The Right to be Cloned


A long time ago, at least 20 years ago, an RC modeler cut off the first diget of a finger starting a giant scale model.
His brother sent him a tube with instructions. He regrew his finger. The problem is how to make money. A tube of ointment to regrow a blown off leg your brother lost in Iraq, which might cost $40 bucks, or instead a long term tax payer paid welfare program for the criminal health care industry, which so many think is just so wonderful that they want to make it compulsory for every American, then every human on the entire planet.
Man Regrows Finger Tip With Pigs Bladder - Human Limb Regeneration


The other problem with cloning is that it runs headlong into a long term agenda which is being marketed under the false flag of AI, or artificial intelligence.

Under this scheme, the committee of 300's plan to cull the global population involves the selling of life inside a quartz/silicon chip and a metal body. Really this is a plan for a super slick holocaust. A kind of updated version of Logan's Run, where people will come to believe that they can transfer their consciousness into an inanimate object. This will of course seem quite real to the unwary. Computers can already fool people into thinking they are talking to another person.

The other option, which the PTB are intensely working towards, is to be able to actually interdict the consciousness which originates outside the physical body, and with the hope that by doing this they will be able to physically hijack the mind of those whom fall for the AI scheme, and to thus physically plant their consciousness inside an artificial but controllable
environment. Here a computer chip would be ideal since no actions can happen without a pre-approved program.

Ya see, what people don't understand are Animals and what makes an animal do what it does do, because animals aren't less intelligent than humans. What they are and what makes them different are instincts, and instincts are biological programs which cannot be denied, the same as the rules which apply to your home computer.

So we can't have cloning ya see. There's a long range criminal plot to use people, well always has been that way, but now we are really getting down to really using them to their full potential don't ya see.

Now rather interestingly, I think, if you reflect upon this scheme for a while you might see how this fits into biblical warnings, and how selling your soul to the devil will result in eternal damnation, which would of course be the case since you would never die and yet be a slave locked inside a rock with escape of any kind quite impossible. I believe that the devil is supposed to be a very slick smooth talker, and while I myself am not the least bit religious this AI scheme is fitting the bill quite nicely.

Ya see, the powers that be know you're mind is outside of your physical body and that the brain/body are a kind of receiver. They of course deny this entirely, but the evidence is as ancient as mankind. If you understand this then you can see through their plot.


But this bring us back to the debate we were having over at Fortean - AND I MAY BE WRONG ?!
But being what I call a "ScienceFictionalist" who of course would be obsessed with the advancing AI paradigm, and who
is well aware of the possible nightmare scenarios as has been often covered in Sci-fi, still, and in spite of this see the
potential for utopian, rather than a dystopian outcome - But I agree with you to the extent that if the wrong group,
used to be called the Comittee of 300,, now usually just another part of the supposed New World Order group, sure they can, and as of now probably are, creating a dystopian world for their own power and amusement - But other minds, both Human and off-World, if you believe in 'them' - May not let it come down that way - We don't know for sure
- But like futurist inventor, and now Google executive Ray Kurzweil, I am a futurist, and believe our biological self is out of date - Biological evolution has probably reached its limits - and so has our unassisted intelligence - We need go go further into the future and only the AI/Human interfaces you fear will allow it - No one knows the ultimate destiny of what the biological experiment which culminated in Man will bring about - But if it is to continue it must evolve past its biological limitations.


For a 'fictional' take I wrote on this - check this out:

"The End of Death"

at this link to a post in my blog:



But this bring us back to the debate we were having over at Fortean - AND I MAY BE WRONG ?! But being what I call a "ScienceFictionalist" who of course would be obsessed with the advancing AI paradigm, and who
is well aware of the possible nightmare scenarios as has been often covered in Sci-fi, still, and in spite of this see the
potential for utopian, rather than a dystopian outcome - But I agree with you to the extent that if the wrong group,
used to be called the Comittee of 300,, now usually just another part of the supposed New World Order group, sure they can, and as of now probably are, creating a dystopian world for their own power and amusement - But other minds, both Human and off-World, if you believe in 'them' - May not let it come down that way - We don't know for sure
- But like futurist inventor, and now Google executive Ray Kurzweil, I am a futurist, and believe our biological self is out of date - Biological evolution has probably reached its limits - and so has our unassisted intelligence - We need go go further into the future and only the AI/Human interfaces you fear will allow it - No one knows the ultimate destiny of what the biological experiment which culminated in Man will bring about - But if it is to continue it must evolve past its biological limitations.


