UFOnauts: What they look like...?


The earliest known medieval gargoyles appear on Laon Cathedral (c. 1200–1220).

So it seems these things have been on the minds and souls of men for a long time, and obviously deemed important enough to be carved from stone and applied to the most prestigious buildings...
There are numerous accounts of people encountering gargoyle like creatures, although sadly, even though preceded, followed by, or accompanied during that present time - with UFO/UAP activity, most such reports go under-archived, dismissed, or are instead redefined as cryptid encounter cases.
If they need spacesuits, how was he able to have sex with the red haired alien? Or was she different from the others?
3 possibilities:

1) It's possible that even though they are the same race, she might have been genetically tweaked for that exact purpose;
2) They released in the chamber, a mutually neutral composition of gases that satisfy the basic needs for both;
3) She might have taken a pill prior that when broken down releases the necessary chemicals in her bloodstream (the equivalent of our oxygenation);
Moon is densely populated, it has air, water, flora and fauna.
Greetings Nix :hi:

While I'm willing to concede that the environments of many of our Solar system's bodies are not as entirely as harsh as they may be presented, it's not difficult but impossible to fake entirely habitable environments to seem like desolate wastelands or hellholes, especially for solar bodies close to the Earth like the Moon, Mars and Venus (but also those further out), and especially in this day and age, when complete amateurs can buy not only telescopes, but rent even higher tech telescopes from science institutions, help with data processing of various satellites and science banks and servers that deal with space and astronomy etc.

Citizen scientists have not only raised up in numbers (and ranks in academia too) but in the coming decades they will be crucial in detecting things missed by other scientists. This has been the case for many discoveries in the field of astronomy as well as planetary science. If things were as you said they are, many of the amateur observers would flood the science platforms with these findings. Anyone on this forum can check to verify this as being the case, you don't have to actually work in academia.

I do agree on the notion of the secret space program. Another "concession" if you will. I do think we have unacknowledged bases on the Moon and Mars (probably elsewhere too, if it's also true that we have back-engineered alien tech that we now regularly use). If there are bases out there, they are probably mostly, if not entirely, situated underground. Not just because of the lack of conditions, but also to keep the clandestine element alive and afloat.


3 possibilities:

1) It's possible that even though they are the same race, she might have been genetically tweaked for that exact purpose;
2) They released in the chamber, a mutually neutral composition of gases that satisfy the basic needs for both;
3) She might have taken a pill prior that when broken down releases the necessary chemicals in her bloodstream (the equivalent of our oxygenation);
Plausible suggestions. Thanks.


Here are some of Alberto Rossales' Humanoid Reports, all of these used to be free on his website, now he's selling 'em.
Below are zipped

I understand to some extent people trying to make money from something that was a personal experience (true or not, regardless), cuz your reputation might be going down the drain and holding a job a difficult prospect, but compiling archived reports that have nothing to do with you personally and then sell them ....? Takes a lot of suspension of morals to go that route.

This type of information along with scientific research/discovery is something I think should be free of charge and available to the general public, not behind a paywall. It still boggles my mind that science newsites enforce paywalls on published research & papers (yet if you ask the authors, more likely than not you'd get a free copy of their paper).
Albert Rosales has put all his gathered reports and photos, sketches and drawings into book(s) form now, that is why.
Years ago he personally asked me to stop posting(cutting and pasting) his reports which I did.
Why? So that he could be the sole arbiter of collected cases that have nothing to do with him personally? It's not exactly intellectual property, once it was published in the open for free, it lapses in the public domain. He had/has no right to ask you to stop posting these cases.
He has a Facebook group now where he posts regularly.
Humanoids, UFOs and other strange phenomena
(It's classified as a Private Group.)
Paying membership to enter? :Whistle:
That guy looks just like descriptions of Indrid Cold and the Grinning Man that I have read. He also looks like Steve Martin.:Alien:
Since you brought it up - its funny how many (even serious ones) ufology circles or hobbyists conflate the two things as one and the same person, one and the same phenomena, and one and the same case. When it's clearly two separate entities.


I've never heard of a pay to join Facebook group. Not sure they are permitted.
As for his group, I left it a long time ago and have no idea what has been going on in it.
Probably not directly. I do know of groups like that who function via Paypal. Maybe his is not like that, but it's still strange that it is not a public one.


Probably not directly. I do know of groups like that who function via Paypal. Maybe his is not like that, but it's still strange that it is not a public one.
I've heard from admins of other groups that Facebook policy makes it difficult to exclude or expel members from public groups. (It wasn't always this way.) Therefore, depending on the nature of the group, some prefer to make it private.


