UFO Time Anomaly Research.

karl 12

Plenty of opinions out there when it comes to UFO origin involving extraterrestrials, metaterrestrials, ultraterrestrials, cryptoterrestrials etc. but this speculative 'woo' thread attempts to deal with the 'UFO/Time' subject and some of the more completely bizarre reports involving temporal distortion / manipulation anomalies - it also attempts to explore the connection between UFOs and time travel (if there is one).

Dr Hynek apparently once quipped to Jacques Vallee that 'UFOs may originate from a universe fifteen minutes into our future' and whilst it's thought he was only joking I did find it pretty surprising just how much research has already been conducted (and literature written) on the 'UFO/Time' subject - below are some relevant videos, interviews, articles and documents and also a really interesting quote from Norio Hayakawa that kicked off the idea for the thread in the first place.

"The UFO phenomenon appears to me as a temporary, paraphysical intrusion into our physical dimension by an unknown intelligence or unknown sentient entitities, paraphysically materializing themselves to a “pre-selected” observer (or a group of observers) and presenting to the observer as a physical extraterrestrial phenomenon and visitation."

Norio Hayakawa

Thought Tim Swartz's article below was a good intro and brought up a few very intriguing points about the subject - there's also further reading found at the link concerning the Oz factor and vehicle EM interference cases.

UFOs And Time Distortions


For most people, spotting a UFO would be considered extremely unusual, but for two Ohio women, seeing a UFO was the least surprising part of their experience.

In June 2001, two sisters, Angie Whitmeyer and Deborah Simmons, were returning from a day of shopping in Dayton, Ohio, when a strange light in the sky caught their attention.

“We were heading home to Kingman, Ohio, on State Road 73,” Deborah recalled. “It was a beautiful evening around 8:30 p.m., the air was warm and the sky crystal clear. Angie was driving and I was watching the scenery go by when I noticed a bright light in the western sky.”

Deborah watched in amazement as the light grew in intensity and flew towards the car at an incredible speed.

“Deborah asked me what that weird light was,” said Angie. “But we were close to Caesar Creek Lake and the road was pretty dark so I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to it. But then it flew right in front of us so I couldn’t miss it.”

The bright light soared past the car and hovered over the nearby treetops, casting an eerie glow over the entire area. Whitmeyer pulled the car over onto the side of the road so they could get a better look at the unusual object.

Deborah was shocked by how large and close the UFO was to them: “The light was so bright and white that you couldn’t see any shape behind it. But we could tell it was pretty big, at least as big as a house. The funny thing was that I couldn’t hear any sort of engine like you would normally hear with an airplane or helicopter. It was completely silent.”

Suddenly, another, identical bright light swooped down from the sky and hovered a short distance away. The two sisters decided the situation was becoming too strange and tried to drive away.

“That’s when I discovered that the car had stopped and I couldn’t restart it,” Angie said. “Nothing worked, the lights, the radio, it was completely dead.”

The two women also noticed an odd silence had descended over the area, accompanied by a strange feeling of isolation. Angie remembered that it seemed as if they were the only people in the world.

“I don’t remember seeing another car come by during the entire time we were there, which is really weird because at that time of an evening there’s always traffic on that road. And it was just dead silent outside, no birds, nothing. It was as if we were in another world.”

Uncertain what to do next, Angie and her sister continued to watch the strange pair of lights, when, unexpectedly, both objects shot straight up and disappeared into the night sky. The area was plunged into darkness, and oddly enough, the normal sounds of the night came back almost as if switched on.

“As soon as the lights flew away,” Deborah said, “the car started running again all by itself. The lights and radio were on just as they were before everything happened.”

According to their watches, the strange encounter had lasted more than 20 minutes. However, when they arrived home, Deborah’s husband seemed unconcerned about what they thought was a late arrival. That’s when they discovered that instead of being after 9:00 p.m., as their wristwatches indicated, it was only 8:35 p.m.

“It was as if the entire time we spent looking at those lights had never happened,” Angie said. “But it did happen, our watches both showed we had been stuck out there for over 20 minutes, but somehow we gained that time back with a few minutes to spare. Normally we should have been home at around ten to nine, but somehow, despite what had happened, we got there early.”

