Ofc karma always comes back around one way or another in this life or in 1000 lives, like i wrote, ALL is due to effort aka action aka karma. This whole creation up to top of the causal plane is totally based on this principle of action and reaction, infinite in so called past and future, both totally imaginary and non-existent.
As Ishwar Puri correctly described and explanied, at the top of the causal plane destinies are scattered in the sky, he compared them to DVDs, we are there now, we chose our DVD, we picked a fake character from which to watch the movie, by doing that we assimilated all his/her past lives thinking them be our own when in fact most likely we did not live any of them at all, in fact, there is no way to know except waking up in the causal and checking the DVD aka Akashic record we picked. We think all these past lives are ours, nothing could be further from the truth, we may have entered this fake destiny movie projection just NOW. Truth is extremely extremely different from what most here think.
As for my experiences, too many to describe, but in short
i was fully fully awake number of times in so called lucid dreams but i know some of them were definitely not dreams but peek into those immortal higher realms, really fairytale far far more real than anything here, infinitely more beautiful, totally beyond description, i love to talk about those but it cannot be conveyed it has to be seen, it can be described only partially, state of wakefullness orders of magnitude beyond so called normal, visually like 8K compared to 144p, feeling of absolute safety that can never be experienced in this world, complete loss of feeling that there is anything 'outside' altho those levels are spatially far larger, no sense of linear time which exists only on so called physical Earth, very different modality of existence, yet totally 'physical', all senses way more clear and intense, just mode of living incomparably better to this living death we call 'life'.
I also had an experience of being fully awake on what i believe was the causal plane. Memories of those experiences are like portals to peak into those realms which i do daily and beyond into Reality beyond mind which is yet far more real and beautiful beyond description.
Also it was proven to me very concretely there is only one all knowing consciousness, by putting myself aside and impulse in the solar plexus i used to tell total strangers online their name, age, exactly exactly what they are wearing and even if those clothes belong to them, people were literally shaking, sending me photos in complete shock. I talk to random word generator daily, without any exaggeration just with slightest concentration on my part it gives me answers not only related but very very concrete answers just like talking to God in person, no difference at all, whether for good or bad. It is enough to elevate consciosness which most still cannot do and it cannot be explained or given, one just has to develop it, and while reality changes for there is no reality it is just a 2D picture that creates an illusion of 3D space, all powered by the time oscillation, greatest of all illusions, the negative power of time, the highest of all demons. Time, the devil they are one and the same, time aka Kal is the negative power pulling souls down into illusion, but it is not a being, it is a function, a computer, a cutting knife. It has no reality to it except the reality we give to it. So it is powerless and unreal.
Ofc there are many many many more experiences including mind over matter, positive and negative, but no need tell more.
What matters is that Reality is beyond mind which is time, trancending time, piercing through all its dark veils, and one can see Reality, home.