Greetings Nix :hi:

Greetings Anmak :hi:

While I'm willing to concede that the environments of many of our Solar system's bodies are not as entirely as harsh as they may be presented, it's not difficult but impossible to fake entirely habitable environments to seem like desolate wastelands or hellholes, especially for solar bodies close to the Earth like the Moon, Mars and Venus (but also those further out), and especially in this day and age, when complete amateurs can buy not only telescopes, but rent even higher tech telescopes from science institutions, help with data processing of various satellites and science banks and servers that deal with space and astronomy etc.

Your opinion is a popular one and thankfully 100% false. I understand such beliefs especially due to the fact most amateur astronomers can't see these things considering almost 400,000km distance and two atmospheres Moon looks totally washed out and grey and details are hardly discernible, but thankfully (for those with eyes to see), there is more than enough to completely dispel such illusions. Firstly Moon is not grey but INTENSELY brown as NASA's own footage shows.

Secondly, clouds have been observed on the Moon for centuries, it is all on my blog

It is not only possible but they have been faking entirely habitable environments to seem like desolate wastelands or hellholes for 60+ years.

Out of Earth bound astronomers only rare see Moon beyond the veils of dead grey lifeless illusion. One of them is JL Walson. Here is one of his videos clearly showing a city on the near side.

In addition to thousands of observations of clouds on the Moon - all reproduced on my blog above and already shared on this thread, there is this.


"As Apollo 8 orbited 70 miles above the lunar surface, with Earth in the background, it took images of the ground below. At one point in the NOVA program, a small, black object, tall and cylindrical, appears to be jutting from the moon. Just as it looks like the camera is about to pass by, the strange object seems to release a jet-like cloud. It can be described as appearing like a smokestack ejecting a puff of smoke. The “cloud” drifts to the right and then dissipates. Though the black object appears small on the screen, it would have to be hundreds or thousands of feet tall if it were indeed seen from such a high altitude."

L.E.M.U.R. Paranormal Investigations

If there was no atmosphere, the cloud would disperse instantly.

And this


And few out of countless quotes about observed clouds from nasa.gov

“Small whitish cloud”
“Nebulous appearance”
“Looked like a cloudy spot”
“Looked like a cloudy spot”
“Black moving haze or cloud”
“Cloud less intense”
“Conspicious bright spot. Also on 7th, absent on 8th. Cloud-like effect where light had been on 8th.”
“Faint, but unmistakable white cloud not seen before.”
“Gas cloud over it & its companion; everywhere else was fine detail”
“Fog in W. part of crater. Faint shimmer like thin white cloud”
“Traces of cloudiness on E. slope at 2115h.”
“G. Ward (a lunar observer for 15 years) observed an area just south west of Mersenius C to be blurred and in a greenish cloud. […] The observer checked other areas but did not see any similar effects. They also rotated and changed eyepieces, but this made no difference to the TLP.”
“2 faint clouds in the E. part of crater.”
“Fog in W. part of crater. Faint shimmer like thin white cloud”
“Odd, misty look as if vapor were in or about them.”
“Interior of crater had a cloudy apperance.”
“Light cloud or mist at edge.”
“Dense clouds of vapor apparently rising from its bottom & pouring over its SW wall towar Herod. He says no activity till day after sunrise & ceases a few days before sunset.”
“Variations in vapor column. Crater D covered.”
“Filled with pale luminous haze tho all surrounding features were sharp & normal. Walls also hazy.”
“Cloud rising from Fis marked.”
“Sudden appearance of white spot like a cloud. Moved across the crater.”
“Areas E. of Picard appeared featureless. Cloud-like patches.”
“Oval dark area near center, disappeared in 15m.”
“Enveloped in obscuring, cloud-like mist.”
“Obliterated by a hovering cloud. […] Wilkins saw burst of light and dust cloud.”
“Concealed by a dusky cloud. Appeared to be steam or smoke. No change in 1h. Following week no trace.”
“Gas cloud over it and it’s companions. Everywhere else was fine detail.”
“White gas obscuration. Moved at 20mph decreased in extent. Phenomena repeated.”
“Gas cloud. Motion.”
“Green color, yellow-reddish (over Demonax ? chrom. aberr.?). Diffused cloud seen outside disk over Leibnitz mts. in Cleostratus area.”
“Peculiar haziness in NE (ast. ?) corner of crater. Greenish-yellow tint similar to M. Crisium at FM. Central crater was clearly vis. N. wall showed no detail at all.”
“A kind of vapor cloud seen coming from S. pole, vis. intermittently.”
“Dark cloud covering Conon.”
“Very dark blue dark cloud moving W-E.”
“Think white cloud, intensely variable, faint bright shimmer on Plato.”
“Maroon color covering the ridge of Herod. Cloud disappeared after 10min.”
“Saw a bright, luminous, blue, misty cloud on the NE rim. Obscur. for 1st hr hen gave way to pink & features becam vis. Cloud was tear-drop shape. No movement to glow. Pink cloud glowed too. Very tenuous by 0130h. (Nakamura says there were no seismic events within several hrs. of this time). Another per- on saw it without being advised as to where it was.”