Distortions in Time and Space

One of the strangest aspects of some UFO encounters is the apparent distortion of time when a UFO is nearby. Researchers and writers have tried for years to understand and to interpret what happens before, during, and after a close contact with a UFO. But, many reports of time anomalies have been kept off some UFO databases because such events fall outside of the preconceived notions of what a UFO sighting should entail.

Like the two Ohio sisters, others who have experienced a close contact with a UFO have reported apparent time distortions like the failure of car engines, a strange feeling of isolation (to the point where it is observed that no other vehicles or people are seen during the sighting), unusual silence, spatial changes, altered states of consciousness, and distortions in the flow of time.

Generally, these anomalies disappear along with the UFO. Occasionally, however, the witnesses will suffer from unexpected relapses weeks, even years, after the initial experience.

These anomalous events have created more headaches than answers for researchers who have attempted to find scientific validation for unusual UFO encounters. On the surface, some of the reported anomalies seem to be explainable using modern science. However, upon closer analysis, strange things tend to become even stranger..

As Time Goes By

karl 12

Sourced by Easynow this (rare) 'Sightings' clip about Michio Kaku's time travel theories also features the late Marc Davenport who makes some mighty interesting comments about the UFO subject taken from his book 'Visitors from time'.

See 2:30

My hypothesis is that these people who operate these ships - their technology is so advanced that actually figured out a way to artificially warp space-time, the way a black hole does naturally.

And, if that's true it could mean that they could be coming here not only from other planets but from other star systems, other galaxies, other dimensions that coexist with ours, parallel universes, even our own future or our own past.

We have the occupants of these craft are continually telling people - they ask them questions like what time is it, what is time, what is your time, what is age, what is a year and they say 'You are caught in time and we're not - our time is different from yours'.

Time is distorted in the vicinity of these craft and inside these craft - a lot of time people's watches will stop, we have people who say that their voices are distorted when they're near these craft like when they breathe helium or something. So we have all sorts of indications that these things are in some kind of a field that warps space and time.

Not to be outdone tenured Professor of Anthropology Dr Michael P Masters also argues in his book 'Identified Flying Objects- An Academic Approach To The UFO Problem' that 'a time travel explanation is preferable to a space travel explanation' and makes some curious observations about topics as varied as time related UFO occupant bipedalism and UFO colour change right through to rotating UFOs bending light cones.

See 1:11:11

Dr. Michael P. Masters is a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Tech in Butte, Montana. He received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from The Ohio State University in 2009, where he specialized in hominin evolutionary anatomy, archaeology, and bio-medicine. Over the years, Dr. Masters has developed a broad academic background, which began studying physics and astronomy at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, with further undergraduate and graduate coursework in astrobiology, astronomy and physics, along with a perennial review of developments in classical and quantum physics regarding our ever-evolving understanding of time and time travel. In his forthcoming book Identified Flying Objects, Dr. Masters cautiously examines the premise that “UFOs” and “Aliens,” are possibly us... but, from where???

karl 12

Related articles:

But what of the real world? Are time-travelers really among us? Is there a direct connection between the world of time-travel and that of UFOs?

Why is it that our “aliens” conveniently speak our languages? How is it that, with no trouble at all, they can they breathe our atmosphere? Why do they abduct us and use us in bizarre genetic experiments? Surely we are not physically and genetically compatible with creatures from faraway solar-systems? They assure us that we are indeed compatible. It all sounds far too convenient and carefully stage-managed. Maybe that’s because they are not from faraway worlds, after all. Perhaps, they are from right here, on Earth. Not our Earth (so to speak), but the Earth of the future; the distant future. An Earth that is in ruins and at a time when the Human Race is perilously close to extinction...

Aliens: Us From A Future Time?

Humanoid extraterrestrial visitation can seem even more far-fetched than chrononaut theories involving the stretch of time travel, especially after wrestling with the incomprehensible difficulty of the mingling of our genes with those of a genuinely unrelated extraterrestrial, as suggested in hybrid scenarios..

Chrononauts - An Evolutionary Angle by Jeff Barris

For the last eight years, I’ve tried to sift through all my knowledge on UFOs, and the minimal knowledge that I have of the physics of time travel, to support my hypothesis, and cast doubt on the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

And, over the years, I’ve come up with some interesting conclusions..

