genetic manipulation and the infancy of space exploration. Ultimate technology has circled back to meet the beginning of its original course.


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Small Grays

One of the most widely observed beings encountered during medical abductions are the Small Grays. In the early years many abductees and UFO researchers believed the Small Grays were an alien race entering bedrooms late at night to escort patients into craft for medical procedures. As more events have been reported and more information has flowed in the conscious collective that is our internet, likewise our collective image of who the small gray drones actually are and what their task is has become more clear. Small grays are not a species, but a living worker being which assists Tall Grays.

Object Report scene recreation of an abductee aboard a craft with two Small Grays assisting a medical procedure

Small Gray or a hybrid being seen by Stan Romanek?
It is now generally accepted that these small gray beings are in fact biological workers. They appear to be fabricated workers which are the result of extremely advanced genetic manipulation. The Gray's have succeeded in creating autonomous creatures, what we might call androids, who carry out mundane or dangerous tasks for the Tall Grays. Consider how impressive these beings are in the specs: they have the intelligence and physical composition to move through time from another dimension, withstand some form of beaming teleportation technology, they can switch human beings mentally off at will and project telepathic thoughts and they likely possess even more extraordinary abilities we are not aware of. The Small Grays, in all of their glorious functionality, represent living evidence of the blending of advanced genetic technology and nanotechnology by beings who have an absolute understanding of quantum principles and physics of the Multiverse.

The diminutive size and controlled mental capacity of Small Gray workers likely represents a logic 101 amongst advanced civilizations that have the ability to fabricate conscious living workers and this rule is "Never create an artificial intelligence physically larger or as intelligent as your own". Oddly enough the Small Grays are probably more intelligent than a human, but again not as brilliant and vastly mentally superior as the Tall Grays who by all reports possess a simply stunning level of hyper consciousness coupled with dazzling intelligence that is telepathically hardwired to a Multiverse ship that can pull you through a wall at 3 am and place you in front of your deceased grandmother in another dimension.

Small Gray described by Ed Walters
Ed Walters published the famous book "The Gulf Breeze Sightings" in which he further describes his encounters with the Small Grays who are in fact biological units used to carry out ground operations. The Small Grays should not be confused with the Tall Grays who are evolved beings. The Small Grays are manufactured beings solely created to perform specific tasks.

Although the Small Grays have been witnessed and reported in dozens of accounts in the context of utterly terrified abductees, there does not appear to be any reason to believe the Small Grays are malicious or malevolent. In fact, the contrary seems to be the case - that the Small Grays are in a sense programmed and instructed to be overly cautious and fastidious in protecting the patients during transport to and from the craft. Conversations or impressions that telepathically bleed over into the minds of human patients during the transportation process or inside the medical facility have been relayed to us to reveal laser focused mission specific communication, cues devoid of any emotional interaction or obvious agenda. Jim Sparks offers particular insight into the transporting process and his interaction with the Small Grays.

Another type of Small Gray being reported by CE4 eyewitness AJ is a small brown skinned being that was seen on multiple occasions during her encounters in the 80's and 90's. AJ describes them in her encounter as being "three and a half feet tall and move by floating or levitating themselves. To me, their energy or presence feels the most alien of them all." Jim Sparks describes in several of his Youtube interview videos the presence of the Grays as that of a real, visceral field that is picked up and directly related to the beings role aboard the ship or within the operations hierarchy.


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Tall White Beings

Tall White Being described by CE4 abductee AJ - click for a larger image
Not to be confused with the Tall Blondes we also have CE4 reports of Tall White beings. Whereas the Blondes are reported to have thick blonde-white hair and a substantial muscular frame the tall white beings are over seven feet tall and have a thin frame. Their hair is described as thin and like the fuzz on a peach. Their eyes are large and deep blue with a slight 'wrap around' appearance.

We have several encounters on record with the Tall Whites with a general consistency in their appearance from eyewitness to eyewitness. AJ describes an encounter with a being that fits the Tall Whites description, "I was facing these three Beings. The Being in the middle was quite tall and thin and he resembled a wizard in a way. His long white and blue robe was moving and flowing as if it had an energy of its own, or perhaps it was even an extension of his self. There was an enormous amount of energy appearing to come from within him. I knew without a doubt that I was in the presence of extraterrestrials." Are the Tall Whites simply a large group of hybrids who are the genetic result of Tall Gray DNA mixed with another race? The large eyes hint in this direction, however other reports seem to suggest they are a separate race altogether - though this fact unto itself does not rule out a hybrid connection as it now appears highly likely that all beings in the cosmos are hybrids to some degree.

There are two other interesting accounts of the Tall Whites, but these encounters do not come from patients of the hybrid program and thus the credibility is not quite on the same level as those abductees who have reported their experiences over years or decades.

Colin Andrews has an excellent write up on his website in which a police officer in the UK encounters three beings who might fit the tall white description. Because these three beings do not have the unique, muscular build often described with the Nordic types, it leans the possibility into the direction that these three beings are Tall Whites. The illustration accompanying the article certainly looks to be similar to that of the Tall Whites.

Charles Hall talks frequently about tall whites and a possible US government connection in his book Millennial Hospitality. Hall's description of the Tall Whites also covers details regarding the construction of their interstellar craft as well as his personal interactions with these beings in the Nevada desert. The account of Charles Hall is intriguing but the degree of involvement between the Tall Whites and the US Government is generally outside of the normal description of the hybridization program. However, it is certainly not impossible and there have been hints from other CE4 eyewitnesses of clandestine government involvement.


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The blondes are active participants in the hybrid project. We have eyewitness reports in which they have been encountered on the same craft alongside hybrids. One well known instance is the Travis Walton encounter. Travis, a logger in Arizona, was taken aboard a craft after approaching too close and interacting with the lower field surrounding the UFO as witnessed by his coworkers on November 5th, 1975. Travis subsequently disappeared for five days before being found outside a gas station in Heber, Arizona over 30 miles from his original location. In addition to several smaller beings, Travis encountered three Nordic Blonde beings - two males and a female. The smaller beings Travis encountered have been illustrated through detailed drawings based directly on Walton's recall and with what we know of the hybrid appearance today, these beings were likely hybrids.

In the 1950's, benevolent aliens known colloquially as "Space Brothers" were common, these were the Nordic type aliens; tall, blonde, very human though with strange eyes, warning of the dangers of the atomic arms race and the pressing need for us, as a species, to elevate our awareness and understanding of our place in the Universe. Some have suggested the Blondes are also known as the Pleiadians. As encounters with the Grays became more common, many variations became apparent - small, tall, large eyes, small eyes and variations in skin color other than grey. Other beings were often associated with them, particularly by Whitley Strieber in his "Communion" book series - some were even squat and blue in color. Strieber referred to these as "The Good Army", and they have some resemblance to the robotic type beings often reported by the patients of Dr. John Mack in his book "Abduction: Human Interaction with Aliens".

In addition to these cases we also have reports of Blondes who appear to have some degree of Gray DNA as reflected in their physical appearance. Again, like the Tall Grays, the Nordics or Pleiadians appear to possess advanced technology and telepathic powers. These telepathic powers are likely reinforced through technology aboard their craft but likely also represents an ability derived through advanced genetic manipulation. Jim Sparks speaks about lingering telepathic effects days after being aboard the craft.

