I wondered about a crystal sphere but know you collect them and didn't want to make a personality based guess, even unintentionally, and the image did seem more a figurine. It wasn't distinct though, the texture/feel and light color was. I am also careful to block out all light when I do this so there was no local 'light pollution'
We'd have to do this dozens if not hundreds of times and then decide where the dividing line is between random chance and what a more than statistically likely outcome is to determine what our 'hit rate' really is and where is falls in relation. I believe that's how the early Rhine psi studies were done and that's why the SRI program was cancelled, their success rate was too spotty and did not fall far enough beyond the realm of statistical probability.
All fine and well but I don't have to justify a budget or anything else.
I think this is very much like Hitchhiker's Guide tells us human flight is like - you have to throw yourself at the ground and miss. I just tried - not very successfully - to clear out my thoughts. At any given moment we have umpteen terminate stay resident thoughts in our heads, songs, all sorts of crapola that needs to be tuned down. Not so simple to actually do. Once done I asked 'what do you want to show me' and that image came and went and the rest was just a relaxing meditation session.
That's me doing this, not something I am reading about or a story I am relaying. There is definitely something to this and of course that's subjective as hell. I suspect most if not all of us can do this to one degree or another it's a matter of how well we turn off all that TSR.
This is interesting and I'll keep going as far as anybody wants. We can try it with other people too .... it's free .......anyone?