Chapter Chronology of UFO Sightings from
Das Vril project, many little know reports.
Chronology of UFO Sightings
Here, too, the reader should use his own intellect and may form his own picture of the events listed.
Preface to the chronology
It seems that UFOs and USOs (unidentified floating objects) cannot be distinguished. In many welldocumented
cases, witnesses claim that strange metal, disk- and cigar-shaped objects suddenly
emerged from the water, lifted into the air, and disappeared. In other cases, they came down to the
surface of the sea and disappeared under the water. Bases of these flying objects are suspected
under the sea. It has been questioned whether this is why the US Navy spends more money on UFO
research than the US Air Force. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.19/ 21).
In addition to the Bermuda Triangle, Bay of Biscay (p.74, 75) and the so-called "circle of death"
between Gotland and Öland (p.86, 87) are given as areas with frequent shipwrecks and UFO/USO
In connection with UFO sightings and strange phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle, "cloud
formation", "a kind of fog" or "sulphuric acid droplets" were repeatedly reported. Often a cloud or a strange mist would envelop ships and airplanes, which would never come out of
these cloud or mist formations. These structures then slowly dissolved and the plane or ship that
disappeared into them no longer existed. The fog is often described as greenish and the clouds as
tube-like. The fog always appears suddenly out of nowhere and causes instruments to fail.
(Bergmann, German Flying Discs.., p.48/ 52)
The US Air Defense Forces NORAD has admitted that its sophisticated infrared sensors, which
simultaneously detect and phase satellite re-entry through a worldwide radar network, register
around "800 to 900 objects" a day whose flight characteristics correspond neither to those of any
satellites nor to ordinary ballistic trajectories.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 18)
Period -1.5 million to year "0"
Extraterrestrial influence on early human development
-1,500,000 to -1,000,000
Diluvium: Archanthropines, Paleanthropines and Neanthropines evolve side by side.
The latter evolve into Homo Sapiens. The other two branches die out as more primitive ones.
1.4 million year old campfire in Kenya - stone tools of the Heidelberg and related cultures
demonstrate tertiary tool technology, collector and forager level. Peking man knows use of fire.
(Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
archanthropins from China, Peking (Sinanthropus), Java (Pithecanthropus) and Heidelberg (Wall)
with 800-1000 cc brain volume. Oldoway man on Kilimanjaro (archanthropine representative of
African hand-axe culture) (Werner Stein, The Great Cultural Roadmap)
In connection with UFO sightings and strange phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle, "cloud
formation", "a kind of fog" or "sulphuric acid droplets" were repeatedly reported.
In addition to the Bermuda Triangle, Bay of Biscay (p.74, 75) and the so-called "circle of death"
between Gotland and Öland (p.86, 87) are given as areas with frequent shipwrecks and UFO/USO
The latter evolve into Homo Sapiens. The other two branches die out as more primitive ones.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 18)
It seems that UFOs and USOs (unidentified floating objects) cannot be distinguished. In many welldocumented
cases, witnesses claim that strange metal, disk- and cigar-shaped objects suddenly
emerged from the water, lifted into the air, and disappeared. In other cases, they came down to the
surface of the sea and disappeared under the water. Bases of these flying objects are suspected
under the sea. It has been questioned whether this is why the US Navy spends more money on UFO
research than the US Air Force. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.19/ 21).
-1,500,000 to -1,000,000
Diluvium: Archanthropines, Paleanthropines and Neanthropines evolve side by side.
The US Air Defense Forces NORAD has admitted that its sophisticated infrared sensors, which
simultaneously detect and phase satellite re-entry through a worldwide radar network, register
around "800 to 900 objects" a day whose flight characteristics correspond neither to those of any
satellites nor to ordinary ballistic trajectories.
On Nibiru, a distant planet in our solar system, life is in danger of dying out as its atmosphere
decomposes. Dethroned by Anu, the ruler Alalu escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth.
Here he discovers gold, which can be used to protect the
Preface to the chronology
Period -1.5 million to year "0"
Chronology of UFO Sightings
In southern Mesopotamia, the following facilities were created: a spaceship airport (Sippar), a
control center (Nippur), a metallurgical center (Badtibira), a medical institute (Shuruppak). The
gold is shipped in Africa, refined and loaded onto the spaceships that regularly come from
Nibiru by the orbiting Igigi. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.417)
In the epic of the creation of man, in other related texts, and in passing references, the
Sumerians describe man as a willed creature of the gods on the one hand, and as a link in the
chain of evolution connected with the gods on the other
Enki moves inland and founds Larsa. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)
Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki (biblical name: Nefilim) land on Earth and establish
Eridu, the first earth station to extract gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf. (Sitchin: The
Wars of Men and Gods, p.417)
The interglacial (interglacial period) is spreading worldwide. Enlil comes to Earth and
establishes Nippur as a mission control center, Enki establishes sea routes to South Africa
and organizes the exploitation of gold mines. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)
With the support of the Igigi, Alalu's grandson seeks power over Earth. The Enlilites are
victorious in the War of the Old Gods (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)
atmosphere can be used. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.417. (Zecharia Sitchin was
born in the USSR and grew up in Palestine, where he studied Old and Modern Hebrew, other
Semitic and European languages, the Old Testament, and history and archaeology of the
Middle East. After studying at the London School of Economics, he worked for many years as
one of the leading journalists in Israel. Today he lives and works as a recognized archaeologist
in the United States.))
The Sumerians regard Niburu as the twelfth planet in our solar system, consisting of the sun,
the moon, the nine planets we know today, and a larger one whose orbit is 3600 earth years.
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.97)
The Anunnaki working in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninharsag, through genetic
manipulation with a female ape-man, create the primitive workers who do the heavy lifting of
the Anunnaki. Enlil raids the mines and takes these workers to Mesopotamia. They gain the
ability to reproduce, and homo sapiens begin to reproduce. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and
Gods, p.418)
The Nefilim, led by Enki, come to Earth from the Twelfth Planet. Eridu - Earth Station 1 - is
founded in southern Mesopotamia. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)
The Nefilim establish Badtibira as their metallurgical center for smelting and refining the
metals. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)
As the gold production decreases, Anu comes to earth with the heir Enlil. It is decided to
extract the vital gold by mining in South Africa. Enlil is drawn by lot to command the Earth
mission; Enki is expelled to Africa. On leaving Earth, Anu is challenged by Alalu's grandson.
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.417)
The great ice sheets are beginning to recede. The climate in the Middle East is extremely
pleasant. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)
Earth's climate is becoming milder. More and more Anunnaki are coming to Earth, including
Enki's healing half-sister Ninharsag. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.417)
The climate is warming up again. The Anunnaki (the Biblical Nefilim) wed the daughters of men, despite
Enlil's displeasure. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)
Early homo sapiens reproduce and spread to other continents. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.411)
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)
(Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet, Chapters 12 and 13)
A new ice age begins. Regressive types of people emerge. The Cromagnon race survives.
Enki and Ninharsag allow the Anunnaki people to rule in Shuruppak. in his anger, Enlil plots the
annihilation of mankind. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)
In the biblical story, which ascribes all accomplishments to a single deity, the plural is used here,
namely Elohim (deities): "And Elohim said, Let us make men in our image, and in our likeness..."
Genesis 1: Im In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was desolate and
empty, darkness lay over the primeval flood, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. (The Holy
Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, 1989, Pattloch Verlag)
Development on Earth stagnates during a new Ice Age. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)
-120,000 to -60,000 Pre-
Neanderthals (finds from Ehringsdorf, from Palestine, etc.), Neanderthals and Rhodesia people.
-60,000 to approx. -40,000
Homo Sapiens: Aurignac, Brünn people (similar to today's natives of Australia; brain volume approx.
1000 ccm) displaced the Neanderthals coming from the east, who died out. Transition from the more
primitive to the higher hunter level: mammoth hunt, javelin, bow and arrow, open land and grotto
dwellings, sometimes even hut-like dwellings for clans. Cro-Magnon people (high forehead, chin, large
square eye sockets, approx. 1200 ccm brain volume), development of today's main races. (Werner Stein,
The Great Culture Timetable)
celestial events that the "Epic of Creation" describes. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.337)
(Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
Sitchin proves on the basis of Sumerian texts that the Anunnaki (gods) genetically raised the human
race from primates (monkeys). After a few unsuccessful attempts, they fertilized a monkey with their
own sperm, removed the fertilized egg and had one of their own carry this egg to term.
The Rotherham Bible translation from the Hebrew states: "Now the earth was made waste and
empty." (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, p. 9)
The more primitive Ngandong people and Presapian types (e.g. in Palestine) live at about the same time.
Sitchin explains the quarrel between the god and the serpent over this knowledge as a quarrel between
Enlil, the commander, and Enki, who was in charge of overseeing the mining operations.
Ubartutu/ Lamech, a demigod, assumes rule in Shuruppak under Ninhursag's patronage. (Sitchin: The
Twelfth Planet, p.411)
The curse of the earth - a new ice age - begins. A regressive breed of people roams the earth. (Sitchin:
The Twelfth Planet, p.411)
In the Old Testament, the word "know" is used for sexual intercourse, mostly between a man and a
woman for procreation. The first "creatures" were hybrids and not fertile, comparable to the mule, which
as a cross between a horse and a donkey also does not mate.
The knowledge mentioned in the Bible was the moment when man received the ability to procreate.
The (grey) aliens have been visiting Earth for 45,000 years. They claim to have created mankind
by interbreeding with primitive primates. The result was the Cro Magnon man, who appeared
around 40,000 years ago in northern Spain and southwest France (cave paintings, etc.). They
created religions as a means of influencing human evolution and as a moral authority. They
themselves come from a binary star system like that of Ceta Reticuli. Their planet is a desert
planet whose sun is dying and they live like the Pueblo Indians. (Johannes v. Buttlar,
Drachenwege, p. 191)
Due to the harsh climatic conditions of the seven passages, the number of people decreases
more and more. The European Neanderthal disappears, only the Cro-Magnon race from the
Middle East survives the bad times. Enlil seeks to exterminate the humanity that has failed
him. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.412)
(Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer: The being called Tom; spoke through Phyllis in 1974
regarding the influence of the extraterrestrials from Hoova on human development): The first
civilization that the extraterrestrials founded on earth was the culture of AKSU im Tarim Basin,
north of Tibet. This civilization destroyed itself. Its survivors founded the civilization of
Atlantis. After its destruction, its survivors would have founded the cultures of Egypt, Ur and
China. The Nordic race descended from the Ashand civilization, while the blacks are the
original inhabitants of this planet. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 161)
The gods are said to have ruled over Egypt for 13,900 years, and the following demigods
together for another 11,000 years. According to Manetho (Manetho is mentioned by the
historian Plutarch as a contemporary of the first Ptolemaic king (304 - 282 BC)), the gods gave
rise to various beings, monsters and hybrid creatures of all kinds. This is exactly what the
prince of the church Eusebius (historian , died AD 339): “And there were certain other
monsters there, some of which were self-produced, and endowed with life-generating forms;
and they would have produced men double-winged; also others with four wings and two faces
and one body and two heads, male and female, and two natures, male and female; then other
men with thighs of goats and horns on their heads; still others, horse-footed; and others of
horse-shape on the back, and human-shape on the front, which have the forms of
hippocentaurs; They also produced bulls with human heads, and dogs with four bodies,
whose tails ran out from the back of their hindquarters, like the tails of fishes; also horses
with dog heads; and men, and other monsters, horse-headed and human-shaped, and tailed
like fish; in addition also all kinds of kite-shaped monsters; and fish, and reptiles, and
serpents, and a multitude of miraculous beings, of various kinds and of different shapes,
whose images they kept one by one in the temple of Belos." In the Louvre, everyone can
marvel at three small figurines, only four inches high, of human-headed bulls . They are made
around 2200 BC. dated. Also in the Louvre is the twenty-three centimeter high "Beaker of
Gudea", created around 2200 BC. The engraving on the cup shows a very special kind of
hybrid being: bird claws on the legs, snake body, human hands, wings and the head of a
dragon. Even in distant Central and South America, the mixed creatures are not missing from
artistic representations. Whether Olmec, Maya or Aztec, animal-human horrible figures appear
again and again on temple walls and on codices.
Ab ca. -25.000
Ziusudra (Noah), a loyal servant of Enki, takes over. (Sitchin: The Twelfth Planet, p.412)
Herodotus describes that the priests in Thebes personally showed him 341 statues, each of
which indicates a generation of high priests for 11,340 years. Men of this kind were far different
from the gods. Before these men, the gods would have ruled in Egypt and lived with the
people...... (Erich von Däniken, The Eyes of the Sphinx, p. 67/ 74)
The deluge inundates the earth; the Anunnaki watch the complete destruction from their orbiting
satellites. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)
Aryan invasion of India. The Vedas, the fundamental teachings of Hinduism, came into being
around this time. Worshiped among others: * Brahman: The One - the only - the origin to which
everything returns.
Enlil it becomes clear that the passing of the Nibirus near the earth will unleash a tremendous tidal
wave on the earth. He makes the Anunnaki swear to keep the impending cataclysm secret from the
people. Enki breaks his word and instructs Ziusudra (Noah) to build an underwater ship.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 81)
Genesis 6:1-2: It came to pass that the people of the earth began to multiply and daughters were
also born to them. Then the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they
took themselves for wives whomever they liked...
Enlil gives implements and seeds to the surviving humans. Agriculture begins in the highlands.
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.418)
Another report speaks of a period "for 25,000 years they have been visiting the earth". They (the
Grays) have underground bases in different countries of the world.
“We intervened in human affairs for the first time 20,000 years ago. We came from our own solar
system on a planned mission and our first landing was in Israel where Abraham met us. However,
we have found traces of previous visitors from space who had come to Earth millions of years
earlier. Since then, we have been teaching humanity once every 6000 years. The last time in
Egypt.” (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 158)
Ca. 12.000 v.Chr.
Israel is where they (the beings of Hoova) first landed 20,000 years ago, in Abraham's time at
Mamre. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p. 156/ 57, hypnosis session with Uri Geller, see 1970/ 71)
Genesis 6:5-8: The Lord said, "I will destroy man whom I created from the face of the earth, from
man to cattle and to creeping things and to the birds of the heavens. Because I'm sorry I did it."
Only Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
“We first visited your planet 14,000 years ago. Since that time we have periodically observed the
progress of Earth's inhabitants.” Sol-Tec (alien's name) talks about Atlantis and Lemuria (Mu)
fighting each other with nuclear weapons, resulting in the destruction of Earth. The same threatens
again now. Alpha Centauri belongs to a universal Galactic Confederation of over 680 planets that
have earned the right to membership by reaching a certain evolutionary stage. These planets are
at widely different stages or degrees of evolution, and yet they all live and work together for the
good of all. Earth too was once a member of this confederation, before the Atlantis cataclysm.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 46-48)
* Pradscha-Pati, personal creator *
Ischwara "The Lord - God as Person" (Caterina Conio, Hinduism, Pattloch Verlag)
The descendants of Noah are assigned three regions. Ninurta, Enlil's firstborn son, builds dams
and channels the rivers to make Mesopotamia habitable. Enki makes
visits from extraterrestrials from a planet in the Alpha Centauri system (see 1954, October 24).
-15,000 to 12,000
The book "The Chronicle of Akakor" (narrated by Tatunca Nara, the chief of the Ugha Mongulala,
Karl Brugger, 1976, Econ Verlag) reports on a South American tribe whose chronicle states that
the gods 15,000 years ago came to earth and disappeared again 12,000 years ago. They would
have left a flying disc in the city of Lower Akakor, 4-5 km across. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle
Weapons III, p. 72)
These instructions contained a wide range of information, most of which related to
extraterrestrials and extraterrestrial technology. These reports appeared to be an overview of
"alien information" intended to inform scientists of any field about the scope of the project,
not just their specific field and mission. The creatures are 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh 25 to 50
pounds. They have grayish skin and large heads with large, almond-shaped eyes. They have
very thin, slender noses, mouths and ears and are hairless....
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)
8,000 Bob Lazar: As part of my introduction to the S-4 program, I was placed in a small room
with a table, a chair, and about 120 instructions in blue file folders. I was left alone there to
read for varying lengths of time, usually around half an hour.
Since about
10,000 a fundamental change in human existence has been taking place, the "Neolithic
Revolution" domestic animals, agriculture, sedentariness, city-like settlements. The
prerequisites for a higher civilization are thus given. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
...These beings said they had visited the earth repeatedly over a long period of time and
presented photographic evidence which they said was over 10,000 years old. The beings said
that man is the product of an externally corrected (influenced) evolution. They said that
humanity as a race has genetically altered 65 times. They referred to humans as "containers"
but I don't know what they are supposed to be containers for."
the Nile valley arable. The Sinai Peninsula is chosen by the Anunnaki as a base for the new
airport, the control center is built on Mount Moa (later Jerusalem). (Sitchin: The Wars of Men
and Gods, p.419)
Ra (Marduk), Enki's firstborn son, shares rulership of Egypt between Osiris and Seth.
The division of the earth is discussed again. Rulership of Egypt is transferred from the
dynasty of Ra (Marduk) to that of Thoth. Heliopolis emerges as a new beacon city. (Sitchin:
The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)
The Enlilites rebelled against Enki's descendants alone ruling the space facilities and started
the Second Pyramid War. The victorious Ninurta destroys all structures in the Great Pyramid.
Ninharsag, Enki and Enlil's half-sister, calls a peace conference.
Horos avenges his father Osiris by starting the First Pyramid War. Seth flees to Asia, he
appropriates the Sinai Peninsula and Canaan. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)
While peace continues, the Anunnaki grant improvements to humans. Beginning of the
Neolithic. Demigods rule over Egypt. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)
Seth fights with Osiris and emasculates him; he assumes the role of sole ruler of the Nile
Valley. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)
The Anunnaki set up outposts at the entrances to the space facilities; one of them is Jericho.
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)
Kingship is granted to mankind. Kish is the first capital under Ninurta's rule. The calendar is
used in Nippur. In Sumer, the first region, civilization flourishes. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and
Gods, p.419)
The primacy is transferred to Nannar (Sin). Marduk proclaims Babylon the "Gateway of the Gods".
Genesis 11: All the world had only one language and the same sounds. When they set out from
the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and dwelt there... "Let us build a city and a tower
whose top reaches to heaven! We want to make a name for ourselves, so that we are not scattered
all over the world!” But the Lord came down to surround himself with the city and the tower
The Sumerians immigrate to Mesopotamia, presumably from Central Asia. The dating of Sumerian
history is sometimes uncertain, up to several hundred years. Religious customs of the Sumerians
point to their origin from a mountain region, probably Central Asia or Bactria: mountain temples,
worship of the mountain animal bison, voluntary death by poison of the royal entourage when
the king dies, as in Central Asia. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
dr Anthony Hewish, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1974), discovered a rhythmic series of
radio pulses and proved their origin from a star that was exploding at the same time.
flood disaster in Mesopotamia. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
Tell Halaf level in Mesopotamia to about -3,300; here stepped terraces are created as mountain
escapes from floods (high temples).
- 4,000
The Great Pyramids are said to have been built to absorb a supernova explosion in 4000 BC. to
watch and celebrate. (Note: In the school history the construction is dated to 2700 BC).
Based on research findings in the 1920s-30s, an expedition was put together to open a secret
chamber beneath the pyramid. A metal door was found 500 feet below the base of the pyramid.
Opening the door required a sonic code. A room with over 30,000 recording discs and
extraterrestrial equipment was found. The disks were deciphered. They describe the rise and fall
of extraterrestrial civilizations, going back more than 100,000 years. This group built this chamber
and then put the pyramid over it. (Krill, OH: Orion based Technology Mind Control..., p. 35)
The Freemasons begin their "Year of Light" calendar at this time. This light is said to appear in
2000 AD. to be seen again. (MW Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, p. 72)
(Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.419)
The Tower of Babel begins to be built. The Anunnaki confuse the language of the people. Since
Marduk's coup failed, he returns to Egypt. He deposes Thoth and takes on his younger brother
Dumuzi, who is married to Inanna. As the supposed murderer of Dumuzi, Marduk is buried alive
in the Great Pyramid. After being freed by a rescue team, he goes into exile. (Sitchin: The Wars
of Men and Gods, p.420)
Beginning of the Maya era in Central America. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
Urban civilization begins in Sumer; the Anunnaki rebuild the old towns, first Eridu and Nippur.
Anu pays a visit to Earth. A new city is built in his honor; Uruk (Erech). He makes the temple of
this city the dwelling place of his beloved granddaughter Inanna (Istar).
In pre-dynastic Egypt, a distinction is made between the Badâri, Tsas, Amratien, and Gerzeen
cultures in the transition from the Neolithic to the Metal Age. Villages growing together to form
larger political associations. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
- 3,000
The oldest secret society is the Brotherhood of the Snake, also known as the Brotherhood of the
Dragon. This Brotherhood is dedicated to keeping watch over the "mysteries of the ages" and recognizes
Lucifer as the real and only God. (MW Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, p. 68)
Sumerian kingship is transferred to Uruk. The rulership of the third region, the Indus Valley, is given to
Inanna, and here too the development of civilization begins. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)
that men had built to look at. The Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all speak one
language; but that's just the beginning of what they do. Nothing they intend to do will be impossible for
them. Alright, let's descend! We want to confuse their language there so that no one understands what
the other is saying!” And the Lord scattered them from there over the whole earth; they stopped building
cities... (The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, 1989, Pattloch Verlag)
Ancient Egyptian Empire (1st-6th Dynasties to c. -2150, 1st and 2nd Dynasties to c. -2780). Menes, the
first historically verifiable king of Egypt, unites Lower and Upper Egypt and founds the capital Memphis.
First Egyptian hieroglyphic texts (mostly of a religious nature). The pharaoh becomes the god-king.
Worship of nature deities and totemic animal cults in the European Neolithic period. (Werner Stein, The
Great Culture Timetable)
Legendary King Gilgamesh of Uruk. Great city wall in Sumerian Uruk with 900 towers is built (9.5 km
long). Uruk has 47,000 inhabitants. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
Construction of the Pyramid of Chephren near Giza. The great Sphinx of Giza (73 m long, 20 m high)
was probably built at the same time as the Pyramid of Chephren. Construction time of a pyramid
(Snofru) 17 years with 650,000 cbm of masonry. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
A 350-year chaos ends with the installation of the first pharaoh in Memphis. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men
and Gods, p.420)
Circa -2,400
Construction of the Pyramids of Sakâra. High point of Sumerian-Akkadian art in Babylonia up to -2.270.
Construction of the Pyramid of Cheops. Sun ships for the journey of the soul of King Cheops to the
afterlife (one is fully equipped and found intact in a rock tomb next to the pyramid in 1954). (Werner
Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
(Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
-4,000 to -3,000 The
oldest reports have come down to us as sagas or legends. For example, an ancient Chinese tale speaks
of a distant "land of flying chariots" where one-armed, three-eyed people ride winged chariots with goldplated
wheels. The Sanskrit text DRONA PARVA contains descriptions of dogfights between gods who
control flying machines - so-called VIMANAS. In one of these battles, a "flaming missile with the
luminosity of smokeless fire" is shot out. (Time-Life Books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 12)
The Sumerian. Royal capitals are constantly being changed and royalty is in danger of crumbling. Enlil
is losing patience with the rampant proliferation of humans. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)
Abraham is born in Nippur. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)
Egypt is divided; Followers of Ra (Marduk) rule in the south; enemy pharaohs sit on the throne
of Lower Egypt. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)
In order to gain dominion over the four regions, Sargon appropriates sacred ground from
Babylon. The Marduk-Inanna conflict flares up again. It ends with Marduk's brother Nergal
traveling from South Africa to Babylon and persuading Marduk to leave Mesopotamia. (Sitchin:
The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)
The Old Kingdom of Egypt is brought to an end by overthrow from within and by enemies from without.
Signs of dissolution in Egyptian art. The Babylonian epic of the creation of the world comes
into being: the 3 human gods of heaven, air and earth with the underworld destroy the
primordial goddess of chaos, who is transferred to heaven as animal constellations. (Werner
Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
Inanna falls in love with Sharru-Kin (Sargon), who establishes a new capital: Agade (Akkad).
The Akkadian Empire begins. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)
Inanna seizes power in Mesopotamia; Naram-Sin profanes Nippur. The chief Anunnaki destroy
Agade. Inanna escapes. Sumer and Akkad are occupied by foreign troops loyal to Enlil and
Ainurta. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)
Inanna's attempt to move the kingdom to Uruk again does not last. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men
and Gods, p.421)
Naram-Sin ascends the throne of Akkad. Incited by the warlike Inanna, he invades the Sinai
Peninsula and invades Egypt. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)
Since Enlil and Ninurta are less and less present, the authority in Mesopotamia is also disputed.
In Nippur Tera, Abraham's father, is born into a priestly-royal family. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men
and Gods, p.421)
Enlil entrusts Shem's lands to Nannar, and Ur is declared the capital of a new realm. Ur Nammu
ascends the throne and is called the protector of Nippur. A Nippurian priest - Tera, Abraham's
father - comes to Ur to liaise with the royal court. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)
Ur-Nammu falls in battle. People interpret his early death as a betrayal by the gods Anu and
Enlil. Tera moves to Harran with his family. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)
Thoth helps King Gueda build a ziggurat for Ninurta. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.420)
Under the educated rulers of Lagash, Sumerian culture flourishes again.
Marduk's son Nabu gains followers for his father in East Asia. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and
Gods, p.421)
Guided by Inanna, Amar-Sin forms a coalition of the kings of the east and launches a military
expedition to Canaan and the Sinai Peninsula. The leader is the Elamite Kedor Laomer.
Abraham knocks them back at the gateway to the airport. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and
Gods, p.422)
Shu-Sin succeeds Amar-Sin on the throne of Ur; the empire falls apart. (Sitchin: The Wars of
Men and Gods, p.422)
The winds carry the radioactive cloud to Sumer. People die a terrible death, animals perish,
the water is poisoned, the soil becomes barren. Sumer and its great culture are destroyed.
His inheritance goes to Abraham's legal son, whom he fathers at the age of one hundred:
Isaac. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.422)
At Nannar's command, Shulgi sends Elamite troops to quell unrest in Canaanite cities. The
Elamites arrive at the gateway that leads to the Sinai Peninsula and the spaceship airport
there. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)
Prof. Jim Hurtak: “There are more than 25,000 documents of Arcadian texts as a result of the
1978 investigations in Syria. In them one finds very precise designations or names of gods or
divine beings. Over 500 are listed. More importantly, there is a prototype of the Bible here.
Scientists found Genesis #14 in earlier form. The story is about a great war in the Middle East
and the intervention of intelligence under the command of Michaelo. The location of these
cities (Sodom and
Ibbi-Sin is the next heir to the throne. In the western provinces, Marduk is gaining more and
more followers. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.422)
Shulgi dies. Marduk moves to the land of the Hittites. Abraham receives orders to go to
southern Canaan with an elite force of cavalry. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)
Shulgi ascends the throne of Ur and increases his dominion. As the empire prospers, Shulgi
falls for Inanna's charms and becomes her lover. In return for services rendered, his Foreign
Legion receives Larsa. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.421)
At the head of his followers, Marduk marches into Sumer and enthrones himself in Babylon.
The fighting extends to central Mesopotamia. Nippur's Holy of Holies is desecrated. Enlil
demands punishment of Marduk and Nabu. Enki resists, but his son Nergal takes Enlil's side.