In a particularly fascinating first hand eyewitness report from 1954 in West Midlands, England, Jessie Roestenberg, then aged 29 and her two children witnessed a object flying overhead then hovering just over her house. Jessie described the event as two blonde humanoid figures in a Mexican-hat shaped craft with a perspex dome on topstaring down at them. Her description is very detailed and, for all intents and purposes, as genuine as it gets. Jessie Roestenberg's account falls into the unique and rare category in which an eyewitness has been face to face with extraterrestrials allowing us to verify certain physical and anatomical attributes.

The Blondes could very well be original contributors to our current human DNA structure. They are extremely similar to humans in terms of physical appearances and this likely is not coincidental. If they are not direct genetic contributors to the current human genome, us, then they are evidence of a pervasive humanoid appearance that weaves through the galaxy and multiverse. Are they perfect, beautiful humans or are they advanced beings who appear as perfect when temporarily in physical form? The real answer could be a little of both. Perhaps our ambiguity in understanding exactly what the Blondes are in physical terms is partly an effect of our ignorance of how things truly function in higher dimensions in conjunction with our fear of realizing just how fluidly these beings can move their consciousness from one state to another.


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Mantid Beings

If the Tall Grays are future humans quantum tunneling into our reality to perpetuate their lineage it is not entirely transparent what role the Mantid type beings perform in the human hybrid agenda. In general there are reports of various types of alien beings who do not appear to be hybrids who are associated with abductions and medical procedures – however the Mantid beings appear so frequently one would speculate they have a sustained, primary role in the hybrid project. Why are they participating in this hybrid project? They could possess an exceptional collective intellect that is morally neutral and fitting to a complex, hyperspace operation which weaves through time and dimensions. The Mantids could be our cousins in that they represent an insect race that has evolved on Earth either billions of years in the past or a billion years into the future.

A Mantid type being encountered during an abduction

We already know the Grays possess the ability to traverse any time and space constraint and are seen with other beings who likewise come from time periods so distant that the notion of time itself is rendered moot. Reptilians have been seen during CE4 abduction events and it has been stated in several instances that Reptilians are our Earth cousins and the product of a hybridization program themselves. Keeping in mind again that to be on board a Gray UFO likely means to be outside of linear time as we know it. It has been suggested that time is an illusion of frequency and there really exists only a present now and that all beings can rendezvous from any time abstract or space abstract in this eternal now. This gives rise to the notion that your soul is in fact therefore a wormhole unto itself capable of tunneling toward any other being at any given time or place within the space-time continuum.

AJ an eyewitness who has had a life time of rare full-memory abductions coupled with medical procedures and harassment by military personnel (MILAB) worked closely with us via e-mail correspondence in the creation of several beings she has encountered over the last few decades. This Mantid female (above) appears to be of predominantly insectoid physiologically compared to several other beings AJ encountered aboard ships who appeared to be hybrids - having a mix of insect type DNA and other DNA - perhaps from the Tall Grays.

Tall Mantid Beings as described by Simon Parkes
Simon Parkes is a well known British politician who has come forth with his incredible accounts of alien abduction going back to early childhood. The accounts are remarkable and of great value in that Simon has rare, conscious recall of details. Simon Parkes has been working closely with artist David Chace in the creation of Mantid and Reptilian renderings. The Object Report created the rendering at left based upon sketches and details that came forth from Simon Parkes encounters decades earlier. This is a unique Mantid appearance not often described. These beings are however quite similar in appearance to the insect like beings and drones encountered by abductee and artist David Huggins.

Smaller Mantid drones encountered by David Huggins
David Huggins has experienced several abductions involving Grays and insect type beings and is another rare eyewitness who has been able to recall vivid details of these encounters. Huggins has created dozens of paintings based upon his memories and these paintings reveal encounters in which David is dealing with the same group of beings on more than one occasion - suggesting that there is a relationship that, over many years, is formed between the 'patient' and his or her caretakers. The rendering at right is based upon several of David Huggin's paintings and one might deduce that the Mantid beings have intelligent drones similar to the small biological workers used by the Tall Grays.
The Allagash Abduction Case

The Allagash Abduction event is one of the best documented abduction cases as it involved four witnesses; twin brothers Jack and Jim Weiner, their friend Charlie Foltz, and their guide Chuck Rak. All four men experienced the same event. The witnesses said the incident started on August 20, 1976, when the four men, all in their twenties, ventured on a camping trip into the wilderness near Allagash, Maine.
On their second night camping, they noticed a bright light not far from their campsite which they first passed off as being a helicopter or weather balloon, but later noticed it displayed a strange quality of light. Suddenly, the object imploded and disappeared. The following day went by without incident, as the first. The men were unlucky in their fishing so they decided to try it at night. They set camp on the shore of Eagle Lake on August 20th. As darkness settled, the men built a blazing campfire which they expected to burn for several hours to be used as a beacon for their campsite while out on the lake. They then headed out in a canoe. After a short time, one of them noticed the bright light they had seen two nights before in the distance above the tree line. He called the others' attention to it. They watched the object intently and noticed it appeared to be much larger this time and made no sound. Foltz grabbed a flashlight and began flashing an SOS. Suddenly, a bright beam of light shot out from the bottom of the craft and it quickly made its way towards the men. All men began to paddle furiously back towards shore. Suddenly, the light enveloped the canoe and the four men. The next thing the men knew, they were back on shore at their campsite. They stood at the edge of the water and stared blankly at the craft, which was hovering no more than a few dozen feet from them. After watching for several minutes, the craft suddenly imploded, as it had done two nights previous, and reappeared over the treetops on the other side of the lake. It then shot upwards into the sky.

Being seen aboard the UFO. Is this a hybrid being possessing
both Mantid DNA and Tall Gray DNA?
Jack Weiner was the first to start having nightmares. In these dreams, he saw beings with long necks and large heads. He saw the beings examining his arm while Jim, Chuck, and Charlie sat on a nearby bench, not able to intervene. The beings had large metallic glowing eyes with no lids, and their hands were insect-like, with four fingers. The other three men were experiencing very similar dreams, with short, mental clips of that night on the lake.

The description of the creatures was consistent. The four men, several of whom being artists, were able to make detailed sketches of the entities, the craft, and the examining instruments. Chuck Rak added that the aliens' test area was similar to a vet's office, with a silvery table. He also related a strange fact: he had much difficulty in focusing on the aliens. When he tried, he could not put an exact image to them. He compared it to trying to tune in a fuzzy radio station. The sketches reinforced each others recall of the event, ultimately revealing two distinct types of beings and a possible third. We have insect like beings that do not resemble the typical Grays but do resemble the Mantid type beings. It is possible, and in fact likely, that the features reveal a hybrid being with DNA that does not include human DNA, at least not any obvious significant factor.


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Beings that have remained out of focus for quite some time and who in general are looked upon as intimidating or imposing are the Reptilians or Draco. Although the impression we humans have of Reptilians is polar, good versus evil, one thing is consistent among Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind, or CE4, eyewitnesses and that is the appearance or physiology of these enormous beings. As with most other beings seen aboard UFOs or dimensional craft, the Reptilians are humanoid, simply meaning a vertical symmetry of two legs two arms and a head with two eyes and two ears. As the name implies, they have the appearance of a reptilian origin. The modern coinage we have applied to these beings of "Reptilian" does not necessarily indicate their evolutionary past. Eyewitness descriptions simply match that of our current day Earth reptiles, however we do not have information as to what planet these beings come from nor can we simply assume they are reptilian. If we assume there is a general continuum from planet to planet of like scenario evolutionary lines, ie mammals, insects, reptiles and for example, early mammals from small hairy land animals and small scurrying reptile creatures - then we can speculate what evolutionary line the enigmatic Reptilians might represent.