Etc infinitely.

Like i said most astronomers can't see Moon as it really is, not even slightly, even with larger telescopes. Moon is indeed densely populated, it has air, water, flora and fauna.

Citizen scientists have not only raised up in numbers (and ranks in academia too) but in the coming decades they will be crucial in detecting things missed by other scientists. This has been the case for many discoveries in the field of astronomy as well as planetary science. If things were as you said they are, many of the amateur observers would flood the science platforms with these findings. Anyone on this forum can check to verify this as being the case, you don't have to actually work in academia.

Most citizens do not understand anything just like most of so called 'scientists'. They have not raised up in numbers, they are 100% (one hundred percent) blind and deaf like they have always been. And that is why shadow forces can pass this on the left as reality while reality is the one on the right.


BTW what you see is 180km wide Lake Tsiolkovsky on the far side.


All space agencies, government and private - like for example ISPACE whose lander supposedly crashed (or rather it was shot down) from Japan below are joined in the hoax, it is truly the biggest lie in history of mankind. It is sad that i have to point out obvious things but notice that Earth is rich in color and contrast while Moon surface is 100% colorless, dull, contrastless and overexposed, everything and anything 100% airbruhshed.


And compare it with NASA's own Apollo frame (not edited in any shape or form). And you can see Earth is washed out by the Sun and Moon is brown, and full of contrast. BTW all the bright white areas are cities/bases, thousands of them.


Things are exactly as i claim, but no, most astronomers do not see or understand anything. Anyone on this forum can use their own intelligence and study the given materials and they will know things are exactly as i say.

I do agree on the notion of the secret space program. Another "concession" if you will. I do think we have unacknowledged bases on the Moon and Mars (probably elsewhere too, if it's also true that we have back-engineered alien tech that we now regularly use). If there are bases out there, they are probably mostly, if not entirely, situated underground. Not just because of the lack of conditions, but also to keep the clandestine element alive and afloat.

I have spoken in width and depth on the topic, they had bases on the Moon since late 50s as Helga Morrow whose father was a Paperclip scientist says

It was not much longer that they colonized Mars, this footage, supposedly released as April 1 joke is probably much more than a joke, and it is no accident that given date of landing is 22.5.1962. numerically (digit sum) 9.

and other planets, i have no doubt they have colonized other solar systems probably as early as mid-late 70s when their birds went superluminal (ARV Fluxliner etc). Speaking of which i will share one case i was never able to find again which shows that military has exchanged personel with ETs. As i shared it in Albert Rosales' fb group:

"Here is one case for which i sadly don't have any info to look it up. It was a circa 1h long interview on some channel on youtube 7-8 years ago with this contactee woman who by all my standards was genuine and i can spot a fake 'contactee' a km away with my eyes closed. Her name was staring with L and she had a blonde or light brown hair, but i can't remember more. So, some time ago she was with her husband on a small yacht cruising the ocean and suddenly this half black half white disc came out of the water. I am not sure what happened to him but only she went on board. They were humans like us but did not age nor die. They took her to their home planet which was completely covered with water, if there was land there was very very little of it. They went into a glass city on the bottom of the ocean. There she saw 3 Americans in their 20s who were taken sometime during WW2 , like 50 years before and yet did not age a day, they were able to observe their wives they left behind, now old women, but no contact was allowed. All they consumed was a glass of certain liquid a day, like thick water. She asked 'em why they stayed with the ETs and they replied "if you were given a chance not to age and die and all your questions you can ever think of answered, wouldn't you?". She was also led to a normal looking office where she was introduced to a representative of US government, it was like a general, military rank. That is pretty much all i remember, i was looking for that case for a long time, never found it again."