Amar-Sin (the biblical Amraphel) becomes king of Ur. Abraham goes to Egypt, stays there for
five years, and then returns with more troops. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.422)
Under Mentuhotep I, the Theban princes loyal to Ra (Marduk) advance northward.
When Nabu mobilizes all of his Canaanite followers to take the spaceport, the great gods
agree to the use of nuclear weapons. Nergal and Ninurta destroy the airport and the unruly
Canaanite cities. (Sitchin: The Wars of Men and Gods, p.422)
(Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer, Phyllis: The being named Tom spoke through Phyllis in 1974
regarding the influence of the extraterrestrials from Hoova on human development): The land of
Mesopotamia was populated by a group that descended from the atomic civilization AKSU.
In the account of how Moses leads the children of Israel out of Egypt and through the Sinai desert to the
Promised Land, it says: (Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer: The being called Tom spoke to Hoova in
1974 through Phyllis about the influence of the extraterrestrials the development of mankind): Next
attempt: Moses led the descendants of Abraham out of the integration of a foreign culture and gave them
the law, which became the basis of their religion and contained all the elements of cosmic ethics. The aim
of the 40-year desert migration was, on the one hand, to create a generation that was not conditioned by
a host country and, on the other hand, to test the confidence of the Jews.
In the apocalypse of Abraham it is impressively described how Abraham was “taken up into heaven” by
two messengers from the Most High; high above the earth he saw "something like a light indescribable"
and "great figures calling out words I do not understand". The high place on which he was standing
turned downwards, then upwards again, sometimes he saw the earth above him, then the stars below him
again. (Erich von Däniken, We are all children of the gods, p. 107)
-2000 The Bible speaks of the introduction of a kind of barcode system (bar code) which is to be placed
on the front of the forehead or on the back of the hand. This is a scenario that was initiated more than
2000 years ago in order to be able to better control people. ...invisible numbers will be implanted on the
forehead and arm and only photoscopic scanners will be able to read these numbers. The numbers can
be arranged in three blocks of six numbers each. This "sign" is needed by everyone and no one will be
able to buy or sell anything without this invisibly tattooed number. (David Wilkerson, The Vision, (from
the King James Version of the Bible) p. 22)
Around 2,000 B.C. Hoova launched another attempt to raise consciousness, selecting a group within
Mesopotamia headed by Abraham of Ur. The goal of this experiment was to create an advanced human
group that could lead the rest of humanity into the next evolutionary cycle. They improved the genetic
code of the children of Abraham and commissioned them to mix with the races of the world to improve
their genetic material and raise human consciousness through their teachings.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 161)
Gomorrah) and the falling of fire from heaven, allows the conclusion that a great war took place there.
2000 years have flowed in. (Cooper Lecture, CBR UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 3a)
Moses leads the Israelites back from Egypt to Palestine; Tablets with 10 commandments on Mount Sinai
(his tablets of the law have Babylonian models) (Werner Stein, The Great Cultural Roadmap).
The Grays admit that they received information about human development c.
The kings of Konossos (including the legendary King Minos) rule all of Crete. Naval supremacy and
extensive trade with Syria, Egypt and Mesopotamia. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
Her faith in God was strengthened. The first founding of the state was promising, until
Time of the legendary Abraham: Aramaic shepherds came to Palestine from the east or north-east and
tried to gain a foothold there among the local, politically and religiously fragmented population with a
predominantly Semitic language (their homeland is also assumed to be in the Caucasus).
-2,000 to ca. -1,600
Beginning of the Middle Minoan period on Crete: palaces in Konossos and Phaestos, urban settlements
with multi-story houses. Beginning of the Bronze Age in Northern and Central Europe (until about -750).
(Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
Vision of Ezekiel (Ezekiel): It came to pass in the thirtieth year, on the fifth day of the fourth month,
when I was among the exiles by the river Chebar, when heaven opened and I saw the divine vision.
But I saw a gale coming from the north, and a great cloud surrounded by a radiant splendor and a
ceaseless fire, from the midst of which it shone like bright ore. And in the midst of it appeared
figures as of four living beings; they looked like human figures. Their legs were straight, and the
soles of their feet looked like the soles of a calf's, and they glittered like bright bronze. Under their
wings on their four sides they had human hands, and the wings of all four touched each other, and
their faces did not turn , when they went; each went straight ahead. And their faces were like this:
a human face forward on all four, a lion's face on the right on all four, a bull's face on the left on all
four, and an eagle's face on all four inward. And between the living beings it was as if fiery coals
were burning; it looked like torches were flickering between the living beings, and the fire had a
brilliant glow, and lightning flashed from the fire. And the living beings ran back and forth like
lightning. Next, next to each of the four living beings, I saw a wheel on the ground. The appearance
of the wheels was like the gleam of a chrysolite, and the four wheels were all of the same shape,
and worked as if one wheel were within the other. When living beings walked, so did the wheels
beside them; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, so did the wheels. And over the
heads of the living beings was something like a solid plate, gleaming like dreadful crystal, spread
out over their heads. And as they went I heard their wings rustling like the rushing of great waters,
like the voice of the Almighty, and a roar like that of an army camp. But when they stood still, they
lowered their wings. And behold, on the solid plate that was on their heads.... (Ezekiel 1:1-25)
-925 to ca. -960
time of King Solomon. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
(Marcello Zago, Buddhism, p. 93)
-740 to - 701
Isaiah, prophet in Judah. Through his prophecies, the belief in the appearance of the founder of a
kingdom of God (Messiah) arises. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture Timetable)
-563 to -483
lifetime of the Buddha (Siddharta), beginning of Buddhism from about -528 (Siddharta's enlightenment).
During the journey, the Lord went before them in a pillar of cloud by day to show them the way, and
by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. So they could be out and about day and night. Every
day the pillar of cloud was at the head of the procession, and every night the pillar of fire. (Exodus
Jacob's vision of angels ascending a ladder to heaven recorded in Genesis has been interpreted as
a UFO event. (Time-Life Books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 12)
But when all the people saw lightning and thunder, the sound of trumpets and the mountain
smoking, they became very afraid and stood trembling at a distance. (Exodus 20:18)
The voice told Ezekiel that it was "Lord God." (Ezekiel 2:4)
(Time-Life Books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 12)
were subdued and in captivity forgot their origin. The Appearance of God: On the third day....
thunder and lightning began, a dense cloud covered the mountain and a loud trumpet blast was
heard. The people in the camp trembled with fear. Then Moses led the Israelites out of the camp to
meet God. They lined up at the foot of the mountain. The whole of Mount Sinai was covered in
smoke because the Lord had descended on it in fire. The smoke rose like smoke from a furnace,
and the whole mountain trembled. (Exodus 19:16-19)
The prophet Elias fights against the Phoenician Baal cult in the northern Palestinian kingdom of Israel.
The Old Testament prophet Elijah (Elias) rode up to heaven in a "chariot of fire."
73 v.Chr.
332-26 v.Chr.
0 (Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer: The being named Tom spoke through Phyllis in 1974
regarding the influence of the extraterrestrials from Hoova on human development): The next
intervention was the incarnation of Jehovah as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who set an example
for his people for the human beings in the next phase of evolution and for the principle of love.
He wasn't understood. When the rebellion of the Jews against the Roman occupiers, their
attempt to restore a state of the old greatness failed, they were expelled among all the peoples
with whom they shared their knowledge, their inventive spirit and the beauty of their arts,
without the same again Making mistakes, giving up their identity. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 161)
Plinus the Elder (1st century AD) says that at the time of the war against the Cimbri and
Teutons, a "flaming shield" was seen, emitting sparks, flying across the sky from west to east
at sunset. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 58)
Emperor Constantine appeared on the march towards Italy in the early afternoon "the sign of
the cross", formed by the light, with an inscription: >In hoc signo vinces< (in this sign you will
conquer). This sign was seen by the entire army. The cross became his banner. It was the
trigger for Constantine to unify the Roman Empire and introduce Christianity as the state
religion. (Johannes von Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 56)
Plinus the Elder (1st century AD) mentions in his “Natural History” that beams of light
appeared in the sky when the Spartans had to cede naval supremacy to Athens in the naval
battle of Cnidus. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 58)
102 v.Chr.
394 v.Chr.
The army of Mithridates, king of Pontus, faced the army of Lucullus near the Dardanelles. Just
as the king was about to raise his hand to attack, the heavens opened. "A huge flaming body,
shaped like a drinking bowl and the color of molten silver, fell between the two armies". The
battle was avoided. Mithridates was later defeated by Lucullus. (J. v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p.
Alexander reaches India. Knowledge of Buddhism penetrates beyond the Indian continent for
the first time. (Marcello Zago, Buddhism, p. 94)
In itself, Buddhism is neither a religion nor a philosophy. The philosophical conception is the
result of the rational speculations of the Buddhist believer. "Seeing and seeing correctly is the
simple yet complicated meaning of Buddhism...". It is the call for man to attain a spiritual,
mystical experience of self-realization in his own power without the help of a transcendent
being. (Marcello Zago, Buddhism, p. 4)
An anonymous writer of the history of Alexander the Great relates how miraculous flying
shields appeared over the Macedonian camp during the siege of Tyre. The five objects formed
in a V-shape, with the largest shield at the top. The others were half that size. They circled over
the walls. A bolt of lightning erupted from the largest of the shields, knocking them down and
freeing the besiegers' way. They circled over the city until it was completely taken and then
disappeared into the sky. The objects accompanied Alexander on his campaigns and only
stopped him when he wanted to cross the Beas River in India. (John V.
Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 56)
Period: Year "0" to 1928
A "heavenly sign" (according to the Annales regni Francorum) came to the aid of the Franks
when they were besieged in a castle by the Saxons. One saw two round shields, which moved
flaming red over the church. Seeing this, the Gentiles immediately panicked and fled.
Phenomena of this kind accompanied him at the beginning of a new epoch in European history. (John V.
After a long dispute, the philosophy of Origen of Alexandria (ca. 253) is condemned as not
orthodox at the 5th general council in Constantinople. (Werner Stein, The Great Culture
Charlemagne waged war against the pagan Saxons in what is now Westphalia.
"Strange phenomena" were reported in the sky, and the earth was sometimes lit up at night
as bright as day. Shortly thereafter, the plague broke out here. Gregory reported an apparition
in Rome that looked like a giant "dragon" that soared through the city down to the sea,
immediately after which a severe epidemic of plague broke out. Such reports prompt a
terrifying, unimaginable thought: that the plague of Justinian was caused by means of
biological warfare spread by missiles of the "Lord Gods." This would mean a repetition of
similar plagues as described in the Bible and in ancient Mesopotamian texts. (William Bamley,
The Gods of Eden, pp. 161-162)
All revelations of God's will to man are collected and recorded in the revealed books. (Prof.
Federico Peirone, Islam, p. 26)
One of the reasons people believed that the plague came from God was that when a plague
broke out, apparitions were often observed in the sky. A chronicler of the Justinian plague
was the famous historian Gregory of Tours, who recorded a number of unusual events from
the plague years. Gregory reports that shortly before the Justinian plague in 567 AD. reached
Auvergne, three or four bright lights could be seen around the sun, and the sky seemed to be
on fire. Possibly it was just a natural "parhelion"; however, other unusual celestial phenomena
were also observed in this area. A historian tells of a similar event that took place 23 years
later in another part of France, in Avignon.
Buttlar, Drachenwege, p.
56) 9th century. The French clergyman Agobard, Archbishop of Lyon, was possibly describing
visits by extraterrestrial spaceships when he noticed members of his congregation in the 9th century
God is the Lord of heaven and earth. It is man's duty to obey him, especially since in his
mercy he has sent down his messengers for the good of mankind. God is absolute ruler and
origin of all laws, religious as well as temporal.
The Eastern Roman Empire is afflicted by the bubonic plague. This plague was one of the
most devastating plagues in history, and many people of the time believed it to be a
punishment from God. The word "plague" derives from the Latin word for "to breathe" or "to
wound, to hurt". The plague was therefore also called "God's plague", ie breath or blow sent by God.
Belief in reincarnation and the cycle of rebirth was a fundamental tenet in the Roman Catholic
Church until 553 AD, when the Synod of Constantinople decided that this belief could not
exist. She condemned the teachings of reincarnation as heresy, and it was at this point that
references to this belief were removed from the Bible. Christian churches claim today that the
doctrine of reincarnation was alien to early Christianity and was only subsequently introduced
into Christian doctrine by followers of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras. As a result, the
church saw itself compelled to condemn this as heresy at a council (Hermann Bauer, rebirth).
Mohammed emigrates from Mecca to Medina: this exodus, called Hijra, is the beginning of
the Islamic calendar. Accompanied by visions and hallucinations, as well as physical pain,
the new "revelation" - as the Muslims call it - smashed upon Muhammad with irresistible force
and unadulterated authenticity. At the direction of a divine messenger, the angel Gabriel, the
40-year-old reformer began to preach the fundamental and new ideas of his faith. (Prof.
Federico Peirone, Islam, p. 40)
Tibet: Jesuit Father Albert d'Orville sees a UFO in Lhasa. A lama who also saw it said to him:
"For a long time beings from other worlds have sailed the seas of space and
Since the UFO sightings seemed to increase during this time, the pope issued a decree in this
century, which forbade the reports of such "flying things" under penalty. (The Pandora Aspect,
Elian Lian, page 17)
1661 Nov.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p. 157/ 58, hypnosis session with Uri Geller, see 1971, 5.12.)
Below is the illustration of strange spherical bodies observed over Basel, Switzerland, in July
and early August of 1566. They were described by Samuel Coccius, an eyewitness, as large
black spheres hurtling towards the sun and turning against each other as if engaged in combat.
1171 Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Uri Geller: In another hypnosis session, the voice (speaking through
Geller) named the spaceship Spektra as their origin - a huge mothership stationed very far from
Earth. Another time it was said to have been stationed near Earth for 800 years. The voice went
on to say, "Our computers are studying everyone on Earth."
1561/ 66
Other observations of strange celestial phenomena in the distant past include a spectacular
event over the city of Nuremberg in April 1561; there balls and round discs appeared in the sky
and performed a veritable aerial ballet. Residents of Basel, Switzerland, witnessed a similar
spectacle five years later. According to contemporary reports, the sky was suddenly littered
with large black spheres flying towards the sun or around each other at high speed. Then, as
quickly and mysteriously as they had appeared, they turned fiery red and disappeared. (Time-
Life Books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 15)
claimed their area was being stalked by "sailors from the air" who arrived on ships in the clouds
and plundered orchards and wheat fields. (Time-Life Books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs,
p. 14)
The Black Plague or Black Death first raged in Europe. Short outbreaks of pneumonic plague
continued to afflict Europe every ten to twenty years until the 17th century, with the number of
fatal cases steadily declining. Many people from all over Europe and other plague-stricken
regions of the world reported that plague epidemics were caused by foul-smelling "fogs". These
nebulae often appeared after unusually bright lights in the sky. The first outbreak of the plague
was followed by a series of unusual events. Between 1298 and 1314, seven major "comets"
were seen over Europe; one was of "horrid blackness." A year before the epidemic broke out in
Europe, a "pillar of fire" was sighted over the Palais des Papes in Avignon, France. Earlier that
year, a "ball of fire" was observed over Paris; it is said to have been visible for a while. The
people of Europe took these apparitions as omens of the plague that broke out soon after.
Already during the first plague epidemics in Asia, the Black Death and unusual celestial
phenomena were associated. Descriptions of storms and earthquakes, of meteors and comets
leaving noxious gases behind, which withered the trees and made the land barren.
"A comet was seen in Arabia, shaped like a very sharp wooden beam......" The accompanying
illustration, based on eyewitness accounts, shows what appears to be the front half of a rocket
between some clouds . (Conrad Lycosthenes, "A Chronicle of the Wonders and Omens Beyond
the Right Order, Processes, and Courses in Nature, in the Higher as in the Lower Regions of the
Earth, From the World's Beginning to the Present Day", p. 494)
Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (father of Soviet space travel) considered real proof of the
existence of unknown, rational forces in the cosmos a geometric figure and a human figure that he had
spotted in the sky. (Source: Spiegel 1989/ 42 regarding
dr Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), Professor of Catholic Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt,
founds the Illuminati order. Weishaupt - a Jew by birth who later converted to Catholicism - broke with
the Jesuit order to which he belonged as a priest. (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, p. 28)
Cooper is a former intelligence officer whose job it was to brief high-ranking officers on the alien
projects before he made his conscience decision to go public. Hamilton said at the lecture that centuries
back a secret society, the Illuminati, made a pact with an extraterrestrial nation (the Grays) who lurk
within the earth, and that the US government renewed the pact in 1933 to ban humans and animals for
high - Trade in tech. (Hamilton-Cooper-Lear Lecture, CBR - UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 1b)
1665 10.4.
1897 23.4.
brought spiritual enlightenment to the first people to walk the earth. These beings are always kindly
received by us and often end up near our monasteries, where they teach us and reveal things that were
lost in the times of the cataclysms (floods)..." (Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 91- 92)
1776 1.5.
1908 30.6.
The scholar Erasmus Francisi reports on UFO sightings in his 1500-page work "Mysterious Apparitions".
(Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 90)
Alexander Hamilton, a farmer, told a reporter about a colossal 330-foot-long airship that landed on April
23, 1897 near the small town of Yates Center, Kansas. As he and two others walked curiously to the
spot, they saw "six of the strangest creatures imaginable" in the airship's glass canopy. They chattered
away, but we didn't understand a word of what they were saying.” Then the ship lifted off again, taking
one of Hamilton's cows with it. It hovered over the farm for a while, then vanished. The next day, a
farmer found the skin, legs and head of the stolen cow some distance away. Hamilton: "After identifying
the skin by my brand, I drove home. But before I fell asleep I always saw this damned thing with its big
lights and the horrible people in front of me. I don't know if they were devils or angels or whatever, but
we've all seen them." (Time Life books, Mysteries of the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 23)
There is an interesting statement made by Bill Hamilton in a talk with William Cooper and John Lear in
this regard. Together, these individuals examined the alien scenario.
His declared goal was the establishment of a "Novus Ordo Saeclorum", a new world order or a new
world government. The name "Illuminati" is derived from the word Lucifer (bringer of light) (p. 30). The
New World Order was to be achieved through: • Abolition of all orderly government • Abolition of private
property • Abolition of inheritance • Abolition of patriotism • Abolition of all religions • Abolition of the
family. (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, p. 34)
Atomic bomb explosion in Siberia (a meteorite is excluded). Prof. Aleksei Zolotov found records of
survivors on his research trip through the taiga. Immediately before the explosion they had observed a
cylindrical missile in the sky, which changed direction several times. (Image newspaper: Sept. 90,
atomic bomb exploded 37 years before Hiroshima)
• By 2003 most of the planet would suffer terribly and life largely
The events of Fatima have been investigated for suspected extraterrestrial (Grey) manipulation. A spy campaign
was launched to solve the mystery. The US used their Vatican contacts and shortly thereafter received the full
study, including the prophecy. This held that unless man turned from evil and sat down at Christ's feet, the planet
would destroy itself and the events described in the Bible's Revelation would actually occur.
It is claimed that this Fatima event exposes religion as a false concept. That is why the sealed letter is kept under
lock and key by the Catholic Church. He would shake the belief system and power of the Church. At least one pope
has been assassinated after intending to reveal the information to the people. (The Leading Edge, No. 23, 1991, p.
1917 13.10.
should agree in 1992.
Prophecy: • A
child will be born who will come upon the world with a peace plan and false religion
1909-1913 A
year after the Tunguska event, the world experienced its first major wave of UFO sightings. This time it was an
international phenomenon, for between 1909 and 1913 reports came from Europe, North America, South Africa,
Japan, New Zealand and other parts of the world. First up was South West England, where several people claimed
they saw a large, elongated object with a bright light floating high in the sky at night. (Time-Life Books, Secrets of
the Unknown, The UFOs, p. 25)
This exciting spectacle fulfilled the prophecy of three shepherd children who claimed to have conversed with the
Virgin Mary. The Blessed Mother had told them that on October 13th she would reveal herself in such a way that
"everyone will have to believe".
find its climax.
Fatima, Portuguese place of pilgrimage: 50,000 people watched in amazement as the clouds parted to reveal a
huge silver disk that turned like a windmill and danced across the sky. The object radiated warmth, and some
eyewitnesses later reported that their soaked clothes dried within minutes. After the circular disk had dived
towards the earth, it climbed back up into the sky and disappeared towards the sun.
• By 1995, however, the peoples would find out that he (the child who was supposed to unite the world with a
peace plan and a false religion) was evil and was in fact the Antichrist. World War III would begin in the Middle
East with an invasion of Israel by a unified Arab nation. Conventional weapons would be used first. • 1999:
The war in the Middle East would degenerate into a holocaust, through the use of nuclear weapons
Struck, John XXIII said, "We cannot reveal the secret. It would cause panic." (Erich von Däniken, We are all children
of the gods, p. 263/ 268)
be destroyed.
• In 2011 the return of Christ is to take place. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p.
The shepherd children Jacinta Martos, Francesco and Lucia Santos experienced a total of seven Marian apparitions
- each time on a thirteenth of the months May to October. The children died soon after the apparitions. The girl
Lucia Santos went to a convent. she had written down the received messages and handed them over to the
responsible bishop. According to Lucia, the third message was not to be published by the Holy Father until 1960.
The "Third Secret of Fatima" was sealed and handed over to Pope Pius XII, who forwarded the sealed document
to the Holy Office. In 1960, Pope John XXIII was Lord of the Roman Curia. Lucia's letter was opened behind closed
doors of the papal office.
The Catholic Church declared this a miracle... (Time-Life books, Secrets of the Unknown, The UFOs p. 25/ 26)
Interview with the American researcher Alfred Bialek: Roosevelt signed an agreement with the K's in
1933” (Note: Bialek speaks of the “K's”, presumably the Grays. Elsewhere in the book (p. 443) the K group is
referred to as an abbreviation for the Kondrashkin spoken). ...
1939 1.9.
The American government (Roosevelt) makes a deal with the Grays. They trade people and animals for high
tech. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 1b)
1919 19.5.
367, interview with Alfred Bilek)
“The Pleiadians went over to the NAZI Germans and worked things out with them. So there were two powers on
opposite sides of the Atlantic preparing to fight each other. One side was feeding us technical information, and
it's very likely that there were others on the other side doing the same to keep some sort of balance." (Matrix III,
I have found evidence that since 1917 secret societies have been planning an artificial threat from outer
space with the aim of bringing humanity together in a world government called "the New World Order." (MW
Cooper, Behold a pale Horse, p. 27)
Tsiolkovsky discovers three Cyrillic letters on the horizon meaning "the extraterrestrials know their friends".
(Source: Spiegel 1989/ 42 regarding Voronezh)
Neuschwabenland was explored and surveyed. It covers an area of 600,000 km (almost the same size as
Germany before 1937) Neuschwabenland was declared German sovereign territory. (Bergmann, German Flying
Discs.. p.15)
Foundation of the Council on Foreign Relations in Paris at the Hotel Majestic. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian Lian,
1938/ 39
German expedition to Antarctica. Former members reported that even after the end of the expedition (in the
spring of 1939), the expedition ship "Schwabenland" commuted quarterly between Neuschwabenland
(Antarctica) and the home port to transport equipment and entire mining facilities to Antarctica. This also
included track systems, lorries and a huge milling machine to be able to drill tunnel systems into the ice.
(Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.14)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) is President of the USA. He introduced the Illuminati seal on the one
dollar bill. The Illuminati plan of a "Novus Ordo Saeclorum", a new world order (New Deal) or a new world
government is thus publicly pursued. This sign was introduced by Weishaupt when he founded the Illuminati
order on May 1, 1776. This event is indicated by the Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI at the base of the pyramid.
The sign's inscription is significant: "Annuit coeptis" means "Our enterprise (conspiracy) is crowned with
success". (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, p. 70)
German invasion of Poland (beginning of World War II). 1941 The Germans allied themselves with the Ugha
Mongulala (South American tribe that asked the Germans for help against invaders). The book The Chronicle
of Akakor (narrated by Tatunca Nara, the chief of the Ugha Mongulala, Karl Brugger, 1976, Econ Verlag) tells of
a South American tribe whose chronicle states that the gods came to earth 15,000 years ago and disappeared
again 12,000 years ago. They would have left a flying disc in the city of Lower Akakor, 4-5 km across. There is
speculation as to whether the Germans found this flying disc and knew how to use it to build their own.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 72)
Period: 1930 to 1949
Drawings of the German Flying Discs Haunebu I and II of the SS Development Center IV.
Summer UFO sighting - eyewitness report: "Flying saucers were sighted from the shore of the
Zierkersee. They looked like plumb, flying, flat disks that were red hot and visible from afar.
Since the VI projectiles were also tested over Neustrelitz and Ostmecklenburg, this sight was
not even sensational. The discs were also being tested as secret weapons for us.” (Haarmann:
Secret Wonder Weapons III, p. 12)
1943 7.11.
During the day the thing looked like a glowing top spinning on its own axis. At night, the "ball
of fire" could be compared to a burning ball. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 16)
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons I, p. 35)
flying disks.., p.62-65)
Technical data Haunebu II:
• Diameter 26.3 meters •
Drive: Thule tachionator •
Control: Magnetic field pulser 4a •
Speed: 6000 km/h (calculated 21000 possible) • Range 55
hours etc. • Space capability 100% - planned series
production Turn of the year 1943/ 44. (Bergmann, German
First development work on German flying discs was started. The first model was ready in June
1942. The actual design and manufacture did not take place until 1944 in Prague.
End Howard Menger encounters an (alien) man with shoulder-length blond hair posing as one
of "his people". (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 62)
(Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.66, 67)
1942 25.2.
15-20 unknown enemy objects appeared over Los Angeles, after which the surrounding antiaircraft
gun positions opened fire. (London Times, 2/26/42; Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons
II, p. 10)
Compared to Adamski's photo, the drawing and photo look more or less identical.
Each time thick clouds pushed between the attackers and the ground troops, so that the bombs
could not be dropped. As the bombers hove to and disappeared, the sky cleared again. This
incident repeated itself a total of three times. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.., p.42)
1944 Autumn “In the autumn of 1944, my husband and his unit hermetically sealed off and
secured an airfield in Oldenburg on higher orders. On this airfield, the circular apparatuses
mentioned in the "Confidential (Notifications)" took off with astonishing speed and also made
right-angled hooks - like rabbits." (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 12; weekly journal
Kristall, no. 9 , 50)
Autumn Work on an anti-radar fireball was accelerated at an Luftwaffe experimental center
near Oberammergau. The first fireballs were produced there and in the aeronautical facilities
in Wiener Neustadt. Later, as the Russians approached Austria, these productions were moved
to the Black Forest. Fast and remotely controlled, equipped with klystron tubes, operating on
the same frequency as enemy radar, they could wipe radar signals off the screen and were
invisible to ground control.
Eyewitness report: In the north of Corsica there had been large crowds of people when the
German troops were retreating. A bomb squadron attacked three times under clear skies.
1943 28.9.
Late 1944
During the war, Howard Menger meets a (alien) tall man who posed as a space brother. “We
have much work to do on your planet among you humans and we must do it quickly while
there is still a planet and humans to work with. Before long you will know what danger I
pointed out." (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 62)
(Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.133)
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II, p. 13)
Newspaper: New York Times, Headline: Floating Mystery Ball is a new Nazi-Air Weapon,
Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, 13 Dec. A new German weapon has
appeared on the western front, it was revealed today. Airmen from the American Air Force
report that they encountered silver bullets in the air over German territory. The bullets met
them singly or in swarms. Sometimes they are almost transparent.
