word of the day


tall, thin, irritable
adjective: pettifogging
  1. placing undue emphasis on petty details.
    "pettifogging attorneys were the bane of civil society"


As Above So Below
Equable [EK-wə-bl] - adjective

Origin: Latin, mid 17th century

1. (of a person) Not easily disturbed or angered; calm and even-tempered.

2. Not varying or fluctuating greatly.

Examples of Equable in a sentence:

"Dad is easier to bargain with because of his equable personality."

"The sea was equable and glassy, with not a single wave in sight."

Popularity Over Time:


About Equable:

Equable’s modern definition of “fair and equitable” comes from the Latin words “aequabilis” and “aequare” (make equal).



As Above So Below
Shut-height (noun)
  1. For a press, its the distance from the top of the bed to the bottom of the slide with the stroke down and adjustment up. In general, it is the maximum die height that can be accommodated for normal operation, taking the bolster plate into consideration.


As Above So Below


intransitive & transitive verb
  1. To run (a train) or cause (a train) to run off the rails.
  2. To come or bring (a train) to a sudden halt.
Then there's an Urban Dictionary definitions...:Whistle:

1. The act of making any discussions gone off-topic.

This is when you mistakenly fallout of the vagina and literally smash the sphincter or asshole of a woman during sex.

"I was having some intense sex with this chick, but I derailed and ruined everything. Especially her asshole."



As Above So Below

Skedaddle /skĭ-dăd′l/​

intransitive verb​

  1. To leave hastily; flee.
  2. To betake one's self to flight, as if in a panic; to flee; to run away.
    Similar: skedaddled


  1. To move or runaway quickly.