There was no need to back-engineer alien tech (altho that did happen), it is all 100% Nazi tech just like American A-bombs were 100% Nazi A-bombs, using Nazi components, Nazi Uranium, everything. More on the blog


Also bases are NOT mostly underground and there is no need to keep them underground to keep them clandestine either (as most naively assume), objects 10km diameter can hardly be discerned from Earth, let alone 10 meters.

I have by myself found these bases, clearly houses, on the far side in that part with slightly better resolution where the infamous red x appeared to everyone who explored it in 2013., all in one night i found all this. First one only is not the far side but some kind of base/observatory on a very very tall crater edge on the near side. All others are from noted far side area. Clearly, they are all above ground.


So no, they do not hide at all, conditions are similar to Earth. Truth is much different than you think.
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I just checked the bases/cities from Google Moon screenshots above i found in 2013., the one on the near side is still there, another one on the far side is totally removed, and the area with slightly better resolution on the far side is still there, houses and craft are there, but it seems resolution has been lowered, however undeniably there.



there arent too many non-humanoid reports
i know a few but dont remenber any illustrations for them
There are quite a few encounters with enigmatic or exotic looking alien life forms already existing, but the true number is likely larger - most such cases are under-reported or miscategorized as forms of cryptid encounters. Even UFO/Alien contact journals and networks/groups tend to discard reports like that in favor of something that fits established niches (anthropoids, reptoids, greys, etc.)


As Above So Below

UFO Crash, Crater, & Humanoid Body Reported in Wright Township, Michigan

"This is an account of a UFO crash or unexplained phenomenon on a clear night in early July of 1997.

Several witnesses claim to have seen a fireball crash just beyond a small strip of forest located at 43° 4'15.80" N, 85°52'55.99" W, (Wright Township) near Coopersville, Michigan on 7/7/1997 23:00. Unofficial reports claim the witnesses came in contact with intelligent colorful lights or orbs shortly after the impact. These orbs seemed to mimic the witnesses’ movements and emit an overwhelming sense of fear or terror into those that got too close. Mechanical sounds, such as the hum from a transformer or generator could be heard nearby but never located. A spotlight was seen overhead shining down as if searching for something. The source of light seemed to come from a craft that was invisible to the eye and silent to the ear. Yet its presence was evident due to the disturbance in the tree tops created by its exhaust or propulsion system.

The following day two witnesses returned to further investigate and claimed to encounter the same overwhelming sense of fear but this time they were suddenly surrounded by hundreds of black birds filling the trees all around them. Their attention was directed into the center of the forest about 20 yards away where the black birds’ seemed to be focused. There they saw a humanoid figure laying face up, being pecked at by these birds. The body was described as being small and frail with an oversized head and black almond-shaped eyes. Its color seemed to be a cross between peach, gray and purple. The witnesses wanted to get closer for a better look, however, the fear became too overwhelming and forced them to retreat far away, back to the house a 1/4 mile away. They were unable to look back the entire hike back, they felt a presence that seemed to be following them.

An hour later the two returned with several friends to the area expecting to, at the least find the remains of a deer or something. But nothing was there. No deer, no birds, no alien body, nothing, not even the fear. If you look about one hundred yards east of the forest, in the orchard, you see an impact crater/burn mark still visible. Also, one of the witnesses claims to have had several more close encounters with the same beings in what is described as being similar to a lucid dream." NM



I already shared this case pages back, but recently i found there is a video testimony of Mr. Rizzi. He begged on his knee for them to take him with them but in vain. Very important case, one of the best.

Here is the full case

And here is the summary

Location. Grodner Pass Dolomite Mountains Italy
Date: July 1968
Time: 0100A

The witness, a Mr. Walter Rizzi was driving when he suddenly felt sleepy and encountered a fog. He pulled off the road. He smelled something burning and went to investigate; he then saw a silvery white domed disc shaped craft approach. The object landed on three legs. The witness felt unable to move. He saw two beings inside the dome and a 3-meter tall robot with 3 legs and 4 arms, appeared to be working on the craft. A being came out of the craft, he was described as five-foot three inches tall, with a large head, and large beautiful cat like eyes, with a small nose, thin lips, short hair and olive green skin, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He had feet like horse's hoofs and moved in a hopping fashion. He wore a tight uniform with a transparent helmet with two tubes behind it. The being smiled and greeted the witness, a telepathic conversation then ensued. The being told the witness that in the not to distant future 80% of life on earth would be destroyed due to a polar shift. As the craft took off, a powerful force knocked the witness back. The object left straight up emitting a loud whistling sound.