During World War II, hundreds of American aviators encountered mysterious, round, glowing
flying objects over Europe and the countries of the Far East. These early UFOs appeared both
singly and in formation. Countless times they approached US bombers and fighters and
circled them at high speed. Secret services suspect a new German weapon, but this could not
be confirmed after the end of the war. (Keyhoe, 1954: Space is getting closer, p. 47ff) Some of
these balls had a diameter of only 30 cm. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II, p. 11)
Report of the Technical Intelligence Department of the US Strategic Air Force, London: "We
received alarming reports from various sources that the bombers returning from Germany
were complaining more and more about mysterious engine failures." A new German secret
weapon was suspected, the electric System of bombers malfunctioned. (Haarmann: Secret
Miracle Weapons II, p. 27/ 28)
1944 14.12.
Seven American bombers left the United States. After a stopover in Bermuda, they encountered
numerous strange meteorological phenomena. They only lasted about a minute.
1945 The Germans are believed to have established bases in the Arctic, specifically in Greenland.
1944 Dec.
In connection with later UFO sightings, reports of power failures were repeatedly reported as
long as this object was over the area. In the period 1966-67 alone, 20 cities worldwide were
affected by such failures. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 29ff)
Late 1944
Metz, France: A bright point of light followed an American bomber force heading for Germany.
This point of light flew into this formation and operated there in fast zig zag flights. After that,
about 15-20 planes of the association fell to the ground in flames.
Late 1944
Three different designs of flying discs were completed. Two fundamentally different paths had
been taken. The well-known V-weapons designer Miethe had developed one type. It consisted
of a disk-like, non-rotating disk 42 meters in diameter. In contrast, in the designs by Habermohl
and Schriever, a broad ring revolved around a fixed, spherical pilot's cabin. There has been no
trace of Habermohl and his associates since Prague was occupied. Schriever died a few weeks
ago (1953), Miethe went to the USA. (Welt am Sonntag, 4/26/53; Haarmann: Secret Miracle
Weapons I, p. 36)
The planes were shaken. Only two aircraft returned to Bermuda. The other five are missing.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II, p. 13)
1945 March
The Japanese surrendered unconditionally. That month, the Japanese high command sent a
message to the American embassy in Moscow, to the Russian embassy in Tokyo and directly
to the Pentagon in Washington that the Japanese Imperial government wanted unconditional
surrender. The Americans ignored the offer. (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, p. 206)
With regard to the flying discs, nothing fell into the hands of the enemy. From January to
February, the technicians and engineers with their wives and children flew away with the
flying discs to an unknown destination. Nothing of value was left behind. They are based on a
completely new type of drive. Usual engines stop. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III)
(p.9) A former member of a U-boat crew testified that between 1944 and May 45 U-boat parts
were loaded into U-boats without a break. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.12)
London Daily Telegraph: "And now the foo-fighters" - "Foo-fighters are the sensation of our
disruptive flights. These are peculiar orange lights that follow our planes in formations and
one at a time, and also turn and climb again. Some came within a few meters of the planes
and were shot down. Another type appears under the wings and emits a series of dim
flashes." (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 18)
First development work started in 1941, the first model was ready in June 42. The actual
design and manufacture only took place in Prague. The flight characteristics were amazing:
vertical take-off, vertical landing, standing still in the air, top speed 4,000 km/h. (Haarmann:
Secret Wonder Weapons I, p. 35)
1945 April
The German engineer Rolf Schriever reports on the development of German flying discs after
the war. In April 45 the first disk was tested in Prague. It has a diameter of about 15 meters
and a plastic dome as the driver's cab. A test run reveals defects that take longer than planned.
On May 9th the work is stopped and the pane is destroyed in order not to let it fall into the
hands of the invading troops. (Buntes Leben, No. 131, 31.5 52
1945 1.1.
1945 Jan./ Feb.
surrender of the German Wehrmacht.
New York Herald Tribune of the same date: Pilots report that the silver bullets which the
Germans use against planes flying in during the day have been seen singly or in clusters
during their flights over the Rhine. Now it seems as if the Germans have thrown something
new into the night sky over Germany. It's the crazy, enigmatic "Foo Fighter bullets" that race
along the wing tips of the "Beaufighters" flying over Germany for night-time raids. Aircrews
have encountered these bullets for more than four weeks. They appear to be guided by radio
control from the ground. There are three types of these lights: • One is a red orb that appears
on our wings and accompanies us. • #2 is a vertical line of three fireballs flying ahead of us;
and • #3 is a cluster of about 15 lights that appears in the distance and stands in the sky like a
Christmas tree, its lights turning on and off . (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 18)
1945 7/ 8.5.
The construction program was carried out with particular emphasis and the highest level of
urgency. (p.13) The whereabouts of some 100 submarines was never clarified even after the war.
1945 Jan./March
Germany reached the highest U-boat production figures (27, 37, 27 units per month) of the
entire war years. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.6)
1945 May
After Germany's capitulation, the "Foo Fighters" were still occasionally observed over East
Asian theaters of war. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II, p. 14)
1945 5.12
Americans lose five Avenger torpedo bombers in the Bermuda Triangle. No wreckage was found.
(Süd-Kurier, 3/13/64)
After 1945
In reconnaissance flights, the Canadian Air Force encountered a layer of blue fog in the interior
of the Arctic, which they pierced and saw inhabited areas underneath, including settlements and
green areas, characterized by a typical island character. (Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.134)
In the spring of 1946, fireworks broke out in the night skies of the Scandinavian countries and
northwestern Russia, watched by thousands night after night: faintly luminous objects darting
across the sky, often hovering, then again changing course and speed so suddenly that it
Measures beyond the possibility of terrestrial airplanes. They moved without making a sound.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II, p. 14)
surrender of Japan. End of World War II.
1946 March-Nov.
Even on closer examination of the German test sites and their secret projects, nothing was found
- as far as we know - which would suggest that the Germans had invented something which, like
golden or silver balls, would fly in formations for hours and become invisible from one moment
to the next could be made visible again. Government files regarding the foo-fighters were kept
secret long after the war was over.
Between 1945 and around 1978, 150 planes and ships with around 1500 people disappeared in
this area without a trace (DNZ No. 17, 1978).
PBM Martin Marine bomber, with a crew of 13, disappeared after 20 minutes in search of the five
Avanger bombers (Berlitz, Das Bermudadreieck, 1975, p. 48).
1946 from
June So-called “ghost rockets” are sighted in Sweden and Norway. There were hundreds of press
releases on this subject. Military attachés and military units in Norway and Denmark have been
asked to record all sightings and data. Between June and early July there were 30 reports. Alone
on 9.7. they shot up to 250 and reached on 11.8. a
After the Allied occupation of Germany, no more foo fighters were observed.
Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) is President of the USA.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 19)
This area holds a special place among the unsolved mysteries of our planet. More than a hundred
ships and planes have disappeared here without a trace - most of them after 1945, and more than
a thousaTnrida n pgeloep, l 1e9 h7a5v, e p . l o 1s1t) . their lives here during the last twenty-six years. (Berlitz, The Bermuda
1945 2.9.
1946 6.1
Three women (Mona Stafford, Louise Smith, Elaine Thomas) were driving from Stanford to Liberty,
Kentucky, when they noticed a huge flying object in the sky (the size of a soccer field). It had a
row of different colored lights at the bottom and a white dome at the top. Suddenly, the driver lost
control of the car, which, however, kept going at about 120 km/h. The eyes of the three women
began to water and they developed almost unbearable, stabbing headaches. Later they had a
memory lapse of about an hour and a half.
Under hypnosis, they stated that they were kidnapped on board the UFO. The beings were about
1.30 m tall and had hood-like headgear. They were subjected to a painful examination. All three
had punctures in the same place. (Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 149-150)
FD Roosevelt's order to drop the atomic bomb on Japan was carried out
after his death (4/12/45) by his Vice President Truman.
1945 6./ 9.8.
Article in El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile: Admiral Byrd comments on the strategic importance of
the poles. He announced that the United States must take protective measures against the
possibility of an invasion of the country by enemy planes coming from the polar regions. The
most important achievement of his observations and discoveries during the expedition is the
current power factor that he has in relation to the security of the United States. He stressed
the need to remain "alert and vigilant throughout the survival of the ice belt, which is the last
invasion." bulwark against
a living rescued. Another spacecraft had exploded, but no remains could be recovered. Of
these events, 13 took place within the borders of the United States, not counting the spacecraft
that exploded. Of those 13, one occurred in Arizona, eleven in New Mexico, and one in Nevada.
Three occurred in other countries, one in Norway and the other two in Mexico. (Milton William
Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 1)
1947 Jan-Dec 1952 Sixteen
foreign spaceships had to make an emergency landing or crashed. 65 foreign dead and
1946 9.10.
1947 3.3.
Other source: Between 01/47 and 12/52 at least 12 other alien vehicles crashed or made
emergency landings over US territory. In the months of February and March '48 alone, two
UFOs were found in New Mexico. Inside these UFOs were the bodies of a total of 17
extraterrestrials, as well as a large number of human body parts. Subsequently, the National
Security Council (NSC), which had also been founded at this time, issued regulations that
allowed the secret services to keep any information that had to do with UFOs under wraps.
(The Pandora aspect, Elian Lian, page 21 and Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 74ff)
Maximum. The wave abated noticeably between October and November. The total number of
sightings was 987. On 27.7. decided the Swedish generals and on 29.7. the Norwegians not to
announce further sightings to the press. Swedish military authorities stated that they had not
been able to determine the origin of the ghost rockets. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons II,
p. 14)
1946/ 47
In the winter months of 46/ 47, the US Navy under the direction of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
launched the military campaign Operation High Jump (until 1955 partly classified) to the
Antarctic, disguised as an expedition. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons I, p. 15)
1947 5.3.
George Adamski observed a cigar-shaped object on Mt. Palomars that stood motionless in the
sky before moving south. A few minutes later, the UFO was seen by thousands of residents of
the southern Californian city of San Diego, which also received radio and newspaper attention.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 21)
After the disappearance of 4 fighter planes without a trace, Admiral Byrd called off the
expedition that had just started and left Antarctica. A further 9 aircraft had to be left unusable.
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons I, p. 15)
These bases were important because of certain minerals and the magnetic and plasmic effects
of the rocks in the area. These aliens consider themselves an ancient Earth race, a cross
between reptilians and humans. They told the government that. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO
Briefing, 3/3/90, page 1b)
Humanity, like that of military science, is presently in a vital phase of development...".
(Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons I, p. 17)
The Grays move their base of operations from South America to the US (West) in underground bases.
Admiral Byrd met aliens at the South Pole, whom he describes in his diary as very tall, blond
and blue-eyed. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian Lian, page 28)
Roswell, New Mexico: Rancher William Brazel watches a UFO (radiant, bright, disc-shaped
object) crash. The next day, they find wreckage: feather-light, silvery metal pieces in one
piece, metal girders inscribed with alien hieroglyphs, and some sparkling crystals. Roswell
Air Army Base is briefed. Major Jesse Marcel of the 509th Bomb Squadron's military
intelligence and a CIC Corps officer named Cavitt are handling the investigation. The next day,
a press release says: “The many rumors about the flying discs were confirmed yesterday. The
509th Bomb Squadron was in the fortunate position of securing the wreckage of such a
disc...". The wreckage is recovered. The best scientists in the country are analyzing the case.
dr Vannevar Bush (the government's chief scientific adviser) is posted to Roswell. (Johannes
von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 78-79; Hesemann, UFOs: The Evidence, page 74)
1947 19.9.
1947 2.7.
2 miles east of the crash site (heavily decomposed by weather and mutilated by animals).
MJ12 scientist Dr. Detlev Bronk is involved in examining the bodies. Conclusion: Although
these creatures look human-like, their developmental processes differ greatly from those of
Homo sapiens. you are short
1947 25.3.
Bodies of the crews were found: small, gray-skinned bodies with large heads and long arms.
They only had four fingers. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 81)
Stanton Friedmann, nuclear physicist, spoke at the UFO Congress in Frankfurt in 1989 about
a Top Secret Eyes Only paper from the White House: The "Majestics 12 Operation", a group of
twelve top-class military officers and scientists allegedly examined on July 7th, 1947 an in
UFO that crashed in the wasteland northwest of Roswell Army Air Base (New Mexico) with its
occupants killed (4 bodies - dead and badly decomposed). Since then, an international coverup
campaign has been underway, which also kept further crashes and the extraterrestrials
discovered, some of whom were still alive, under the covers. (see article in the taz of November
1st, 1989 by Matthias Bröckers and Spiegel 1978, issue 38, page 162)
After the fleet's return, Byrd was subjected to secret interrogation and a psychiatric evaluation.
When the true information content (Byrd is said to have been involved in a fight with an
extraterrestrial force in which he lost the 4 planes) of the Antarctic defeat became known, the
USA issued the motto "Antarctica must be erased from people's memories “. (Magazine
Brisant, No. 5, 1978, p. 10)
1947 24.6.
With the treaty of this date, all American states define the Inter-American sphere of defense,
which runs in the South Pole region from 5° N, 24° W in a straight line to the South Pole (Dept.
of State Publ. 3016. Washington 1948) (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons I, p .19)
Another spacecraft is found in Hart Canyon, near Aztec, New Mexico. It measured 33 meters
in diameter. A total of 17 dead aliens were recovered from these two ships. Of even greater
significance, however, was the discovery of large numbers of human body parts in these
ships. The lock code "Secret" immediately became "Super Top Secret". A web of secrecy,
denser than the Manhattan Project (development of the atomic bomb) was spread over these
events. In the years that followed, the incidents would even become the most closely guarded
secrets in world history. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, pp. 1-2)
1947 2.9.
(Source: Spiegel 1978, issue 38, page 260)
The President (Truman) receives an interim report on the Roswell find, which shows that the
wreck found is most likely a short-range reconnaissance aircraft of extraterrestrial origin.
(Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 75-79)
The bodies of four small humanoid creatures were found, which were killed by the explosion approx.
Less than 4 weeks later, 47 entire cascades of UFOs appeared in US skies in the summer.
It was the first time UFOs were officially sighted (at least according to press reports). Hobby
pilot Kenneth Arnold discovered unknown flying objects around Mt. Ranier (USA, Washington).
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Evidence, page 10-12)
Truman approved the issuance of NSC 4, headed "Coordination of Actions Regarding Foreign
Intelligence Information." A top secret addition, NSC 4a instructed the director of the CIA to
undertake secret psychological activities to achieve NSC 4.
General Nathan F. Twining (Wright Patterson Air Base) sent an assessment of the situation to the
Pentagon. Title: AMC Opinion concerning flying discs. The phenomenon reported is real and not
based on fiction or imagination. They are objects, roughly discus-shaped, that appear to be the size
of airplanes.
Future designation "EBEs" ("Extraterrestrial Biological Entities"). A number of script-like symbols
are discovered in the wreck, but the decoding of them is unsuccessful. Efforts to determine the
propulsion methods or the type of energy transmission are just as fruitless. Any reference to wings,
propellers, jets or other conventional propulsion and control systems is absent. In addition, there
are no cables, vacuum tubes, or other discernible electronic components. (Johannes von Buttlar:
Zeitriss, page 80-81)
dr Bush and Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal are invited to the President's White House.
During the top-secret meeting, the two advise the President to set up a secret operation - codenamed
"Majestics 12". (Johannes. von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 80) The CIA and MJ12 were brought into being
at the same time. The top secret CIA document (OSI/ PG Strong: bxl) then laid down the guidelines
for handling the UFO phenomenon. So it says in paragraph 2 under c: "Tasks of the secret service:"
A worldwide system of reporting was set up and the most important air force bases were ordered
to intercept unknown flying objects. (Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 84)
1947 24.9.
have disproportionately large, round heads with small eyes and no hair. As far as can be determined,
their clothing is jumpsuit-like and made out of some sort of synthetic gray material.
Title: Fraud or Proof? Photo: One of the four extraterrestrials - they allegedly died in the impact of
their UFO on 7/2/47 in New Mexico. Baron Nicholas van Poppen photographed her on behalf of the
US secret service. After Poppen took the photos, he mysteriously died. The hairless tiny creatures
(60 cm to 1.20 cm) were examined and embalmed in the strictest secrecy. The doctors found
something amazing: the hands on the long, thin arms have four fingers and no thumbs. No toes on
feet. The skin is grayish or light brown, slightly scaly. No muscles, no sweat glands. No discernible
sex organs. No digestive organs. A colorless liquid in the body instead of blood. The beings, who
are likely still being hidden at Wright Patterson US Air Force Base with evidence from UFO crashes
in 1950 and 1982, wore metallic overalls. Your spaceship had neither jets nor any other drive known
to us. The alien hieroglyphs inside have not yet been identified.
1947 9.12.
An article is published in the Bild newspaper of 8/25/90 which refers to the Roswell find.
Follow-up projects of MJ12 are: "Aquarius" and "Snowbird". (Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page
1947 23.9.
The authorization originally granted to the CIA for covert operations under NSC 4a contained no
formal guidelines either for coordinating or approving such operations. She merely directed the
Director of the CIA to conduct these covert operations and to ensure, in consultation with the State
and Defense Departments, that the operations conducted were consistent with American policy.
Later, NSC 10 and NSC 10/2 would replace NSC 4 and NSC 4a, further expanding the possibilities
for covert operations. The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) has been brought in to carry out an
expanded program of clandestine activities. NSC 10/ 1 and NSC 10/ 2 legalized illegal and extralegal
On 9/29/83, Robert I. Sarbacher (at that time President of the Washington Institute of Technology) in
a letter to William Steinmann confirmed "... having talked to soamboeu pt e thoepslee i anl i tehnes o bffioicleo g (Piceanlltya g on)
constructing were like certain insects that we know here on earth." (Hesemann: UFOs: The Proofs,
p. 29)
1947 19.9.
(Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 3)
After the war, Howard Menger still had numerous contacts, the meetings taking place at a
predetermined landing site. Menger always received new tasks from them. He drove them to
certain places where measuring devices were set up, he provided newcomers with clothing,
gave them the right haircut so that they would not be conspicuous, so that they could live and
work unrecognized among the people. In order not to jeopardize the operations, he had to
promise not to speak about his experiences until 1957. The extraterrestrials explained that they
come from planets inside and outside our solar system. Inside is Venus, Mars, Saturn. Menger
was taken to her home planet to see it. He says the extraterrestrials come to earth to help
humans come to a better understanding of the meaning of life for themselves. They have already
contacted high-ranking politicians and well-known personalities, but the official bodies refuse
to talk about it because it would upset our economic system. They approach individuals to
accustom people to their presence. Many within Earth's population have voluntarily incarnated
on Earth to further a plan that is universal in scope. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 63ff)
(Spiegel, 10/14/68, title: Argentina - flying saucers - blood drawn)
Practices and procedures because they were considered acceptable to national security leaders.
The effects were immediate. The floodgates were now open to the intelligence officers. Under
NSC 10/1, an "Executive Coordination" department was set up to appraise secret projects, but
not to approve them. This department was now tacitly entrusted with the coordination of the
extraterrestrial projects. NSC 10/1 and NSC 10/2 were interpreted to mean that nobody at the top
wanted to know about anything until it was successfully completed. These actions created a
buffer between the President and information. The purpose of this buffer was to enable the
President to deny any knowledge should leaks leak the true facts. This buffer was used in later
years solely to let subsequent presidents know only as much about the alien presence as the
secret government and intelligence officials deemed reasonable. A study group was established
by NSC 10/2, which met in secret and consisted of the leading scientists of the day. This study
group was not named Majestics 12. Another memo, NSC 10/5, outlined the responsibilities of
this study group. It wasn't until four years later that other NPC memos and secret executive
orders set the stage for the founding of MJ-12.
From this time on there have been reports of "fantastic luminous and terrifying looking" wheels,
USOs, rising from the depths of the sea and disappearing from the water. "It glides over the
ship. A smell of sulfur spreads as the wheel rises into the unknown with a terrible hum and
belches steam. Testimonies report sightings in the Persian Gulf, the Straits of Malacca, the
China Sea, the Pacific, near Japan, off America, near the Caroline Islands, near Mexico and
California. (UFO News #19, 1958)
Since that time, a special branch of the US Air Force has registered about 1,200 reports of UFOs.
Residents of Dulce, New Mexico, saw that many troops and trucks were going in and out of this
area, and that the signs on the trucks were from a Colorado lumber company, which upon
further investigation did not exist. The Rand Corporation was building the
A special team of America's top scientists was formed under the alias "Project Sign" to study
the problem. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 2)
Initial construction of the underground bases began in Dulce, New Mexico. The residents of the
area noticed brisk building activities and a high military presence. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian
Lian, page 41)
1947 Dec.
(Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 1)
In the early afternoon, several hundred people in Louisville see a round, sometimes white,
sometimes red, glowing flying object estimated to be 80-100 m in diameter. Thomas F. Mantell
tracks this object up to an altitude of 7000 m. He describes it as: "170 m diameter, disc-shaped,
top ring and dome, appears to rotate rapidly about central vertical axis, looks metallic, shimmers
brilliantly, changes color." Mantell approaches the machine to within 350 m, then spins off and
explodes in mid-air. (various newspaper articles)
1948 7.1.
Klotzbach was given a message for his fellow human beings: "Tell them that we are there as
guardians of the universe and will be of help to all noble-minded people. We want to give them
hope that they will overcome their desperation, because your earth will face a time in which
pain, suffering and chaos will reign. It is the time of the cosmic dark cloud. This cloud will touch
the earth in the not too distant future... You will be faced with the problem that there are also
negative forces within inhabited planetary systems which, like us, want to visit your earth and
plunge you into misfortune under the mask of bringers of peace ... They will try with all the
means of technology, science and denomination at their disposal to pull you under their spell,
from which you
Hamilton mentions conversations with workers at Dulce Base who have learned from the aliens
that they are representatives of an alien race and that they intend to use Earth as a base of operations.
The US Air Force begins to collect and evaluate reports on alleged flying objects of the third
type - initially under the alias "Sign", then as the "Grudge" project, and from 1952 as the "Blue
Book" action. (Source: Spiegel 1978, issue 38, page 260)
1948 Jan.
underground base involved. They had a tunnel boring machine that melts the rock and leaves
smooth walls to run a magnetic train inside. This method is a scientific finding that has already
been published. There are over a hundred such secret underground bases. One is on the far
side of the moon and another on Mars. This was reported by people who worked there. The man
who wrote this report was a construction worker. After he finished his job, he was asked to work
there. The only stipulation was that he would have had to have his memory chemically wiped
out afterwards. He refused this. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 2a)
All CIA directors since 1947 have been members of MJ12. All US Secretary of State were
members of both the Council on Foreign Relations and MJ12. Since that time there have been
47 UFO crashes in the New Mexico area, finding 26 dead aliens. Cooper points out that the CIA
was created for the sole purpose of dealing with the alien issue on the one hand, and to be
continuity for whoever the president might be on the other.
An alien spacecraft has been spotted on a mesa near Aztec, New Mexico.
There are other extraterrestrial races that are in conflict with each other as to whose agendas
should be pursued on Earth. This has been carefully hidden from the public since the 1940's.
There are different bases around the world. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page
1948 13.2.
UFO sighting in southern Mississippi. The missile bore a vague resemblance to a tree trunk.
(Die Welt, 10/30/50, Title: The Futile Hunt)
1948 25.5.
Hans P. Klotzbach wanted to move from Germany to Luxembourg to work there. He was traveling
illegally on a coal train. He jumped off just before the border, but got his legs under the train and
lost consciousness. He woke up in some kind of operating room, in a spaceship. His legs had
been operated on. He was offered strange fruits against his hunger. The strangers said that
cosmic law forbids them to kill. They only eat vegetarian food.
1948 1.1.
(Cooper Lecture, CBR - UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 3a)
Project Blue Book was formed under Grudge for purposes of disinformation and the gathering
of less important information. A total of 16 volumes would be produced by Grudge over the
years, including the controversial Grudge 13, which Bill English and I were able to see, read,
and make available to the public. So-called "Blue Teams" were put together to recover the
fallen flying discs, as well as dead and alive aliens.
Sign has been replaced by Project Grudge. Besides the UFOs, Grudge mainly focused on the
people who reported about them. Finally, it was concluded that if the UFO sightings could not
be explained by natural phenomena (as was the case in about 23% of the cases), then one
would be dealing with a psychological phenomenon. Grudge continued to exist until 1952,
although it was officially dissolved on 12/27/49. Grudge transitioned into Project Blue Book.
1948 Dec.
1948 22.1.
These "blue teams" were later to be merged into so-called "alpha teams" in the Pounce project.
During those
early years, only the US Air Force and the CIA exercised control over the alien secret. In fact,
the CIA was initially established by Presidential Order as the "Central Intelligence Group" with
the sole mandate to deal with the alien presence. In the "National Security Act" passed later,
they were listed as the CIA. The "National Security Council" was established to monitor the
secret services and especially the extraterrestrials. A series of directives and orders from the
NSC relieved the CIA of its original responsibilities of compiling foreign intelligence and
increasingly entrusted iTt h weit Sh e ccorveet r Gt o ovpeerrnamtioennst, a pt. h 2o)me and abroad. (Milton William Cooper,
won't come out again if you don't know how to distinguish..." (Hesemann: UFOs: Die
Verbraucher, p. 89-90)
1948 July
A "wingless air giant" is seen over Holland, also with rows of windows. It is described as "like
a huge washing post - very high and extremely fast". (Die Welt, 10/30/50, Title: The Futile Hunt)
1949 11.2.
Project Sign was placed under the direction of US Air Force Intelligence at Wright Patterson
Air Base in Ohio to investigate the UFO phenomenon. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian Lian, page
Greenland: UFOs were repeatedly seen by scientists at an earth survey station in the northern
Greenland ice plains. (UFO News, #245, June 1977)
When fireballs swept across the American Southwest in December 1948, the US Air Force set
up Project Twinkle in 1949 to study these mysterious balls, which were not only observed by
hundreds of US pilots, weather observers and nuclear researchers, but also by the Colonel Air
Force, US intelligence officers and senior chiefs of staff were seen. The project's first
observation station was located in Vaughn, New Mexico and later, among others, at Holloman
Air Force Base in Alamorordo, New Mexico. (UFO News No. 89, Jan. 1964; Haarmann: Secret
Miracle Weapons III, p. 20)
Blue Book was intended to appease the public in the face of the increasing number of UFO
reports, but it didn't have much success as more and more voices came out that the whole
thing was a cover-up tactic.
1948 Dec.
1948 July
Project Sign members released what was then "top secret" report that the UFOs were
extraterrestrial missiles. Upon learning of this, Chief of Staff General Hoyt S. Vandenberg
dismissed the report as improbable and replaced the members with opponents of the UFO
theory. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian Lian, page 23)
James Forrestal is assassinated by the CIA. He disagreed with the secrecy of the alien issues
and wanted to inform the party leaders and Congress. Truman instructed him to resign.
Forrestal was feared to speak up and began to be isolated and discredited. In the early
morning of May 22nd. CIA agents tied a bed sheet around his neck, tied the other end in his
room, and threw him out the window. The sheet tore and he fell to his death. (Milton William
Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 3)
Another UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico: An alien survived and was taken to Los
Alamos where he died on 6/18/52. (Los Alamos was then the most secure facility in the US
armed forces. In 1944-45 the Manhattan Project, which coordinated the development of the
atomic bomb, was based here.) There he was cared for by an Air Force colonel until his death.