Humans... Among us! by Clayton Rumley

Our legends and folklore are filled with stories about UFO sightings and contacts with aliens from other worlds... is it possible that these stories are not about time travelers from a distant world... but instead... that they are time travelers from our own future!

In these alien sightings the creatures have many human characteristics... is it possible that they are time travelers from our own planet... visiting us from thousand of years in the future?!

History is filled with many stories and legends about visitors from time, and also of experiments in time.

Time Travelers from the Future by David Anderson, Ph.D.

karl 12

As well as those already mentioned, think it's fair to say there's also been other consistent (and global) UFO characteristics reported over the years like appearing out of nowhere; changing shape; separating and merging together and, although it sounds completely bonkers, Tim Swartz also engages in some interesting speculation below about internal time frames and artificial space-time.

UFOs and Time

Scientists brave (or foolhardy) enough to try and conduct proper research on the nature of UFOs have been unable to find satisfactory answers as to why UFOs seem to cause time distortions. Past interpretations of Einstein’s physics leave little room for localized time anomalies, unless influenced by a gravitationally massive object such as a black hole.

However, the new kids on the physics block, quantum and string theories, may show that time and space are easier to influence than was previously thought. Some physicists believe that it is possible to engineer space-time itself and to surround a spaceship with a local space-time in such a way that locally, the light barrier remains intact, while from the outside the ship is moving at faster-than-light velocity. UFOs that seem to rapidly accelerate, change direction, or even disappear are actually operating conservatively from the viewpoint of their own internal time rates.

If someone or something came close enough to a ship that was creating its own space-time, normal time and space, as they know it, would cease to exist for them, and they would come under the influence of the artificial space-time.

This could explain some of the stranger aspects of UFO encounters, such as environmental sounds disappearing, isolation, the freezing of motors and electronic devices, and the feeling of time slowing down, stretching out, and losing all meaning. The UFO is literally creating an alteration in the local state of space-time, thus generating a major distortion effect that is experienced by the witness. Within this time anomaly the perceived forward motion of time could even disappear, allowing for the past, present, and future to intrude upon one another..

Michio Kaku also pops up again in this Telegraph time travel article and describes Stephen Hawking's reversal of opinion on the subject - also relevant is Hawking's ''Cosmology Protection Conjecture' where he initially denied the possibility of time travel because 'We have not been invaded by hordes of tourists from the future' - bit of a stretch but considering all the many different UFO shapes (and occupant flavours) reported over the years couldn't he just be describing the UFO subject?

The embarrassing thing, however, was that no matter how hard physicists tried, they could not find a law to prevent time travel. Apparently, time travel seems to be consistent with the known laws of physics. Unable to find any physical law that makes time travel impossible, Hawking recently changed his mind. He made headlines when he said, 'Time travel may be possible, but it is not practical..'

Prof Michio Kaku on the science behind UFOs and time travel

karl 12

Also an interesting footnote found in the article below where government documents state that famed theoretical physicist and time aficionado John Archibald Wheeler (coiner of the terms 'black hole' and 'worm hole') was actively petitioned by the CIA way back in 1953 to 'atrack the flying saucer problem'.

How anybody can still deny the existence of UFOs when the world’s brightest minds have been actively studying the phenomenon and the evidence available for decades is a mystery. Indeed, intelligence agencies like the CIA are recruiting the world’s top scientists to do so.

For example, a declassified secret document discovered in the CIA’s own electronic reading room titled a “Telephone Conversation With Dr. John A. Wheeler” shows how the agency was trying to recruit him to look into a “CIA attack on the flying saucer problem.”

CIA Document Shows The Agency Recruited Legendary American Physicist, John Wheeler, To Study UFOs


CIA Reading Room


tall, thin, irritable
Plenty of opinions out there when it comes to UFO origin involving extraterrestrials, metaterrestrials, ultraterrestrials, cryptoterrestrials etc. but this speculative 'woo' thread attempts to deal with the 'UFO/Time' subject and some of the more completely bizarre reports involving temporal distortion / manipulation anomalies - it also attempts to explore the connection between UFOs and time travel (if there is one).