Interestingly, given that we have a number of detailed yet varied eyewitness descriptions of insect humanoid beings as well as bird like beings and mammal based humanoids. Assuming not all of these ET races are from Planet Earth in some distant past or far future - we can make a reasonable assertion that, yes in fact, similar or universal animal classifications extend to other solar systems, planets and likely to other galaxies.

It has been suggested by some CE4 eyewitnesses who have simply been told by beings aboard craft and in telepathic conversation that the Reptilians or Reptoids are from the Clade Dinosauria with some abductees being told that indeed these humanoid dinosaur beings are from Terra or Earth, from a distant path hundreds of millions of years earlier if not possibly over a billion years past. How it is you and I can see Reptilians in the here and now once again stems from the notion that the essence of quantum reality-- the prime physics of the universe--is that time is an illusion and there is only "now". The UFOs are far more than mere starships and these craft are so elaborate they are literally constructed in multiple dimensions simultaneously when fabricated, not just a single dimension. The craft are conscious, living machines that can change quantum resonance to move from any reality to another parallel reality, any period within what we consider the time stream. This simply means that to be on board a UFO means to be within a space that is nowhere in particular in time. It is the ultimate rendezvous point for all living beings who have ever been and will ever be. This would explain quite a bit when one reflects on the true potential of the "now". It would explain why we see such a variation of beings aboard UFOs and how, mechanically, we might be seeing past cousins of Earth origin in the Reptilians and future cousins who have evolved on Earth in the Mantids. Humans are possessive and we have a natural tendency to assume the Earth is completely ours, but taken in a non-linear point of view - we are sharing Terra with possibly several races of Dinosaur and Insectoid origins and possibly even a bird-like race.

Are the Reptilians or Dracos as they have been called evil, with dark plans? Is there a connection to the Illuminati as some researchers have suggested? We have reliable eyewitnesses who certainly have seen and heard things in the company of Reptilians such as Simon Parkes the famous UK politician who has come forth with nearly impossible to believe accounts of 8 foot tall green Mantids and equally difficult to imagine Reptilian beings who eat bloody holograms and stomp around in military parade fashion carrying Roman-like banners with small human children in tow. You'll just have to read Simon's acccount of being in the presence of Reptlians, in his own words, as the scenarios are literally mind bending.

On the flip side, we have a number of eyewitnesses who have encountered and spoken with benevolent Reptoids and have relayed to us encounters with these gentle giants who seem to be genuinely concerned about humans and their well being. It has been suggested by many experiencers that, like human beings, Reptilians as a whole represent a spectrum of love and malice and cannot be labelled at once as either. They likely have their share of military oriented personalities, intellectuals, artists, philosophers and so on.

What we do know is that the Reptilians are certainly participants within the overall Hybrid program. There have been multiple CE4 eyewitnesses who have encountered Hybrid children who appear to have a significant portion of Reptilian DNA. We also have eyewitnesses who have reported seeing Hybrid children with reptilian characteristics in the presence of adult Reptilians.


cold fusion
Hybrid Beings

Illustration based upon description by Whitley Strieber
Whitley Strieber is a renowned abductee and author of the bestselling Communion and its sequel, Transformation. Whitley Strieber continued to expand on the abduction subject with more insight and revelation through his equally successful publications Breakthrough and Confirmation. Strieber is considered the gold standard among UFO researchers and readers but many might be surprised to know that he encountered a small being on several different occasions that he believes might be a child of the hybrid program. Sean Casteel interviewed Whitley in Toronto regarding his encounter with this highly strange person and the reasons why he believes this might be a hybrid child become evident in this unique and sometimes humorous interview.

In this unique Object Report rendering we can see this being appears to be mostly human, however he has two features Whitley was able to discern once in close proximity. The being seemed to be telepathic and his appearance was rough and weathered as in premature aging. Other eyewitnesses have reported encountering children who have mostly human features while other hybrid children appear to be more alien or exotic in appearance but they all share one trait and that is extreme telepathy. I say extreme telepathy because all humans possess a low level degree of telepathy, most of us just aren't aware of it - however the visitors and hybrids possess a level of telepathy that can interact with machines and control human minds as well as those of animals.

Female Hybrid as described by AJ
CE4 eyewitness AJ has had decades of contact and has experienced rare total memory recall. Her recall ability is similar to that of Jim Sparks and together both have described multiple abduction events in vivid detail. This female hybrid, at left, appears to be young but interaction with her revealed a more adult level mental presence. Like Whitley's chain-smoking, child-sized hybrid - this female appears mostly human with the one exception - her very large, beautiful golden eyes. AJ describes her encounter, "I saw a petite, female Hybrid with white-blonde hair open a glass door and I realized that I knew her." AJ further describes her appearance, "I looked at her face and saw her huge golden eyes... This young Hybrid had shoulder length blonde hair and she was holding blue eye lens in her hand. I looked at her beautiful huge golden eyes and I asked her, referring to the blue lens she was holding 'Are those your implants?' She responded telepathically, 'Yes' but she seemed a little uncomfortable with the fact I knew she wore special lenses. The special blue lenses make her appear more human and have pupils like ours."

Female Hybrid being seen during a mass abduction
Not all hybrid children are cute with large eyes and thin bodies representing some surreal, real life version of Japanese anime cartoon kids. AJ describes one of her encounters, "The one female being I saw clearly was short and pudgy with wrinkled skin and appeared to be malformed or at least, was very strange looking. She had vivid blue eyes. I did not see a pupil like ours, but rather a white pupil that was shaped like a horizontal slit. She had dark hair that was longish and tousled. She was telepathic and when I was looking at her, I felt I had to keep my thoughts from her because she was so difficult to look at." As described at the top of this page, Whitley Strieber's hybrid visitor appeared to be malformed and suffering some form of mental illness. These apparent physical defects reveal that this process is potentially vulnerable to error which in a sense means the Gray's genetic program experienced random error beyond their control. However, in time and with the majority of beings there was success - with the end result being the fabrication, or creation of hyper-beings or trans-humans with great intellect and telepathy and perhaps physical body characteristics yet unknown to us.

Along side the Small Grays the humanoid hybrid beings appear to be assisting in the transportation of patients from their homes to nearby craft or to nearby rendezvous points in which large groups of patients in a zombie like trance are brought together and placed into groups until they are transported aboard large craft. AJ describes encountering beings whom she believes could be hybrid beings both during the transit process and while aboard the crafts. Jim Sparks describes a mass abduction he experienced while conscious. AJ describes the female at left as telepathic with eyes that shifted rapidly as she scanned AJ's memories and thoughts.

