What an alien is " Is not humanity the center, but people

These 'formed human-like' figurines seem to be the center of existence. Existence's ultimate form. The humanoid. I saw one so i verify.

These 'humanoids' have gone through the tests of time- they started out as creatures eating manure, grass, seedling archers, eventually they began to sit and think. They didn't form this way in a day, our existence is conscious and our bodies are a reflection of what we have formed to from what we are inside. Sophisticated body suggests a sophistaced inner being.

When you see this, this is god

God wante this. These beings are the center of existence. At least on the level we live

Not the grand-scalar of 100 trillion universes
Why did god choose to have little beings within himself, it seems small, inferior

Why couldnt god instead of forming billions of beings to experience what is,
to instead just have himself or 2 copies of himself to interact.

But then you look at the grand scalar, 100 billion quintillion universes, and these beings from the above post
are just like the cells that makes up our body

Just random flashes belonging into something much beyond what we could ever know

The cell metaphysically knows it is one of a whole something magnificent

Just as our brains wired to existence understand that it is infinitely amazing
I will tell you there is no such thing as an accurate science theory. I don't care what your beliefs are I am not typing this, well only to enlighten.

The beings are just like a cell, non intentional just a small thing from the higher nature of existence from the grand scalar.

They are just a little smudge but who also operate from the nature of existence even though they are not significant, they are just like sparkles left from a star of existence which those sparkles are in line with the nature of all so they are amazing just as the bigger thing is

When you see that 2 atoms are 'quantum entangled'

Give yourself a big facepalm to who is trying to define existence

Existence is not entangled, it is alive

And your simple scientific understandings are toxic to ever getting anywhere
And yes everything is intentional but just as it is a reflection of what is going on in the grand scalar so goes on below