Dr Hynek apparently once quipped to Jacques Vallee that 'UFOs may originate from a universe fifteen minutes into our future' and whilst it's thought he was only joking I did find it pretty surprising just how much research has already been conducted (and literature written) on the 'UFO/Time' subject - below are some relevant videos, interviews, articles and documents and also a really interesting quote from Norio Hayakawa that kicked off the idea for the thread in the first place.

Thought Tim Swartz's article below was a good intro and brought up a few very intriguing points about the subject - there's also further reading found at the link concerning the Oz factor and vehicle EM interference cases.

A random thought I recently voiced that didn't seem to generate any interest is that modern vehicles are actually event witnesses also. Were I present I'd love to connect the car's OBD2 port to a nice code scanner - not a cheap Autozone idiot light model, a professional one - and see if the vehicle's history file can corroborate the claim and maybe give an indication as to why.

karl 12

Appreciate the post mate and also the point about the vehicle being a witness - certainly quite a few car cases involving UFOs and time anomalies and there's an interesting example from Port Jarvis, New York found in the presentation below (around 15:55) - also some research conducted on the vehicle afterwards.

This other case only involves one witness but did find it quite compelling as a retired 'UFO sceptic' Police Officer was fishing on a river in the UK and witnessed a close range metallic, saucer shaped object over the water - some strange temporal goings on reported and apparently during the sighting his bait maggots pupated into casters (which should have taken 2 days) - see 2:50:00.


karl 12

Quite a few accounts out there of UFOs being reported to have 'some kind of field' (or bizarre fog) around them - also a number of descriptions about how the UFO witness's watch stopped buried in the reports - a good example being the waterstealing Rosedale UFO case which I completely overlooked first time round on the thread.

UFO Empties Water Tank - Rosedale, 1980.

The witness experienced an unusual recurring headache for 7 to 8 days. Vomiting and diarrhoea also persisted for the same period of time. For 3 days after the incident, the witness's watch refused to work when he tried to wear it. Before and after this period it worked without any problems.

A Catalogue of Australian Physical Trace Cases compiled by Keith Basterfield & Bill Chalker

Also an interesting police case at the link below from North Dakota in 1979 involving a UFO, a patrol car and both the vehicle clock and officer's wrisrwatch losing 14 minutes.

The inside headlight on the driver's side was smashed but not the one to its immediate left. There was a flat-bottomed circular dent on the left side of the front hood, about a half inch in diameter, close to the windshield. There was a crack in the windshield on the driver's side, that ran from top to bottom, with four apparent impacts. The electric clock was running 14 minutes slow, as was Johnson's wristwatch..

ufo - UFOs at close sight: Minnesota vehicle interference and physical traces event, Marshall County, USA, 1979


tall, thin, irritable

Thanks - I took a look at the first video starting at about 15:00 - the Port Jervis case. I am very familiar with that area, it's roughly an hour west of me. I used to run out there on service calls to a local hospital at all hours and have also passed through there many times on my way out through Pennsylvania. I have a very good idea of what it must have been like for the witness.

Just some random thoughts here - right now it's before 6am and I am just swilling coffee trying to clear my own fog. Please don't misinterpret this as debunking - this is just what popped into my head as I watched that, and right now my head isn't as awake as it could be.

First thought is geography. The is the same Rt.6 that winds through the valley, up and out the east side. Think of the valley very roughly as a canoe pointing north-south. Where many of the famed Hudson Valley sightings originated were on east rim, this area is the western rim. Each rim is between 800-1000' above the basin. In the middle not too far away is that pesky Stewart-Newburgh (SWF) airport and Air National Guard base that flies the big transports, among other things. The area this incident occurred in is extremely desolate, dark, hilly and heavily wooded. I have been thinking that when those planes come in on approach low & slow you have a perspective up on those rims that can make them look quite striking. I do remember seeing one cruising at low altitude with it's landing gear doors open at night once and think it was a weird bluish light - but of course they don't rotate and isn't quite what was described. I looked up N41.32279 W74.57908 and yup, it's cow country. Doubt there's much light pollution in the area. I think he was just on the west side of the western rim. Over the big hill.

Up until recently the cell service out there was extremely poor, at best. Also in that region within the past couple of years advertising blimps have caused UFO reports. Again not dismissing just telling you what I know about the area.

