Trump Addresses the United Nations General Assembly


Hint. I live in kentucky. Caves are n

I have the same concerns about water, you have to change out water every I think Six months if you can because it can stagnate. I bought several of these over time LifeStraw Water Filters with Free Paracord Grenade Survival Kit - Survival Frog

But I mean, It's still better to have fresh water if at all possible.

My country used to have underground fortifications for ppl to survive in case of really bad times..

Unfortunately the russians fooled our leaders in the 90ties that they were goin to play nice,.. so they got mothballed or converted to server farms,, lol

dr wu

I know people who have been harping about this 'survivalist' thing since the early 60's.....over 50 years ago and nothing has happened yet. If something that bad happens..there ain't gonna be anywhere one can hide in the end for very long.


I know people who have been harping about this 'survivalist' thing since the early 60's.....over 50 years ago and nothing has happened yet. If something that bad happens..there ain't gonna be anywhere one can hide in the end for very long.
Especially once the air is poisoned with the fallout. I don't believe fallout shelters are meant to be a solution really. It's just to buy time until you are hopefully rescued.