The creature has been described as a reptilian humanoid with certain insectoid characteristics,
a hybrid of human, reptile, and insect. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 81)
1949 1.10.
1960 8.4.
Project Garnet studied the impact of extraterrestrials on human evolution.
On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted to divide Palestine into two independent
states, effective October 1, 1949 - one Jewish and one Arab. (Des Griffin, Who Rules the
World, p. 218)
The Americans start the OZMA project to establish contact with extraterrestrial intelligences.
OZMA was started at the Green Bank 28m telescope but continued there in 1964 after the
completion of the telescope facility in Puerto Rico. The results obtained via OZMA were
immediately classified by the Pentagon. The purpose behind it is assumed to be an attempt
to crack the radio message code of extraterrestrial flying objects. (Bergmann, German Flying
Discs.., p.25)
One report cites some insights gained from telepathic communications with EBEs: The aliens
have been visiting Earth for 45,000 years. They would have created mankind by interbreeding
with the primitive primates. The result was Cro Magnon man, who appeared in northern Spain
and south-west France around 40,000 years ago (cave paintings). They created religions as a
means of influencing human evolution and as a moral authority. They themselves come from
a binary star system like that of Ceta Reticuli. Their planet is a desert planet whose sun is
dying and they live like the Pueblo Indians. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 192)
In parallel, an attempt would be made to raise the awareness of Israel as a holography of
humanity, which would have implications for the entire planet. Conversely, the destruction of
Israel would result in the destruction of all mankind. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 161)
(Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer: The being named Tom spoke through Phyllis in 1974
regarding the influence of the extraterrestrials of Hoova on human development): The
founding of the State of Israel was the first opportunity since the diaspora of the Jews to fulfill
their old task again . However, since it is now too late for the original plan of incremental
evolution, Hoova now plans shock therapy, a preparation of humanity, followed by a mass
landing. The process of preparation this time is not done by an individual like Moses or Jesus,
but by a group of individuals endowed with the powers of Hoova.
1949 22.5.
Journalist Linda Moulton Howe received information about UFO crashes during an interview
with AFOSI Special Agent of the US Air Force Intelligence Sgt. Richard Doty in 1983 and was
able to see documents:
Period: 1960 to 1969
The people from Saturn brought Reinhold Schmidt to the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. They
explained to him that the construction of the 54-ton stones was only possible thanks to the
application of universal laws and natural forces that had canceled gravity. They led him to an
underground room in the pyramid, a triangular chamber containing a small spaceship - and
evidence of Christ's earthly ministry. After 1998, when a new age begins, these secret chambers
would be revealed, mankind would receive testimonies of Christ's life for the first time and
recognize His true origins. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 74)
They expect the Earth's axis to shift slightly, causing the polar ice caps to melt. This will manifest
itself in abnormal tides, changes in weather and gradual flooding of low-lying areas. Earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions are also expected. In the event of a deterioration in living conditions on
Earth, the Confederacy would be prepared to evacuate large numbers of people. In fact, a young
planet called EPICOT, a planet in our Milky Way's solar system that has living conditions similar
to Earth's, has already been prepared for this purpose. (Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p. 105/
1960 16.10.
Aliens abducted the couple Barney and Betty Hill on board their flying object to expose them
there for medical examinations. Under hypnosis, the couple was later able to remember the
smallest details of this experience. Betty managed to remember a star map shown to her by the
strangers. An astronomer identified this star chart as
1960/ 70
Strong wave of UFO reports in Canada and Greenland. In 1970 it was confirmed that the flying
discs were being seen extensively near early warning stations. (UFO News, #245, June 1977)
Hans P. Klotzbach: Third contact with extraterrestrials. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 90)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) is President of the USA. The official space program
received a significant boost from Kennedy. In his inauguration speech, he called on the American
people to put a man on the moon before the end of the 1960s. This plan allowed those responsible
to divert huge amounts of money for their sinister purposes and to keep the actual space
program hidden from the American public. A parallel program in the Soviet Union served the
same purpose. In fact, a common base of aliens, Americans and Russians already existed on
the moon when Kennedy gave his speech. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p.
would become a member. It is not the intention of this Confederation to interfere in the affairs of
the people, but they are nonetheless very concerned about the use of nuclear weapons and the
risk of a chain reaction triggered by the atomic bomb tests. Many thousands of them would live
unrecognized on earth. They stayed between one and five years and during that time study
people as thoroughly as possible. After that, they would be picked up and taken back to their
home planet. He warned about negative groups on earth spreading confusing messages. These
groups are controlled by another space race who are sabotaging the efforts of Valdar (alien's
name) and his group to save Earth.
A South African (Edwin) has contact with an alien. He tells him about his home planet of Koldas
and a confederation of 12 planets that hopes Earth will be their 13th planet.
1960 9.2.
These groups were able to penetrate all levels of Earth society and governments. His group had
already offered Earth governments membership in Earth's Galactic Confederation, a suggestion
that only a few small states took heed. Confederation warnings to the world about future drastic
changes were ignored by governments. According to Confederation scientists, these changes
occur as the Earth's magnetic field normalizes between the first and second stress fields.
(Sept. 1977: Authors' interview with Prof. Gerstein regarding humanity's three alternatives for
survival) Atmospheric changes on Mars have been observed and scientifically recorded: Mars
has always had a cloud cover that varied in density at different times.
He should carry a message to the most powerful men on earth. This message once again
pointed to the dangers of continuing nuclear tests above and below ground and to the
repeated attempts by extraterrestrials to help humanity. "We have tried to make you glimpse
the unspeakable beauty of the universe, with its unattainable riches of love and well-being...
Your deep-seated skepticism and the dangerous ignorance of some selfish Earthlings have
tried and are trying to thwart our brotherly and unselfish work make and darken. Today, a
dark and fateful fate is spreading across your planet, thanks to your deafness and the
unscrupulous work of your scientists, stubbornly undermining the already precarious
situation of your planet's cosmic balance. From our side we will do our best to prevent the
worst, but there is nothing more we can do if the law protecting the balance of cosmic
development comes into effect to your misfortune. Save yourselves... You still have time...
We will help you!” Then Ashtar and Ithakar declared that they are representatives of an
intergalactic confederation to which numerous inhabited planets belong. The message
Siragusa typed that same night he sent to the Pope, Kennedy, Khrushchev, de Gaulle, the
Queen of England, the King of Sweden and the President of Italy. Only de Gaulle answered. In
the aftermath, Siragusa saw UFOs and twice cigar-shaped motherships over his house. In
fact, the press was reporting a UFO wave these days
1961 it was determined that storms of colossal proportions were taking place on Mars. Then,
as the clouds cleared, notable changes were noted. The polar ice caps had shrunk, and a
broad band of a darker hue had extended around the equatorial regions. It was assumed that
this was vegetation. (Alternative 3, p. 175/ 77)
Jan. Norbert Haase, 18 years old, living in Stendal, East Germany, sees a UFO, loses
consciousness, wakes up with a severe headache. His face was red as from sunburn. He had
a small wound on the right side of his nose, the top layer of skin had been removed. The first
two nights he had strong nightmares. 7-8 tapes were recorded under hypnosis. On the last
day, he was played five minutes of the footage, where he recalled "beautiful, slim people with
long hair and white overalls." He sees a symbol on the collar, the tree of life, but without the
snake. It's the same symbol that Dr. Daniel Frey on 7/4/50 on the backrest of the spaceship he
flew in. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 92)
1962 30.4.
27.1. The US Navy icebreaker was on a secret mission in the Antarctic when suddenly a 10
meter long, shiny silver object resembling a submarine broke through the 7 meter thick ice
from below and disappeared into the clouds . Water cascades ca. 30 meters high rose from
the hole. (Vi Menn, #3, 1986)
accurate representation of our Milky Way seen from the perspective of a planet belonging to
the Ceta Reticuli system. (Johannes von Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 178)
Eugenio Siragusa felt the strong urge to go to Etna. There he met two individuals with
shimmering silver space suits, over 1.85 m tall, athletic build, long blond hair that fell to the
shoulders. They introduced themselves as Ashtar and Ithakar. Ashtar is "the holy supreme
commander" of the fleet on mission to our planet based on Venus. Ithakar is the highest
representative of the planet Mars in the Confederation of Worlds. They have bases on Earth,
including: the Canary Islands, the Adriatic, the Mediterranean, the Bay of Biscay and the
Portugal Islands (p. 129).
Eugenio Siragusa went up Mount Etna again and met aliens, about 2.15 m tall, dressed in onepiece
space suits with helmets. They introduced themselves as Woodock and Link from the
planet Alpha Centauri/Metaria. They dictated a message to Earth scientists. That night, hundreds
of local residents saw the disk fly over the island. The newspapers reported about it. (Hesemann,
UFOs: The Contacts, p. 127)
They were in telepathic contact with each other. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 67)
Article in Globe magazine, 3/17/1992 (Photo) At one point during his administration, President
Kennedy discovered bits of the truth about drugs and extraterrestrials. In 1963 he delivered an
ultimatum to MJ 12. The President threatened them that if they didn't
1962 4.9.
An article in the Bild newspaper dated November 16, 1990 takes up this topic again. There is
talk of “contradictions that have not yet been clarified to this day”. Kennedy was shot by the
CIA for not being a member of MJ12 and for wanting to inform the public about these projects
after learning about them. Kennedy was - according to amateur films seized later - shot by his
driver. (Lear lecture, CBR UFO briefing, 3/3/90, page 3a)
(Hesemann, UFOs: The contacts, p. 126/ 7)
Eugenio Siragusa was again contacted by Ashtar and Ithakar to once again receive a message
to the peoples and governments of Earth: "While your scientists remain silent, the effects of
your irresponsible nuclear experiments are beginning to be felt. Your planet's magnetospheric
mantle has already undergone significant changes as a result of your high-altitude nuclear
experiments." (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 127)
1963 14.2.
Italy. Between 1962 and 1978, Siragusa had 19 physical encounters with extraterrestrials.
Mars landing: temperature in sunshine 4 degrees Celsius - air pressure 704 mb (computer
printout in English and Russian). Background voices also in English and Russian. The voices
say: "22.5.1962. We are on Mars - and we have air!” The film on which the book “Alternative 3”
is based was caught by the English radio astronomer Sir William Ballentine via the Jordell Bank
telescope. This recording could only be decoded later in the 1970s by a NASA decoder.
Ballentine died on February 6, 1977 in a mysterious car accident, suffering internal burns as if
irradiated by microwaves. The order for this elimination was given by the Soviet-American
"Policy Committee" who called this type of liquidation "hot jobs". (Book: Alternative 3, p. 45ff:
The authors believe that this tape is authentic and that this was the first, secret, unmanned
Mars landing)
Paul Villa received a telepathic impulse to grab his camera and drive to a certain place where
he witnessed and photographed a UFO landing (his photos are among the best UFO photos in
the world). Four men and five women got out, all between 2.10 and 2.70 meters tall. They
explained to him that they were from the constellation Coma Berenice. They had different hair
colors (blonde, copper red, black). They could speak English and Spanish.
1962 22.5.
1963 16.7.
June Mysterious Missiles Over Argentina Credible Eyewitnesses - Fuel samples are examined.
(General Gazette Bonn, 06/08/62)
1963 22.11.
JF Kennedy was fatally shot while driving through Dallas, Texas.
Although we are in fact closest allies, hostility is officially maintained between the US and the
Soviet Union in order to provide funds for the secret projects in the name of national defense.
(Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 16)
An unmanned probe lands on Mars, confirming the existence of an environment that could
support human life. Not long after, the establishment of a colony on Mars began in earnest.
Today on Mars one finds cities inhabited by specially selected people from different cultures
and professions of different countries.
1964 24.4.
In an interview Linda Moulton Howe did after 1983 with AFOSI special agent Richard Doty, he
promised her footage of the government projects mentioned, including footage of EBE and a few
hundred yards of film from the Holloman landing. Five cameras filmed the landing. Three UFOs
would have appeared, one landed, two stayed aloft for protection. The colonel who had looked
after EBE (see 1949, page 84) would have been part of the alien welcome team. An alien stayed
on Earth in exchange for an Air Force officer visiting the EBEans' planet.
The UFOs/USOs were also often accused of driving people into the Bermuda Triangle, presumably
as slave labor. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.., p.40)
Kennedy was shot by the driver of his car. Any eyewitnesses who stood close enough to the car
to see William Greer kill Kennedy were themselves murdered within the next two years. Many
other patriots who tried to solve the alien mystery over the next few years were also murdered.
(Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 16/ 17)
Police Deputy Marshal Lonnie Zamora spotted a landed UFO while patrolling near Socorro, New
Mexico. He could see an emblem, which he describes as a semicircle open downwards with an
arrow pointing upwards. Zamora saw two "little, slender beings" entering the spaceship before it
took off. The UFO made four circular impressions in the ground. The US Air Force investigated
and confirmed the incident. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 90)
1964 25.4.
would fix the drug problem, he would do it for her. He informed MJ-12 of his intention to announce
the alien presence to the American people the following year and initiated a plan designed to
enforce his decision. President Kennedy was not a member of the CFR and was ignorant of
Alternative 2 or 3. Their operations were internationally monitored and controlled by a "Policy
Committee". In the US its members came under MJ 12 and in the USSR its sister organization.
President Kennedy's decision caused concern among those in power. His assassination was
therefore ordered by the Policies Committee and carried out by agents of MJ-12 in Dallas.
A UFO lands at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. Three human-like beings in tight space
suits climb out. They are about 1.60 m tall, their skin is blue-grey, their eyes are set wide apart
like those of the orientals. They have a protruding hooked nose. They wear hats. In their hands
they held a translation device. The commander and other Luftwaffe members greeted them.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 80)
I (Cooper) found out that the Office of Naval Intelligence was complicit in the assassination
of President Kennedy. It was a Secret Service agent who was driving the limousine and shot
Kennedy in the head.” (MW Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, p. 27)
A US Air Force officer met two aliens at a prepared site in the New Mexico desert. The contact
lasted about two hours. The Luftwaffe officer managed to exchange basic information with the
extraterrestrials. This project continues at an air force base in New Mexico. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The Contacts, p. 78)
Some phenomena that recur are: radio silence, white water, failure of instruments and compasses,
unexplained air pockets, machines shaken "as if by a giant's hand", optical anomalies, bluish
and greenish lights suddenly illuminating the cockpit or hold of the machine , destruction of
electrical circuits, violent storms. Clouds of smoke rising from the water, time shifts, fireballs
racing towards the machines and disappearing into the sea, etc. (Bergmann, Deutsche
Flugscheiben.., p.33/ 36)
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 81)
Bill Cooper was also interviewed by Linda Moulton Howe: According to Cooper, the secret files
contained 20 photos, pictures of the crashed spaceships, the bodies, the three EBEs and the
Süd-Kurier, Title: The Death Triangle on the Map The US Navy spent $5 million on a search project
in the Bermuda Triangle using aircraft and special search submarines. The aim was to explore
the disappearance of planes and ships in recent years. (Süd-Kurier, 3/13/64)
1964 13.3.
Krll or Crll, pronounced "Krill", was the name of the second "EBE" who remained on earth in
1964 as part of an exchange program after the Holloman landing and became the ambassador
of the extraterrestrial nation in the USA. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 85)
Ludwig Pallmann encountered an extraterrestrial in human form on a trip to India. This
explained to him to come from the planet ITBI RA II. His name is Satu Ra. Numerous
extraterrestrials would live on earth. Deep inner peace has been found on his planet, which
people on Earth seek to attain through spiritual paths. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p.
The Holloman landing took place after Project Sigma was able to use binary computer
language and radio frequency waves to contact the aliens, effectively inviting them to
Holloman. "The aliens landed in Holloman and an agreement of principle was reached which
resulted in a treaty being negotiated and signed at the next meeting." The aliens tell us they
are our friends and that they created mankind by crossing primitive primates . The result
would have been Cro Magnon man. They would also have created our religions. The
government believed them because they showed them holographic images in a crystal-like
device that proved it. "But it also says in the secret reports that the extraterrestrials lied to
them and that they deceive us, that contrary to the agreement they kidnapped people without
informing the government." (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 85)
This facility also serves as a vital communications link for the White House, the Pentagon and
NASA, coupled in part with the military satellites. The UFO sightings in Puerto Rico; suddenly
increased, so that it can be assumed that this message center was tapped in reverse by the
UFOs. (Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.25/ 26)
Holloman landing. “One photo showed the long-nosed grays that landed at Holloman
particularly well. Her eyes were slit. They looked really evil and seemed to be glowing, at least
they were bright white in the b&w photo. In profile, her head seemed to reach very far back.
They reminded me of depictions from ancient Egypt or Assyria."
The largest radio raster telescope system in the world, with a diameter of 305 meters, was set
up in a basin near Arecibo (Puerto Rico). Although it was set up by Conell University, it was
taken over by the Pentagon immediately after completion to contact extraterrestrial intelligence
(see project OZMA, 8 April 1960).
The USA carries out the Apollo program with the goal of a manned moon landing. The first
manned landing was on 7/20/69.
1964 April
Eugenio Siragusa was taken on a space flight for the first time. They took him to the "Black
Moon," an artificial satellite stationed in lunar orbit. To spread the messages that the
extraterrestrials transmitted to him physically or telepathically, Siragusa founded the Centro
Studi Fratellianza Cosmica (CSFC), together with first friends and students, as a study center
for cosmic brotherhood. It existed until 1978, at which point the aliens declared its task
complete. Comments on/from the extraterrestrials: Their bodies are partially constructed of
silicon rather than carbon. Darwin's theory is wrong. Human ancestors were not born on
earth, nor are they the result of animal evolution. The universe was and still is her home. They
came to earth to create a paradise and also to give a large number of souls to this world.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 127/ 28)
1965 March
Unidentified missiles over Sydney - Radio and newspaper offices inundated with calls. (Rhein-
Neckar-Zeitung, 3/8/65)
Paul Villa was invited to his third photo op. He photographed a smaller spacecraft landing, again
surrounded by spherical probes. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 67)
1965 7.9.
Paul Villa was invited to his second photo op about 25 miles north of Albuquerque. The
spaceship was accompanied by three small, round spheres. Villa learned they were remotecontrolled
"telemeter balls." Three crew members got off the ship, all about 1.65 m tall, light
brown hair. They talked in Spanish for 2 hours. Among other things, they informed him that they
had always protected the Indians and that the Hopi and Navaho in particular had an important
function for the new age. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 67)
Ludwig Pallmann was taken in Peru by Satu Ra (see contact 1964) in a spaceship. Satu Ra
explained to him: Long ago his civilization came to realize that all life forms were susceptible to
cancer due to living in an unhealthy, artificial environment. They have turned their moon into a
kind of "planetary factory" by moving all industry there. When they discovered the earth on a
botanical expedition, they realized after detailed studies that the earth is also a cancer planet
and that the cancer rate will increase to 70% of the total population in the next few decades.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 137)
1966 19.6.
1967 17.2.
1965 18.4.
French farmer Maurice Masse sees an egg-shaped object with a six-legged landing gear in his
field. Next to it were said to be "two small figures with oversized bald heads, gray faces and
lipless mouths". (Source: Die Neue Ärztl. from January 20th, 1988, title: Interstellar mystery or
galactic dizziness?)
Prof. McDonald is hired by the US Navy to conduct an investigation into UFOs over the seas of
Australia. His accounts of "drifting reefs" and glowing orbs of light observed submerging in the
Bass Strait (between Australia and the island of Tasmania) have never been released to the
public. Many captains and their officers have seen gigantic, alien vehicles near their ships.
(People magazine, Australia, 5/22/85)
On October 1, 1971, a document was issued by the Chairman of the Policy Committee, addressed
to the National Chief Executive Officers. Subject: Batch Consignments (group broadcast): "The
policy committee statements circulated on 9/7/1965 made clear the need to gender neutralize all
components: to eliminate the possibility for them to enter into a traditional mating relationship,
which they were separated from by the efficiency to perform their sole function. To ensure that
the components do not reproduce and thus a subspecies arises at random..." (Alternative 3, p.
140/ 41)
dr James E. McDonald, professor of meteorology at the University of Arizona and chief physicist
at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, criticizes the government's UFO cover-up in The
Enquirer: "The Air Force scandalously blinds the public to what is actually happening the air.
The Air Force investigations are absurd, superficial and
Pine Gap (Australia), another alien underground base. It is funded by the US government. It is
under the responsibility of US DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency). It was
founded in 1966 and is officially called the Joint Defense Space Research Facility. Here, too,
brain and memory wipes were carried out on the staff. (The Pandora aspect, Elian Lian, page 43
and National Review of 5/17/76)
1967 19.2.
Colorado: Dead horse found. From the neck up it was a skeleton of white, bleached bones that
looked as if they had been exposed to the blanching sun for days. It was completely intact from
the neck down. There were no traces of bite wounds. Since that time, reports of so-called "cattle
mutilations" have increased. Hundreds of such cases have been reported from the Midwestern
United States and Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Central and South America, as well as Australia,
England and the Canary Islands. (John V.
Prof Dr James E. McDonald writes to the Secretary-General of the UN regarding the link between
UFO sightings and electromagnetic interference from motors, electric clocks, radio equipment,
etc. McDonald was killed on 6/13/71 at the Canyon del Oro Bridge in Arizona with a Bullet in the
head found dead. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 34 and 45)
1967 Sept.
UFO sighting of a man in Ohio: He was aimed at him with a flash of light from a tube by a UFO
hovering over the trees. His clothes caught fire. His relatives were able to save him at the last
minute. (NZ, No. 23, 1974)
They're here to do some kind of genetic experiment. (J. v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 182)
1968 14.3.
incompetent... and the scientists around the world had better stop accepting these ridiculous
Air Force reports and start their own investigations immediately... This problem truly deserves
international investigation." (Alternative 3, p. 215)
1967 3.12
The American police officer Herbert Schirmer sighted a UFO on patrol at 2.30 a.m. He wrote
this in his daily journal. When he came home from work early in the morning, he had a terrible
headache and ringing in his ears. As he went to bed, he noticed a scratch on his neck, below
his left ear. He had memory lapses. Under hypnosis, he was then able to remember details: The
object was shaped like an American football. Schirmer was invited on board. He was told that
the ship operated by some kind of reversible electromagnetism. They do not speak through the
mouth but through the spirit. They gradually give us information to prepare us. They are
preparing us for their invasion - not to conquer us, but to show us something. They come from
another system and have bases on some planets, such as Venus. On a screen, they showed
Schirmer their mothership stationed far out, a cigar-shaped object marked at the top with many
mysterious characters. Schirmer described the creatures as 1.35-1.50 meters tall, with a
strongly bulging chest, relatively large heads and oversized, slanting eyes. They wore tightfitting
clothing and had the symbol of the winged serpent on their chests.
Their planet Jarga is about 10 light-years from Earth and larger than it. On their planet there is
a kind of supercommunism without social differences. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p.
135/ 36)
Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 147ff)
1967 July
Stefan Danaerde, a well-known Dutch industrialist, found himself sailing on his boat in the
Oosterschelde, a dammed arm of the North Sea. He struck a solid object, a seemingly lifeless
body floating on the water. He jumped into the water to save him. It was only when he was
about to lift it on board that he noticed the solid, metal-like gear and a ball in which his head
was stuck. A searchlight was aimed at him and he noticed a metal disk on the water on which
dark figures appeared, humanoid beings, about 1.40 tall. They had high foreheads, pointed
ears, heavy eyebrow ridges, and divided forehead lobes that formed the beginning of a ridge
that ran vertically across their skulls. They addressed him in a metallic voice, in broken English,
thanking them for rescuing a crew member.
1969 20.7.
Enrique Mercado has an encounter with an alien in a Mexican bar. He asks for help that people
change their way of thinking, towards the spiritual, away from the material.
Nothing further could be heard. Grodin had switched to a different frequency.
1969 10.5.
Grodin: “Oh man, there really is something amazing here. You can't imagine. There's a ridge of
sorts with a very spectacular... oh my god! What is there? That's all I want to know. What the hell
is that?” MC: “Roger. Interesting. Go tango.. now.. go tango..." Grodin: "Now that's kind of a
light..." MC: (hurriedly) "Roger. We got it, we marked it. Lose a little communication, heh? Bravo
Tango... Bravo Tango... Choose Jezebel, Jezebel... Grodin: Yes... yes... but it's amazing... Recorder
off, Bravo Tango, Bravo Tango.
Argentina: Description of Aliens: Just over 1.40 meters tall, oversized bald heads.
Circa 1969
May A journalist from Columbus Dispatch (Ohio) snapped a photo of a strange flying object 15
feet in diameter that looked like a UFO at NASA's White Sands base. At first nobody at NASA
wanted to talk about it. This machine turned out to be built by the Martin Marietta Company in
Colorado. (Alternative 3, p. 9)
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 98)
(Alternative 3, S. 106)
1968 Oct.
1968/ 72
In recent years, an epidemic of disappearing submarines has occurred all over the world. They
do not appear to belong to either the USSR or the USA. Reliable, trained observers, such as pilots
and ship captains, described these objects in shallow waters where no sane submarine would
venture. The fleets of New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and Venezuela put to sea, expecting to
catch the mysterious submarines within their territorial waters. The objects always managed to
escape their pursuers. Speeds of more than 200 knots and diving depths of 8000 meters were
A day before the historic moon landing, Edwin Aldrin filmed two UFOs. According to the NASA
department (Dr. Maurice Chatelain), apparently the same two spacecraft appeared at the crater
rim when the Apollo XI shuttle landed on the crater floor. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 29)
They drew blood from two people's thumbs and forefingers and disappeared. Argentina has been
experiencing a UFO boom since May. Another sighting reports three humanoid creatures two
meters tall in phosphorescent combinations. They emerged from a glistening, bright and multicolored
radiant UFO. (Source: Spiegel from October 14th, 1968, title: Argentina - flying saucers -
blood drained)
1969 19.7.
Apollo astronaut Bob Grodin claims that there was a meeting between Russians and Americans
in space at that time and that neither the one of July 1975 nor that of 4/20/69 was the first. "There
were all the others before him." (Alternative 3, p. 25)
Apollo 11 lands on the moon with astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. Portions of the
conversation between Mission Control and Apollo have been removed from official records. One
statement was: "These babies are big sir.. huge.. oh god you wouldn't believe it! ... I tell them that
there are other craft out there.. lined up on the far side of the crater corner.. they're on the moon
watching us." (Alternative 3, p. 10)
During a later landing, Bob Grodin also saw something on the moon that he obviously did not
expect. In the conversation with Mission Control (MC), this was the trigger to switch from the live
broadcast to a secret channel.
1969 20.4.
(Bergmann, German Flying Discs.. p.18)
It is the task of man to recognize this situation and to survive the fight.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 123)
1970 March-August
A UFO base is said to be in the Mapimi Desert in Mexico, 40-50 km northeast of the village of
Ceballos in the border triangle of Mexico. Reddish fireballs are seen, the surrounding villages
report strange light phenomena almost daily, animals react abnormally, irritated and nervous.
Even walkie-talkies and radios remain silent in this area.
1970 7.3.
