UFO the size of Jupiter crashes into Sun


I assume the view in that video is from SOHO?

If so, it's pointed at the brightest object for light years around. Image artifacts are common in it's photos and videos.


A space bug?...:biggrinn8:

That's assuming it was from "SOHO".....since nothing was said in the video I'd say that is what the clown wants you to assume. At the faster speed I'd say yes it was a bug.....but its become obvious to me they are just screen captures of SOHO images and this clown added it to the video.


Maybe its intent was to reduce the sun's intensity. The Sphere Being Alliance are said to have spherical ships between moon to Jupiter size. Advanced races mine heavy metals from stars. If a ships shields match the frequency of a star it can enter it without any damage and use the core as a jump gate to another star. If I recall correctly they can pop out in one of Orion's belt stars or Sirius A.

I once seen something about the aliens hosing down the sun trying to put it out. How odd is that .