HC addition # 442
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Type: B



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Already shared this case too but since it is also one of best cases here it is again with more details about the source.


KL 123

Mr. Jiang, a Chinese farmer, once witnessed a saucer-shaped flying machine landing in a field in the 1970s, and a humanoid creature of the size of a child stepped down from the flying machine. The humanoid is described as wearing light clothes, with mature features and a natural walk. Mr. Jiang was afraid and hid in the nearby woods to peek. After a while, the humanoid entered the ship.Screenshot_20230622_170658.jpg
A sketch of a UFO hand-drawn by Mr. Jiang
Mockups of UFOs and humanoids


As Above So Below

Chris Bledsoe's Original UFO & Alien Encounter Report

Chris Bledsoe's original MUFON CMS report:

Fayetteville, NC - 2007-01-08 - 6:00PM: My son and 3 other men were over a mile off the main road on the Cape Fear River fishing all afternoon Just before dark my son wandered into the woods to maybe spot deer feeding in the afternoon.

I decided to walk up the two rut muddy road thick woods on both sides to the main road because fishing was slow.

The guys had a fire right on the river bank, and so I told them I will be back in a while.

As I was walking along the road I was hearing lots of scurrying in the woods on both sides I had no flashlight and thought man there are a lot of deer around because this area is known for lots of wildlife.

As I made it along I was unnerved at the sounds in the forest, so I found my self steady looking to maybe see what I thought was deer and maybe it was.

The woods were really dark the road leads to a field which is maybe 200 yards or more wide just short of the main road as I came up on the hill to the edge of the field I was shocked to see 3 Large orange balls moving down towards the ground and towards myself, and they stopped just over the trees maybe a mile away or closer and hovered there.

I knew it was not natural I am a commercial pilot and I know aircraft.

I stood in shock thinking this cannot be real.

I stayed maybe 10 to 15 minutes then began to feel nervous, so I made my way back to the men on the river in a hurry mud and all.

I then in a panic took off looking for my son which was 17 years old at the time and as I started into the woods calling him he came towards me totally shaken telling me dad you will never believe me, but I have been hiding from Aliens I am scared they are in the woods and I believed at that time he had seen something he was serious.

I told him Jr. I just saw three orange UFOs up at the road, and It scared me, so I came looking for you.

We made it back to the river and my son excited began to tell the other 3 men what he had seen, and they started on the both of us.

What I did not know was the three of them saw the same thing as my son during that time the sequence I am not sure, but we all saw the same.

It was a clear cold night stars were bright and about that time one of the other men holding a fishing pole hollered look up and to all our amazement the stars looked as if 6 to 8 of them from different parts of the sky moved very fast seeming to converge in a group and then all of a sudden three of the objects side by side came over our heads and landed or went out of site on the other side of the river maybe 2 to 400 yards away all three lights were round bright white blinding lights as big as maybe 100 yards in diameter all side by side all touching down or going out of site in the forest just on the other side of the river.

It scared all of us so bad the three friends of mine along with my son and me dropped our fishing poles screaming let's go home.

We left fire poles and all speeding up the muddy road to the main road each one in a panic some of the men were fussing take me home first I need to find my wife and children.

When we made it to the top of the hill this is where the trees on both sides end and the field starts I slammed on the brakes all of us in shock to see what looked like a (brilliant white egg-shaped sphere with a tail with long spikes all around the middle and front section hovering 20 feet over the main road 200 yards from us, and it looked as if it or the spiked part of it was making slow revolutions.

This I tell you this is true four grown men as old as 50 and my 17-year-old son was frozen in my truck looking at this thing straight in front of us the lights were brilliant white the object then appeared to raise up started down the road in the direction that we intended to go, and then it shot off just over the trees out of sight.

The 3 orange balls were no longer there.

All 5 of us were terrified. We raced to Donnie's home first. He ran to the door his wife came out, and we all told her of the story and were all looking at the sky.

Gene, who was 50-years-old lived next door we ran him home and then raced to David's home.

His wife came out to meet us and all of us witnessed strange lights over the trees behind his home.

My son and I started home to see cars stopped alongside of the road looking at the same lights.

We made it home and was terrified trying to calm down we found ourselves sitting in what we call is the red room which is my private study off of my bedroom on the rear of the home staring out the window at the sky.

I live on 6 acres of land, and we have a large dog kennel just in the woods behind my home and a Chesapeake Bay Retriever which lives on my back steps a guard dog she lets us know if anything from a person to a squirrel is on our property.