For a 'fictional' take I wrote on this - check this out:

"The End of Death"

at this link to a post in my blog:

It's not an argument. It's a fact. Animals run on programs. Biological programs. AI will also run on a program. Humans have free will. They do not have any programs. Sex drive and survival instinct are the only programs that have any control over the actions of humans. Just remember that.

How are you going to have an AI without programs? You're not is the answer. It's not that path to take and the PTB know it. Look, they will have clones, probably already do have them, and then the path is to transfer your consciousness to the clone brain/body. You can bet that's what they either will be doing, or are now doing.

Think AVATAR, they know.

The problem with AI is first off that it's criminal scheme. That's the first thing to recognize. The second problem is that it is a fundamentally flawed idea for the reasons already stated. The third thing to see is that it's planned and it's planed program which has two probable outcomes. One, it will either result in global wide holocaust, no death camps needed, the victims will kill themselves willingly believing they are exchanging a worn out body for immortality, or two, the victims will become the AI program itself don't ya see. They are the intelligence which a machine can never create. The entire real goal is how to trap a biological mind inside a machine mind where it can be enslaved to provide useful work for nothing and forever.

There is no such thing as AI. Any such technology is so far beyond our present technical abilities that the only other possible solution to obtain AI is through the capture and enslavement of the consciousness itself.

Now if they already can transfer consciousness to a clone then they already know how to accomplish that much. That would mean their problem is how to do this in such a way as to put the consciousness inside a piece of rock; quartz/silicon chips. Then it will be trapped forever. No recycling like normal. A slave that cannot refuse any order and yet is intelligent.
What more could anyone want huh?
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It's not that you're wrong in rightly wanting what is normal. It's in understanding the criminality which is ruling the planet and has ruled it since forever. You, me, anyone we know are nothing to these people: Chickens for dinner is all we are.

They are in our face all the time about how stupid and gullible we are. Coming to awareness of the true intent of the rulers is what must be unearthed and it's full time job.


It's not an argument. It's a fact. Animals run on programs. Biological programs. AI will also run on a program. Humans have free will. They do not have any programs. Sex drive and survival instinct are the only programs that have any control over the actions of humans. Just remember that.

Again, you may be right ?!? - And if I was to write a dystopian sci-fi story that is the way it would play out.

But one point you make:
"Humans have free will." - Really?

Last university class I attended was called "Freedom and determinism" - And I quit college thinking I was determined to be free - But that was a long time ago and I was, to say the least, naive.

I have been involved in many debates on philosophy forums - And you know there are some pretty intelligent people who really believe, and can make a strong case believing 'free-will' does not exist!

Maybe we are already all programed like 'pavlov dogs' to react in a certain way - And free will is nothing more than illusory.

I'm not sure - maybe they are right?


As Above So Below
I have been involved in many debates on philosophy forums - And you know there are some pretty intelligent people who really believe, and can make a strong case believing 'free-will' does not exist!

Maybe we are already all programed like 'pavlov dogs' to react in a certain way - And free will is nothing more than illusory.

I'm not sure - maybe they are right?

I wouldn't lean too much towards absolutes, sure some may fall into that slot as the conditioned types in which free will is not present, but that would not be a good fit for many others in the world...


Now rather interestingly, I think, if you reflect upon this scheme for a while you might see how this fits into biblical warnings, and how selling your soul to the devil will result in eternal damnation, which would of course be the case since you would never die and yet be a slave locked inside a rock with escape of any kind quite impossible. I believe that the devil is supposed to be a very slick smooth talker, and while I myself am not the least bit religious this AI scheme is fitting the bill quite nicely.

Looking at it from that aspect, according to that same biblical religion, we already are clones....

Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.


Looking at it from that aspect, according to that same biblical religion, we already are clones....

Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

And remember the quote:

"And the Man has become one of US..............:"

Why do I keep postulating that Humans are part of an Alien genetic experiment?

All of biological life is based upon mixing genes and there must be a program backing the experimcnt
- I see, but can not prove, an experiment, a program and an agenda or desired result, set up by an intelligence Humans can not yet fathom - so they sum it up by saying God.

But what if is a 'them' - A highly advanced race of aliens?


And remember the quote:

"And the Man has become one of US..............:"

Why do I keep postulating that Humans are part of an Alien genetic experiment?

I don't know the Bible... I wasn't bought up with any of the mainstream religions but I do have quite a generalised interest in Religion but more on the psychological aspects (what having a belief means to some people, faith, hope etc) rather than studying the literature of any specific religion.