The actual interaction between the hybrid beings and the patient are likely not random events and as it occurs in perhaps a timeless hyperspace, contains some degree of intentional leaking. AJ reports encountering a blonde male being who's appearance suggests he might have some degree of Gray DNA in his makeup as revealed in the size of his skull, his very large blue eyes and thinner blonde hair than is often attributed to the pure Nordic beings. Many patients report seeing hybrid children aboard UFOs and either telepathically sense or are directly told that the hybrid being is their child or more specifically, bears genetic traits derived during the abduction process decades earlier. AJ describes the being illustrated here, at right, as "The Blonde I have had experiences with appears to be a minimum of six feet tall and has an attractive build. He has beautiful blue eyes and I have observed vertical pupils in them. I am not certain if I have ever seen his ears or if he even has any. His nose is slender and his lips are also slender, however, they have much more shape to them than the Grays'. He has blonde hair and it is usually messy."

Object Report rendering based upon eyewitness data
AJ describes in her writings, encountering many types of beings and had the great instinct at the time to sketch these beings along with hand written notes. These sketches allowed AJ to form a strong memory circuit which was very evident in her ability to describe great detail when working with The Object Report. In the rendering at left she describes her encounters with insect like beings having a generally humanoid, bipedal composition of two arms and two legs but are certainly not human. These beings are not the Tall Grays and there might be some confusion from time to time in the recall and description of beings encountered aboard UFOs. There is however a discrete difference between the Mantid type beings who have evolved from an insect line of planetary evolution and the Tall Grays who are future homosapiens that have mutated over tens of thousands of years. Do keep in mind however, that there likely exists a hybrid being that is a combination of Gray and Insectoid DNA and for that matter likely an even broader hybrid continuum throughout the cosmos.

Hybrid beings bowing together in greeting
These three insect like beings (at right) whom AJ encountered aboard a craft during an abduction could be considered hybrid beings. AJ notes that these three beings appear to have traits common to both the Mantid or insect type beings as well as certain traits from the Tall Grays. The limbs and joints being less insect like and the head having an elongated lower mouth area that might hint at Gray DNA contribution. If this is the case, it would indicate that not only are the Tall Grays combining their DNA with human DNA but are creating other combinations such as Gray-Mantid children and Gray-Reptilian children. Keep in mind that we have evidence that this hybrid program involves the use of multiple alien races within the same embryo. This could explain why so many variations of Visitors have been reported in various colors, shapes, sizes, skin, hair and disposition. What we can deduce is that there likely exists an even greater hybrid program with extensive mixing of varied alien races, with little or no connection to our rather local, human hybrid program.

Rendering based upon several still frames from Romanek
Stan Romanek is famous for his video "Boo" which was predictably dismissed early on by mainstream media and skeptics alike. However, no one has ever proven Stan's video to be anything but the real deal. In fact, these Romanek skeptics when pressed by Agent K and Agent D to offer just one documented case in which Stan's evidence was shown to be invalid, offer nothing to support their skeptic position and are never to be heard from again. What many people do not realize, or never bothered to do a quick bit of Google research on, is the fact that Stan Romanek had a plethora of documented encounters before his now infamous video. Stan continues to record and document strange encounters to this day and his evidence has never stopped flowing out to the public. Interestingly it appears Boo is seen in other videos Stan recorded in and around his house during his CE4 encounters. Upon reviewing frames from two additional videos Stan took it was determined by Agent K and Agent D that Boo is in fact likely the same being Stan refers to as "Curious Grandpa". This being appears at first glance to be a Small Gray, but further review suggests Boo is likely a hybrid being and this idea is supported by the fact that Stan is frequently visited by hybrid beings who have stated directly, verbally to Stan that they are indeed his children, sharing human DNA along with DNA of other beings.

Rendering based upon earlier artist interpretations for Stan
Like AJ, Jim Sparks and Whitley Strieber - Stan Romanek has had many conscious CE4 encounters with the Visitors and remembers these to such a degree that he is able to recall minute details of the clothing and physical features of these Visitors. The rendering at right is based upon earlier sketches produced for Stan according to his recall. One night three hybrid beings appeared at Stan's door, one female hybrid being and two males who shared very similar bodies, facial features and are likely brothers and sisters and further are likely Stan's offspring. These particular hybrid beings are very much alien in appearance with their disproportionately large eyes and strangely shaped craniums. Once more the common trait shared by these beings is powerful telepathy - a trait that is certainly derived from the Tall Grays who possess hyper intelligence and ultra telepathy.

Drawing originally created in 1996 via Ed Walters
This rendering, at left, created in 1996 is an exclusive Object Report illustration never before published. Agent D worked directly with Ed Walters in 1996 via e-mail correspondence to create this composite image of one of his memories aboard a UFO. Today it is clear that this blue-eyed female is a hybrid being, likely having human and Tall Gray DNA. Interestingly the Hybrid connection with our female in this rendering was not known to Agent D but became evident over the years as he worked with more and more CE4 witnesses on other recreations of beings encountered aboard these craft. It is this visual connecting of the dots that lends credibility to the eyewitnesses. It is highly unlikely there is some organized scheme to concoct a visual description of nearly identical looking beings between people living across the country and separated by years. I want to express to you the reader, that this experience of watching similar drawings develop - for me - has been profoundly convincing and highly idiosyncratic.

Illustration created in 1996 for Ed Walters
For many years Agent D assumed this being encountered by Ed Walters and rendered according to Ed's email correspondence, was a Tall Gray. However if you look closely you will note that this being has thin, white hair on his head (as described by Walters) and is therefore likely a hybrid male who has predominant Tall Gray genetic features. Like the blue-eyed female being in the above rendering, this Gray being revealed himself to be more than meets the eye. Back in 1996 we had no concept of hybrid beings having been exposed in the 90's to mostly stories involving Small Gray drones or the Tall Grays described by Whitley Strieber. (Note: there was indeed a great deal of information regarding the Hybrids and Grays prior to 1996 in the public domain) As stated on the Perceptions page, the made for TV film Intruders hinted at the Hybrid connection and depicted many of the reported beings with remarkable accuracy though perhaps missing the mark with the Tall Grays aboard the craft during the exam scenes, as it appears the beings more closely resembled the Small Gray drones. However, Intruders was incredibly forward thinking and likely not appreciated at the time as fully as it should have been.

The evidence gathered from the past few decades points to the conclusion that we are thus parents of the Hybrid Beings we have had a glimpse of through these eyewitness based accounts and subsequent illustrations. These beings have our DNA and certainly have the DNA of the Tall Grays and thus are likely more intelligent and socially more sophisticated than we are currently. What can we possibly offer to beings that are so highly developed and superior? Oddly, our darkness and violence is perhaps what is most valuable to our closest hybrid cousins as it has been suggested that in their timeline, in their reality they do not have extreme violence, greed and contempt which form the dark experiment we are currently experiencing. We are a mirror opposite to these beings and in the middle meeting ground the magic will occur as we learn to exist in less fear and the Hybrid Beings can observe chaos and malevolence through osmosis.


cold fusion
Willa Hillicrissing

It all began when we posted our special report "Anatomy of a Black Triangle Sighting". In our quest to construct a 3D model of the silent black triangle as described by the observer, Agent K and I began searching the internet for authentic images of black triangles and this led us to one particular drawing that had very unique features that could not have been randomly included. Researching deeper into this particular triangle image led us to the name "Yahyel" and this name led us to the name "Essassani" which ultimately led us to Bashar. Our discovery of this Bashar character is when all hell broke loose. I can't even begin to cover the things coming from this Bashar, so you'll need to ride that roller coaster on your own time. More relevant to the subject of Hybrids is a being introduced by Bashar - a female entity who goes by the name of Willa.