We were home maybe 4 hours calmed down a lot no TV didn't have one at that time I guess it was around 1 to 2:00 am and there was a noise that sounded sorta like a prop jet flew tree top high over the house I ran outside and could see nothing.

Within 30 to 45 minutes all the dogs in the kennel were roaring they are all hounds, and they will tell you when there is something there that is not supposed to be.

At that time my Retriever was going crazy hair standing up on her back barking towards the kennel.

My son was scared, but I convinced him to go with me to see what had the dogs stirred up.

My son and I opened the door and the Retriever took off you see she most of the time will not leave the patio unless I go out if she is stirred up.

There was frost on the ground didn't even have shoes on we took off behind her, and she ran just behind the kennels and all the dogs were roaring, and she was hair standing up barking at something in the bushes along with all the other dogs in the kennel, and then she took of after what ever it was and so my son and I ran back down the road that leads to the kennel to my backyard at the very rear of the property trying to cut off what ever it was she was chasing.

When I got to the blueberry hedge row which at the very rear of the property she was still the dog making her way to me in a roaring like panic.

At that time I stopped not really scared but kinda numb to see this max of 4 tall creature person alien staring at me.

It looked as if it had a clear glass like covering around it. It appeared to have a faint glow of red and black the face I could not see anything but what looked like it had a red set of goggles and a black or dark covering over the lower part of its face sorta like a mask. The body appeared to sorta glow. I can probably draw it better than explain it.

It then disappeared just as my son and the dog got right up on it and my son then told me you see I am not crazy this was the same description as he told everyone.

I will not go into detail but my son and I were committed to an insane asylum by our family because they really thought we were crazy.

We were released within 2 days and then my Father came to me and apologized when he said he had heard on the radio and the news that lots of people had been seeing strange lights and that the government reported that a Soviet Satellite had fallen that same night.

I am 45 years old with 4 children churchgoer retired builder and commercial pilot.

I have been ridiculed committed along with my son and oppressed to say anything, but I know what I saw, and four other men will say the same I have been since hooked on UFO files trying to find others that have had the same experience.

I will take a lie detector be hypnotized whatever to bring the truth to the public. My son and the other three men all saw the same and have their own accounts.

NOTE: Chris Bledsoe's book 'UFO of GOD: The Extraordinary True Story of Chris Bledsoe'




Chris Bledsoe's Original UFO & Alien Encounter Report

Chris Bledsoe's original MUFON CMS report:

Fayetteville, NC - 2007-01-08 - 6:00PM: My son and 3 other men were over a mile off the main road on the Cape Fear River fishing all afternoon Just before dark my son wandered into the woods to maybe spot deer feeding in the afternoon.

I decided to walk up the two rut muddy road thick woods on both sides to the main road because fishing was slow.

The guys had a fire right on the river bank, and so I told them I will be back in a while.

As I was walking along the road I was hearing lots of scurrying in the woods on both sides I had no flashlight and thought man there are a lot of deer around because this area is known for lots of wildlife.

As I made it along I was unnerved at the sounds in the forest, so I found my self steady looking to maybe see what I thought was deer and maybe it was.

The woods were really dark the road leads to a field which is maybe 200 yards or more wide just short of the main road as I came up on the hill to the edge of the field I was shocked to see 3 Large orange balls moving down towards the ground and towards myself, and they stopped just over the trees maybe a mile away or closer and hovered there.

I knew it was not natural I am a commercial pilot and I know aircraft.

I stood in shock thinking this cannot be real.

I stayed maybe 10 to 15 minutes then began to feel nervous, so I made my way back to the men on the river in a hurry mud and all.

I then in a panic took off looking for my son which was 17 years old at the time and as I started into the woods calling him he came towards me totally shaken telling me dad you will never believe me, but I have been hiding from Aliens I am scared they are in the woods and I believed at that time he had seen something he was serious.

I told him Jr. I just saw three orange UFOs up at the road, and It scared me, so I came looking for you.

We made it back to the river and my son excited began to tell the other 3 men what he had seen, and they started on the both of us.

What I did not know was the three of them saw the same thing as my son during that time the sequence I am not sure, but we all saw the same.

It was a clear cold night stars were bright and about that time one of the other men holding a fishing pole hollered look up and to all our amazement the stars looked as if 6 to 8 of them from different parts of the sky moved very fast seeming to converge in a group and then all of a sudden three of the objects side by side came over our heads and landed or went out of site on the other side of the river maybe 2 to 400 yards away all three lights were round bright white blinding lights as big as maybe 100 yards in diameter all side by side all touching down or going out of site in the forest just on the other side of the river.