In the early years of space travel and the subsequent moon landings, every rocket launch was
accompanied by extraterrestrial missiles. Apollo astronauts sighted and filmed a lunar base codenamed
Luna. The photographs show domes, large, cone-shaped round buildings that resemble
silos. Huge T-shaped mining vehicles leaving sharp-edged tracks on the lunar surface, as well as
aliens, small and large missiles are visible. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 17)
Americans have been observing this area since 1966. The state of Mexico refused the lease by
the Americans. On 27.3. NASA intended to set up an observation station in Ceballo in order to be
able to better investigate the processes in the desert region "Sierra del Silencio" (250 km south
of the US border), 40-50 km away. In April, scientists, engineers and locals were organized into
an expedition and sent to this area. On 11.7. At 3:15 am, a North American rocket type Athena
crashed over the center of this area. The test rocket, which carried a highly radioactive cobalt
capsule, was supposed to land at the US "White Sands" test site, but in fact shot 1,200 km beyond
it and landed in what was later declared "Top Secret" by the Americans in the Mexican desert.
Only on 2.8. the remains of the rocket were found and the USA had to remove them along with
200,000 tons of soil. (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 78ff)
Since March 7th, 1970, the extraterrestrials explained (see December 24th, 1974, report by Enrico
Castillo Rincon), the earth had entered a new age, the age of the superman. At its heart is the
encounter of man with himself within himself, which leads to the discovery of God in man. Many
brothers in the universe have united to help us in this transition phase... They must not intervene
directly, this is forbidden by cosmic law. However, you may gradually inform us, so that it is then
up to us to put this cosmic puzzle together. Our planet is the most densely populated planet in
our solar system and it needs cleaning, if only because we have lost all ethical and moral values.
In the underground Dulce laboratory, a confrontation broke out between our scientists and the
extraterrestrials. The aliens took many of the scientists hostage. Delta teams were deployed to
rescue them, but their weapons were inferior to those of the aliens. In this action 66 of our people
were killed. All joint projects were interrupted for at least two years. Eventually a reconciliation
took place and the government resumed cooperation. It still exists today. (Milton William Cooper,
The Secret Government, p. 18/ 19) Hamilton says that a kind of war or revolt broke out between
humans and aliens in Dulce Base when humans found out what experiments were being carried
out there or .the results were discovered. There were deaths on both sides (66 people - most by
the security forces, called the Delta Group). A kind of flash cannon (flash gun) was used as a
weapon because it works on both sides. Dulce was closed for a while. Ultimately, there were
negotiations on the part of the government and it was decided to continue business as usual.
(Hamilton Lecture, CBR UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 2a)
Period: 1970 to 1979
1971 5.12
Dr. Andrija Puharich/ Uri Geller: In another hypnosis session, the voice (speaking through
Geller) named the spaceship Spektra as its origin, a huge mothership stationed very far from
Earth. Another time it was said to have been near the for 800 years
Document issued by the Chair of the Policy Committee, addressed to the National Chief
Executive Officers. Issue: Batch Consignments (group broadcast): Experimental progression
of batch consignment components now yields 96% success. This is not considered
unsatisfactory. The statements of the Policy Committee, which were in circulation on
September 7th, 1965, made clear the need to neutralize all components in terms of gender.
The difficulty of eliminating one's will in these batch consignments is discussed further.
Studies in this field are being carried out in America, England, Japan and Russia and have
now resulted in a considerable reduction in the error rate. The “mistaken people” get their
memories erased and are released. This method has now been perfected in Dnepropetrovsk
and made available to all A3 laboratories. Going forward, gender neutralizations will only be
performed after personality matching, so those who may return home will not carry evidence
of lab work. (Alternative 3, p. 140/ 41)
Our instruments indicated they came from that area." Next "There is no doubt about it, we
have unequivocal evidence that UFOs regularly land on a tiny island about 50 miles from
Grand Cayman." (Haarmann: Secret Miracle Weapons III, p. 83)
1971 16.10.
Since 1970, Norway has suffered more than 250 violations of its territorial waters by "foreign"
submarines. (Diagnoses, January 1988, Bergmann, Deutsche Flugscheibe.., p.105)
1970/ 71
Dr. Andrija Puharich, the leading parapsychologist in the USA, met Uri Geller. He was able to
bend metal through sheer willpower. Geller spoke of thoughts he couldn't get out of his head
—that his ancestors weren't from Earth and that they once landed in flying saucers. Uri would
have inherited his powers from them. Puharich hypnotized Geller. During this hypnosis
session, a voice (more a collective, for the voice spoke of "We") spoke through Geller: She
said that Geller is her helper sent to help humanity. We programmed him in childhood and we
programmed him not to remember it as well. We reveal ourselves because we believe that
Earth may be on the brink of World War III. Egypt is planning war and if Israel loses it the
whole world will explode in war. Puharich even forwarded special information to the Israeli
army because it was obvious that these foreign intelligences supported Israel. Israel is where
they first landed 20,000 years ago (at the time of Abraham in Mamre). (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 156/ 57)
Through the contact person Phyllis Schelmer, a being called Tom reported. He explained that
at this time mankind had entered a new age. Children around the world would now be born
with paranormal powers that would manifest in various ways and open world public awareness
to the paranormal. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 159)
1970 Dec.
1970/ 71
Six submarines from Israel, France, England and the USA disappeared without a trace. Three
of them in the Mediterranean and no search, no matter how thorough, could clarify their fate.
Neither traces of oil nor debris were found. (UFO News, #192, Aug 1972)
1971 1.10.
NASA physicist Dr. Jonathan Wright and his team were ordered to the Bahamas because
NASA was constantly being plagued by UFOs coming from this area, because Cape Kennedy
has UFOs in the sky during the respective rocket launches. dr Wright: “We kept receiving
strange electronic signals in the control center at the start times.
Enrique Mercado has a second contact with an alien who invites him to come aboard his ship.
They were pulled up by a beam. They then flew to a larger ship with this disc, which was about
10 meters in diameter. He was introduced to Commander Yastek, who agreed to answer his
questions. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 98)
dr Andrija Puharich received the message about future plans of the extraterrestrials: "We want
you to prepare the earth for our mass landing. We landed in South America 3,000 years ago and
now we want to land again. We want to help humanity, but also ourselves. That's why we have to
reveal ourselves. We draw our energy from this solar system. It's not an invasion. The earth is a
playground for us. Our home planet, Hoova, is 16,000 times larger than your planet... We
manifested our souls, bodies, and spirits in computers millions of years ago. But we are
controlled by the higher forces beyond us. We intervened in human affairs for the first time
20,000 years ago. We came from our own solar system on a planned mission and our first landing
was in Israel where Abraham met us. However, we have found traces of previous visitors from
space who had come to Earth millions of years earlier. Since then, we have been teaching
humanity once every 6000 years. The last time in Egypt. The purpose of all existence is to draw
near to God. Mankind should keep the Ten Commandments. Those (Council of Nine) who would
have prepared Puharich for his mission as early as 1952 would be the hierarchy of the entire
universe, of all galaxies. They distribute tasks to different civilizations. They are not beings but
spheres of light, they have no bodies but they are total consciousness, total energy.
UFO News, No. 177, May 1971: Title: NASA Physicists Discover UFO Base Off Florida Coast:
Evidence suggests that the disappearances of more than 120 ships and planes in the mysterious
Bermuda Triangle are due to UFOs. UFOs use a remote Bahamian island as a base to monitor US
spaceflights and as a base to retrieve human specimens from Earth. dr Jonathan Wright, NASA
physicist, revealed the news at his Nassau hotel last week after returning from a three-week
research cruise through the remote island world. "UFOs regularly land on a tiny island about 50
miles from Grand Cayman."
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 158)
Dr. Fred Bell met Semjase from the Pleiades, from the planet Erra. They want to help people to a
higher level of consciousness. The Pleiades are part of a confederation of inhabited worlds
controlled by the "Council of Elders" of Andromeda. This brotherhood goes through the whole
universe. The human race has a free choice to continue its evolution or to destroy itself. They
don't want to manipulate us - they come as brothers and sisters to see us through the transition
into a new age. One of the reasons why they Dr. Bell was contacted to encourage him to do
research in the field of pyramid energy and to give him suggestions for various developments.
Those using the pyramid energy will have an easier time surviving the drastic earth changes that
began in 1958 and will continue through 1998. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 141/ 144)
Pioneer 10 launches to explore Jupiter. In the meantime (1990) the probe has set course for the
stars. As the interstellar embassy of humanity, it carries a gold-plated plate with a description of
the earth and its life. (Picture of Science 12/ 1990)
1972 22.10.
earth stationed. The voice went on to say, "Our computers are studying everyone on Earth."
1972 2.3.
1972 27.8.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 157/ 58)
Pilot: That's something down there... maybe a little further down.
(Alternative 3, S. 155/ 56)
MC: Can you give the coordinates?
Pilot: I'm not sure... it's possible Note: The
Russian Vostok flights took place in the early 1960's and were not planned for moon landings. (Alternative 3, p. 131)
MC: Could it be a Vostok?
landing on the moon. The astronauts stayed in the "Mare Serenitates" for 74 hours and took thousands of photos,
among other things. The most sensational find has remained hidden until today (1990) - a photograph of a bare foot
in moon dust. The track is 13.5 cm long, clearly shows one large and five smaller toes. The Moscow astrophysicist
Prof. Georgi Sakalow dates it to around 300,000 years old. The foot length corresponds to that of a six-year-old child.
His colleague Nicolai Budenski thinks that these beings could be built like crystals. (Photo newspaper from 26.8.90)
1972 11.12.
Representatives of all aspects of human and cultural life are ultimately to be brought to the new territory. There is
currently an increased need for doctors, chemists, neurologists and bacteriologists. The male to female ratio is three
to one.
1972/ 73
Frequent sightings of UFOs over Puerto Rico. The population observed swarms of flying objects in the night sky.
(Bergmann, German flying discs.. p.26, 27)
Document issued by the Chairman of the Policy Committee, addressed to the National Chief Executive Officers.
Theme: Designated Movers - Summary: Participants in Alternative 3 must learn to evolve away from concepts of
national or tribal interests, which will prove necessary as the population of the new territory increases. No one may
be nominated as a potential Designated Mover if there is any doubt that they can move in that direction. This
requirement outweighs all other considerations of the person's other abilities. It is further emphasized that an equal
distribution of all nationalities and skin colors is guaranteed.
Rockefeller, in a speech to international financial audiences at the Chase Manhattan Bank in London, Brussels and
Paris, proposed the establishment of an International Commission on Peace and Prosperity (later called the Trilateral
Commission) to "see that the brightest minds join deal with the problems of the future". From researcher Craig S.
Karpel we learn that “Brzezinski left Columbia University in July 1973 to become President of the Trilateral
Commission. He was commissioned to select 200 members who would constitute something comparable to a world
board.” (Des Griffin, Who Rules the World, pp. 48/49)
Pilot: There... is flashing. That's all. Just a light flickering on and off at the corner of the crater.
October Der Spiegel, Title: Mit Spitzohren, The Extra-Terrestrial are back. They were noticed almost simultaneously
on three continents. Photos: UFO photo from Georgia. Aliens in Falkville: UFO photos from Ohio. Soviet scientists
picked up signals that may have come from extraterrestrials. sighting in Uganda. Sighting in Ohio: Cigar-shaped
amber object. Three creatures were seen in Mississippi (lipless, with pointed ears and crab claws on their arms).
Another moon landing - dialogue between Mission Control (MC) and the pilot: MC: More
details please. Can you give more details about what you are seeing?
1973, March
Anita, 20,000-ton freighter with a crew of 32, disappeared on the way from Newport News to Germany (Berlitz, Das
Bermuda-Dreieck, p. 52).
Olaf Palme authorizes the Swedish police to secretly insert brain transmitters, which are
transmission devices that are implanted in the brain, into people's heads. This was also done in
USA and Russia. (Hamilton Lecture, CBR - UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 2a)
Castillo should prepare the people for it. More and more people would make the greatest discovery
in human history over the next few years, the discovery that it was a mistake to look for God
somewhere outside and that God is really within us, within each of us. They have a plan for the
future and it is important that all people know about it, even if "a very powerful and large organization
on earth wants to prevent that. This organization includes church people, politicians and the
military. Their power is so great that they can unleash a war at any time. They confuse people in
order to terrify them at the moment they deem appropriate.” Castillo was aboard the spacecraft for
8 1/2 hours.
Enrique Castillo Rincon arrived for the landing of the spaceship and was brought on board. On the
ship he met the man he had met in Costa Rica in 1969, who was posing as a Swiss named Cyril
Weiss. Weiss explained to him that he had prepared him and 24 other people for this contact at the
same time... This was of the greatest importance because events of the greatest importance were
looming on earth. They themselves come from the Pleiades. Thousands of inhabited planets would
be in cultural, technological and economic exchange with each other and would have established a
kind of brotherhood. This Galactic Confederation would have sent them to Earth to complete a
specific mission. They have always indirectly guided our evolution... Raising awareness is the most
important thing for people at this time.
The Caribbean, Puerto Rico and the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle have been hit by a UFO
wave. Dozens of objects were observed, all appearing or submerging.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 120-123)
1973 18.11.
1973 Okt./ Nov.
1973 11/ 12.10.
(Bergmann, German Flying Discs.., p.25)
Enrique Castillo Rincon - second meeting, this time in the east of the country. At 3:00 am, 13
spaceships of various types appeared. A smaller ship landed. Castillo got more information. He
was told that they came not only from the Pleiades but from various stars. (Hesemann, UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 120/ 23)
1973 3.11.
early 1974 Dr.
Andrija Puharich hypnotized Bobby Horn: through him an alien from the planet Corean reported.
Essence: They would like to come to earth. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p.
159) Another contact (channelling) is Phyllis Schelmer. A being called Tom spoke through them. He
explained that they were the first linchpin of a global plan aimed at informing the world of the
existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and their good intentions, and preparing them for the
landing. "We have the technology to help you, but it's very difficult to help people who don't believe
in our existence. But they need our technology to survive.” On 10/16/71 mankind entered a new age.
Children around the world would now be born with paranormal powers that would manifest in
various ways and open world public awareness to the paranormal. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts,
p. 159)
It was about the danger of a third world war and the future of his country. At the end it was said that
other brothers were now coming to earth, brothers of Andromeda, who belonged to a cosmic
confederation. They (Rincon and his group) are to assemble the next day at the known time. This
was done while delivering another message. This was about a great civilization in high Peru. It was
announced that physical contact would take place on 11/3/73 on a lagoon in northern Bogota.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 120-23)
Enrique Castillo Rincon receives a telepathic message that he wrote down on two sheets of paper.
1974 2.5. UFO sighting over Greenland: US pilots sight UFO. "It was round and flat, the color
reminiscent of liquid steel. I thought I could make out a series of windows along the edge.” Other
sightings in polar regions—including the great Alaskan UFO wave of 1974—made researchers
wonder if alien UFO crews would be more at home in cold climates. (UFO News, #245, June 1977)
Enrique Castillo Rincon - third meeting: An "Adamski-type" ship landed and he was introduced
to a Venusian. Castillo was given the task of founding a group to spread their information. A joint
plan must be implemented between Colombia and Venezuela. When Castillo was in Venezuela
for lectures, he was given an appointment for December 24, 1974 when he was to be taken to the
other contact persons in Peru.
Early July 1974 A
group of six people led by Peruvian Sixto Paz-Wells received a telepathic message to go to the
desert near Chilca. Once there, Sixto saw a crescent-shaped bubble about 10 m in diameter. A
figure stepped out of this object and invited him to come inside. He stepped through some kind
of energy wall. He felt himself losing weight. He became dizzy and nauseous. A strange warmth
permeated his body, he felt a pressure on his neck and forehead. The person who received him
(name Oxalc) explained to him that he had just crossed a "XENDRA", a light threshold to another
dimension. The landscape had changed tremendously. Sixto stood in front of a brightly lit city of
domed houses - the city of "Crystal", the capital of MORLEN (Jupiter's moon Ganymede). He saw
people 1.80-2.00 m tall and also other races. The inhabitants of MORLEN are originally from
Betelgeuse, Bellatrix and Rigel. They left their home worlds more than 40,000 years ago and
arrived in our solar system 20,000 years ago. There was no life on Ganymede at that time. With
the help of cesium and crystalline material from Jupiter's moon IO, they built their crystal cities,
partly underground. Morlen is governed by the Council of Elders and is a member of the Galactic
Confederation. Its inhabitants have overcome selfishness and private property - a kind of spiritual
super-communism reigns. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 167-169)
1974 25.7.
Its power would end abruptly when a giant celestial body encountered Earth in 2001, triggering
major floods, earthquakes, and possibly a pole shift. Before that, however, 144,000 people, the
New Age's ruling elite, would be evacuated, briefed and later brought back to Earth to show the
survivors the way to a better future. We extraterrestrials are the apocalyptic angels of the Bible,
the servants of God preparing the ground for the return of Jesus Christ. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
contacts, p. 139/ 40)
Tom said he was a spokesman for the council of nine, which was the universal hierarchy, direct
manifestations of God. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 160)
1974 June
Charles Silva met Rama in Peru. She explained to him that she was from the Pleiades region and
that her people had bases in the Andes and on Jupiter. Rama spoke about prophecies regarding
the future of mankind. The earth would face droughts and natural disasters. Eventually, a world
leader, the Antichrist, would seize power.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 123)
dr Andrija Puharich and Phyllis Schelmer in Puharich's house, the being called Tom spoke once
more through Phyllis: The planned landing is the return of Jesus Christ. It becomes a collective
consciousness. The aliens would bring technical help, but above all spiritual help. The earth is
said to be the lowest developed planet in the universe.... The gradual evolution of the earth is
currently impeding the evolution of the galaxy, indeed of the entire universe. Phyllis would have
been primed since childhood to participate in this master plan. In 1963 she even had an implant
placed in her brain, which served as a translator. This is not an intervention against free will if
the being agrees to it before birth.
1974 18.7.
1974 July
Sixto Paz-Wells' group went to Chilca again. They saw a landed spaceship and a being,
humanoid, over 2 meters tall, shoulder length platinum blonde hair, slightly slanted eyes with
a prominent chin. This being came from Apu, a planet in the Alpha Centauri system.
1974 22.12.
After an agency report reported on the Rama mission, Spanish journalist JJ traveled
1974 24.12.
In Israel, the last extraterrestrial attempt to raise the consciousness of the people took place
in the form of Jesus of Nazareth. The Jews are genetically related to the extraterrestrials,
specifically to the Hoova civilization, and therefore they are the chosen people. Here the fate
of the people would be decided - the Armageddon, the final battle between the armies of light
and the forces of darkness. The State of Israel is made up of people who have come together
from all parts of the world and therefore represent the nations of the earth. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The Contacts, p. 161)
Since March 7th, 1970, the extraterrestrials explained, the earth had entered a new age, the
age of the superman. At its heart is the encounter of man with himself within himself, which
leads to the discovery of God in man. Many brothers in the universe have united to help us in
this transitional period. They are not allowed to intervene directly, which is forbidden by
cosmic law. However, you may gradually inform us, so that it is then up to us to put this
cosmic puzzle together. Our planet is the most densely populated planet in our solar system
and it needs cleaning, if only because we would have lost all ethical and moral values. It is the
task of man to recognize this situation and to survive the fight. The extraterrestrials revealed
their "Plan A", which includes three phases: Awareness of the Facts: It consists of
systematically and cautiously showing the extraterrestrial ships in the airspaces of all nations,
especially those of the technically, scientifically and militarily advanced, so that one clearly
sees what they intend to do for our world and its inhabitants. The preparation consists of as
much information as
1974 7.9.
Enrique Castillo Rincon was picked up by a spaceship and brought to a high valley in the
Andes. There Castillo got to know people from 19 countries around the world, including only
one woman, a 59-year-old Californian, otherwise Peruvians, an Indian, an Australian, two
Europeans and some South Americans. They were scientists, artists, craftsmen and laborers.
In the Andean colony lived 218 people from all over the world who are being taught there and
who are considered "missing" in their homeland. There are a total of ten such bases in South America.
dr Andrija Puharich/ Phyllis Schelmer: The being called Tom spoke through Phyllis: Our most
important task is the preservation of planet Earth - otherwise there will be a global ice age in
200 years. That's why it's important to prepare people for the mass landing, because then we
can give you our technology to save the planet. We plan to alert humanity by interfering with
your television systems. This is what we are working on and a group of aliens that come from
the planet Ashand. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 160)
His name was Antar Sherart, the commander of the Rama UFO fleet. The group was given the
task of founding and carrying out the mission of Rama on earth. The aim of this mission is to
free people “from the slavery of ignorance and to make it easier for them to enter the fourth
dimension”. Antar announced a worldwide press coverage of Mission Rama. (Hesemann,
UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 167-169)
Prof. RN Hernandes, leading nuclear scientist in Mexico, had contact with an extraterrestrial
who introduced herself as LYA and visited him at the university. She declared to be from the
planet Aenstria in the galaxy Andromeda. She says people walk the wrong path, but they
cannot save us against our will. That's why we study your world, and not just us. Many
civilizations have done this and almost all agree that your world is a privileged place.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 99)
1974 8.11.-12.12.
Benitez on. Through the extraterrestrials, he actually saw a UFO, returned to Spain and wrote
a book about the group, UFOs: An SOS to Humanity. Over 600 Rama groups soon sprang up
worldwide. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 169)
possible to spread with all available means, that is, radio, television, press, through
congresses, individual and group talks, leaflets, etc. You will have against you the forces of
those who do not take this matter seriously and the sinister machinations of the great powers
that are unleashed on their planet, casting doubt and attacking the heralds (them)... The World
Enemy: When, after many years of observing your world, it was concluded that its inhabitants
must be helped, in their evolutionary There were moments when we doubted that resolve,
given the cruelty with which you wage wars, bomb cities, torture men, women and children,
and the indifference with which your governments and spiritual leaders watched, like children,
starvation even in peacetime died.
1974/ 75
More than 130 cattle mutilations were recorded in Colorado alone. The cases all followed the
same pattern: unidentifiable missiles, in most cases black and without recognizable
identification marks, were observed. Every now and then there are also “black helicopters”.
Horses and cattle are found mutilated and usually show extremely precisely executed, smooth
cuts, sometimes also burn marks, which suggest the use of lasers. Various organs were
removed. The sex organs were most often absent. But the heart, liver, kidneys, udders,
testicles, muscle fibers, uterus, brain, eyes, tongue, nostrils, lips and in some cases the entire
lower jaw have also been removed. Sometimes every bone in the mutilated animals is broken,
as if they had fallen from some height. The sites have circular imprints or relatively deep
impressions like landing pads. There are inexplicable fire spots around the site, which often
show higher radioactive values. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 155ff)
Bermuda Triangle: A Swedish captain using binoculars saw a "metal island suddenly
appearing out of the sea" that pointed radar screen-like instruments at his ship, after which a
snow-white fog began to spread. Despite the sunshine, he had three spotlights pointed at this
object, after which first the fog and then the metal island itself disappeared. (DNZ, No. 49, 1977)
Your civilization is on the verge of decline. In just one century you have conducted enough
nuclear tests to expose humanity to increased levels of radiation for the next 200 years. It is
one of the main reasons for the loss of the ozone layer. She predicts new diseases. Your world
is part of an intergalactic community. The aim of this community is the exchange of knowledge
for the benefit of all, with the clear premise that this knowledge will never be used against life.
Only a civilization that has proven to be trustworthy can be accepted into this community. Lya
warned Hernandes about an extraterrestrial group that would not have an emotional body and
would violently attack living beings, children and adults
The conclusion drawn was the horrible truth: the earthlings, save for a few, are incorrigible,
brutal butchers to the core. Nevertheless, it was decided to help the people fight effectively
against the ruthless profiteers and power seekers, who were protected by certain forces. The
forces of the enemy are known to us, the circle around him is almost complete, and he knows
it. In a desperate bid to survive, he will send the world and its inhabitants, along with his flag
bearers, into a grand final battle that will only be a hopeless race to their own demise. Helping
Planet Earth: This phase involves directly helping many people through instruction. For this
purpose it is necessary in many cases to evacuate them from this planet to a special place
where they will be schooled in a new consciousness so that later they can lead their own
brothers on earth. These are people chosen for this great work because of their merit and their
courage to work for the good of the earth. Many people have already disappeared from your
planet for this purpose. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 123)
Prof. RN Hernandes has another contact with LYA, who took him on her ship and showed him
the Earth's radiation belts. These radiation belts are said to have been damaged, resulting in
climatic changes which are observed worldwide and which intensify in the 1990s. She speaks
of a neutralization of the ozone layer through nuclear chemical experiments.
1975 22.4.
into their ships. They would need the oxygen in the blood of living beings. They would have taken
genetic samples to conduct breeding experiments and create a new breed.
1975 13.8.
1975 29.7.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 97)
TV cameras showed the two missiles docking and the crew exchanging food. (Alternative 3, p. 24)
Article in the Daily Telegraph: Twenty people have disappeared without a trace from Oregon
communities after being told to give up all belongings, including their children, so that they can, in
a UFO, be taken to a better life. A police investigation led to
1975 June
Massimo Poli, collaborator of the CSFC, founded by Eugenio Siragusa, experienced a "controlled
astral projection" inside the underground alien colony El Dorado, the city of the golden sun. It was
founded, he learned, by the "Princes of Space" over 75,000 years ago and exists on seven
dimensions simultaneously. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 129)
1975 6.10.
1975 July
First public meeting between Americans and Russians in space (Soyuz and Apollo).
In the language of their people they are called XHUMZ and they have been coming to earth for 6000
years since their planet is in danger. If we destroyed our world, the XHUMZ would want to take over
and colonize it. She went on to tell the professor that the white and yellow races came from different
planets. The white race descended from inhabitants of the planet Maldek, which once existed
between Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroid belt is today. The inhabitants of Maldek, in turn, would
be descendants of the world of Sion. After the destruction of their planet in a great civil war, the
survivors of Maldek fled to Earth and established the civilization of Atlantis. They developed antimatter
weapons. When the original inhabitants attacked Atlantis for conducting experiments that
endangered Earth, the Atlanteans used the weapon. Their use led to a devastating catastrophe. The
anti-matter weapon is still housed in a large pyramid on the sea floor off Florida near Bimini Island
and would still, from time to time, emit energy that would cause the molecular disintegration of
anything that came close - the cause for the disappearance of so many planes and ships in the
Bermuda Triangle. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, pp. 99-101)
Holloman Air Force Base: Sergeant Charles L. Moody sees a 60-foot-wide metallic disk-shaped
object flying toward him. His car's lights and engines went out. Ten meters away from him, the UFO
gets stuck in the air. Moody falls unconscious and takes 90 minutes to see the object disappear
over the horizon. Through self-hypnosis, he remembers the lack of time: extraterrestrial beings with
oversized heads approached him and took him to the ship, laid him on some kind of operating table
and used a staff to heal his back. He was also shown the ship's engine room. The leader of the
aliens explained the following to him: It is not only one extraterrestrial race that visits us. They are
different races that work together in friendship, even though their planets are light years apart. They
come to us to visit and study our planet. They come with peaceful intentions. It's not our problem
to accept them, it's their problem to accept us.