Willa is from what we would call the future. She is a human-ET hybrid being with advanced DNA, a true trans-human with what we might call super powers. What are her super powers? We are told she is telepathic and can physically shift through dimensions by will. This ability to shift through the matrix could also be seen by the viewer as shape shifting. How could super powers like this be real? Agent D has been watching too many CGI movies on Netflix featuring Captain Picard in a wheelchair. Super beings could exist, IF, reality as we know it - is more illusion than we know and if consciousness has a tremendous control over the quantum ether - control over the holographic fabric. This of course was touched upon in the the film The Matrix. Willa is said to possess 'designer genes' or advanced trans-human qualities such as large eyes, thinner body, two hearts, a larger brain and possibly some built in nano technology. She might have a genetically designed consciousness better equipped to control the holographic matrix. This all sounds like magic but it is not a new theory, this trans-human power has been associated with the Tall Grays and even the Small Grays and to some extent, all hybrids. I concede, it does sound like fantasy and here we begin to cross into mind boggling territory where what we thought we knew isn't so solid, where our hard-earned, life long memories play tricks on us.

There is no escaping the fact that Willa looks like an Elf. She looks like a character from a Lord of the Rings fantasy drawing. She has large eyes, the pointed ears, the small frame, the hairy animal qualities and of course her magical abilities. I drew her based upon three verbal descriptions of her appearance. I did not draw her thinking of elves or fantasy pictures. Our first impulse is to dismiss Willa and her appearance as something simply drawn from previous fantasy literature and arts because this elf lore is deeply rooted in our subconscious. But here's where things get weird - it's looking like we've had it all wrong all along and we have to ask: which came first, The Hybrid human or the elf concept? How could the Hybrid being from the future be the source of lore and fantasy in our human past? This calls for wild Agent D speculation, so follow along if you Willa...

It is being brought to our primate attention - from out there in our internet virtual brain - that everything we have been taught about physics is W-R-O-N-G. In fact, there is no giant, black, vacuum void with our exploded big bang glob of matter and scattered atoms making up reality, atoms drifting outward, solitary in the aether. The new information beaming to us now is that in fact our true minds exist outside of the hologram we call the Universe and this mind of ours is creating, on the fly, what we know of as reality through the holographic imaging of billions of parallel realities per second to create the illusion of time and the illusion of space, therefore these billions of parallel realities per second give the illusion of movement. Oh, but wait! How could there be enough parallel realities to sift through to create a motion picture reality? That sounds impossible. Well, the answer is INFINITY. We humans just can't grasp infinity and this is why we get everything utterly wrong and start pouring over ancient ramblings on old, dried parchment papers for the answers to the Universe. Reality doesn't care if we grasp infinity or not - the cold hard fact is, that what we call reality is more akin to an infinite fractal spiraling out forever, with an infinite number of nearly identical parallel realities that our quantum minds interpret, creating the sensation of life and reality. It's all an elaborate illusion based upon the physics of infinity. Simply put, there is not just one version of you, there are infiniteversions of you and there is no limit to the outcome. Think about it, do you really believe there is only one fixed quantum path swooping over the event horizon for your life that will play out across time, straight as train tracks, never bending, never to be altered? This single-me concept doesn't sound quite right, especially not in this day and age when each day we are learning more and more about quantum superposition, non-locality, holographic black holes, fractals, string theory, and all that is to come that we simply can't comprehend right now. What we do know is that our previous understanding of physics is constantly being shown to be in error. Humans are doing the best they can in the moment, but you simply don't know what you don't know.

How does this infinite parallel realities concept relate to Willa, Hybrids and super-humans? Our soul or mind exists in the idea of NOW, which has no time or space. Every other person you know, their true mind exists in this NOW, in fact the mind of every other being on every other planet in the Universe, in the Multiverse within All that is, are all in the NOW. Again, there is no time and space in this NOW, no distance, so communication is instant and the truth of it, as seen from the perspective of being in this NOW, is that everything that ever happened and everything that will ever happen exists in the infinite holographic matrix right now. Because our eternal minds originate from this NOW, we can access any point in the multiverse at any time. This also means an infinite number of variations of the multiverse can be accessed at any time and this to some degree is evident through dreams and drug induced hallucinations. This is something you do not have to meditate to do, or focus on, you're doing it automatically a billion times per second. Your mind will not accept this notion simply because our brains are not wired to grasp just how infinite the Universe really is. Anything that stretches outside of our immediate reality sphere will quickly be dismissed as mere fantasy. I concede, there are legitimate challenges to this theory such as -- if the Universe is composed of an infinite variation of wild never ending scenarios and anything goes, then why is life on Planet Earth so fixed? Why do we never see anything out of the ordinary, why does no one ever conjure up something from thin air, or levitate or morph into something weird before our eyes? What I'm about to say to answer this question will sound evasively obvious but if we DID have access to the real potential of the multiverse we wouldn't be having this conversation. Through our questions right here, We are focusing on our human limitation because that's exactly the nature of our reality - limitation.

Earth is a special place with good versus evil and we are individual multiverse chips who have been reformatted clean with no data. We are blank in more ways than one. Here's the point to all this, most of our galactic family are NOT restricted to these particular physics of limitation. Their reality is beyond imagination, so far beyond imagination that they leave us alone for this very reason. To be in proximity to a true cosmic being really brings out the baboon in us and they know this. This is the reason contact is so many things at once: magical, terrifying, mystifying, frustrating, captivating. You and I are the lab rats in this experiment, scurrying about on the crust of planet free will. If you ask me this experiment rather sucks, I see a lot of murder, grief, greed and misery around the world, but I do understand that perhaps there are things we take for granted that spring up from this foundation of terror (such as cheese puffs). The good news is that the experiment appears to be drawing to a close. And like a thumping helicopter decending out of the heavy clouds to rescue our dangling bodies on a wet cliff - our galactic family, again who exist in the eternal NOW, are materializing out of the NOW and slowly making contact with the disoriented, mad, indigenous primates who about this time, are at each others throats. Their message is basically "here we come get ready..." and "'s what reality is really about."

Indeed, we are getting a lot of high level messages and in my opinion after nearly 20 years of UFO research, this is real-time contact from ETs to humans. Most people don't believe it and I can't blame them. Nobody likes the idea of channeling and although I now believe in channeling, if someone else mentions channeling to me, I still feel repulsed - so I'm very sympathetic to the skepticism of others. It's like watching someone eat fried pork skin out of a greasy bag. It's okay if I'm eating pork scratchin's but if I were to turn and see you eating scratchins, I'll be grossed out and sick -- nose picking also makes a good analogy to channeling. The only way anyone can be convinced this is real and legitimate is to listen to 100 hours of Bashar speaking on Youtube. After a few dozen videos you will slowly begin to realize no mere human brain can speak so long about so many complicated subjects without making a grammatical error and with no hesitation in the delivery when something hardcore is demanded of him. So the evidence or proof of this channeling being real is given in a clever way to us, through a shadow - through the absence of error.