It scared all of us so bad the three friends of mine along with my son and me dropped our fishing poles screaming let's go home.

We left fire poles and all speeding up the muddy road to the main road each one in a panic some of the men were fussing take me home first I need to find my wife and children.

When we made it to the top of the hill this is where the trees on both sides end and the field starts I slammed on the brakes all of us in shock to see what looked like a (brilliant white egg-shaped sphere with a tail with long spikes all around the middle and front section hovering 20 feet over the main road 200 yards from us, and it looked as if it or the spiked part of it was making slow revolutions.

This I tell you this is true four grown men as old as 50 and my 17-year-old son was frozen in my truck looking at this thing straight in front of us the lights were brilliant white the object then appeared to raise up started down the road in the direction that we intended to go, and then it shot off just over the trees out of sight.

The 3 orange balls were no longer there.

All 5 of us were terrified. We raced to Donnie's home first. He ran to the door his wife came out, and we all told her of the story and were all looking at the sky.

Gene, who was 50-years-old lived next door we ran him home and then raced to David's home.

His wife came out to meet us and all of us witnessed strange lights over the trees behind his home.

My son and I started home to see cars stopped alongside of the road looking at the same lights.

We made it home and was terrified trying to calm down we found ourselves sitting in what we call is the red room which is my private study off of my bedroom on the rear of the home staring out the window at the sky.

I live on 6 acres of land, and we have a large dog kennel just in the woods behind my home and a Chesapeake Bay Retriever which lives on my back steps a guard dog she lets us know if anything from a person to a squirrel is on our property.

We were home maybe 4 hours calmed down a lot no TV didn't have one at that time I guess it was around 1 to 2:00 am and there was a noise that sounded sorta like a prop jet flew tree top high over the house I ran outside and could see nothing.

Within 30 to 45 minutes all the dogs in the kennel were roaring they are all hounds, and they will tell you when there is something there that is not supposed to be.

At that time my Retriever was going crazy hair standing up on her back barking towards the kennel.

My son was scared, but I convinced him to go with me to see what had the dogs stirred up.

My son and I opened the door and the Retriever took off you see she most of the time will not leave the patio unless I go out if she is stirred up.

There was frost on the ground didn't even have shoes on we took off behind her, and she ran just behind the kennels and all the dogs were roaring, and she was hair standing up barking at something in the bushes along with all the other dogs in the kennel, and then she took of after what ever it was and so my son and I ran back down the road that leads to the kennel to my backyard at the very rear of the property trying to cut off what ever it was she was chasing.

When I got to the blueberry hedge row which at the very rear of the property she was still the dog making her way to me in a roaring like panic.

At that time I stopped not really scared but kinda numb to see this max of 4 tall creature person alien staring at me.

It looked as if it had a clear glass like covering around it. It appeared to have a faint glow of red and black the face I could not see anything but what looked like it had a red set of goggles and a black or dark covering over the lower part of its face sorta like a mask. The body appeared to sorta glow. I can probably draw it better than explain it.

It then disappeared just as my son and the dog got right up on it and my son then told me you see I am not crazy this was the same description as he told everyone.

I will not go into detail but my son and I were committed to an insane asylum by our family because they really thought we were crazy.

We were released within 2 days and then my Father came to me and apologized when he said he had heard on the radio and the news that lots of people had been seeing strange lights and that the government reported that a Soviet Satellite had fallen that same night.

I am 45 years old with 4 children churchgoer retired builder and commercial pilot.

I have been ridiculed committed along with my son and oppressed to say anything, but I know what I saw, and four other men will say the same I have been since hooked on UFO files trying to find others that have had the same experience.

I will take a lie detector be hypnotized whatever to bring the truth to the public. My son and the other three men all saw the same and have their own accounts.