Oscar learned that beings from all planets of very different dimensions were connected to the
extraterrestrial program for Earth. On the ship he met the commander named Spectron. This brought
him an invitation to the Council of Guardians. He was transferred to the realm of thought-form,
which is incorporeal. He met the "Masters" and "Him", the cosmic Jesus Christ. On August 7th he
ended up back in Canada. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 144-146)
Oscar Magocsi saw a UFO land while camping north of Toronto, Canada. He was taken and they
flew via Canada, New York, to Egypt to the Great Pyramids. He noticed that there was a beam of
energy emanating from the tip, which seemed to charge the ship.
a meeting on 14.9. to a hotel, the Bayshore Inn in Waldport, Oregon. People have been told
that they can save their souls from a UFO. People would be prepared for life on another planet
in a special camp in Colorado. (Alternative 3, p. 17/ 18)
The South Sea island of Palaseon, a coconut palm island off Marutea, lost all vegetation after
UFO contact. A bright white funnel was observed in the sky three hours after a typhoon.
Late 1975
Greenland: US bombers en route to Thule surrounded by seven UFOs. The instruments went
crazy. Objects that were not attached rose and flew about the cabin. The radio system made
an eerie howling sound. There were at least 2 other such incidents in the same year. Airplanes
were escorted by UFOs for extended periods. (UFO News, #245, June 1977)
1976 Nov.
1976 Oct.
Bermuda Triangle: Weather satellites no longer work properly when overflying the Bermuda
Triangle. The recordings that would be radioed from the satellites to earth are black. The
reception was only good with infrared rays. (Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.50)
Two US pilots, on a patrol flight over the South Pole, spotted what appeared to be an airconditioned
station, shielded from the icy environment by a bell, 12KM in diameter. They
circled the station and took pictures, which were then shown to experts in Houston. Since
they were not sharp enough, it was decided to send three patrol planes. They cruised 36
hours in the South Pole region and found that the station, which had apparently been set up
temporarily under a warming blanket, had disappeared again. Pressure patterns were
registered in low-level flight, as if large weights had previously been there. A machine landed,
took soil samples and found "flakes like aluminum" that could not be analyzed. (DNZ, No. 25,
On the occasion of the landing of "Viking I" on Mars, Robert Negri, employee of the CSFC
(founded by Eugenio Siragusa), received a telepathic transmission: Ithakar, supreme
representative of Mars in the Upper Union of Confederate Worlds, leaves the scientists and
explorers of the planet earth hear the voice of his people. He speaks of the fact that the Mars
probe only detects dust because the inhabitants of Mars and their civilization are in a different
dimensional structure. Their structures have ceased to be genetically three-dimensional.
Since the atomic destruction of Malona, which orbited between Mars and Jupiter, it was
necessary to create the two artificial Mars moons Deimos and Phobos... (Hesemann: UFOs:
The Contacts, p. 129/ 30)
Signed in 1975 by officials from 17 world governments including the US and the Soviet Union,
they outlined trade and cooperation agreements negotiated with the extraterrestrials in 1975.
They also noted that bases were already being established in the so-called neutral zones
around the world. (The Pandora Aspect, Elian Lian, page 34/ 35)
He lowered himself silently onto the island like a pointed cone, opening downwards. The
event was observed by two ships. Trees, plants and bushes - all green dissolved. (DNZ, No.
40, 1977)
1976 21.6.
1975/ 76
Scientists from all continents disappeared without a trace after being made a lucrative offer
to work on research. These scientists burned all bridges behind them. It is assumed that
these should work in the Alternative 3 project. This group of people was referred to as
"Designated Movers". Another group of people, the so-called "Batch Consignments" were
converted into a kind of slave race. (Alternative 3, p. 37ff) "Trojan" contact, with access to
Policy Committee records, said these batch consignments were primarily taken from the
Bermuda Triangle. (Alternative 3, p. 17)
1976/ 78
In 2 years, around 20 American and Russian satellites disappeared without a trace. (DNZ, No. 20/
Attempts to descend again failed due to an unknown force that kept pushing the machine up.
(DNZ, No. 25/ 1977)
British sports pilots discovered circles (pictograms) from the air crop circles. English farmers
claim to have seen this phenomenon as early as the 1940s. Increased appearance from July 1988.
(Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 240ff)
USA/ Wyoming: 76 young people, average age 19, disappeared on a field trip. Their vehicles were
found empty on the side of a deserted road. Random footprints were found in the sand around
the cars, but they led nowhere. The persons never became
The film on which the book "Alternative 3" is based (the Americans landed on Mars on May 22,
1962) was caught by the English radio astronomer Sir William Ballentine using the Jordell Bank
telescope. This recording could only be decoded later by a NASA decoder.
Sigma became a separate project. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 91)
1977 6.2.
At the South Pole, due to a radiation vortex, there is a magnetic hole in the form of an 11 KM
diameter tube, which expands like a funnel into space from a height of 28 KM. A Japanese
scientist saw an opportunity to hunt for signals in this magnet hole and try to contact
extraterrestrial "stations". He had a particularly powerful rocket plane equipped with the most
modern measuring devices and two screens. He saw 19 hazelnut-shaped formations appear in
formation and head straight for the magnet hole toward Earth. All radio frequencies were
broadcast immediately, with the result that the formations immediately disappeared and became
invisible. (DNZ, No. 25, 1977)
Suddenly they were grabbed by an "alien buoyancy" and taken to an altitude of 15,000 meters.
1977 13.6.
A Soviet reconnaissance pilot who regularly flies his crew over the Arctic Ocean and Greenland
saw six tunnel holes in the immediate vicinity of the North Pole. Renewed reconnaissance flights
again saw six black dots and recognized tunnel entrances in low flight.
Ballentine died in a mysterious car accident on 2/6/77. His body was totally burned inside, as if
he had been exposed to some kind of microwave gun. There were no burn marks on the car.
Ballentine died on the orders of the "Policy Committee" in what they called a "hot job".. (Book:
Alternative 3, p. 49 and 73)
NASA initiates the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Evidence, p. 98)
(Alternative 3, S. 205)
1977 14.6.
An extraterrestrial, who he says originated from an underground base in Mexico, gave Mexican
farmer J. Carmen Garcia a formula on a scrap of paper that allowed him to grow giant vegetables
(cabbages weighing 14 kg, 4-kilo onions, etc.). (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 9)
New Zealand: 200 people, including staff, disappeared from a campsite overnight. There were no
signs of violence. None of these people have been found.
1977 4.8.
In the English TV show Science Report, the report "Alternative 3" is broadcast: It was
reported about scientists who disappeared under mysterious circumstances, of which 25
cases are currently known and the connection to Alternative 2 was made. The station was
later forced to denounce the show as a scam, and many viewers readily believed it. (Alternative
3, p. 157/ 63)
1977 20.6.
Circa 1977 Mid
Bob Grodin was interviewed via satellite by Septer Television. The interview was abruptly shut
down (by an unknown source) after a certain statement by Grodin. He was asked to claim that
he and everyone else on the Apollo mission saw something he should not speak about
publicly. That question made Grodin explode. "What do you want?
1977 15.7.
Daily Mail article headlined 'Flying Saucers': Men in face masks and metal detectors attempt
to uncover macabre event. Fifteen ponies were found.
met again. On the same day, a passenger ship with 165 people on board disappeared en route
between Barcelona and Tunis. No traces were discovered. (Alternative 3, p. 205/ 6)
Animal experts admit they are amazed at the animal carcasses found at Cherry Brook near
Postbridge. (Alternative 3, p. 19)
Grodin was later interviewed again. When asked what he knew about Ballentine, he said he
didn't know him. All he knows about him is that he showed up at NASA with a tape and he got
damn excited when he ran it through the decoder. He was further asked what happened during
the moon landing. Grodin: we were very disappointed.. the truth t ihse w laet were Arepno'tl l tohse w fiersret t shmeroek.e..
screens to cover what's really going on out there... and the bastards didn't even tell us
anything... not one damn word... You think they need all that crap down in Florida to send two
boys on a bike up there? Do you know why you need us? So that they have a good PR story
for all the hardware they're sending into the room... We ain't no man!
Do you want to finish me? ... like that stupid bastard Ballentine? Is that what you want?”
Grodin got no further. His voice and the picture were suddenly gone. (Alternative 3, p. 108)
Their bodies were mutilated and torn and decomposed to the bone within 48 hours. They all
died around the same time and many bones were broken.
Policy Committee Meeting - Subject: Batch Consignments (a sort of converted slave labor):
A whole shipment of 300 bodies is said to have been destroyed in transit by a meteorite.
Authors Note: The following months brought press reports of mass disappearances in
Australia. At the end of September many of them were found by chance in a kind of slave labor
camp. The Policy Committee then considered the 6/20/77 TV show "Alternative 3." Disapproval
was expressed that Dr. Carl Gerstein wasn't eliminated before he spoke to the TV people.
Alternative 3 is reality. Most of the Apollo astronauts were severely shaken by the experience,
and their lives and later testimonies reflect the magnitude of the experience and the effect of
the order of silence. Silence was ordered under threat of the death penalty, which was then
described as "necessity". Nevertheless, an astronaut spoke to the British producers of the TV
show Alternative 3, in which he confirmed the accuracy of the allegations. In the book, the real
identity is replaced by a pseudonym "Bob Grodin". Cooper cannot confirm Grodin's suicide.
He believes that many of the so-called facts in this book are disinformation, the result of
pressure exerted on the authors intended to neutralize the effect that the British television
program Alternative 3 was having on the public. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret
Government, p. 9)
Nothing! We're just here to keep you bums happy... to keep you from asking stupid questions
about what's really going on!” End of interview. In January 1978, Grodin's death was
announced in the press. They said it was suicide. (Alternative 3, p. 128/ 132)
This would mean that one in 25 households is monitored by this system. Computers of similar
purpose are in Geneva, America, England, Germany, Japan, Poland and Russia.
1977 Aug.
Times headline story by Steward Tendler: "National security used by police as reason for silence
on use of files" Names and personal details of tens of thousands of people screened by the
Special Department for national security reasons are said to be in the new Scotland Yard secret
service computers. When the new computer was designed, the Special Branch was allocated
storage for 600,000 names out of a total capacity of 1,300,000. (Alternative 3, p. 151)
1977 Sept.
(Alternative 3, S. 153)
1977 28.8.
It was refused to eliminate him afterwards. It was decided to get rid of the regional official whose
job it would have been to prevent this. (Alternative 3, p. 167/ 70)
The authors of Alternative 3 interviewed psychiatrist Dr. Randolph Crepson-White (died Oct. 1977)
on the subject. Crepson has performed this type of surgery on four men and one woman, who he
said were perfectly normal. They have been completely gendered and robbed of their individuality.
They would obey any order without asking and be like thinking robots. (Alternative 3, p. 115)
1977 Sept-Feb 1978
From 9/20/77 to 2/20/78 a UFO the size of a soccer field appeared 5-6 times a month over the
Soviet city of Petrozavodsk on Lake Onega, northeast of Leningrad. The Soviet government
immediately convened a top-level scientific investigation and put a safety lock on the investigation.
On September 20, 4:00 p.m., a huge UFO appeared over the city and sent out golden rays of light
that fell on the city like drizzle and burned coin- to egg-sized holes in the cobblestones of the
streets and in the window panes of many houses. It is also said that five intense beams of light
were aimed at the city from the huge object, and during those 12 minutes Petrozavodsk was
bathed in this golden glow. The cut glass pieces seemed to have melted at the edges and lay
either on the window sills or on the floor. The discs otherwise remained intact. Above the lake, a
smaller object separated from the main body, fell straight down and disappeared under the water.
(Haarmann: Secret Wonder Weapons II, p. 33ff, various articles)
Newspaper article in the Sunday Telegraph: The subject was that the Department of Health in
England is collecting statistics on surgeries carried out in psychiatric institutions with the aim of
altering personality. For the first time ministers have confirmed that there is growing concern
about this. These surgeries, known as psychosurgery, are performed to destroy or eliminate
portions of brain tissue in order to modify the behavior of severely depressed or exceptionally
aggressive patients who are unresponsive to drugs (medication) or electroshock therapy.
(Alternative 3, p. 114)
Der Spiegel, title: UFOs - bluish, reddish. US President Carter, US Senator Goldwater, Grenada
Premier Gairy, UN Secretary General Waldheim - they all talk about UFOs. Photos: American UFO
photo (over Salem/ Massachusetts)
1977 9.9.
Bremer Nachrichten: "The secret services of both hemispheres are said to be in possession of
extensive records of the appearance of unknown and mysterious submarines". An incident is
mentioned in which an unknown submarine was moving at a speed of 370 km/h.
Large numbers of people turned up in Germany, France, Italy and Canada who were physically fit
and normal, apart from not being able to remember where they came from or where they had
been. (Alternative 3, p. 142)
1977 4.10.
1978 April
Spiegel: This is how the world public was deceived, photos: Alleged UFO recordings:
Radiation ships from the Pleiades over Switzerland (recorded on February 27, 1975 via
Bäretswil by the Swiss UFO specialist Eduard Meier (resident in CH-8400 Hinterschmidrüti)
1978 17.1.
Mars Colony (as part of Alternative 3): 1976: With the cultivation of the new colony, native
bacteria came to life there and began to infest the cultivated plants. The local committee saw
that she would lose the fight. They need a specific bacteriologist from Germany, but they
could not be won over for this project. So it was decided to send a former assistant of his,
who was now working on Mars and whom this bacteriologist thought highly of, back to Earth
to convince him. What was not realized, however, was that this assistant was not consistent
with the "symbiosis" between the scientists and their slave laborers. On the way back via the
Archimedes base, he initiated the 28 “Designated Movers” into the secret that still existed for
them. Archimedes Base: Lunar base, built as part of Alternative 3 and later destroyed by
sabotage to transfer Designated Movers and batch consignments between Earth and Mars.
The construction took two years. The base lay beneath a hermetically sealed, transparent
bubble. There were three separate areas of life for the resident staff, the migrants heading for
Mars, and the work slaves, respectively. One of the scientists tried to free the 155 slaves and
while fleeing with a space transporter collided with the protection bell of the base, whereupon
it was totally destroyed. Only a few (seven people, 5 employees and 2 of the "components",
as these slave laborers were also known) survived because they were in a separate air
chamber at the time. They managed to escape to the Cassini base, an older base that had
become too small for Alternative 3. It is thanks to these people that anything at all became
known about this catastrophe. The report about this was leaked to the authors of Alternative
3 by “Trojan”. (Alternative 3, p. 223ff)
Alien Killed on US Military Base: That night, an MP from Ft. Dix may have been pursued by a
low-flying, oval, bluish-green glowing object. The patrol car's radio link failed. Suddenly, a
1.20 meter tall, grey-brown creature with a large head, long arms and a slender body appeared
in front of the MP. The MP panicked and fired 5 times at the stranger. The UFO shot up and
joined a formation of twelve other objects in the sky. The report is corroborated by a report
dated 01/18/78 to Brigadier General Brown of AFOSI stating that "A body of unknown origin
was placed in custody with the OSI (Office of Special Intelligence) district commander and a
special recovery team from Wright Patterson AFB". UFOs: The Evidence, p. 66)
1978 Nov-Feb 1979
Eugenio Siragusa was arrested and placed in custody after a fraud report by an American
couple who tried to buy him a contact or eventual space flight with extraterrestrials. His alien
friends appeared to be holding a demonstration to redeem him. In the aftermath, over 50 UFO
sightings were recorded in Italy, observed by thousands, including some landings in the
prison area where Siragusa was being held. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 131/ 32)
1977/ 78
Bermuda Triangle: Between the Bahamas and the Bermuda Islands in the Atlantic, 150 to 200
km wide water whirlpools form, which reach down to a depth of 1.5 km. An American/Soviet
research team investigated this phenomenon for two months with six ships (DNZ No. 48/77).
At the beginning of 1978, the American/Soviet company Polymode started with five special
ships each. A number of PSI-talents were also on board. You want to examine every square
meter in detail. Electronic devices are to be sunk that work independently at a depth of 5000
meters. The campaign is expected to last until autumn. (DNZ No. 3, 1978)
The aliens declared Eugenio Siragusa's work complete. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 127)
May 79 Encounter: They come from Ceta Reticuli. Their expeditions to Earth, which have been
taking place for thousands of years, serve analytical purposes. Together with highly developed
civilizations from other worlds, they would have created a kind of intergalactic trade and research
December 12 Burghausen/ Neuötting, Bavaria: Adele Holzer encounters a UFO on her way to work.
It's coming her way. It is dome-shaped, has circular hatches. She is illuminated (green rays) and
she receives a telepathic message: "Don't worry, we come with peaceful intentions. We are here
to watch you and protect you from misfortune. We want to prevent you from destroying your
earth”. When Mrs. Holzer comes to, she sees that the car key is bent and the clock has stopped.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Evidence, p. 97)
1979 May
Bill Herrmann from Charleston (USA) was kidnapped several times by aliens. The contacts with
them were said to be good. (taz from 1.11.89)
In the late 1940's some of their ships crashed in the American Midwest due to radar waves causing
interference in their program and force field. Since then, they would protect themselves from it by
irregular, triangular flight patterns. As a result, they would never be caught long enough to take
damage. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 181ff)
Cooper, Behold a pale Horse, S. 36-65)
She later added that she received additional information about her origins. They come from a
binary system. They would come into contact with humans because they had common ancestors
who, like us, came from the planet Patheon, once the 5th planet in our solar system, which its
inhabitants destroyed in a chain reaction of nuclear explosions. The survivors first fled to Mars,
then to Earth and other planets.
1979 8.12.
1979 May
A document dated "May 1979" refers to "25. Anniversary of the Third World War, called the "Silent
War". fought with subjective biological warfare, with silent weapons” (Head: Top Secret, Silent
Weapons for Silent Warfare - An Introductory Programmer's Guide - Operations Research,
Technical Manual, TM-SW7905.1).
Eugenio Siragusa sent a final warning to "all political and military leaders of planet Earth": "Eight
minutes of your time is enough for us to completely shut down any kind of activity on your planet.
This intervention would be carried out immediately should a nuclear conflict between two or more
powers materialize... This warning of ours is not intended to be a challenge, nor should it be
construed as an interference in the sense of dominating or conquering your planet, rather it is it is
an act of love to prevent the recurrence of a tremendous catastrophe that, in the distant past, took
the lives of billions of creatures on other planets, which today have become inhospitable and dead
dwelling places.” We know very well how difficult it is for you
Some of them would live among us unrecognized. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 3)
Summary (quotes in italics): It is a war against the world's population towards social control. It is
pointed out that this document must remain hidden from the population, otherwise it could be
recognized as a formal declaration of war. "Solving today's problems requires an approach that is
ruthlessly outspoken, without agonizing over religion, morality, or cultural values." Historically,
"silent gun technology" dates back to World War II. "It was soon recognized by those in positions
of power that the same methods could be useful for the total control of society. But better methods
were needed.” The “silent war” was quietly declared by the international elite (Bilderbergers) at a
meeting in 1954. These silent weapons include computers, with the technological breakthrough
occurring in 1948 with transistor technology. “All science is a means to an end. The means is
knowledge. The end is control.” (MW
Bob Lazar on the Grays: "...Up until 1979 there was an exchange of material and information
in central Nevada when a conflict arose that abruptly halted the project. The beings left Earth
but are said to return at a date marked 1623... and I do not know what date that is. With the
remaining hardware and information available, the US government launched a "backengineering"
1980 14.1.
to believe our communications. We have also noticed your elaborate acts of violence against
us and the rescue mission entrusted to us. We are also aware of the persecutions you are
plotting against all those who are ambassadors of our goodwill, chosen and enlightened
according to the supreme desire of the “Avatar” Jesus Christ who is approaching Earth to
visit. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 133)
They say the spread is increasing with each generation. In the US alone, the number of
UFO sighting over Bremen, observed by several hundred people over four hours, at different
places. It remained stationary over military installations and was able to make itself completely
invisible to approaching US fighter planes. To defend themselves, the Americans have put all
their anti-aircraft systems in Germany and Denmark on alert. Photographs of private
individuals were confiscated. (Haarmann: Secret Wonder Weapons II, p. 37, various articles)
Shoichi Harukawa went to an area near Mount Fuji following telepathic instruction. For the
first time, Shoichi saw a landed spacecraft, which took him aboard a mother ship. He was
shown the hangar of the mothership and explained that there are three types: • motherships,
• reconnaissance ships, and • remote-controlled probes.
1980 25.5.
They are all powered by electromagnetic energy. Normally, the mother ships remain outside
the earth's atmosphere. You don't feel the slightest flight movement because the ship has its
own gravitational field. When a space brother stood in front of the monitor, the lines formed a
beautiful, geometric pattern. When Shoichi stood in front of them, they made a mess. The
monitor, he was told, would check the thought vibrations. People who have good thoughts
create clear patterns. This screen is also used to control the flying discs. Mother ships, on
the other hand, can't even be flown by every space person, that's left to the masters. A master
explained to Shoichi that there are three laws of the cosmos: Everything repeats itself in a
certain order. Everything is relative. Like attracts like, things with the same characteristics
come together. The aliens have been contacting people of all walks of life since the 1950's,
particularly military, financiers and artists. Her job was to open the minds of these people to
the possibility of a better world. This attempt was only successful with the artists, since only
they were open to their suggestions and inspirations. “Do not attack certain companies or the
dark forces. If you fight them, they will fight back. You don't have to fight. The best thing you
can do is spread your right, calm and strong thoughts around you and get other people to
think similar thoughts and change their lives. That is the heaviest blow against the dark forces.
Television journalist Linda Moulton Howe directed a two-hour television program about the
cattle mutilations for CBS in 1979, which is airing to this date. A woman (Judy Doraty)
recounts an experience under hypnosis. She saw an unidentified flying object, which a calf
took on board in a jet. She saw this calf being dismembered. The strangers informed her that
they were conducting investigations. They check the soil, vegetation, water, animals. A lot
has to do with toxins (...) not just with environmental pollution. They are concerned, (...) want
to protect lives. They are stationed here and want to determine changes through the test
trials. They take the genitals because the poisoning is most visible on them.
Period: 1980 to present, future
Bermuda Triangle: Lloyds reports that during this period 20 tankers have disappeared without a
trace from the world's oceans, most of them in the Bermuda Triangle. (Photo Hamburg, 14.8.85)
Secret UFO base in the USA: UFO researcher Bill Nelson, a photojournalist for over 30 years,
reports on photographic evidence. They are large, glowing spheres at least 25 feet in diameter.
1980 2.12.
(John v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, S. 156ff)
They are bright, as powerful as four or five searchlights, and can be seen from 15 miles away. They
are sodium orange in color. They come into view when they are 1000 feet up and then move either
west or east along the mid-lake of Lake Ontario.
You move to a point in the middle of the lake, about 30 miles south of Toronto. They hung
motionless in the air for a while (ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes) when they reached
the point, and then flew straight into it. A brilliant light appeared before they entered the water. In
the wintertime they glided across the water looking for a hole before diving into the lake. That was
the process until a few months ago. Now there is a kind of landing aid construction. It looks like a
couple of bowling figures on which the object settles. Both then disappear into the water. "When
we started observing 5 years ago, we saw up to 70 in one night." Nelson said he saw government
photos of the lake. You can actually see the base lying at the bottom of the lake stretching out in a
long line just south of Toronto. (National Examiner, 12/2/1980)
mutilations have now risen to over 10,000. They continue to the present.
A gigantic UFO (100 m diameter sphere) flew over Moscow and was watched by thousands of
people. From time to time, this object ejected smaller missiles that scattered across the sky and
often landed. The next day, nothing was in the press.
Oscar Magocsi encounters the extraterrestrials who had contacted him on various occasions. He
was warned that over the next few years the Lightworkers would come under increasing attack
from the opposition, even open harassment and psychic attacks "by the dark dark forces." They
would only intervene in serious cases, since their concern would be to bring the dark agents to
light, even if their friends had to act as bait for this cleaning work. It is important not to be deterred
by these attacks. In the following years a tremendous cosmic acceleration would be imminent.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 146)
1980 14.6.
A chauffeur in the village of Polushino near Moscow was brought into their spaceship by beings
and tested by encephalogram. On a map he saw nine stars arranged in the shape of a horseshoe -
the constellation "Sails". (Source: Spiegel 1989/ 42 regarding Voronezh)
Swedish Navy helicopters and patrol boats are constantly searching for a submarine that entered
the coastal waters off the capital Stockholm. (Goslarsche Zeitung, 9/20/80)
Current developments with recombinant DNA threaten to unleash mutant bioclasses.
Despite international agreements, most countries today are not honest when it comes to bioweapons.
According to recently declassified Pentagon documents, the Soviets may have used
both biological and chemical weapons in Afghanistan. (Boward, Sutton, Bearden, The Invisible
War, pp. 6-7)
1980 Sept.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 177)
The cosmonauts noticed that the ball had approached about 100 meters. Now they could see
beings behind the hatches - human-like beings with cap-like headgear that had a see-through
visor and well revealed the thick eyebrows and large, classically Greek noses of the aliens.
What astonished the cosmonauts were the eyes of these beings: they seemed to be twice the
size of human ones, and when viewed through binoculars they seemed to stare into space.
They stared at the Russians without a sign of emotion or movement. On the third day the
object had come within 30 meters. The strangers seemed to want to demonstrate their
manoeuvrability: the ball sped off into space six times. The Russians came up with the idea
of binary codes
The nuclear tests damage the earth's atmosphere and crust. The greatest danger, however, is
that the protective magnetic belts of the earth, the Van Allen belts, will also begin to dissolve...
The world's leading governments were contacted to warn mankind, but it fell on deaf ears.
They even hide the existence of extraterrestrials.
In their opinion, the result would be a collapse of all religious and scientific belief systems.
The Aenstrians have various stations on Earth and in the solar system, which sound out the
situation on Earth and are always ready to take the necessary steps should an evacuation of
the people be necessary. List of Stations: Alaska, Antarctica, Arctic, Atlantic, Indian Ocean,
Northern Tibet, Pacific, South Africa (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 107-112)
12.3.-25.5. Mission of the Russian Salyut-6 with cosmonauts Vladimir Kovalyonik and Viktor
Savinikh. Kovalyonik noticed a round-oval object through the porthole. It was apparently an
alien spacecraft, following the Russians at the same speed. It was round, with no bulges or
external fittings. The diameter was about 8 meters. It was surrounded by three rows of eight
portholes each, the middle three of which were particularly large. Kovalyonik filmed the
object. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 178/ 79)
James Forbes, born 1965, from South Africa, has contact with extraterrestrials from the planet
Aenstria in the Andromeda galaxy. He is descended from Karné, a resident of Aenstria. This
had brought him to earth as a small child, where he should meet the people and fulfill a
mission to help support humanity in the transition to a new age. In 1980, James was physically
contacted by his father for the first time. On the second contact, they (James and his friend)
were taken to the basestar. It was a circular mother ship stationed 30,000 km above the earth
and "700 km" in diameter. On the landing deck they saw numerous other ships of different
sizes. They were told that these ships "come from various regions of the universe" all to help
humanity in love. Five million extraterrestrials are stationed here, 60% of them are women.
Three quarters of the crew would come from Aenstria, the rest from the constellation Orion,
from the planets Mentaka and Auriega. Currently 2000 of them would be prepared to travel to
earth to live among earth humans. The two boys were introduced to the Council of Elders of
Aenstria. They are here and are currently overseeing the unfolding of the great and mighty
plan of love and light for the Earth - "We salute you in the name and love of the Infinite
Creator, by whose will we salute you here today in the hour of your awakening. The inhabitants
of Aenstria would devote their entire existence to contemplating the spiritual knowledge and
laws of the Creator... When life first formed on Earth, the Galactic Command in the constellation
Orion charged them with directing the evolution of that life monitor. After millions of years,
Earth would have matured to support intelligent life... Individuals from all parts of the galaxy
were chosen to colonize Earth. They wanted to make sure that the "Lord of Darkness" would
not find a new bastion here. Likewise, the planet Maldek in orbit between Mars and Jupiter
was settled.