What makes Willa unique is that she is a hybrid being from "up line" or what we could call the future although she can communicate with us today because all conscious beings exist in the timeless NOW. This is a chance to hear about the future and I've created this drawing of Willa Hillicrissing to give us a chance to -see- the future as well. Willa reveals to us that humans will shortly become more trans-human and will possess greater powers and exist in a world of open contact and peace. Keep in mind that from Willa's perspective you and I are all dead and long gone - we are the ancient ones who lived in a savage world before Universal contact. All is not lost however, as this span of years which started in 2013 represent the slow climb out of the dark muck back into the light of technology and truth. You and I live in an interesting time because we have one foot in the savage era and one foot in the ET era and we are literally straddling that line this very moment. Events are changing rapidly however and over the next few years we are being told that contact and disclosure will accelerate.


cold fusion

Unidentified Flying Objects have been reported in seemingly countless configurations. A few of these UFO configurations are witnessed in the skies more often than other craft and avid readers of The Object Report are likely aware that we have written multiple Special Reports which seem to indicate a dramatic increase in the sightings of these enormous Black Triangle craft across the country. There have been a plethora of these triangular craft witnessed and recorded worldwide over the course of the past 100 years.

Depiction of a 'Black Triangle' type craft by The Object Report
According to what we've learned from CE4 abductees, these black triangle craft are the interstellar (or interdimensional) self-aware craft of the Hybrid Beings. Keep in mind that these visitations are not occurring in a linear fashion as these craft are literally time machines. The Grays, Mantids, Nordics and Hybrid beings are all capable of entering our atmosphere and our reality in a non-linear fashion at any point in time they choose. There are arguments that this violates known physics and paradox rules - however our understanding of how mass and matter is not complete and indeed we seem to be missing key factors of how the universe or multiverse functions. This is covered briefly in the multiverse section, or with much more depth in the special report by Agent D: "Through the Looking Glass: Faster Than Light Explained?"

But the UFO phenomenon goes back further than the last hundred years, it's been primarily in the past sixty years that the majority of advances from reverse-engineered alien and hybrid technology have happened. Classified research into this 'foreign technology' from the visitors has been ongoing for decades by MILAB and people like Charles Hall, Ben Rich and Don Phillips who were intimately involved in such programs have independently confirmed this to be a fact. We even recently had deathbed testimony from Ben Rich, the former director of Lockheed, confirming that we already possess technology to 'take ET home' as Rich puts it. We cover this topic in more depth in the special report "Separating Fact from Fiction: Project Silver Bug, the Military and Reverse Engineering"

So the question isn't whether these craft exist and are being encountered personally by thousands of eyewitnesses, the question becomes: which beings are operating what craft and why? With testimony taken directly from abductees and CE4 eyewitnesses we have been able to piece together a more comprehensive view of the different types of craft utilized for varying purposes by the different beings. The craft configurations span the full gamut from enormous black triangles and cigar shaped craft to atypical barrel shaped craft, as in the case of Ed Walters. The point here is that as you read through literally thousands of abduction case reports, as we have, you begin to see correlations between cases in terms of the shapes and sizes of the craft themselves.

The Black Triangles

Massive Triangles and Mass Abductions
We reported in a previous Object Report Special Report about a CE4 abductee using the alias of Pat who told of seeing several large triangles during a mass abduction event. We have kept the rendering (at right) of the large bronze colored triangles deliberately dark. This image at full screen will give you an idea of what the eye witness saw as she stood in an open clearing in the middle of a forest in the pre-dawn hours of the morning. The details of this event, covered in depth in our special report, readily place the tall and short Grays with the silent triangular craft.

The triangles are involved with mass abductions and we have some of the abductees like Pat remaining fully conscious, or more specifically, they are allowed to retain the memories of the experience and a few like Pat are used to calm and maneuver the large groups of people who apparently remember little or nothing of the event after the fact. Triangles certainly seem to be the shape du jour and it gives us the impression that not only are we hearing more and more reports of triangle sightings, but we are getting clearer details from the witnesses of what is going on beneath and inside these craft.

Object Report Rendering of the Camarillo, CA Black Triangle

In March of 2013 we received an exceptionally detailed email from an eyewitness who recounted an up close and personal sighting of a very large black triangle craft near Camarillo, California, which he observed from within a 400 foot range. Over the course of seven weeks we corresponded with the witness, asking detailed questions and receiving equally detailed answers of his sighting which we covered in exhaustive detail in our Special Report: "Anatomy of a Black Triangle Sighting". Our interaction with 'Willard' - if you read the full article - ultimately proved that people will go out of their way to debunk those who have witnessed something extraordinary, our society has been taught to ridicule anyone with an alternative viewpoint and to immediately place an 'unknown' into a 'known' category, regardless of the facts and details.

An interesting side effect of posting eyewitness UFO encounters such as Willard's is that it often motivates others to come forth with their own stories. Within a week another Object Report reader provided us with excellent details of his own black triangle UFO sighting on the opposite side of the country in Franklin, Tennessee. This eyewitness contacted us after doing a Google image search for "black triangle UFO" and subsequently contacted us with an excellent, detailed email of what he saw. The witness also provided detailed photos of his house and the location of the black triangle sighting giving us a high degree of confidence in the integrity of his encounter, as evidenced by our short special report on this sighting. An interesting point to note about this sighting was the fact that the triangle flew with a wide side forward - not the point. This obviously points toward an unconventional propulsion system such as electromagnetic or electrogravitic.

Saucer Shaped Craft

Scene recreation based upon Ed Walter's photographs

Ed Walters of the Gulf Breeze sightings fame captured several controversial photographs of roughly disc-shaped UFOs near his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Ed Walter's encounters were unprecedented in terms of clarity and being so well documented. This material appears to have alarmed the government which quickly instigated a smear campaign against him. The Object Reporters are currently working on a Special Report that exposes this smear campaign against Ed Walters and the blatant lies put forth by people working for deep black intelligence services and/or the MILAB folks. The UFO repeatedly photographed and video taped personally by Ed Walters is circular but more barrel shaped than the typical disk and evidence points to this configuration being used by the Tall Grays or, more specifically, carrying teams of Small Grays who ostensibly carry out human abductions in a highly organized, synchronized manner.

The disc-shaped UFO is still the most commonly reported shape of past encounters involving abductees. CE4 witness "Jack" described to the Object Report in great detail an encounter with a being that was either a Gray or a hybrid being who appeared through a 'cockpit window opening' in a disc-shaped craft. This craft hovered just above the ground and appeared to be approximately the size of a house with only the single pilot in the cockpit. We could cite hundreds, even thousands, of sightings of saucer shaped craft associated with abduction sequences. This configuration seems to be the most common and there are reasons - obviously related to fundamental physics - that this shape is most prevalent.
Cigar Shaped Craft

A Gray Being maneuvering a cigar shaped craft as seen during an abduction event
Cigar shaped UFOs have long been associated with sightings of large unidentified craft in our atmosphere and these cigar UFOs possibly house smaller spherical scout sized UFOs. Travis Walton presents one of the most detailed accounts of the interior of a cigar shaped craft after having apparently explored the interior of one, and not surprisingly, encountering several blonde Nordic type aliens. Paul Hill, a former director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Labs, discusses at length his own sighting of a cigar-shaped UFO in his ground-breaking book "Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis" which is required reading for any true Ufologist.