NOTE: Chris Bledsoe's book 'UFO of GOD: The Extraordinary True Story of Chris Bledsoe'


Hi Nivek, hope you two have gotten your feet up and resting buddy. :Thumbsup: ... I hate to be the hard nose sceptic on these otherwise interesting UFO claims. ... I say "otherwise interesting" because by the way that my discernment-skills work is that I have to have as much faith in the witnesses integrity as possible from the meagre facts and knowledge of 'the guy punting the story on every platform that he can get a booking from... oh! and just how hard he's trying to publicise his 'tell-all-stories' [i.e UFO of GOD The Extraordinary True Story of Chris Bledsoe'] in which he goes off all god-like and banging on about his information that she passed on to him , both general prophesies and Specialized, systematic and powerful knowledge and his mission to spread the 'Prophesies from the Lady Entity' [but somehow despite these promises , not a lot of prophesies can be found from him?] .. except that On the project unity podcast, he does go over a prophecy. Something about a submarine coming out of the ocean and launching a nuke at new york, which he claims he provided to the us government. ... [no dates or nothing?]
.... and it is even harder for me to take such massive leaps of character-faith when the [possible madness/career-hustler] runs in the family!
His son Ryan seems to be a complete chip-off-the-old-block doing his own rounds of the UFO symposium / chat-show circuit spreading his own man-on-the-inside spiel ... "The claim from some of my CIA contacts is that they have not fully disclosed the nature of “ufos” because they are concerned about mass suicide from old fashioned ways of thinking being challenged. Also the government would lose the image of power in the eyes of the people." ... as well as his own podcast show "Bledsoe Said So" in which he deals with all manner of paranormal subjects!
... So nope old mate, i'm just not buying anything from the Bledsoe family!! ... [unless anyone can show me that i've gotten this thing wrong?] :Unsure:

Cheers Buddy.


As Above So Below

CIGAR-SHAPED CRAFT Lands & HUMANOIDS Disembark Near Buckeye, Arizona

An electrical utility worker is in a bucket working on a pole when he notices a cigar-shaped craft descend and land. Two skinny beings leave the craft but are soon alarmed by an approaching van.

"I was working on some electrical lines on one of the poles out by the substation on Old Highway 80 near Buckeye, AZ on June 15, 2017. It was about 4:30 pm and I was wrapping up my work and putting my tools away when I noticed a large object fly overhead, casting a shadow as it passed overhead and come down in the field across the street from where I was. The object was cigar-shaped and gun-metal grey and had to be at least 60 feet in length and was almost silent apart from a whoosh sound that could be heard as it approached the ground. I was in a good position to observe it land as I was up in a bucket truck working on the overhead wires at the time that I noticed it. The object came to a stop and from the position I was in, it looked like the object did not come to rest on the ground itself, but looked like it was floating a couple of feet from the ground.

The object was on the ground for about 3 minutes doing nothing when something resembling a hatch opened about 10 feet from what was the nose of the craft. After about a minute of the hatch being opened, I witnessed what looked like two small children get out of the craft. Now please remember, I am about 40-50 yards from this object, across the street and I was 35 feet off the ground in a bucket truck. But from my vantage point, I could see these two children walking down the ramp toward the field in front of them. They were about 4 feet tall and skinny, I mean emaciated skinny, like the pictures of the starving children in Africa that you see on television commercials. They had big heads, it looked impossible for them to hold up with those frail bodies they had. They both wore what looked like dark blue one-piece uniforms that went down to their ankles and long-sleeved down to their wrists. The first one that came through the hatch walked down the ramp and waited for the second one to join them on the ground. They both walked over to the fields in front of them. They seemed to be interested in the crops that were growing and it looked like they were taking samples. I slowly raised the bucket higher up to try to get a better view of what they were doing.

They apparently did not notice me as they kept about their business. I observed them for about 6 minutes as they went about their business of walking through the field. After about 6 minutes, a tan-colored SUV came down the road and they must have seen the large object on the ground because it came to a screeching halt and threw the truck into reverse trying to see the object.

The commotion must have alerted the beings as they looked up and that is when they must have also seen me. They both immediately ran toward the craft at an ungodly speed, faster than anything I have ever seen move and they went through the hatch which immediately shut behind them leaving no trace that there had ever been a hatch right there, just smooth metal.

The object then lifted into the air, causing a cloud of dust to rise as it flew up and hovered there for about 10 seconds before flying off to the west faster than any plane I have ever seen fly. I stood there looking in the direction that the object flew off until the gentleman who had been driving the SUV called up to me and asked me if I had seen that thing too. I shouted out that I did as I made my way down to the truck. After getting off the truck, I spoke with the man for about 10 minutes as we were both just in awe of what we saw.
I have seen many things out in the desert as I would work, but this is the very first time I have seen a UFO, much less the beings that fly them. I told my wife that evening and she looked at me like I had lost my mind and said I might have been mistaken and seen a helicopter landing and maybe some soldiers getting out of it. But I know what I saw and decided to write you about it."