1981 14.5.
1981 15.5.
The Lord of Darkness managed to gain control of the Mars colony, which attacked and
destroyed Maldek while Earth was undergoing its pole shift. Man degenerated, the earth
became a battlefield between the forces of good and evil. They themselves had great masters
incarnate on earth to show mankind the way to the Creator. God, they said, is the totality of
all visible and invisible existence, immanent in every smallest atom. The Space Brothers were
alarmed by the first nuclear explosion on Earth... Cosmic law forbade them to intervene
directly unless there was an acute emergency.
"Submarine alarm in Sweden": Fishermen have seen the periscope of a submarine in the strait
between Haelsingborg and the Danish Elsinore. A new search operation was initiated.
1981 23.8.
1981 12.11.
1982 Jan-Mar
Japanese researchers discover a strange cloud. Initially it is spoken of a few kilometers in extent
and different thickness. This cloud has probably circled the earth four to five times at a height of
16 km. Strange reports went through the entire world press like "mysterious cloud encircles
earth". NASA intends to send in a U-2 (reconnaissance aircraft). A day later, NASA announced
that the cloud had already reached gigantic proportions and stretched across large parts of
North America, the Atlantic Ocean and Europe (Welt am Sonntag, 3/7/82).
(WAZ, 11/13/81)
1981 18.6.
to send, which was answered by the strangers with the letter "E" in logarithmic configuration.
Shortly thereafter, the aliens got out of their flying object and moved into space. They were big,
about 2 meters each. They wore the same space suits as on board the ship. They literally glided
through space without carrying any recognizable oxygen equipment or controls. Their suits
looked like diving suits, the helmet visors were down. They moved in such a way that they could
easily be filmed. On 17.5. the alien spaceship left the Russians. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts,
pp. 178-79)
1981 June
A submarine of unknown nationality has been sighted in territorial waters southeast of Stockholm.
It was the fourth incident this year. (WAZ, 6.6.81)
On the same day a new cloud is discovered at a height of 30 km. It extends almost around the
entire northern hemisphere and has thus assumed global proportions. It could possibly contain
20 or 30 million tons of sulfuric acid (Welt am Sonntag, 4/14/82)
Secret conference at the Soviet Research and Planning Ministry in Moscow, chaired by General
Georgi Timofeevich Beregovoy, head of the Soviet space program. The conference was attended
by 200 scientists, cosmonauts and space program staff. The cosmonaut Kovalyonik describes
the events of May and shows a 40-minute film about the contact with the alien spaceship.
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 178)
It is also said that the cloud is invisible to the human eye. It was allegedly discovered by laser
beams reflected back from the cloud. This cloud could not be examined by a NASA satellite
because it had already failed in November due to a power failure. The samples showed that the
cloud consisted of fine sulfuric acid droplets (WAZ, 13.3.83).
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 179)
A metallic ball of light rammed a freight train carrying secret cargo from Tomsk to Novosibirsk
(Siberia). (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 179)
Again UFO sighting over Moscow. This time a whole fleet of 17 huge spaceships flew over the
city. They were accompanied by about a dozen smaller objects. Hundreds of witnesses were
interviewed about this event. At 07:12 that evening, two cigar-shaped spacecraft, each over a
kilometer long, appeared side by side about 15 kilometers above the city. Twenty minutes they
flew north and disappeared. About an hour later, a round, shiny white UFO appeared that
appeared to be half the size of the moon. Later, a whale-shaped spacecraft appeared, emitting
blue light and performing a grotesque aerial maneuver over the city. After the UFOs disappeared,
at least 60 windows with circular holes were found in Moscow. An examination revealed that the
molecular structure of the glass had changed. This incident was similar to that of September
1977 in the city of Petrozavodsk.
1982 12.3.
1983 27.3.
1982 Dec. UFO base discovered under Antarctica Surrounded by hundreds of miles of Antarctic
ice and larger than the entire state of California, a strange lake (186,000 square miles) was
discovered. NASA has satellite photos of him. A research team of 26 American and Russian
scientists explored this area, called Wendell Lake, but were unable to locate the lake. A UFO base
is suspected. (Globe Mail, Dec 1982)
1983 May
The Swedish Navy uses missiles to hunt for submarines - only day and night to hunt for
submarines. (FAZ, 2.5.83)
Frogmen attached a magnetically attached listening device to the foreign submarine, which,
however, fell off again 20 minutes later after switching on its drive. (Photo newspaper, 10/8/82)
1983 March
“Foreign submarines have invaded Swedish waters more than 40 times since 1982, sometimes
even in front of secret naval defenses. At the time of the most serious and widespread violation
of the Sovereignty Zones to date, six submarines were off the secret Muskö naval base, south of
Stockholm. Three of the boats were manned mini-submarines of a previously unknown type.
(Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.111)
At around 2:00 am, two orange jellyfish-shaped UFOs appeared over the Baikonur Soviet Space
Center. While one flew on, the second stalled over the main launch pads. A silvery rain emanated
from it, enveloping its target for 14 seconds.
Crash in the Northwest Territory of Canada on the Mackenzie River. Crystals with fantastic
storage properties were found in special suspensions of the wreckage. According to the
"Snowbird" report, the indescribably hard, feather-light metal parts and struts come from a discshaped
missile. Here, too, a number of script-like symbols were discovered on metal fragments
that could not be deciphered. (Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitriss, page 82, 85)
An extraterrestrial (the third) also came on an exchange program and has been a guest of the US
government since 1982 (until 1988, the time of this statement by Moore). (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 82)
1982 1.6.
1982 Sept.
The Norwegian weekly VI Menn, No. 8/83, page 86, reports on a strange lake in Antarctica: “A
lake discovered by a group of American and Russian explorers in the middle of the pack ice
appears and disappears. Sometimes it covers an area of 260,000 square kilometers and is
completely ice-free.”
Then he made a wide arc over the city and disappeared. The next day, sentries discovered that
hundreds of bolts and rivets had been removed from the steel girders of the launch pads. All
rocket launches planned for Baikonur had to be postponed for two weeks. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The Contacts, p. 179)
1983 Feb.
On 10/1 the Swedish Navy circled a strange ghost submarine. Thick steel nets block the way. No
reaction to depth charges. (Ruhr News, 10/7/82)
Air traffic controllers at Gorky Airport observed a gunmetal-colored, cigar-shaped UFO, the size
of a conventional airplane but without wings or other protrusions. It flew at 3000 m altitude.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 180)
1982 Oct.
"Submarines diving off the archipelago": Almost every week, the Swedes are reminded that their
neutral country is one of the favorite areas for military reconnaissance by foreign powers. Depth
charges have not helped so far. (Ruhr News, 9/9/82)
With bombs against a foreign submarine: The Swedish Navy has intensified the hunt for a foreign
submarine in front of their base in Karlskrona. Defense staff confirmed that frogmen of unknown
nationality were seen at a coastal artillery station last Saturday.
1984 May
Soviet Northern Fleet disabled - not viable for six months. On 13.5. blown up the missile storage
facilities of the Severomorsk Naval Base on the Kola Peninsula in a rapid succession of
explosions. The resulting secondary explosions could occur until 18.5. cannot be brought under
control. On May 15, near Bobruysk (138 km southeast of Minsk), 10 out of 11 ammunition
warehouses were blown up. (Jane's Defense Weekly, 7/14/84)
A negative film is mailed to film producer Jaime Shandera. It was a matter of reproducing highly
official documents. It was a summary of Operation MJ12 compiled for President Eisenhower on
11/18/52. William Cooper: MJ 12 prepared an emergency plan designed to mislead anyone who
got too close to this truth. This plan was called Majestics 12. It was set in motion by the publication
of the allegedly genuine "Eisenhower Briefing Documents" later published by Moore, Shandera
and Friedman. This document is a fake. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 20)
1984 16.2.
1984 10.12.
This was preceded by an unsuccessful twelve-day hunt about 400 km north of Stockholm.
According to senior officers, the invaders, who were hit with a hail of depth charges, used an
entirely new submarine technique, capable of blasting mines from a great distance.
1984 Feb.
(Offenburger daily newspaper)
Stockholm suspends submarine search. Observers speak of an uncontrollable confusion.
1983 26.8.
1984 March
State of siege in Karlskrona Bay: After ships and divers had been chasing a USO there for three
weeks and also sighted foreign frogmen, the naval command drastically tightened security
measures. (Westfälische Rundschau, 3/7/84)
(Ruhr News, May 11, 1983)
The Academy of Sciences and the Union of Scientific and Technical Societies of the USSR created
the “Commission for the Study of Unusual Atmospheric Phenomena”, chaired by ex-cosmonaut
and Deputy Chairman of the Academy of Sciences, General Pavel Popovitch. Calls were published
in the national press to report UFO sightings to this commission from now on. Over 30,000 letters
arrived in just a few weeks. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 180)
Hundreds of thousands of residents of Ukraine, around the city of Lugansk, watched a brightly
shining structure in the night sky, surrounded by seven luminous balls. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 180)
1984 7.9.
The crew of a passenger plane on the route from Tbilisi/Georgia to Tallin/Estonia observes a
brightly lit flying object from which a beam came out that brightly illuminated an entire village on
the ground. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 180)
1983 2.12.
The Soviet submarine base Ventspils located a spherical UFO at an altitude of 3000 meters on
the Lithuanian coast. Six MiG interceptors were dispatched to capture, force-land, or shoot down
the alien intruder. When the MiGs got close enough, they received orders to fire. However, the
missiles got stuck in the planes and exploded. Five of the six MiGs crashed, the sixth collided
with the UFO but managed to land badly damaged. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 180)
Article in Weekly World News, "UFO Icebreaker matches wits with UFO." A Soviet icebreaker
spotted a UFO the size of a soccer field underwater. Depth charges were useless. It suddenly
broke through the polar ice and disappeared into space. There were reports of huge chunks of
ice falling on the ship.
According to the US Navy, UFOs are to operate from bases which lie deep under the sea surface.
The Navy's Operation Deep Freeze has confirmed this. A "huge, silvery vehicle" was observed,
which broke through ice about 12 meters thick and disappeared into the night sky. (People
magazine, Australia, 5/22/85)
The third and fourth species did not look human. One was about 150 cm tall, very slim and petite,
with hypnotic slanted black eyes. Mouth and nose were only faintly indicated. The crouching
figures in the operating room were smaller, with similarly shaped heads, but round, beady black
eyes. The smell reminded a little of cardboard. The hand smelled faintly but definitely of organic
acid. It wasn't a human scent. There was also a delicate smell of cinnamon. Strieber visited Budd
Hopkins, a psychologist who has examined about 140 people - all in relation to alien abductions
(Whitley Strieber, The Visitors, p. 38)
The Danish Navy has unsuccessfully hunted for a submarine of unknown origin in the Iselfjord in
the north of the island of Zealand. (Westfälische Rundschau, 17.12.84)
Alvina Scot was kidnapped by the Grays and genetically engineered. Eggs were removed from
her uterus. She was later confronted with the result of breeding as a cross between human and
extraterrestrial. They showed her three children and claimed that Alvina was their mother. Alvina
referred to the Grays as the Hoovas. (The Leading Edge, No. 42, July 1992, pp. 14-15)
1986 April
New Zealand: Unidentified submarine sighted. (WAZ, 17.4.86)
1984 Dec.
1986 30.9.
1985 Nov.
1985 April
"Sweden: U-boat shelled" (WZ, 12.4.85)
Norwegians are looking for a foreign submarine. (Upper Hessian press, April 28, 1986)
Whitley Strieber reports in his book "The Visitors" about his abduction - that of his wife and son
as well - by extraterrestrials. He was placed in a circular room. He could register four different
types of figures: Small, robot-like creatures. Small, squat creatures in dark overalls. Broad faces
that looked dark gray or dark blue depending on the lighting, glittering, deep-set eyes, snub
noses, and wide, almost human mouths.
1986 20.10.
Oscar Magocsi was invited by the aliens aboard their crystal ship Peace on Earth. This is the
supreme flagship of the interplanetary hierarchy of our solar system. Its mission was to “gather,
amplify and re-radiate the vast energies being emitted by the millions of Earth people gathering
on 12/31/86 12:00 GMT for a worldwide peace meditation. In answer to Earth's cry for help, this
great crystal ship would come laden with outpouring torrents of love from many galaxies and
realms beyond... (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 147)
1985 Okt.-Dec.
Ronald Reagan meets with Gorbachev for the first time. Reagan recommended a united front in
the event of a space invasion. (Spiegel 1989/ 42 regarding Voronezh)
1986 20.11.
1986 31.12.
Note: Hugin Publishing holds over 76 pages of photocopied US Department of Aviation
materials relating to this incident. The Japanese were questioned by Aviation Authority
inspectors. The minutes about it cover 42 pages. They were asked if the "strange" noises
they heard during the radio jamming were "similar to the German language." (Bergmann,
German flying discs.., p.95/ 96)
Foreign submarines in Sweden again - it couldn't have been Russians. (FAZ, 10/25/86)
In a secret pact, more secret than the A-bomb or the Normandy invasion, President Ronald
Reagan and party leader Gorbachev have decided to combine their military forces to defend
Earth against attack by enemy spaceships. The mutual defense alliance obliges both the US
and the Soviet Union to combine all their nuclear missiles, spy planes, manned and unmanned
spacecraft including shuttles in one universal operation. The athmraezei n dga y psa c atf t wera rsa sdiagrn ceodn jtursotl
centers in Alaska confirmed that a monstrous UFO (larger than two aircraft carriers) had
approached a Japanese airliner (No. 747). The paper covers the mobilization of conventional
air, sea and land forces and the immediate deployment of Russian and American nuclear
submarines. Of greater importance, however, is the readiness of the military satellites already
in orbit. These can aim laser weapons at attacking spaceships, even if they are still far out.
(Weekly World News, 4/14/87)
1986 Oct.
1986 11.11.
A private research group in France wants to get on the track of the UFO phenomenon with a
worldwide operating database (International Bank for Ufological Data). Group name: Research
Group on Unidentified Air and Space Phenomena, at: National Institute for Air and Space
Research in Toulouse. (AZ, 12/27/86)
From July to August 86, foreign submarines invaded Sweden's waters 15 times. The nationality
could never be determined. (picture, 10/21/86)
1986 27.12.
The crew of a Japanese airliner sighted several UFOs over Alaska, which was confirmed by
air traffic controllers. First they saw two strings of lights, which initially hovered in place
before swept across the sky in bursts of speed. "All of a sudden, two spaceships appeared
and beamed at us," said the captain. Later, over Fairbanks, they noticed the "silhouette of a
gigantic spaceship." The foreign object had followed the Japanese machine for 650 kilometers.
(Weekly World News, 4/14/87)
12.00 GMT - Date of the great worldwide peace meditation. The mission of the Crystal Ship
Peace on Earth was to "gather, amplify and re-radiate the vast energies being emitted by the
millions of Earth people gathering at 12/31/86 12:00 GMT for a worldwide peace meditation. In
answer to Earth's cry for help, this great Crystal Ship would come laden with outpouring
torrents of love from many galaxies and realms beyond... All the stored cosmic energies that
were brought forth by the Crystal Ship and now transformed by powerful energies, Sent up
by the many millions of earthly helpers, huge amounts of light should now be poured into the
earth's magnetic field in order to convert its critical oscillation. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 147/ 48)
1986 17.11.
Chinese city disappeared after UFO encounter Surprised police officers witness the incident.
The city glowed with an orange light and disappeared. The entire village of "Wufeng"
disappeared, along with its inhabitants, houses, animals and plants. Nothing remained but
bare rock and earth. The village distress call revealed that blinking white lights were
descending from the sky and hovering over the village. Behind it was a large, cylindrical
object. (News Weekly, 11/11/1986)
1987 16./ 17.8.
Newspaper: Spiegel, title: UFOs - badly decomposed: UFO fever is rampant again in the USA.
Are Americans being used by extraterrestrials for breeding experiments? Photos: UFO over a
US city - Visitors from space (taken by a traffic cop in Falkville, Alabama, USA) in 1973 -
Abductions by the Grays: "Rosemary Osnato feels like just one of many victims of the violent
criminals in Gray. Off Word came from all parts of America: On the east and west coasts,
women and men had been kidnapped by the mysterious strangers, from farms, from
automobiles and from beds.The rude kidnappers seized nurses, housewives, workers,
fishermen, three academics for hours at a time , a psychotherapist and a government lawyer."
At conferences, UFO researchers report on alleged medical experiments by aliens on US
citizens. Budd Hopkins, who has examined 140 abduction cases, enthuses
1987 July
Sweden hunts for submarines again (Oberhessische Presse, July 3, 1987) Sweden drops
bombs on a foreign submarine. (Münchner Merkur, 17.7.87) Sweden: depth charges on seals.
(AZ, 7/19/87) Submarine off Sweden? Depth charges dropped on unidentified target in northern
Baltic Sea. (Munich Mercury, 21.7.87)
1987 Feb.
1987 Aug.
Harmonic Convergence (Human Peace Meditation) A vision from the center of the galaxy, the
seat of the Galactic Hierarchy, was relayed to the humans. This date was to be followed by a
five-year phase of earth transformation from 1987 - 1992, after its completion in 1992/3 the
landing of "galactic helpers" and finally in 2012 the date of "galactic synchronization" and the
beginning of the 5th world age, according to the Mayan calendar - the acceptance of the earth
into the “Galactic Union”. This vision was received by 144,000 "rainbow people" and should be
transmitted to the people. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 9)
1987 17.2.
taz Berlin: "At the meeting in Geneva, the President of the USA expressed the idea that the
United States and the Soviet Union - if the earth were threatened with an invasion by
extraterrestrials - would unite to repel this attack".
There the fight between light and darkness was described to him, which would now probably
have reached its final phase. Since time immemorial there has been the negative "Imperial
Alliance" alongside the positive "Interdimensional Confederation: Free Worlds". The humanity
of the earth originally came from the area of the Pleiades. Ever since she sank into ignorance
herself, humanity has been "courted" from both sides. The Alliance has its ground forces in
the guise of the Illuminati global conspiracy, the Confederacy in the Lightworker Network, and
their soft revolution. The Confederacy would be governed by the Council of Guardians. (Hesemann: UFOs: The 1987 Sept.
Oscar Magocsi visited the New Age colony "Sedona". (an ancient alien landing site). He was
"beamed" through the rock into an underground crystal cave, an alien base.
Sweden's futile hunt for submarines - photos, sounds and eyewitnesses/ Dissatisfaction with
armed forces. (FAZ, 8/11/87)
1987 26.5.
Over 900 people reported sightings of a fleet of a large, blue-grey, cigar-shaped missile and six
small, spherical UFOs over Kyiv to local newspapers and the Commission to Investigate
Unusual Atmospheric Phenomena. The pilot of an interceptor reported from 5000 m altitude
that the large spacecraft was a "flying island of fluorescent metal, the size of a soccer field".
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 180)
Article in "Weekly World News": Title: US and Russia vow to join forces against UFO onslaught
- The US and Russia want to join forces in the event of a UFO attack.
1987 14.4.
Many of the nonsensical "attempts" to "explain" UFOs originated at CIA headquarters and
mostly came to the public through the Air Force, FFA, FBI, NASA, or Pentagon spokesmen.
The national campaign against UFOs was ordered by the CIA in 1953. Since then she has
published numerous studies and settled hundreds of articles in the press in order to spread
an atmosphere of scorn and ridicule in the UFO matter. False "UFO contacts" and scams of
all kinds were devised. This campaign is still ongoing today and seeping into many civilian
UFO circles. (UFO News No. 310, May/June 1988, Bergmann, Deutsche Flugscheibe .. p. 194)
1987 Dec.
the solid character of his interlocutors: all kidnappings follow the same pattern: it's always
gray-white dwarfs about 120 cm tall with pear-shaped, bald skulls and very large, blank eyes
who abduct their victims on board strangely shaped spaceships. The program on board is
also the same: medical examinations (sometimes with sex), a conversation with the abductees,
a compensation trip in the space cruiser around the world or into space and finally the return
to the place of the kidnapping. Hopkins: Humanity is part of a galactic hybridization program.
The Grays mix their cells and ours to breed an interstellar "hybrid race". It's likely, Hopkins
argues, that human beings are already being bred in alien laboratories today - a breeding
program whose origins we can't even guess at. Tissue samples were taken from many victims
- scars testify to the procedure. More than one in ten of the informants have reported probes
with tiny ball implants that were inserted by the Grays into the victims' bodies - Hopkins
suspects, in order to be able to trace those treated at any time. Almost all of the abductees
interviewed said they had been subjected to degrading treatment: semen samples were taken
from men and eggs capable of being fertilized were taken from women.
Sweden threatens to sink foreign submarines. (Ruhr News, 12/22/87)
4.12 The JMP (Justice for Military Personnel Association) addresses a letter to the President
of the USA (Reagan) requesting a Presidential Order. They regret the anonymity of the letter
because they have no other option to take action against the CIA's UFO cover-up as they
eliminate all those in the know who want to expose the UFO silence tactic. JMP is composed
of retired military personnel who were either directly affected by the UFO silence tactics or
had to enforce them in military offices. This tactic of silence is considered a crime against the
people because it is not aimed at potential enemies. Below is a list of crimes committed under
pressure from the CIA. • We had to order the pilots to fire at UFOs, both to see what would
happen and we hoped to get hold of wrecked saucers. This sometimes resulted in
instantaneous explosion or instantaneous disappearance of pilot and aircraft. The
occupants of the UFOs seemed to know in advance all the actions of our pilots. • We
silenced military pilots who were reporting on UFOs. They were intimidated and harassed
to convince them they couldn't see. • The public was deliberately deceived. We forced the
FFA, NASA and other government agencies to conform to CIA policy. • We violated the
constitutional article on freedom of information by abducting
Around 1987 a project called Moonscan began. It lasted until 1989 and consisted of placing
mind control instruments on the moon aimed at the population of Earth. It was managed by
an organization called Airborne Instrument Laboratories (AIL), which also runs other secret
projects. At the time AIL ran under the Eaton Corporation but is now (since 1988) under the
control of the Department of Defense. AIL consists of three
• We smeared commercial pilots who reported publicly about UFOs and forced their companies
to fire them. • We ruthlessly slandered those of our most distinguished and competent
citizens who dared to report UFO sightings. • We silenced congressmen and senators who
were requesting information about UFOs for their bodies.
1988 July
Increased appearance of in England (Silbury Hill). Over the next 2 months, 51 similar circles were
seen within a 11 KM radius. To date (1990) there have been over 700 - a large proportion of them
around prehistoric sites. It is said that these pictographs were preceded by UFO sightings. British
sport pilots discovered the circles from the air in 1976.
First national UFO conference in USSR in Tomsk. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 210)
1988 18.-25.4.
1988 1.2.
1988 June
Sweden intensifies submarine hunt (Lucerner Latest News, 6.6.88) In the past few weeks more
than 50 submarine grenades and mines have been detonated against foreign invaders in the
Stockholm archipelago. Russians propose forming a joint naval unit to "find and sink the cursed
submarines" because they threaten relations between the two countries. (The World, 6/7/88)
1988 3.7.
Branches: secret, commercial and defense. (Krill, OH: Orion based Technology Mind Control...,
p. 19)
1988 5.4.
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 148)
Neutrality in danger: Gorbachev visits Sweden. "From the Soviet side, also from Gorbachev, the
Swedish Minister of State Carlsson has heard that the Soviet Union will never send its submarines
to the Swedish archipelago." (Dagbladet, 02/01/88)
Oscar Magocsi was summoned by the aliens to Niagara Falls, from where he was teleported
aboard the spaceship. Here it was explained to him and a group of other contact persons how
much the condition of the earth had changed for the better through the World Peace Meditation
on December 31, 1986 and in particular through the Harmonic Convergence on August 16/17, 1987.
Article in US magazine Weekly World News, Florida: Aliens have established secret relations
with at least 17 world governments and may reveal next year to the public. So claims Austrian
industrialist Hofrat Moser, who says documents from an "unquestionable UN source" prove
world leaders have been negotiating with extraterrestrials for years. Quote: Published April 19,
1988 in the Weekly World News, Florida (excerpt) "We are about to begin a whole new epoch in
human history," Moser, a well-known advocate of one-world government, told reporters in Vienna.
The documents Moser claims he received from his UN source appeared to support his claims.
Signed by officials from 17 governments around the world, including the US and the Soviet
Union, they outlined trade and cooperation agreements negotiated with the governments in 1975.
They also found that extraterrestrials have already set up bases in the so-called neutral zones
around the world. The aliens come from the galaxy M31 in the constellation Andromeda, Moser
said. His documents classify them as humanoid.
farmers claim to have seen this phenomenon as early as the 1940s. (Johannes v. Buttlar,
Drachenwege, p. 240ff)
1988 19.4.
Scientists count 52 UFO sightings over war-weary Arab countries, most of them over Kuwait,
Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. A rotating disk of light was reported, which hovered in the air for
more than three hours. Official Qatar News Agency said the spacecraft made a deep hissing
noise and constantly changed color before disappearing over the horizon into the dark night sky.
Neither the US nor the USSR have been willing to discuss the incidents, although sources in
both countries say the situation is being closely monitored by the highest levels of government.
(Weekly World News, 4/5/1988)
1988 Aug.
1988 14.10.
Since crop circles have been appearing in much of the world for over 300 years, the claim of
human origin is untenable. Such pictograms are even shown on carpets and wall hangings
from the 16th/17th century. Fake circles, which certainly exist, can be filtered out without much
expertise. They neither achieve symmetry, nor was it previously possible to create an artificial
pictogram without bending the stalks. One thing the pictographs have in common, regardless
of where they appear in the world, is that they are in close proximity to ancient places of
worship. It has not yet been clarified whether the circles are of extraterrestrial origin or a
phenomenon of the earth itself, despite various sightings of UFOs in these areas. (Conference
“Dialogue with the Universe October 16-19, 1992 in Düsseldorf)
Members of American government agencies also had their say, commenting on the crashes of
unknown flying objects and encounters, as well as secret contacts by the US government with
extraterrestrial visitors. In a live connection with Moscow, two Soviet experts were interviewed
about sightings in the USSR - one was Sergei Bulantsev from the TASS news agency, and the
other was Leonard Nikishin, chairman of the commission for the study of unusual atmospheric
phenomena and a member of the Academy of Sciences. Bulantsev cited 2 cases where Soviet
army personnel had contact with the humanoid occupants of a UFO. (Johannes v. Buttlar,
Drachenwege, p. 209)
Again depth charges on a foreign submarine off the Swedish coast. (Bremer News, 9/3/88)
• Project Aquarius: Is the umbrella organization for the coordination of all UFO
investigations. • Project PI 40: The projects are specified in detail by PI 40. (Johannes von
Buttlar: Zeitriß, page 95-96; Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, page 81ff)
Colin Andrews and Busty Taylor: An interesting aspect of the crop circles is that both old
symbols of the Hopi Indians can be found here, as well as symbols of the old Egyptian phase.
The Hopis called together individual scientists who have made a name for themselves in the
study of these phenomena. The Hopis can obviously interpret parts of the crop circles. On the
eve of the Iraqis' invasion of Kuwait, a symbol appeared that drew attention to this fact - even
before the secret services knew about it. Considering the fact that
1988 Sept.
• Purpose is the investigation and analysis of UFO wreckage.