Regarding the eyewitness being 'more than a nurse but not quite a doctor' I wondered exactly what facility out there he was talking about. I laughed. My niece's husband fits that description to a T. First assist to a surgeon, has been involved in all sorts of extensive disgusting surgeries (brain, spinal). Was a US Army combat medic. Professionally the man is spot on and just the person you would want in a medical emergency. Privately he is a mechanical train wreck and will destroy any tool or machine he touches, is generally sloppy and careless and is gullible about ghosts, UFOs, you name it, to an amazing degree. Really good guy and we all love him but credentials and credibility about UFO sightings are two different things.

OK. Car on 'pause' and not running, electrical devices dead including cell phone.

Something I think may have been overlooked. How did he get the window down to look up? Find me a new car with a manual window crank. They exist but are hardly common anymore. This would be exactly the case I'd want to throw a diagnostic scanner on. All modern vehicles are equipped with OBD2 ports. Maybe he just opened the door, but that isn't what was said.

Regarding tri-field meters - I am not an electrical engineer and this is out of my depth, but wouldn't it pick up AC and DC EMF as a matter of course? I would think human beings and cars would be expected sources and it sounded like the ghost hunters with complicated paraphernalia. Unrelated to this, years ago I remember having a vendor meet with a tech from the phone company regarding a T1. He had a T Berd 209 that had an attachment on it with four rows of 24 lights on it. Cool looking and impressive by the standards of the day. He tried to flummox me with the gadgetry and tell me his end of the circuit was clean. Problem was, I had such a device myself and enjoyed the added benefit of actually knowing how it worked and how to read the damned thing - and wound up explaining it to him in detail. Just an old war story but you have to admit it's a common thing investigators of the paranormal do - wave a magic box around to support a theory. Don't know exactly how a tri-field meter would be revealing in this case, but again, I've never used one and have only a passing notion of what it might be telling me.

So thanks. I love this stuff - and again it's worth repeating - just thinking out loud here so don't misinterpret as casual dismissal or knee jerk debunking. These are some things I think the field investigators should have at least noted. I always think they arrive with a predetermined conclusion in need of some support.

karl 12

Thanks the post mate and really am all for objective, prosaic explanations regarding specific UFO incidents (that encompass all aspects of the report) so nice one for your comments and appreciate the input - lots of dead links to the full report on the New York case but there's still a write up found at Open-minded website.

Pretty close range description of the object and the witness does state the electric windows refused to work -also found it intriguing he stated the engine came back on 'already running' which is in itself quite bizarre and not the first time it's been described.


Smith described the object as being rather large. He estimated that it was 200 feet in length. When asked the relative size to an aspirin at arm’s length, he described that it would have been the size of a baseball. The lights were very intense, but he didn’t notice them reflecting on the ground. The color of the craft appeared to be gun metal grey. As he watched, it continued to slowly move towards him at the speed of a hot air balloon. He told investigators that it made a sound similar to a purring cat.

Realizing that it was not an airplane or anything else he could think of, he got a little startled. However, as the object passed directly over him, his car died. Smith tried to open the electric windows to look at the object, but they would not work either. Getting very worried now, Smith attempted to use his cell phone, which was also not working.
Not knowing whether to run or stay put, Smith opened his car door, still buckled in. He looked up at the object, saw the lights on the object turn off, and his car was suddenly running again..

UFO in NY buzzes car causing electromagnetic effects | Openminds.tv

But more info on the subsequent investigation as well involving tri-field metres, compasses and dissipating magnetic fields - when asked the witness didn't claim to experience any time anomalies though.

Also found this case described by NARCAP's Dr Haines pretty curious as it involves aviation mechanical gyros (not electric) being deflected towards a UFO causing the plane to veer towards it - here he is discussing how the in flight navigation system VOR was affected:

Plenty of other freaky relevant accounts out there including this one from the Chop clearance list where it states 'as the radar locked on to the object, it headed the plane towards it although it were drawn by a magnet' so god knows what's going on there.

Newpaper article (pdf)


karl 12

UFO and missing time in 1639:

Think UFO sightings are just a modern phenomenon? Think again. The Puritans were the first to record strange shining lights in American skies.

