karl 12
First of all apologies for the long thread but did trim this research down a lot.
Following on from the current controversy surrounding the Nuremberg code then thought it might be worth looking at why the code actually exists in the first place - some familiar names do start to pop up.
• Back-history - Nazi Financiers:
May as well start somewhere and for folks who haven't seen it then thought this was a truly interesting interview with Professor Anthony C. Sutton who exposes how specific U.S. groups 'financed' the Nazi war machine before and during WW2.
Some sterling research being discussed (sourced from Nuremberg documents archived at the Hoover Institute) and the Prof covers some pretty eye opening revelations regarding household names such as Rockefeller Standard Oil, General Electric, Ford, AEG Insurance and ITT (International Telephone and Telegraph).
It also identifies IG Farben as being the largest donor to Hitler (and the second largest stockholder of Rockefeller Standard Oil) and apparently ITT and Rockefeller Standard Oil were financing SS Chief Heinrich Himmler's Keppler fund as late as 1944.
From 3:30
View: https://youtu.be/n1YeFE-Cr8k
Also some truly illuminating information here at 31:45 from the late, great journalist Jim Marrs.
• Document Archive:
Some very interesting reading below from Colonel Bernard Bernstein's report and apparently 'without IG Farben, WWII would not have been possible'.. but thanks to the growing influence of the Rockefeller and Rothschild groups much of the evidence against IG Farben 'disappeared, was destroyed, or was declared inadmissible'.
Despite being hidden away for sixty years the Nuremberg document archive can now be accessed free online and when it comes to the original 'big pharma' IG Farben there are some revealing documents here describing their 'four year plan' preparing the Nazis for war and further reading here showing how they were behind horrific medical experiments and actively liaising with the SS.
Following on from the current controversy surrounding the Nuremberg code then thought it might be worth looking at why the code actually exists in the first place - some familiar names do start to pop up.
• Back-history - Nazi Financiers:
May as well start somewhere and for folks who haven't seen it then thought this was a truly interesting interview with Professor Anthony C. Sutton who exposes how specific U.S. groups 'financed' the Nazi war machine before and during WW2.
Some sterling research being discussed (sourced from Nuremberg documents archived at the Hoover Institute) and the Prof covers some pretty eye opening revelations regarding household names such as Rockefeller Standard Oil, General Electric, Ford, AEG Insurance and ITT (International Telephone and Telegraph).
It also identifies IG Farben as being the largest donor to Hitler (and the second largest stockholder of Rockefeller Standard Oil) and apparently ITT and Rockefeller Standard Oil were financing SS Chief Heinrich Himmler's Keppler fund as late as 1944.
From 3:30
View: https://youtu.be/n1YeFE-Cr8k
Penetrating a cloak of falsehood, deception and duplicity, Professor Antony C. Sutton reveals one of the most remarkable but unreported facts of the Second World War: that key Wall Street banks and American businesses supported Hitler's rise to power by financing and trading with Nazi Germany.
He presents a thoroughly documented account of the role played by J.P. Morgan, T.W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, General Motors, the Ford Motor Company, and scores of others in helping to prepare the bloodiest, most destructive war in history.
Free E-Book:
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Professor Antony C. Sutton
Also some truly illuminating information here at 31:45 from the late, great journalist Jim Marrs.
• Document Archive:
Some very interesting reading below from Colonel Bernard Bernstein's report and apparently 'without IG Farben, WWII would not have been possible'.. but thanks to the growing influence of the Rockefeller and Rothschild groups much of the evidence against IG Farben 'disappeared, was destroyed, or was declared inadmissible'.
Under the growing influence of the Rockefeller and Rothschild groups on post-war world order and with the beginning of the "Cold War" much of the initially available evidence against the oil and drug cartel IG Farben disappeared, was destroyed, or was declared inadmissible in the 1947/1948 Nuremberg trial against the IG Farben cartel.
Thus, the 1945 "Report on the Investigation of IG Farbenindustrie A.G." by the US Office of the Military Government in Germany is the original report by the Allied powers establishing the direct responsibility of the IG Farben Cartel for WWII, the holocaust and ultimately for the death of over 60 million people.
Report on the Investigation of IG Farben Industry
Despite being hidden away for sixty years the Nuremberg document archive can now be accessed free online and when it comes to the original 'big pharma' IG Farben there are some revealing documents here describing their 'four year plan' preparing the Nazis for war and further reading here showing how they were behind horrific medical experiments and actively liaising with the SS.