Tim Edwards cigar footage, 1995
As far as we know, these cigar shaped craft are used as carriers for smaller scout craft and may likely be long range craft used to cross vast distances. There have been several pieces of extremely compelling video of this type of craft both launching and retrieving smaller orbs or what appear to be much smaller scout craft. One such famous bit of amateur video footage was shot in Salida, Colorado back in 1995 by a man named Tim Edwards, showing a very clear cigar shaped craft hovering in place in broad daylight with smaller orbs flying in close proximity to it. This footage has been professionally analyzed by several independent analysts (including ourselves) and has been determined to be authentic.
Atypical Configurations

Scene recreation of the Cash-Landrum Incident by The Object Report
based upon eyewitness testimony
Sometimes we are faced with a UFO configuration that defies conventional description or categorization. One such encounter was the Cash-Landrum incident which took place northeast of Houston, Texas in 1980. We thought it might be worth taking a closer look at the facts of this case while shedding some more light on what is widely considered to be one of the 'Top 10' CE2 UFO cases on record. We investigated this incident in a special report entitled "The Cash-Landrum Incident: Evidence, Denials and Deductions". While we may never uncover the truth of what this particular craft was, we do know that it utilized an unconventional propulsion system which had a long-lasting, negative physiological effect on the eyewitnesses and it forever changed their lives. There was a wealth of data collected over the course of this incident and it's resulting fallout on those involved, perhaps there's yet more to decipher from that event. The takeaway point from the Cash-Landrum incident was that there is a distinct possibility this object was transdimensional in origin and possibly related in some way to the visitors.

So here we are at present day in 2014 and it appears that we're seeing less variety in UFO configurations but also much higher quality sightings, sometimes even in broad daylight for longer durations of time. If anything, we have seen an increase in the sense of urgency from the visitors in more recent reports from abductees. This all points toward increased activity in the hybridization program and we will continue to see more UFO activity the nearer we come to the point of open contact.


cold fusion
Holographic Multiverse

Contact with extraterrestrials is occurring now and our generation will witness the unfolding of this new reality. The big question is why now? Why us? Based upon the facts gathered from extensive close encounter eyewitness testimony we know that the Tall Grays are creating hybrid beings to perpetuate their lineage, no longer having the ability to reproduce using their extraordinary technology and their current genome. But why us and why now?

Humanity at this point in time is experiencing a paradigm shift in technology which will have a profound impact on not only our lives but will affect our galactic neighbors as well. Thus, from the greater vantage point of more advanced civilizations we can no longer be left in our quarantine state to harmlessly evolve without outside interference. Inevitably, our actions from this point on will affect everything within the local galaxy and, in fact, our shenanigans began in the 1940's when humans began detonating nuclear devices, an act of intent and a level of technology that likely represented some phase within the long, slow process toward galactic level contact with other beings and perhaps even higher levels of dimensional contact.

Another logical expectation is the fast, upward, technology curve wherein humans will exponentially increase their technology not within hundreds of years but within a matter of decades. As ET contact induces a shedding of old dogma, our greed-based processes will be replaced with game changing advances in nanotechnology and artificial intelligence based modes of efficiency. We speculate that this "knee of the curve" becomes so sharply upward in scope that all civilizations within the multiverse who have survived to experience this technology burst simply snap into a singularity of universal connectedness. To put it simply; to possess a fraction of this magical technology is to possess all of it, thus humans will experience a quantum leap and subsequently a quantum role within this multiverse.

It should be stressed that open contact will not only involve other beings from our Milky Way Galaxy, but will include beings from the whole of the cosmos and will include humans who are deceased but continue to exist in another dimension currently unseen. When we engage in a conversation about hidden dimensions and unseen realities the mind begins to approach an event horizon as it were. The harder we look, the more we speculate and the possibilities become boundless if not infinite and impossible for the mind to take in. Nevertheless, something big is going to happen and the boundaries of our reality will very quickly expand. This expansion or shockwave will likely not be so great as to disrupt our ability to eat, drink and complete the basic functions of daily life. In fact, the contact process is so slow many people are infuriated at the lack of evidence but one must consider that real evidence of ET's would not simply validate a few embattled speculations - real evidence must be on a global scale, readily seen and understood by all humans. This global evidence will completely upend the archaic and militaristic control system that is currently running this planet. According to CE4 information the first beings that will make contact with us will be those Hybrids that are very close to us genetically and in appearance. This is logical and this will serve as a reasonable emotional 'buffer' of sorts for humans.

First contact with these immediate Hybrids will not be overly shocking because these visitors will be our children, our genetic offspring who possess human DNA. They will share our humanoid appearance but they will not share our philosophy and history simply because they were not nurtured here on Earth. These Hybrid Beings will act as a bridge between what we currently know and understand to the vast reality of the real cosmos with details and information that will seem impossible to believe at first, but in time we will reap the benefits of this expansion of our intelligence ushered in by these transdimensional Visitors.

It is reasonable to ask "but Agent D, Agent K where is the evidence that Hybrids are coming, that they even exist?"There was a first contact event back in 1997 in Phoenix Arizona, the massive UFO sighting famously known as "The Phoenix Lights" event. This in fact was the large craft of the first Hybrid race that will make direct contact with all humans. No, this wasn't a military craft dropping flares. There has been a desperate attempt to cover this event up by the thugs who have been ridiculing and smearing the UFO community from day one (perhaps for legitimate reasons in their small minds). Consider that Fife Symington the Governor of Arizona at the time of the boomerang shaped craft flyover later admitted he lied and covered up information.

Symington alienating his voters
Fife Symington is the charming character who brought out some buffoon dressed in an alien suit at the infamous press conference in order to ridicule literally thousands of legitimate eyewitnesses. Governor Symington saw firsthand the "football field-sized silent boomerang craft" along with all the other Arizonians out that night, but he chose to lie about it to avoid what he called political suicide. This is the control system that is in place, people. Forget all the white noise and endless UFO fodder you have been bombarded with over the years. Here is one solid, tangible nugget of cover up gold. We have on record a high level US Government official admitting to lying, covering up information and initiating a smear campaign. This is one of the extremely rare public exposures of the ongoing UFO cover up, but you can use your imagination to visualize the vast number of secret military campaigns against eyewitnesses over the decades. We are governed by gun toting cowards and liars and we have clear proof of this. Don't be fooled by superficial smear campaigns set up by thugs who are afraid of change and the unknown.


cold fusion
Finally, there was I see a Hybrids Form allowing people to make contributions of their experiences.

Some note-worthy comments.

"The current consensus based upon decades of eyewitness testimony is the "Grays" are a parallel reality version of transhumans 50,000 years further down the timeline. They have reached a dramatic point where they can exist no more in their current state and thus are using their technology, their ability to time travel across parallel realities to our current timeline in order to create beings which are a combination of their DNA and current human DNA. The children who are the end result of this genetic program are currently living off the Earth in other timelines and will be the first beings, the first civilizations to make open contact with Humanity."