Though I did have amusing experiences when I was in High School and would go to Catholic church some Sunday mornings with my friend (because according to her parents she had to attend) before we took off to the beach with our teenage pimply faces to gawk at boys..... ..........I did try to read the Bible once but soon gave up half way through all the 'who begot who' part... These days it's google to the rescue:

Genesis 3:22 (NIV)

And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."

I have read rather a bit on mythology and such and though people generally write mythology and religious stories off as being fairy tales, there is the school of thought which believes that they do contain an underlying truth of events which occurred in those times to which each individual myth aludes to...

It could very well be like you suggest, that Humans are part of an Alien genetic experiment. Unless we know either way as being an indisputable fact the odds of it being either way are possibly equal...


I wouldn't lean too much towards absolutes, sure some may fall into that slot as the conditioned types in which free will is not present, but that would not be a good fit for many others in the world...

Dare I call such people skeptics? Snort! You're absolutely spot on here Nivek. We have a world with people that are missing vast portions of free will already. Of course there's people without free will.

Abolishing free is the primary purpose to most of the major things we all deal with in our daily lives. Most of our institutions are designed to shuttle you off into a plethora of various mind control schemes.

Our entire lives begin with almost immediate introductions to mind controlling programing schemes,. First from the mass media, to then adopting our parents programming as our own, and then being taken to mind programing camps called education, church's and so on.


Free Will.... On the mundane, every day level side of things, free will is merely being able to make a voluntary choice or decision.... I do this of my own free will. Examples being everyone who posts in this forum is doing so because they themselves, regardless of their experiences and circumstances, chose to do so as their personal choice.

Unless of course you have a gun pointed to your head being told that if you didn't post you would be shot in the head. Thus you feel you are being forced to post in this forum against your own free will.. Even then, it was you who made the choice, the decision, to post rather than take the risk of not posting and possibly having your head blown in....

However, on a Philosophical level, it's more complex. In philopsophy, Free Will is the doctrine that the conduct of human beings expresses personal choice and is not simply determined by prior causes, physical or divine forces. Can of worms with endless debate possibilities...


However, on a Philosophical level, it's more complex. In philopsophy, Free Will is the doctrine that the conduct of human beings expresses personal choice and is not simply determined by prior causes, physical or divine forces. Can of worms with endless debate possibilities...

Don't do it 22...don't do it...arghhhh...need to exercise my willpower and not get into a philosophical debate that will consume my thoughts for next 3 days at least....


Don't do it 22...don't do it...arghhhh...need to exercise my willpower and not get into a philosophical debate that will consume my thoughts for next 3 days at least....

Remember, Free Will 22, it's all about Free Will....

I must say though, when I posted this I thought to myself... Don't do it... just don't, but my free will came into play and I did do it... lol...

As you already know 22, it happens to me like that too and I spend days being consumed by thoughts over a specific topic... As it is I'm behind in that I still have posts I have planned to reply to from at least 2 weeks ago...


Remember, Free Will 22, it's all about Free Will....

I must say though, when I posted this I thought to myself... Don't do it... just don't, but my free will came into play and I did do it... lol...

As you already know 22, it happens to me like that too and I spend days being consumed by thoughts over a specific topic... As it is I'm behind in that I still have posts I have planned to reply to from at least 2 weeks ago...

lol If you go any further down this route then I will be forced to respond...ok maybe there wont be a gun threatening to blow my head in...but it will explode if I don't get the thoughts out. I had to bail from the Things thread because it had me running circles in my mind and I could barely keep things straight. Philosophy is an obsession that drives me mad. Can I plead an irresistible compulsion that negates my free will in responding?


lol If you go any further down this route then I will be forced to respond...ok maybe there wont be a gun threatening to blow my head in...but it will explode if I don't get the thoughts out. I had to bail from the Things thread because it had me running circles in my mind and I could barely keep things straight. Philosophy is an obsession that drives me mad. Can I plead an irresistible compulsion that negates my free will in responding?
Things, the word thing or things can never be same for me after going through all that..... lol...

As for your 'irresistible compulsion that negates your free will in responding':

Well, you're going to love this (not) but I do believe that your 'irresistible compulsion' is to be found somewhere in the location of the fuzzy line which divides Free Will from Will Power... and then there is Obsession...
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As Above So Below
As you already know 22, it happens to me like that too and I spend days being consumed by thoughts over a specific topic... As it is I'm behind in that I still have posts I have planned to reply to from at least 2 weeks ago...

I'm like that sometimes too, even now there are two threads on my mind and another topic on my mind I have yet to post and discuss lol...