On March 1, 1639, John Winthrop opened his diary in which he recorded the trials and triumphs of his fellow Puritans as they made a new life in America. As the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony put pen to paper, he began to recount a most unusual event that had recently caused a stir among the English immigrants.

Winthrop wrote that earlier in the year James Everell, “a sober, discreet man,” and two others had been rowing a boat in the Muddy River, which flowed through swampland and emptied into a tidal basin in the Charles River, when they saw a great light in the night sky. “When it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square,” the governor reported, “when it ran, it was contracted into the figure of a swine.”

Over the course of two to three hours, the boatmen said that the mysterious light “ran as swift as an arrow” darting back and forth between them and the village of Charlestown, a distance of approximately two miles. “Diverse other credible persons saw the same light, after, about the same place,” Winthrop added.

The governor wrote that when the strange apparition finally faded away, the three Puritans in the boat were stunned to find themselves one mile upstream—as if the light had transported them there. The men had no memory of their rowing against the tide, although it’s possible they could have been carried by the wind or a reverse tidal flow. “The mysterious repositioning of the boat could suggest that they were unaware of part of their experience. Some researchers would interpret this as a possible alien abduction if it happened today,” write Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck in Wonders in the Sky..


'Strange But True' episode dealing with Elsie Oakensen's vehicle UFO encounter (malfunctioning engine and time anomaly also reported) Northamptonshire, 1978.

* 2 hours later and 4 miles away another witness reports similar experience.

UFO in Didsbury, Manchester. 1979 - Lynda Jones and her two kids experience an hour and a half of missing time.

Freaky one taken from official Parish records in Sweden, September 16th, 1759 - could be nothing but there does exist parallels with modern reports and the chap went missing for four days (whilst to him it only seemed like a few minutes).



tall, thin, irritable
Well, not doubting the witness and having some notion of what the local PD is like I wouldn't have wasted time calling them either. What I would have done is at least attempted to see if their were any commercial or military flights that coincided with the event.

I really do have to wonder about advertising blimps although at midnight that does seem unlikely. The reason I say that is an Open Minds report from about the same year around nearby Goshen, NY - but I can't find it right now. I also saw one at close range in the '70s and it scared the bejeezus out of me, which is why I remember the report from a few years ago.

Couldn't find the earlier report from Goshen but look at what I did find from Goshen in 2016, courtesy of MUFON.

Cylinder UFO videotaped over small New York town

That looks blimp-ish to me, and those could easily be the required aircraft recognition lights seen from some odd angle. I live in range of several airports including SWF and believe me, as I've posted here before once in a while you can look up and see some weird s**t - just have to get the heart rate down long enough to realize what you're looking at.

“This thing was a complete lit-surfaced craft. It wasn’t blinking lights. The entire surface of craft was lit up and glowing.”

So does this - and seen under the right circumstances would be disturbing. Especially the first few seconds. Much better quality video.

No idea what to say about the car, except - what would the tri-field meter have revealed the day or week before the event? Admittedly odd but apparently harmless enough. Not like the man grew an extra superfluous nipple or anything. A toothache and the car 'driving faster' are a bit of a reach to connect to the event too. I know, I know. Fun snatching. Thing is, I believe the guy saw something that frightened him and wonder just what the hell it was. But I also think MUFON arrived with a conclusion in hand and found a few anomalous 'facts' to support it. I'd rather be skeptical than be too readily convinced without good reason.


tall, thin, irritable
Hey look what I found - an established advertising agency that uses blimps well within range of this area.

Northern NJ Full Service Advertising & Marketing Agency

If Morris Plains, New Jersey sounds familiar it's where many of the UFO reports originated when those stupid kids right near where this sighting happened released flares on balloons and scared the crap out of people. Made national cable news - it's somewhere in these threads. Many, many people including ex-military 'experts' made fools of themselves with public statements talking about how weird it was and how it couldn't be anything earthly. It was. The kids got a fine. Floating road flares in wooded regions is stoooopid.

If I can find stuff like this in a few minutes in my jammies why couldn't MUFON? We laugh at people who walk around with their snoot in a smartphone who fail to see what's going on around them. I'd suggest they are dong the same thing with their tri-field meters.

Karl - not being argumentative, just interested in the case. Thanks again.