"Its very interesting you are having experiences in which you are recalling all this activity. All of your questions hit the nail on the head, very good questions. Why are the Greys creating hybrids to extend themselves here on this planet? The biological answer is that we have compatible DNA and we are at a point in our evolution when outside interference will do us GOOD and tip the scale for us at a critical time as we are at a fork in the road, evolutionary speaking. Keeping in mind the Greys could visit a Neanderthal, Egypt in 14,000 BC or Humans in 1980, they can move to any point in time. So why now? Because we are about to experience a technology explosion during the next 100 years and we have no choice but to join our Galactic neighbors, which includes trillions of civilization and trillions of dimensions and trillions of souls we know as the dead, its vast... very vast. Since we are in a quarantine state, we only see those from the "outside" who really cannot hide entirely at this moment, but there are tens of thousands, if not millions of beings in our multiverse in contact with humans - we just can't see them so we tend to think its only the Greys. Meaning that there is a grand coordinated effort that spans parallel realities and limitless time and the timing is well chose or it would be more accurate to say you and I are residing in a pocket of reality right now where the odds are greatest for this to all happen, thus you are seeing it and thus you are thinking about it. Make sense? If this were not happening, you would not know about it and would not have questions. Everyone is asleep on this planet currently, in tidy little incubators and any notion of aliens is boxed into a nice little version the sleepy people feel comfortable with. However, many of us are waking up early to get the others ready for the explosion that is coming and ITS GOING TO BE BIG. Expect big things in 2015 to kick off and to continue ramping up for the next 20 years. So, about the Greys -- there is also a soul question about some of the Greys and we can't fully understand this aspect of the Hybrid program yet, as it is interdimensional and we tend to think linear

"hi my name is "Sabrina" and i live in xxxxxxxxxx, ontario canada....i was going through your website and was absolutely stunned on the information that is there and i can relate to the beings and ships that i saw...since i was 8 years old i have been taken . the beings in that instant were tall blonde blue eyes ladies dressed in blue robes with halos around them..they told me that i belonged to them and that i must go with them ..they were floating along side me and they led me to the ship in the field and when i stepped up to the ramp the beings were gone and i was alone..inside the small round ship i was met by another being who told me the same thing that i belonged to them and they were checking up on my progress..whatever that meant..then i woke up.. back in 1987 is when i first saw a circular ship about the apartment buildings across the street where i xxxxxxxxx and i witnessed this ship that hovered for a few minutes then shot straight up in the air made a back ward L and was after this that more memories occurred.. i have an earthly contact i call xxxx...xxxx is a blonde being with blue eyes and no pupils..does not speak only uses telepathy to talk to me...when i touched xxxx's hand it felt warm and soft...xxxx told me i was chosen to be his pupil by the high command and that he would visit me in future visits to see how i was doing on my journey...xxxx also told me that his home planet is 7 years away within a star system that resembles a champagne glass ..i have seen that star system only once in the sky..while i was with xxxx he showed me many things in his ship one being the navigation room..there xxxx showed me a huge black book ...there was no writing on the outside of the book but as i held the book i noticed it was very heavy and the pages were made of parchment paper...xxxx said that that book was the true so called bible and it housed every single person in i looked around the navigation room i saw a large cylindrical tube come out of the had small electrical charges in it and crackled the whole time i was there..xxxx said that it was their time propulsion system...i noticed in the room many blondes both male and female walking around with see through clip boards and they were checking gadgets on the walls and there was many gadgets i saw...there was so much i wanted to know and see...then i woke up in my bed....


cold fusion
One UFO reference here Cash-Landrum incident - Wikipedia I remember Dr Steven Greer talking about. As he understood it, it was a real ET saucer (ala Lazar) that was retrofitted with nuclear power because they couldn't reverse engineer it or get it to work without the radiation or other negative effects on humans.

According to his insiders, the military crashed it and the radiation from the nuclear generator caused health damage to those nearby who witnessed the event. Yes we have independent witnesses. Check the wiki page. It's a real crash.

So that was a failed attempt at using one of their saucers 10 years before they got desperate and had to get wild card Bob Lazar to look at it later on.

"The object, intensely bright and a dull metallic silver, was shaped like a huge upright diamond, about the size of the Dayton water tower, with its top and bottom cut off so that they were flat rather than pointed. Small blue lights ringed the center, and periodically over the next few minutes flames shot out of the bottom, flaring outward, creating the effect of a large cone. Every time the fire dissipated, the UFO floated a few feet downwards toward the road. But when the flames blasted out again, the object rose about the same distance." (Clark, 175)​

The witnesses said the heat was strong enough to make the car's metal body painful to the touch—Cash said she had to use her coat to protect her hand from being burned when she finally got back in the car. When she touched the dashboard, Landrum's hand pressed into the softened vinyl, leaving an imprint that was evident weeks later. Investigators cited it as proof of the witnesses' account; however, no photograph of it exists.

The object then moved to a point higher in the sky. As it ascended over the treetops, the witnesses claimed that a group of helicopters approached it and surrounded it in tight formation. Cash and Landrum counted 23 helicopters, and later identified some of them as tandem-rotor CH-47 Chinooks used by military forces worldwide.

With the road now clear, Cash drove on, claiming to see glimpses of the object and the helicopters receding into the distance.

From first sighting the object to its departure, the witnesses said the encounter lasted about 20 minutes. Based on descriptions given in John F. Schuessler's book[2] about the incident, it appears that the observers were southbound on Texas state highway FM 1485/2100 when they claimed to have seen the object. The initial location of the reported object, based on the same descriptions, was just south of Inland Road, approximately at 30.0926°N 95.1109°W.


cold fusion
Keeping in mind again that to be on board a Gray UFO likely means to be outside of linear time as we know it. It has been suggested that time is an illusion of frequency and there really exists only a present now and that all beings can rendezvous from any time abstract or space abstract in this eternal now. This gives rise to the notion that your soul is in fact therefore a wormhole unto itself capable of tunneling toward any other being at any given time or place within the space-time continuum.


Multiple timelines are like throwing wrench into my belief system -it's the equivalent of conservative Christians being faced with the prospect of extraterrestrials that helped genetically engineer mankind. They make no sense to me and do not fit into anything I've come to conclusion on.
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cold fusion
Keeping in mind again that to be on board a Gray UFO likely means to be outside of linear time as we know it. It has been suggested that time is an illusion of frequency and there really exists only a present now and that all beings can rendezvous from any time abstract or space abstract in this eternal now. This gives rise to the notion that your soul is in fact therefore a wormhole unto itself capable of tunneling toward any other being at any given time or place within the space-time continuum.

Well if the soul is part of a collective Source which we are all apart of - uggh God - then it is a way to tunnel into any one soul once you get at the Source. This talk of illusion of time and being in the present now is very much aligned with the teaching of self-realization and enlightenment.

My working theory on the Tall Greys is that they are the end result of man if he relies on outer technology rather than inner organic technology that is native to his soul nature to be discovered. This is what happens if you don't reach the Great Goal but resort to using outside crutches. But I really don't know as I am not enlightened or have any contact with these beings either. It remains a mystery to me.

I just don't see how multiple timelines, and going back in time, etc is possible. @Shadowprophet would make arguments for it. Is it possible that hyper future technology gets to a point where it is? If I think each soul is individual and has it's own path, and respective *karma* (actions and consequences in the ether), then multiple timelines seems like a wrench into the system. Whatever actions you performed that got you where you are now, you have to deal with and work out, not go back in time to undo/change them!

On the other hand, there is an account by a yoga master who allegedly was a "saint with two bodies" which means he was able to simultaniously be inside two physical forms in order to work out his karma faster and achieve the Great Goal of Self-realization or achieve some other end. Either one of these cases is truly mind-boggling.
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I'm trying to catch up here but are all the images gone for eveyone else? I'm getting this in every box where an image should be.