• Sigma: Represents electronic communication with
extraterrestrials. • Project Snowbird: Codename for exploiting findings from extraterrestrial
space technology. For some time now, aircraft have been tested at the strictly shielded
Groom Range test site in the Nevada desert, about 100 km north-west of Las Vegas. In
addition, gravitational drives are tested there and aircraft that are not of terrestrial origin.
Seal deaths off the German coast (WZ, 8/3/88, FAZ 8/9/88). Associated (though not in these
articles) with the depth charges on the U-boats. (Bergmann, German Flying Discs.., p.123ff)
Two-hour TV documentary in US, nationwide, with direct satellite connection to Moscow: Title:
UFO Cover-Up Two CIA officers (defaced voices and faces) participated, aliases Falcon and
Condor. This show was written by William Moore and film producer Jaime Shandera. Moore
has had dealings with Falcon and Condor over the past few months. Secret government
documents were leaked to him. (Hesemann: UFOs: The contacts, p. 81ff) • ...what is being kept
secret is the visit of various extraterrestrial races... • Today MJ12 includes: John Poindexter,
Harold Brown and James Schlesinger... • Four Secret UFO investigations are being carried out
by four groups of 200 people each as secret projects in various places in the USA.
Falcon explained, “There is a book within the MJ12 community called 'the Bible'. It contains in
historical order all the technological data we have learned from the extraterrestrials since the
Truman era, the medical history of the bodies we found in the desert, the results of the
autopsies performed on them, and the information we received from the extraterrestrials about
their social structures and their knowledge of the universe.” Currently, in the year
1988 It has been announced often enough that at the end of this century we would see a
catastrophe caused by humans. In the meantime, as Shoichi Harukawa explains, the situation has
changed a bit. It seems the time has shifted to 2036-2038 as we have increased our thought
frequencies a bit. If we manage to take another evolutionary step in terms of consciousness, it
may be that these catastrophes need not happen again. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 152)
The aliens would have bases on US military territory, including in New Mexico and at Nellis Air
Force Base in Nevada, below Groom Lake in Area 51, the US's most heavily secured military
testing site. These bases are gigantic, underground facilities. There they not only supported the
Americans in the development of their armaments technology, but also let them use one of their
spaceships for study purposes. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 83)
Condor added that a contract was made between the extraterrestrials. Its content: • the
USA would keep the existence of the extraterrestrials secret, • they, the extraterrestrials,
would not intervene in our society, • they would get land and rights - the USA the
William Cooper decides to go public after his retirement. He is a former Navy intelligence officer.
His job was to keep high-ranking officers apprised of the American government's connection with
the extraterrestrials. It was above Top Secret. He started informing people in Congress and the
government about it. He has since made two attempted murders, losing a leg and suffering a
serious head injury. The others who work with Cooper are John Lear and Bill Hamilton. The three
have put together a videotape. (CBR UFO briefing 3/3/90, page 1b)
However, the plan succeeded in diverting all research for years. This resulted in useless spending
looking for information that couldn't be there. It resulted in the squandering of the $16,000 Funds
for UFO Research that Friedman received for this investigation. (MW Cooper, The Secret
Government, p. 20)
1988, an extraterrestrial is here as a guest of the US government and remains hidden from the
public. There is the "Yellow Book" which was written exclusively by the first extraterrestrial to be
with us in the 1950's. It contains a great deal of information about the strangers' home planet,
their solar system, their two home suns, their social structure and their life among Earth people.
But what has been most fascinating to me in my experience with the aliens is an octagonal crystal
that, when held in the hands of the aliens, shows images of their home planet and of Earth's
past.” Since 1949 to the present are three guests of the US government. The first was discovered
in the New Mexico desert after his spacecraft crashed. He was called EBE by us. He stayed until
1952. We learned a lot from him about the strangers, their culture and their spaceships. The
second alien came as part of an exchange program. The third alien also came as part of an
exchange program and has been a guest of the US government since 1982. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The Contacts, p. 82)
Eisenhower) published by Moore, Shandera and Friedman. This document is a fake. It shows the
Presidential Order serial number 092447, a serial number that does not exist and will not exist in
the foreseeable future at the rate at which Presidential Order serial numbers are being distributed.
Truman was writing orders in the 9,000s, Eisenhower in the 10,000s, Ford was already at 11,000.
Reagan hit the 12,000s. For continuity, better registration, and to avoid errors, the Presidential
Orders are written out continuously, regardless of who is currently President in the White House.
This serial number is one of the many blunders in this document.
Announcement on the 6:00 am news that the main Soviet research station in Antarctica had been
completely destroyed. (Bergmann, German flying discs.., p.145)
William Cooper: MJ 12 prepared an emergency plan designed to mislead anyone who got too
close to this truth. This plan was called Majestics 12. He was honored by the publication of the
allegedly genuine "Eisenhower: Briefing; Documents" (instruction documents for Pres.
1989 1.1.
“On April 26, 1989, I mailed 536 copies of a motion for impeachment to every member of the
Senate and House of Representatives. To date, May 23, 1989, I have only received two replies.
One is from Senator Daniel P. Moynihan and the other is from Senator Richard Lugar. Both
said they would forward my papers to Senator Cranston and Senator Wilson, California, for
jurisdiction. Both assured me that my senators would certainly support me in my matter. I'm
still awaiting a response from the State of California and the other States aside from the two
already mentioned." (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 24)
This extraterrestrial nation is said to be responsible for the mutilations of cattle in the
American Midwest and for the kidnappings of thousands of civilians by UFOs since the early
1960s, incidents that almost always follow a pattern: A person or a group observes on a lonely
road on which Country or in the city at night a UFO that seems to be approaching.
Unconsciousness ensues and they later find themselves in the same place or a different
place, confused, with scars all over their bodies. In the weeks that follow, you keep dreaming
of lying on an operating table surrounded by strange little creatures. They have nightmares
about being implanted with long needles or being artificially inseminated. Many of them seek
psychiatric treatment to deal with these traumas. In regression or hypnosis, they remember
in detail that they were taken on board a UFO and examined there. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 83ff)
William Cooper, filed a six-page indictment against the US government with notary public,
which he submitted to the Congressional Petitions Committee. Copies went to all senators.
He accuses the government of: Entering into a secret treaty with an extraterrestrial nation,
against the Constitution and without a vote of Congress. Land granted to this extraterrestrial
nation on the territory of the United States. To have traded human life, livestock and land in
exchange for extraterrestrial technology in that treaty, ignoring the government's constitutional
protection of the people.
According to Dodd's witnesses, they came from the Ceta Reticuli system, 36 light-years away.
(Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 178)
1989 26.4.
Through telepathic contact, it was possible to decode the hieroglyphic writing of the
extraterrestrials. (1989 November 1st, taz title: All saucers in the closet, by Bröckers, Matthias)
1989 10.2.
In an interview with Colonel Marina Popovitch, J. von Buttlar learns that the Soviet Mars probe
photographed UFOs approaching the Martian moon Phobos several times. Once on 28.2. and
once on 3/25/89. Some scientists assume that "Phobos" is an alien base and that this moon
is even hollow. (Johannes v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 204)
Mr. Dodd, a member of the English UFO group QUEST, presented a report from the South
African Air Force, which is said to have shot down and secured a UFO on May 7th, 1989. The
surviving occupants who were brought to Wright Patterson Air Base (Ohio) with their UFO
were the gray ones: • 1.40 m tall, • three fingers, • gray skin, • no sexual characteristics, •
oversized head with big black eyes.
1989 28.2.
1989 7.5.
South African Air Force Report on UFO Launch (Restricted Access: Illuminated Nine): At
13.52 GMT the object entered South African airspace. The attempt to establish radio contact
was in vain. Two Mirage FIIG fighter jets were launched. The object suddenly changed course
with a speed that would be impossible for any combat aircraft to match. At 13:59 GMT
Squadron Leader Goosen reported that they had located the object on radar and visually.
Orders were given to fire at the object with the experimental Thor 2 laser cannon. The
command has been executed. Goosen reported that bright
TASS reports: “Soviet scientists have confirmed the landing of a UFO in a park in the Russian
city of Voronezh. They also identified the landing site and found alien tracks." Hundreds of
city residents saw a banana-shaped object in the sky. A ball 10 meters in diameter landed. In
the lower part, a square entrance opened and out came a 3 meter tall alien with a small head
and a third eye on his forehead. He was wearing silver jumpsuit and bronze boots. He was
followed by another alien and a smaller, headless robot. There were at least three in all
Tbilisi, Georgia/ USSR: While driving through a tunnel, David (27) faints, finds himself back in
his bed, still dimly remembers being brought into a UFO and being examined there. He goes
to the bathroom. The door opens, aliens stand in front of him and ask how he is after the first
contact. He talks about insomnia. One of the two strangers strokes his neck, whereupon he
falls unconscious again. When he wakes up, he notices a 12 cm scar on his neck, which takes
5 hours to heal. On his car seat he finds three appointments and locations for the next
contacts. The message from the aliens: “You are in great danger right now.
1989 4.7.
In the period that followed, some healing successes were reported in connection with these
extraterrestrials, which, as some contact persons reported, are said to come from Orion,
planet number 9. (Hesemann: UFOs: The Contacts, p. 186)
You are threatened by natural disasters that you have caused yourself. We are here to help
you. We have gathered enough intelligence and power to prevent it." (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Evidence, p. 98)
Flashes of light emanated from the object. It began to roll and struck in a desert area 80 km
north of South Africa's border with Botswana, in the central Kalahari Desert. The object has
been recovered. They discovered: • A crater 150 meters in diameter and 12 meters deep. • A
silver, disc-shaped object placed at a 45 degree angle in one side of the
Air Force Equipment.
1989 27.9.
• Sand and rocks around the object were melted together by intense heat. • An intense
magnetic and radioactive field around the object led to the failure of
In mid-1989,
dozens of UFOs landed across the USSR. (Joh. v. Buttlar, Drachenwege, p. 212)
While the investigation team was observing the object at the air force base, a loud noise was
heard. You noticed how slowly a hatch opened. Two humanoid beings in tight-fitting gray
overalls stepped out and were immediately taken to a makeshift infirmary. Various items from
inside the ship have been removed for testing purposes. Medical Report: Height: 1.25-1.30,
grayish blue, soft skin texture, extremely elastic, no body hair. Head extremely large compared
to human proportions, raised skullcap with dark blue spots around the head, prominent
cheekbones, large eyes, slit up towards the side of the face. No pupils. Small nose consisting
of two nostrils. Mouth: Small slit without lips. Lower jaw small compared to human proportions.
ears not discernible. Arms: long and thin, reaching above the knees. Chest and abdomen
covered with scaly, ribbed skin. Legs short, thin. No external sexual organs. Three toes, no
nails, webbed feet. The hands consist of three webbed fingers with claw-like nails. Due to the
aggressive nature of the humanoids, no blood or skin samples could be taken. They refused
food. They will be transferred to Wright Patterson Air Base for further investigation. Transport
date: 23.7.89. Enclosure: two sides with hieroglyphic symbols. Writing and language are called
Ochroes. The sign (emblem) on the ship found consists of an upstanding, rounded rectangle
with the bottom missing. Inside are three dots arranged in a triangle (point up) and below them
an arrow with a closing line. This symbol has previously been seen repeatedly on UFOs
(Hesemann: UFOs: The Proofs, p. 87ff (image of the original document))
• The object was taken to the security zone of an air force base for further investigation
1989 18.10.
Article in the FAZ, title: UFO researchers talk about extraterrestrials: Description of the
extraterrestrials: Small, with long arms, gray skin, pear-shaped head and large eyes. They
have been visiting the earth for a long time and carefully observing the people. Hundreds of
fellow human beings are said to have been brought into spaceships for medical examinations.
Newspaper: taz. Title: All the Saucers in the Cupboard. Author: Bröckers, Matthias, Forty UFO
researchers from all over the world met for a congress in Frankfurt. Stanton Friedman (nuclear
physicist) spoke about a "Top Secret Eyes Only" White House paper on the "Majestics 12
Operation", a group of 12 high-profile military and scientists who recovered a UFO that
crashed in New Mexico in 1947, along with its killed inmates is said to have examined. Since
then, according to Friedmann, an international cover-up campaign has been underway, which
also kept further crashes and the extraterrestrials discovered, some of whom were still alive,
under the covers. Alien abductions and medical examinations of humans were also reported
at this congress. The surgical scars of the kidnapping victims can be seen on the slides of
the American psychologist Budd Hopkins - geometrically precise lines and squares that
terrestrial surgeons can hardly achieve. Hopkins has researched numerous cases where
people, and often small children, suddenly saw such an odd injury, but had no memory of it
They informed him that they came from the constellation Libra, Red Star. They are managed
from a central system. He asked why they didn't want to take him with them. Answer: "It
would be dangerous for us - you would bring thought bacteria". (Hesemann: UFOs the contacts, p. 183)
1989 1.11.
1989 10.10.
Article in the FAZ, title: Extraterrestrial: According to Pravda, three extraterrestrials were seen
in an orange-colored UFO in the city of Obradovsk last Saturday. They had had three eyes
and four ears; they wore silver suits and rubber boots and were over 3 meters tall. According
to the experts, the largest of the three beings was a woman. one
Landings between 23.9. and the 3.10. At the same time, similar spherical spaceships and
giant occupants were observed near Marbella/Spain and near Zagreb. (Hesemann: UFOs: The
Contacts, p. 180)
1989 11.10.
1989 27.10.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ): Title: TASS reports: "UFO landing" with "giant
extraterrestrials", Moscow October 9, (AP) UFO landing in Voronezh: Citizens allegedly saw a
large shiny ball or disk over the park, three or four humanoid beings (over 3 meters tall with
small heads) got out accompanied by a small robot. Investigations revealed that a 20 meter
wide indentation, containing 4 deep holes and 2 unidentified rock samples was encountered.
Voronezh residents have also reported banana-shaped objects in the sky.
they lifted their right ear and shouted something in a metallic voice, from which the words
"Glasnost Hooray" could be derived.
Reuters: UFO landing near the Ural city of Perm. Journalist Pavel Mukhortov meets aliens.
The beings were about 3 meters tall and came in a spherical spaceship.
1989 Oct.
Der Spiegel, issue 42. Title: UFOs - Tiny Head - The world is finally looking at Voronezh: What
came out of the cosmos? Drawings: Voronezh visitors in the tabloids Two giants, each with
three eyes in a tiny head, climbed out of the luminous ball, 10 meters in diameter. They briefly
made a boy disappear with a magic wand and then disappeared themselves.
1989 12.10.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, title: Don't you believe everything TASS says - burst pipe
instead of UFO landing? - Moscow 10.10. (AP) The events in Voronezh took place on
September 27. happened. The aliens have temporarily disappeared a 16-year-old boy.
1990 1.9.
In September/October 1990 a new extraterrestrial race tried to conquer this planet.
Dodd: The US authorities are aware of 23 different types of extraterrestrials. Some are benign,
others are not. Recently, there has been an increase in visits from malicious aliens who are said
to be killing animals and, more recently, humans inexplicably. Such deaths were particularly
common in the New York area. People are killed and maimed. Ears and nose, often the sexual
organs as well, sometimes half the face are removed. You don't see an interface. What is most
astounding is that the dead have been drained of their blood down to the last drop.
Astrologers determined the double star system "Ceta Reticuli" based on drawings that Hermann
had made based on descriptions of the gray ones.
Article in the Bild Zeitung: Nuclear physicist filmed UFOs Quote from UFO researcher Johannes
von Buttlar: “The sightings are becoming more and more specific. Aliens are watching us. They'll
be in touch in a few months."
1990 Sept.
have come about. Under hypnosis, they then brought to light results that showed astonishing
parallels: they were paralyzed by small gray beings and transported via a beam of light into an
overly bright operating room, where they were then examined and operated on. The details of the
drawings, also the characters seen in the OP, the devices and the behavior of the extraterrestrials
are of such great agreement that it cannot be coincidental. Hopkins has published a book about
these cases in the US: Intruders. According to Wendell Stevens, former US Air Force Colonel,
Grays make up about 1/3 of the crews sighted in UFO contacts. Another third is almost
indistinguishable from humans, and the last third includes all sorts of species and races, including
the beings of Voronezh, over three meters tall. Based on the 800-page case of Bill Herrmann, who
was kidnapped several times by the Grays in Charleston (USA) in 1978 and allegedly had good
contacts with them, Stevens explains the origin. They come from a star 37 light years away from
Attempted murder by Adelheid Streidl on Oskar Lafontaine. Quote Streidl: "I wanted to set a
signal against human factories and underground operating rooms, where people are mentally and
physically repurposed...." (Bunte from 05/03/90, Spiegel 04/30/90)
1990 Sept.-Nov.
1990 25.4.
Article in the Bild Zeitung: The greatest mysteries of the world - The glass head of the Mayas
came from space Radio signals from Atair were picked up at the Institute for Radio Astronomy in
Kharkov (Ukraine), from which it was concluded that there was a civilization with tremendously
large industrial standard.
The US is said to be in possession of 17 dead extraterrestrial bodies. According to Tony Dodd
(Investigative Director of the British UFO Watch "Quest International"), recordings were made of
four (crashed in 1947). The photographer's name was Nicholas van Poppen. He was brought in as
the official military photographer and took hundreds of pictures. He described the aliens to friends
who were still strapped into their nine-meter-wide spaceship: 60 to 120 cm tall, thin, with human
hands. They had white faces and wore shiny black overalls. Soon after the final recordings, he
died under mysterious circumstances.
They smashed zero-time generators across the country. These invaders were stopped by another
race. For many years some descendants of the Orion group have depended on a satellite ring to
support their vital functions. This satellite ring was also destroyed by the same protection group
in November (Krill, OH: Orion based Technology Mind Control..., p. 20). They cannot exist here
without electronic support from the ring of satellites established years earlier. Almost all Orion
beings then left the earth. (p. 27)
Bild Zeitung: UFO researcher claims: Photographer snapped four extraterrestrials - then he had to die.
1990 22.8.
1991 July
The German media reports on pictograms in cornfields in northern Germany.
It is not known how the filmers got the information about the landings. It suggests that the
information and footage may have originated in government circles. (Conference Report) In
the American advertising industry, more and more flying discs are being integrated into
product advertising.
A child is to be born who should unite the world with a peace plan and a false religion from
1992 onwards. (MWCooper, The Secret Government, p.14)
1992 Nov.
1992 26.10.
An article about UFOs appears in the praline entitled: “Proof They Really Exist: UFOs! Filmed
by the space shuttle in space!” Due to an oversight on the part of the astronauts, the
sensational video recordings have now become public! PHOTO: Footage from the space
shuttle Discovery: A UFO on approach to land. It dodges in a flash, being attacked by a
missile from Earth. Should the UFO be destroyed? ... In your excitement about this
Present: Another emergency plan has been activated and is already affecting us today. It is
the plan to prepare the public for the expected confrontation with an extraterrestrial race. The
public is currently exposed to television and motion picture films, radio programs and
advertisements depicting almost every aspect of the alien nature and presence. It includes
the good and bad sides. The aliens are planning to show their presence and the government
should prepare us to avoid panic. All major research organizations are targets of infiltration
and infiltration by the Secret Government. It is very likely that all major releases are controlled
as well. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 20)
Associated Press: According to a survey by the Wickert Institute, 49% of all Germans are
convinced that there are intelligent beings in the cosmos. In West Germany, 50% believe in
Congress in Düsseldorf "Dialogue with the Universe": One of the speakers was Bob Oechsler,
ex-NASA employee. Oechsler referred to an interview he had with Admiral Bobby Ray Inman,
one of the most senior figures in American intelligence. Among other things, he asked him
whether he could imagine the salvaged flying discs being released for private research one
day. Inman answered the question with "I don't know".
1992 Oct.
The Orion Group was the manipulative force behind all of these projects. Their expectations
stretched to using mind control to take over the populace in the 1990s, but no later than
1994-95. They are also involved in the genetic projects in which human sperm and ovum are
modified to such an extent that resulting offspring will produce a hybrid race with new
characteristics. That's one of the reasons behind the kidnapping cases. (Krill, OH: Orion
based Technology Mind Control..., p. 20)
A few years earlier he would have answered with a resounding NO. With the government
becoming more open about this, he could at least imagine it. Oechsler found this statement
important because it was the first time a senior government official had confirmed the
existence of the recovered flying discs. Inman confirmed that an indoctrination program is
currently underway in America to prepare the population for the existence of extraterrestrial
intelligence and the associated reality of UFOs. Oechsler then showed the video recording of
a news program that was broadcast on the NBC Evening News last year. You could witness
an exchange of words between Discovery astronauts and NASA Mission Control. Freely
quoted wording: "We still have the alien ships under surveillance". Upon closer examination,
it turned out that this conversation was fake and taped on purpose. Oechsler received videos
and documents from an anonymous group in Canada that calls itself the "Guardian". The
video film showed a UFO landing in Canada.
1996 Hamilton talks about the CIA and other intelligence services preparing and staging an
official extraterrestrial contact and landing in the near future. They want to make it look like
aliens are contacting Earth for help because some kind of intergalactic war is raging outside.
The government will announce that they have been in contact with them for years but have not
been able to let anyone know, etc.
The aliens, confronted with this investigation result, confirmed its truthfulness. They declared
us to have created through interbreeding and manipulated the human race through religion,
satanism, sorcery, magic and the occult. They also stated that they were capable of time travel
and that events would actually occur. Later US and USSR use of extraterrestrial technology for
time travel (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 14).
World War III would begin in the Middle East with an invasion of Israel by a unified Arab nation.
Conventional weapons would be used first. (Milton William Cooper, The Secret Government, p.
PHOTO: A frame from a film shot in Canada: The launching UFO sets fire to bushes beneath it
with tremendous energy. It then climbs upwards at incredible speed.
Future: The events of Fatima in the early years of this century have been investigated due to
suspicion that they could be a matter of extraterrestrial (the Gray) manipulation.
(Hamilton Lecture, CBR UFO Briefing, 3/3/90, page 32a)
celestial phenomenon, the astronauts immediately sent the images to Earth. There they are not
only received by the US space agency NASA, but also by an American news channel. This is
how the sensational photos ended up in the hands of the well-known UFO researcher Johannes
von Buttlar, .... more: ... The start of an unknown flying object has now been filmed in Canada.
Silver-gray, arrow-shaped UFOs have also been sighted in Belgium and South Africa...
Meeting at Laurence Rockefeller's Ranch in Wyoming: Guests: UFO researcher Bruce Maccabee, Dr.
A spy campaign was launched to solve the mystery. The US used their Vatican contacts and
shortly thereafter received the full study, including the prophecy. This held that unless man
turned from evil and sat down at Christ's feet, the planet would destroy itself and the events
described in the Bible's Revelation would actually occur. (see the events of 1992, 1995, 1999,
-2003, 2011)
1993 13.-15.9.
(Note: Portuguese place of pilgrimage: in 1917 three children had an apparition of Mary on the
13th of May to October. This apparition was declared credible by the Catholic Church in 1930.)
By 1995, however, the peoples would find out that he (the child who was supposed to unite the
world with a peace plan and a false religion) was evil and was actually the Antichrist.
At the same time, the "Foundation for UFO Research" prepared a comprehensive "briefing
paper" on the UFO topic for members of Congress. A leading Washington law firm, also involved
in exposing the Watergate scandal, interviewed a number of eyewitnesses to the Roswell crash
and is preparing a lawsuit against the US government designed to uncover the truth once the
Court of Auditors' investigation begins . In the meantime, Dr. John Gibbons, President Clinton's
chief scientific adviser and director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
at the CIA, issued a background paper on the UFO phenomenon, since Gibbons does not have
access to the President's super-secret briefings on national security matters. The CIA hired UFO
researcher Bruce Maccabee to write a 10-page report. The document was titled "Instructing the
US Government on a Way to Solve the UFO Problem as Determined by Civilian Researchers for
the Past 20 Years." (Magazine 2000, 2/ 94)
Steven Greer, Keth Thompson, filmmaker Linda Moulton Howe, Leo Sprinkle and CB Scott
Jones of the Human Potential Foundation. it was to prepare a response to Clinton administration
plans to strategically release UFO information over the next three years to acquaint the public
with the fact that we are not alone in the universe.
Charles Silva met Rama of the Pleiades in Peru in 1974. Rama spoke about prophecies related to
the future of mankind. The earth would face droughts and natural disasters. Eventually, a world
leader, the Antichrist, would seize power. Its power would end abruptly when a giant celestial
body encountered Earth in 2001, triggering major floods, earthquakes, and possibly a pole shift.
Before that, however, 144,000 people, the New Age's ruling elite, would be evacuated, briefed and
later brought back to Earth to show the survivors the way to a better future. (Hesemann: UFOs:
The contacts, p. 139/ 40)
According to Masonic calendar beginning with the explosion of a star in 4000 BC. has, this star
is to be seen again in the year 2000. The Galileo rocket, carrying 49.7 pounds of plutonium, is on
its way to Jupiter, a "baby star" with a gaseous makeup, like our sun. In 1999, this charge is
scheduled to be dumped at the center of Jupiter. An atomic reaction is said to ensue, igniting
Jupiter's hydrogen and helium atmosphere. A new star called Lucifer is about to be born. The
world will interpret it as a sign of tremendous religious importance. The prophecy will be fulfilled.
At the same time a tomb is to be opened in Egypt containing ancient records about the earth. The
opening of this tomb and the return of Lucifer will usher in a new age. (MW Cooper, Behold a Pale
Horse, p. 72/ 73)
anniversary of the Roswell crash. Spielberg plans to reveal the whole truth about UFOs and
aliens in a fact-based drama about the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash in July 1947 and the
recovery of the UFO wreckage and three dead (and one alive) aliens the US Air Force. Even more
sensational, "Hollywood insiders say the director was leaked unreleased footage of the crash
scene taken by an Air Force officer," reported the London Daily Mirror of 12/22/93. (Magazine
2000, 2/ 1994)
Based on research findings in the 20's-30's an expedition was put together to open a secret
chamber under the pyramid. A metal door was found 500 feet below the base of the pyramid.
Opening the door required a sonic code. A room with over 30,000 recording discs and
extraterrestrial equipment was found. The disks were deciphered. They describe the rise and fall
of extraterrestrial civilizations, going back more than 100,000 years. This group built this chamber
and then put the pyramid over it. (Krill, OH: Orion based Technology Mind Control..., p. 35)
(Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 74)
During these years, most of the planet would suffer terribly and life would be largely annihilated.
(Milton W. Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 14)
1997 2.7.
The people from Saturn brought Reinhold Schmidt (1960) to the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.
They explained to him that the construction of the 54-ton stones was only possible thanks to the
application of universal laws and natural forces that had canceled gravity. They led him to an
underground room in the pyramid, a triangular chamber containing a small spaceship - and
evidence of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. After 1998, when a new age begins, these secret
chambers would be revealed, mankind would receive testimonies of Christ's life for the first time
and recognize His true origins.
The war in the Middle East would culminate in a holocaust through the use of nuclear weapons.
(MW Cooper, The Secret Government, p. 14)
Steven Spielberg wants to film the Roswell crash. The film will start on July 2, 1997 - for the 50th
The return of Christ is to take place.(MWCooper, The Secret Government, p. 14)
Prediction: Admission of Earth to the “Galactic Union”. (Hesemann, UFOs: The Contacts, p. 9)